Is the 全世界の EV 泡 bursting? As 全世界の 需要・要求する starts to slow, 株 prices 戦車/タンク and Tesla 削減(する)s 10% of the 全労働人口....are car 巨大(な)s ready to 激突する the ブレーキs on electric 革命?

  • In the first 4半期/4分の1 of 2024, the two biggest 製造業者s of electronic 乗り物s, Tesla and its Chinese 競争相手 BYD 報告(する)/憶測s 劇の sales 減少(する)s compared against the same time last year?

Elon Musk's 告示 that Tesla?will lay off ten パーセント of its 全労働人口 shocked many but it may be inline with 人物/姿/数字s that 示唆する the 全世界の 需要・要求する for electronic 乗り物s is 低迷ing across the world.?

In the first 4半期/4分の1 of 2024, the two biggest 製造業者s of electronic 乗り物s, Tesla and its Chinese 競争相手 BYD 報告(する)/憶測d 劇の sales 減少(する)s compared against the same time last year.?

BYD 削減(する) prices on its 乗り物s across 中国 …を伴ってd with a catchy スローガン: 'Electricity is cheaper than oil,' ーするために help 茎・取り除く the tide.?

Since last year, Tesla has also been 削除するing prices, as much as $20,000 on some models. The price 削減(する)s 原因(となる)d used electric 乗り物 values to 減少(する) and clipped Tesla's 利益(をあげる) 利ざやs.??

によれば a?財政上の Times?報告(する)/憶測 on the 低迷,?遺産/遺物 car 産業 leaders have 持続するd for years that the 普通の/平均(する) 消費者 isn't ready for electronic cars.?

Of the major electric vehicle manufacturers, only BMW saw a jump in sales in the first quarter compared against the same time last year, but the German auto giant's share price still fell

Of the major electric 乗り物 製造業者s, only BMW saw a jump in sales in the first 4半期/4分の1 compared against the same time last year, but the German 自動車 巨大(な)'s 株 price still fell

Graphic which reveals some of hidden environmental costs of electric cars

Graphic which 明らかにする/漏らすs some of hidden 環境の costs of electric cars

In October, General モーターs abandoned 計画(する)s to have 400,000 hybrid 乗り物s ready for sale by 中央の 2024 even though EV sales were up on 4半期/4分の1-on-4半期/4分の1 throughout last year. Ford also 発表するd a slow 負かす/撃墜する in 生産/産物.

Tesla's sales were 負かす/撃墜する eight パーセント in the first 4半期/4分の1 of 2024 compared against 2023 and 20 パーセント lower than what was 配達するd in Q4 in 2023. In 新規加入, its market 株 in the US was 負かす/撃墜する to 42 パーセント during Q3 in 2023.??

The company 心配するd to sell more にもかかわらず 創立者 and CEO Elon Musk already 説 that growth would be '顕著に slower' this year.?The company 計画(する)s to 明らかにする/漏らす an 自治権のある robotaxi at an event in August.

BYD 一方/合間 saw its sales 落ちる a 大規模な 42 パーセント compared against the fourth 4半期/4分の1 to 300,000, 許すing Tesla to usurp the 栄冠を与える of biggest electric 乗り物 製造者 in the world, for a time anyway.

In 中国, one in three new cars sold are electric, in the 残り/休憩(する) of the world it's one in five.??

At the 高さ of the Covid-19 pandemic, Tesla was valued on the 在庫/株 交流 at around $1 一兆. It's now 価値(がある) about half that.?

'While we were 心配するing a bad 4半期/4分の1, this was an unmitigated 災害 that is hard to explain away,' 分析家 Dan Ives told the FT in the wake of Musk's 告示 this week.??

Another 分析家, Tom Narayan, told the website that the company's most popular cars, the Y and 3, are 'saturated 製品s.'?

Rivian R1T Pickup truck is an all electric vehicle shown at the New York International Auto Show 2019

Rivian R1T 好転 トラックで運ぶ is an all electric 乗り物 shown at the New York International 自動車 Show 2019

Tesla will lay off 'more than 10 percent' of its global workforce as demands for its electric vehicles starts to falter in a highly competitive market. Pictured is a file photo of a Tesla EV at a supercharger station in California last year

Tesla will lay off 'more than 10 per cent' of its 全世界の 全労働人口 as 需要・要求するs for its electric 乗り物s starts to 滞る in a 高度に 競争の激しい market. Pictured is a とじ込み/提出する photo of a Tesla EV at a supercharger 駅/配置する in California last year

CEO Elon Musk, pictured in Los Angeles on Saturday, sent a company-wide email over the weekend announcing the layoffs, tech publication Electrek reported on Monday. Musk said the 'difficult decision' to reduce staff will 'enable us to be lean, innovative and hungry for the next growth phase cycle'

CEO Elon Musk, pictured in Los Angeles on Saturday, sent a company-wide email over the 週末 発表するing the layoffs, tech 出版(物) Electrek 報告(する)/憶測d on Monday. Musk said the 'difficult 決定/判定勝ち(する)' to 減ずる staff will 'enable us to be lean, innovative and hungry for the next growth 段階 cycle'

BYD electric cars waiting to be loaded on a ship are stacked at the international container terminal of Taicang Port at Suzhou Port, in China's eastern Jiangsu Province.

