Was Meghan 奮起させるd by father-in-法律 King Charles? How 君主 began selling his own 範囲 of 保存するs with his Duchy 初めのs 有機の food brand - as duchess 明かすs strawberry jam 製品 under American Riviera Orchard

Meghan Markle followed in the footsteps of her father-in-法律 King Charles III today by 開始する,打ち上げるing strawberry jam as part of her nascent 商売/仕事 empire.

The Duchess of Sussex?has 明かすd the first 製品 from her new brand American Riviera Orchard, with her friends 地位,任命するing Instagram photos of a jar of her jam.

支援する in the 1990s, Charles began selling 製品s from the Duchy of Cornwall 広い地所 - with jam 追加するd to the 範囲 in 2010 when Waitrose took on the 排除的 licence.

Prince William took on the Duchy 広い地所 after Queen Elizabeth II's death in 2022, and Duchy 有機の strawberry jam is now sold at Waitrose 蓄える/店s for £2.80 a jar.

The Duchy jam, 述べるd by the chain as '甘い and juicy', uses strawberries grown 'without 依存 on 人工的な 化学製品s and fertilisers' and 'each (製品,工事材料の)一回分 of 有機の strawberry 保存する is 手渡す-stirred in open pans for a rich texture and flavour'.

Waitrose 追加するs that the jam - with an 普通の/平均(する) 率ing of 4.5 星/主役にするs from 127 reviews - is 'ideal for baking 甘い 扱う/治療するs and desserts, 同様に as spread generously on toast'.

A 部分 of sales is 寄付するd to the Prince of むちの跡s's Charitable 基金 ? and the Waitrose Duchy 有機の has 生成するd more than £40million for this since 20 09.

Charles and Camilla taste jams and pickles while visiting Chester University in July 2007

Charles and Camilla taste jams and pickles while visiting Chester University in July 2007

Charles and Camilla look at products at a Waitrose store in London's Belgravia in 2009. Jam was added to the Duchy range in 2010 when the supermarket took on the exclusive licence

Charles and Camilla look at 製品s at a Waitrose 蓄える/店 in London's Belgravia in 2009. Jam was 追加するd to the Duch y 範囲 in 2010 when the supermarket took on the 排除的 licence

Duchy organic strawberry jam is now sold at Waitrose supermarkets and online for £2.80 a jar

Duchy 有機の strawberry jam is now sold at Waitrose supermarkets and online for £2.80 a jar

William and Charles at Home Farm, Highgrove. Charles founded Waitrose Duchy Organic with its first product in 1992, a biscuit made from wheats and oats grown organically on this farm

William and Charles at Home Farm, Highgr ove. Charles 設立するd Waitrose Duchy 有機の with its first 製品 in 1992, a 薄焼きパン/素焼陶器 made from wheats and oats grown organically on this farm

William 相続するd the Duchy landed 広い地所 after the death of Elizabeth II and the 即位 of his father the King, and is now する権利を与えるd to its 黒字/過剰 利益(をあげる)s every year.

The Duchy is valued at more than £1billion and is one of the largest and oldest landed 広い地所s in Britain.

Its income covers the cost of William's public and 私的な lives - and receives most of this from the Waitrose Duchy 有機の brand, 始める,決める up by Charles.

It was created in 1337 by Edward III to support his son and 相続人 Prince Edward, known as the 黒人/ボイコット Prince, and all his その後の 相続人s.

It 延長するs across 23 郡s in England and むちの跡s and 含むs the Oval cricket ground and 67,000 acres of Dartmoor.

Last June it was 明らかにする/漏らすd that William had received a 私的な income from the Duchy of nearly £6million.

The Duchy 生成するd 記録,記録的な/記録する 利益(をあげる)s of £24.048million in 2022-23 ? up £1.02 million from £23.024million the year before, a jump of about 4.5 per cent, the 広い地所's accounts showed.

Usually William would be する権利を与えるd to the 十分な £24million as his 私的な income, but his 財政/金融s became 複雑にするd after he became 相続人 to the 王位 half way through the 2022/23 財政上の year.

The King, as the former Prince of むちの跡s, was する権利を与えるd to £11.275million of the 黒字/過剰 before his 即位, while William, who spent about six months of the last 財政上の year as the Duke of Cornwall and Prince of むちの跡s, to £12.773million.

< div class="image-wrap"> Waitrose took on the exclusive Duchy licence in 2010, with Charles pictured in-store in 2009

Waitrose took on the 排除的 Duchy licence in 2010, with Charles pictured in-蓄える/店 in 2009

Charles at the opening of Waitrose & Partners Food Innovation Studio in Bracknell in April 2019

Charles at the 開始 of Waitrose & Partners Food 革新 Studio in Bracknell in April 2019

Charles at an event to celebrate the 21st anniversary of Duchy items at Clarence House in 2013

Charles at an event to celebrate the 21st 周年記念日 of Duchy items at Clarence House in 2013

Charles at the La Fornaia factory in London in 2000 where Duchy Originals bread was made

Charles at the La Fornaia factory in London in 2000 where Duchy 初めのs bread was made

Kensington Palace said at the time that as a 'one-off associated with the change in Dukes of Cornwall', the Duchy team asked to 保持する a 割合 of the 黒字/過剰 for 'working 資本/首都 目的s' ? the day-to-day running of the 広い地所 ? this year.

The Duchy kept £6.873million, leaving William with an income of £5.9million.

William, in the Duchy's 財政上の accounts for 2022/23, paid 尊敬の印 to his father for leaving an 'indelible 示す' on the Duchy and 存在 熱烈な about 運動ing 今後 change. He 述べるd wanting to make a difference in his new 役割 himself.

William became the 25th Duke of Cornwall に引き続いて his father's 即位.

As 相続人 to the 王位, the prince is する権利を与えるd to the 年次の 黒字/過剰 生成するd by the Duchy's 広大な 大臣の地位 of land, buildings and 財政上の 投資s.

He has also taken 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 of 監督するing the 管理/経営 of the 広い地所, with the 会合 understood to be a 調印する of the 真面目さ with which takes his new 役割.

'I am very 熱烈な about my farming and I just want to learn more about it,' William said in an ITV 文書の with Charles in 2019.

Charles 認める he was '深く,強烈に touched' that William had taken an 利益/興味 in the Duchy.

He 追加するd: 'It 事実上 減ずるd me to 涙/ほころびs. Because I suddenly thought, '井戸/弁護士席, just 審理,公聴会 that from him, has made the last 50 years worthwhile'.'

Fashion designer Tracy Robbins posted a picture of the jam, which had the logo for American Riviera Orchard and 'Montecito' underneath. The label also had the words '17 of 50'

Fashion designer Tracy Robbins 地位,任命するd a picture of the jam, which had the logo for American Riviera Orchard and 'Montecito' underneath. The label also had the words '17 of 50'

Showing the strawberry jam in a basket with lemons, Tracy Robbins added: 'Thank you, M!'

Showing the strawberry jam in a basket with lemons, Tracy Robbins 追加するd: 'Thank you, M!'