• WARNING: This story 含む/封じ込めるs graphic (映画の)フィート数 that may be 乱すing to some

The 申し立てられた/疑わしい ringleader of an 違法な dog-fighting ギャング(団) has been 逮捕(する)d after more than 120 '拷問d and 乱用d' dogs were 救助(する)d from a 構内/化合物 in New Jersey.

The dogs, which were kept in barren pens and cages on a?Cumberland 郡 構内/化合物, were discovered during a (警察の)手入れ,急襲 in the?早期に morning of April 3.

Many had untreated 負傷させるs, 含むing one dog that was 行方不明の a 脚, and appeared emaciated, によれば the Humane Society of the US, which 補佐官d in the 救助(する). 捜査官/調査官s also 設立する two dogs that had been left dead in a fighting 炭坑,オーケストラ席.

Bruce 'Hollywood' Low, Jr., 44, the 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd ringleader, was 逮捕(する)d and later 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with second-degree 脅迫者,不正手段で暴利を得る者ing, second-degree 共謀, second-degree money laundering, cruelty to animals, dog fighting for 賭事ing on the 結果, falsifying 記録,記録的な/記録するs and six other 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s.

Seven others - 含むing members of Low's family - have been 逮捕(する)d and 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with second-degree 脅迫者,不正手段で暴利を得る者ing. Some were also 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with money laundering and a 一連の 空中戦/乱闘ing 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s, the New Jersey 司法長官's Office said.

In 新規加入 to the 構内/化合物, 当局 (警察の)手入れ,急襲d two other 所有物/資産/財産s linked to Low's '野蛮な' 操作/手術 which was believed to be operating on an international 規模.

Bruce 'Hollywood' Low, Jr., 
44, (pictured) is suspected of leading an illegal dog-fighting gang operating at a compound in?Cumberland County, New Jersey. He?was arrested following a raid and later charged with second-degree racketeering, second-degree conspiracy, second-degree money laundering, cruelty to animals, dog fighting for gambling on the outcome, falsifying records and six other charges

Bruce 'Hollywood' Low, Jr., 44, (pictured) is 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd of 主要な an 違法な dog-fighting ギャング(団) operating at a 構内/化合物 in?Cumberland 郡, New Jersey. He?was 逮捕(する)d に引き続いて a (警察の)手入れ,急襲 and later 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with second-degree 脅迫者,不正手段で暴利を得る者ing, second-degree 共謀, second-degree money laundering, cruelty to animals, dog fighting for 賭事ing on the 結果, falsifying 記録,記録的な/記録するs and six other 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s

During the raid on April 3, (pictured) officials rescued more than 120 dogs that had been kept in barren pens and cages.?Many had untreated wounds and appeared emaciated

During the (警察の)手入れ,急襲 on April 3, (pictured) 公式の/役人s 救助(する)d more than 120 dogs that had been kept in barren pens and cages.?Many had untreated 負傷させるs and appeared emaciated

Some dogs?were found living in cages (pictured) throughout multiple buildings, while others were found shivering in rain in outdoor pens or on 'heavy chains'

Some dogs?were 設立する living in cages (pictured) throughout 多重の buildings, while others were 設立する shivering in rain in outdoor pens or on '激しい chains'

A mother dog who was rescued during the raid is seen receiving treatment from a Humane Society team member. The dog, who rescuers have since named Joan Jett, was found?stuck in a cold, bare kennel and standing pro
tectively over her puppies while they nursed

A mother dog who was 救助(する)d during the (警察の)手入れ,急襲 is seen receiving 治療 from a Humane Society team member. The dog, who 救助者s have since 指名するd Joan Jett, was 設立する?stuck in a 冷淡な, 明らかにする kennel and standing protectively over her puppies while they nursed

Many dogs found on the compound were suffering from untreated injuries and had significant scarring from dogfights. Pictured is one of the injured dogs that was rescued in the raid

Many dogs 設立する on the 構内/化合物 were 苦しむing from untreated 傷害s and had 重要な scarring from 空中戦/乱闘s. Pictured is one of the 負傷させるd dogs that was 救助(する)d in the (警察の)手入れ,急襲

The New J ersey 明言する/公表する Police partnered with the Humane Society of the US to 遂行する/発効させる the 家宅捜査令状 at the 構内/化合物 earlier this month.

When they arrived at the 所有物/資産/財産, 公式の/役人s 設立する many dogs were?苦しむing from untreated 傷害s and had 重要な scarring from 空中戦/乱闘s.

Some were 設立する living in barren pens and cages throughout 多重の buildings, while others were 設立する shivering in rain in outdoor pens or on '激しい chains'.