BYD electric cars waiting to be 負担d on a ship are stacked at the international コンテナ 終点 of Taicang Port at Suzhou Port, in 中国's eastern Jiangsu 州.

可能性のある market saturation is not deterring GM, who にもかかわらず slowing 負かす/撃墜する 生産/産物, still 計画(する)s to build one million electric 乗り物s per year by 2025. Ford is 的ing 600,000 per year from 2024.?

GM was one of the 自動車製造業者s 衝撃d by the 2023 部隊d 自動車 労働者s strike which cost the company a total of $9 million in the second half of last year.?

European car 巨大(な) Volkswagen saw a 拒絶する/低下する of 3.3 パーセント in its electric department compared against 2023's first 4半期/4分の1. The 136,400 sales accounted for 6.5 of the company's total sales.?

Volkswagen says that it is 推定する/予想するd to sell at least 160,000 in the second 4半期/4分の1. In 2023, the German company sold 771,000 electric 乗り物s, up 35 パーセント from 2022.?

Unlike Tesla, which sells the 大多数 of its cars in the US and BYD which does likewise in 中国, Volkswagen is 扶養家族 on the western European market where sales in general were 負かす/撃墜する for electric 乗り物s in the first 4半期/4分の1.?

Between January and March, Volkswagen sold nearly 75,000 electric cars in Europe and just 13,000 in the US.?

In October,? Volkswagen joined a chorus 警告 that 需要・要求する for electric 乗り物s

The market not developing as 推定する/予想するd, with the German group's own order intake for EVs 負かす/撃墜する to 150,000 in Europe from 300 ,000 last year.

Of the major electric 乗り物 製造業者s, only BMW saw a jump in sales in the first 4半期/4分の1, but the German 自動車 巨大(な)'s 株 price still fell.

Sales of electric 乗り物s were at 82,700 during the first three months of the year.?

Tesla shares were down 2 per cent in premarket trading on Monday

Tesla 株 were 負かす/撃墜する 2 per cent in premarket 貿易(する)ing on Monday

?Hyundai's sales in March were 負かす/撃墜する 3.7 パーセント from the same time last year and 負かす/撃墜する nearly two パーセント across Q1 compared against the same time.??

Former Ford, Chrysler and General モーターs (n)役員/(a)執行力のある (頭が)ひょいと動く Lutz said this week that the 運動 toward electric cars needed to be 漸進的な, and 乗り物 非難する times and the 非難する 組織/基盤/下部構造 across the US have been major 問題/発行するs in 普及した 採択.

'We all agreed that the EV 革命 was not going to take place, and instead what we would have is an EV 進化,' Lutz said in an interview with Fox 商売/仕事.

Lutz told Fox 商売/仕事: 'The problem with the whole EV movement is that there was a colossal 量 of hype behind it, 大部分は from what I like to call the 自由主義の mainstream マスコミ, making it sound like everybody's next 乗り物 was going to be an EV.'

'And of course, the 政府 was 押し進めるing it, because of their 気候 change 政策s. And it just plain wasn't going to happen.'?

The 減産/沈滞 is to be 推定する/予想するd, によれば a 熟考する/考慮する from Adamas 知能.

'A 減産/沈滞 from the breakneck pace of 最近の years is perfectly expectable... Over 19.2 million EVs, 含むing plug-in and 従来の hybrids, were 登録(する)d globally last year, 4.6 million more than in 2022,' the group said.?

In December, Bloomberg 予報するd sales of around 16.7 million electric cars in 2024. Just six months earlier, the same 分析家s 予報するd sales of 17 million.?

'The 減産/沈滞 in the ambition from the two of the Big Three US 自動車製造業者s, 連合させるd with Tesla's 高齢化 model 顔触れ 限界ing its growth 可能性のある, and tougher 経済的な 条件s for many of the US 顧客s, 示す that the US EV market is 直面するing a more difficult year,' 分析家 Aleksandra O'Donovan wrote.?