救助者s say that にもかかわらず having been 厳しく 乱用d, most dogs '熱望して?迎える/歓迎するd responders with wagging tails and kisses'. Though some were hunched over and peered?reluctantly at the team.

The team worked late into the evening, 戦う/戦いing 冷淡な and 雨の 条件s, as they 行為/行うd 医療の examinations and 供給するd care for each dog before 除去するing them from the 所有物/資産/財産s.?

'What's striking is the level of 苦しむing 伴う/関わるd in 空中戦/乱闘ing contrasted with how 甘い and eager for affection these dogs are,' Janette Reever, animal 罪,犯罪s 調査s program 経営者/支配人 for the animal charity, said in a 圧力(をかける) 解放(する).?

'Though they were shivering in the 冷淡な rain, these dogs still left their 不十分な 避難所s to 迎える/歓迎する us.'

Pictured: Terri A. Low, 67, of Maurice River, Low?s mother and alleged business partner
Pictured: Bryce J. Low, 20, of Maurice River, son of Low, Jr. and dog handler

Low's mother and 申し立てられた/疑わしい 商売/仕事 partner Terri A. Low, 67, (left) and his son Bryce J. Low, 20, (権利) have been 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d in 関係 to the 事例/患者

Pictured: William McClinton, 68, of Maurice River, dog breeder
Pictured: Coy Glenn Dickenson, 58, of Maurice River, dog trainer

Pictured: Dog 子孫を作る人?William McClinton, 68, (left) and dog trainer?Coy Glenn Dickenson, 58, (権利)

Pictured:?Travis J. Garron, 38, of Port Elizabeth, dog trainer/handler
Pictured: Roosevelt Hart IV, 29, of Milmay, son-in-law of Low, Jr. and alleged kennel partner in training

Pictured: Dog trainer/handler?Travis J. Garron, 38, (left) and?Roosevelt Hart IV, 29, (権利), son-in-法律 of Low, Jr. and 申し立てられた/疑わしい kennel partner in training

Low ran the 操作/手術 under?王室の Bull Kennels, a dog-産む/飼育するing company, and the construction company Kisdir Group, which 当局 believe laundered the proceeds of his 犯罪の activity, the AG's office said.

He and his co-conspirators would 恐らく 地位,任命する about 関係のある sales and 貿易(する)d (映画の)フィート数 of dog fights on Facebook and in 私的な messaging groups, によれば 法廷,裁判所 文書s 得るd by The New York 地位,任命する.

The (犯罪の)一味 would also use code 指名するs, such as 'game dogs' or 'concerts', when 述べるing their 組織するd dog fights in a 企て,努力,提案 to go undetected by 当局.

Low was 報道によれば caught after corresponding with an undercover 探偵,刑事 who pretended to be a 可能性のある 顧客 利益/興味d in 購入(する)ing a dog.

The 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd ringleader 恐らく told the スパイ/執行官 that he held 61 'concerts' in 2023 alone, 述べるing one 出来事/事件 in 広大な/多数の/重要な 詳細(に述べる), the 法廷,裁判所 文書s 報道によれば 明言する/公表する.

Low ran the operation under Royal Bull Kennels, a dog-breeding company, and the construction company Kisdir Group, which authorities believe laundered the proceeds of his criminal activity. Pictured are veterinarians caring for a dog rescued from Low's operation < /div>

Low ran the 操作/手術 under 王室の Bull Kennels, a dog-産む/飼育するing company, and the construction company Kisdir Group, which 当局 believe laundered the proceeds of his 犯罪の activity. Pictured are veterinarians caring for a dog 救助(する)d from Low's 操作/手術

He and his co-conspirators would allegedly post about related sales and traded footage of dog fights on Facebook and in private messaging groups. Pictured is the Royal Bull Kennels website featuring an image of an apparently emaciated dog

He and his co-conspirators would 恐らく 地位,任命する about 関係のある sales and 貿易(する)d (映画の)フィート数 of dog fights on Facebook and in 私的な messaging groups. Pictured is the 王室の Bull Kennels website featuring an image of an 明らかに emaciated dog

Rescuers say that despite having been severely abused, most dogs 'eagerly greeted responders with wagging tails and kisses'. Pictured is a smiling dog that was rescued from the compound

救助者s say that にもかかわらず having been 厳しく 乱用d, most dogs '熱望して 迎える/歓迎するd responders with wagging tails and kisses'. Pictured is a smiling dog that was 救助(する)d from the 構内/化合物

A dog rescued from the compound is seen giving kisses to a veterinarian as rescuers provide necessary medical treatment following the raid