To fight climate change, the Biden administration has set out a target to gradually phase out gas cars by 2032

To fight 気候 change, the Biden 行政 has 始める,決める out a 的 to 徐々に 段階 out gas cars by 2032

?Bloomberg 心配するs that the growth in 2024 for the EV market will be around 32 パーセント, 負かす/撃墜する from 47 パーセント in 2023. The 報告(する)/憶測 について言及するs 現れるing markets of India and Thailand as 伸び(る)ing in 人気 in their 各々の countries.?

The November U.S. 大統領の 選挙 puts the White House's EV 補助金s and 放出/発行s 支配するs at 危険, however.?

Most 遺産/遺物 自動車製造業者s lose money on EVs and hybrids are a more profitable path to 減ずるing CO2 放出/発行s if a 未来 行政 changes course, 分析家s said.

'Hybrids are a big hedge against an 行政の change that 冷静な/正味のs 負かす/撃墜する the 押し進める from a regulatory 見地,' said 示す Wakefield, 長,率いる of AlixPartners' 全世界の 自動推進の practice.

支持者s of strong 限界s on 燃焼-engine 放出/発行s are 関心d the Biden 行政 could 申し込む/申し出 incentives for 自動車製造業者s to sell more plug-in hybrids with 燃焼 モーターs.?

'If the hybrids are 飛行機で行くing off the lot, there is no need for (日)経済企画庁(米)環境保全庁 (the 環境の 保護 機関) to その上の encourage their sale with (法などの)抜け穴s that 許す more 汚染,' said Dan Becker of the 中心 for 生物学の 多様制 in Washington.

Led by Toyota, Ford and Honda,?North American 生産/産物 of hybrids could rise to as much as 20% of total light-乗り物 生産/産物 by 2025, compared with 14% for EVs, によれば data 供給するd to Reuters by AutoForecast 解答s.

'While the EV 見通し has been depressed by about a million 部隊s in the last year, hybrid models have 殺到するd by 概略で the same 容積/容量,' AFS 副大統領 Sam Fiorani told Reuters in March.???

Musk 詳細(に述べる)d his 職業 削減(する)s in a 覚え書き sent to 従業員s Monday. The layoffs could 影響する/感情 about 14,000 of the 140,473 労働者s 雇うd by the Austin, Texas, company at the end of last year.

Musk's 覚え書き said that as Tesla 準備するs for its next 段階 of growth, 'it is 極端に important to look at every 面 of the company for cost 削減s and 増加するing 生産性,'????

The New York Times and CNBC 報告(する)/憶測d. News of the layoffs was first 報告(する)/憶測d by electric 乗り物 website Electrek.

Also Monday, two 重要な Tesla (n)役員/(a)執行力のあるs 発表するd on the social マスコミ 壇・綱領・公約 X that they are leaving the company.?

Andrew Baglino, 上級の 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長 of powertrain and energy 工学, wrote that he had made the 決定/判定勝ち(する) to leave after 18 years with the company.??

Rohan Patel, 上級の 全世界の director of public 政策 and 商売/仕事 開発, also wrote on X that he was leaving Tesla, after eight years.

Baglino, who held several 最高の,を越す 工学 職業s at the company and was 長,指導者 科学(工学)技術 officer, wrote that the 決定/判定勝ち(する) to leave was difficult. 'I loved 取り組むing nearly every problem we solved as a team and feel gratified to have 与える/捧げるd to the 使節団 of 加速するing the 移行 to 維持できる energy,' he wrote.

He has no 固める/コンクリート 計画(する)s beyond spending more time with family and his young children, but wrote that he has difficulty staying still for long.

Musk thanked Baglino in a reply. 'Few have 与える/捧げるd as much as you,' he wrote.

株 of Tesla fell 4.8 パーセント Monday afternoon, hours after news of the layoffs and 出発s broke. 株 of Tesla Inc. have lost about one-third of their value so far this year as sales of electric 乗り物s 軟化する.

Tesla sales fell はっきりと last 4半期/4分の1 as 競争 増加するd 世界的な, electric 乗り物 sales growth slowed, and price 削減(する)s failed to draw more 買い手s.?

The company said it 配達するd 386,810 乗り物s from January through March, nearly 9% below the 423,000 it sold in the same 4半期/4分の1 of last year.?

Since last year, Tesla has 削減(する) prices as much as $20,000 on some models as it 直面するd 増加するing 競争 and slowing 需要・要求する. The price 削減(する)s 原因(となる)d used electric 乗り物 values to 減少(する) and clipped Tesla's 利益(をあげる) 利ざやs.

The company has said it will 明らかにする/漏らす an 自治権のある robotaxi at an event in August.