A dog 救助(する)d from the 構内/化合物 is seen giving kisses to a veterinarian as 救助者s 供給する necessary 医療の 治療 に引き続いて the (警察の)手入れ,急襲

It is understood that dogs kept at the compound would be chained up from the age of eight weeks old and were usually only 'let out for breeding, conditioning or fighting', according to the affidavit. Pictured is a young puppy rescued from the dogfighting operation

It is understood that dogs kept at the 構内/化合物 would be chained up from the age of eight weeks old and were usually only 'let out for 産む/飼育するing, 条件ing or fighting', によれば the affidavit. Pictured is a young puppy 救助(する)d from the 空中戦/乱闘ing 操作/手術

The defendants are accused of operating a 'sophisticated organized crime enterprise that victimized a tragic number of dogs'.?They were finally caught after a 'long-term collaborative investi
gation' by federal and state law enforcement officers, pictured during the property raid

The 被告s are (刑事)被告 of operating a 'sophisticated 組織するd 罪,犯罪 企業 that victimized a 悲劇の number of dogs'.?They were finally caught after a 'long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 collaborative 調査' by 連邦の and 明言する/公表する 警官s, pictured during the 所有物/資産/財産 (警察の)手入れ,急襲

His mother and 申し立てられた/疑わしい 商売/仕事 partner?Terri A. Low, 67; Low's son Bryce J. Low, 20; and his son-in-法律, Roosevelt Hart IV, 29, were also 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d in 関係 to the dog-fighting (犯罪の)一味.

Other co-conspirators 含むd?Coy Glenn Dickenson, 58; Travis J. Garron, 38; 示す A. Runkle, 42; and William McClinton, 68, によれば police.?

During the 監視 操作/手術 Dickenson, a 'world-renowned game dog trainer', was 恐らく 観察するd strapping dogs to an ATV and 軍隊ing them to run at 速度(を上げる)s of as 'high as 14 miles an hour' along?追跡するs on the 構内/化合物 as he 条件d them for fights.

He 恐らく chained dogs in the yard, had them living in バーレル/樽s and kept some in kennels around his trailer on the 構内/化合物, a police affidavit 報道によれば 明言する/公表するs.?

It is understood that dogs kept at the 構内/化合物 would be chained up from the age of eight weeks old and were usually only 'let out for 産む/飼育するing, 反対/詐欺 ditioning or fighting', によれば the?affidavit.

The 被告s are (刑事)被告 of operating a 'sophisticated 組織するd 罪,犯罪 企業 that victimized a 悲劇の number of dogs'.?

The New Jersey State Police partnered with the Humane Society of the US to execute the search warrant at the compound (pictured) earlier this month

The New Jersey 明言する/公表する Police partnered with the Humane Society of the US to 遂行する/発効させる the 家宅捜査令状 at the 構内/化合物 (pictured) earlier this month

An injured dog received medical treatment after being rescued from a dogfighting compound

An 負傷させるd dog received 医療の 治療 after 存在 救助(する)d from a 空中戦/乱闘ing 構内/化合物

Veterinary staff treat a open wounds on a dog rescued from the compound. Officials believe many of the dogs suffered their injuries during fights

Veterinary staff 扱う/治療する a open 負傷させるs on a dog 救助(する)d from the 構内/化合物. 公式の/役人s believe many of the dogs 苦しむd their 傷害s during fights

A Humane Society worker smiles as a young puppy rescued during the raid of a New Jersey dogfighting compound takes a big yawn

A Humane Society 労働者 smiles as a young puppy 救助(する)d during the (警察の)手入れ,急襲 of a New Jersey 空中戦/乱闘ing 構内/化合物 takes a big yawn

They were finally caught after a 'long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 collaborative 調査' by 連邦の and 明言する/公表する 法律 施行 機関s.

司法長官 Platkin, 発表するing the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s against the group, said in a 圧力(をかける) 解放(する):?'利益(をあげる)ing from 空中戦/乱闘ing is callous, 残虐な, and cruel.

'These animals are born into lives of 乱用, 苦しむing, and 暴力/激しさ, 最高潮に達するing with hours-long fights and frequently these dogs' slow and painful deaths. The 申し立てられた/疑わしい 違法な activities that were 暴露するd by this 調査 will not go unpunished.'

'取り去る/解体するing a dog fighting (犯罪の)一味 is not just about 救助(する)ing animals; it's about 取り去る/解体するing a culture of cruelty and 回復するing compassion to our communities,' echoed?陸軍大佐 Patrick J. Callahan, Superintendent of the New Jersey 明言する/公表する Police.

'It 代表するs a 確固たる かかわり合い against 暴力/激しさ, showcasing the 衝撃 of 司法(官) and empathy.'