Westfield Bondi Junction stabbing: Mum-of-two stabbed to death by Joel Cauchi spent her final hours having coffee with a friend

A friend of?Pikria Darchia - one of the women killed during the Westfield Bondi Junction attack - has 明らかにする/漏らすd how she spent her final hours.

Nicole Mikhailidi told 7News that she had coffee with Ms Darchia, 55, just hours before she became one of six people stabbed to death by Joel Cauchi on Saturday afternoon.

'It's crazy to think we said goodbye, and it was the last time we would ever see her,' Ms Mikhailidi said.

'When I think about what she must have gone throug h in those moments .... that horrific 恐れる and helplessness. It makes me sick to the stomach, really.'

Pikria Darchia was killed during the Westfield Bondi Junction attack

Pikria Darchia was killed during the Westfield Bondi Junction attack?

Mum-of-two Ms Darchia, an artist from Maroubra in Sydney's southeast, was 初めは from Tbilisi in Georgia and had two sons.?

Here's what we know about the other 犠牲者s.?

Ashlee Good, 38?

Dr Ashlee Good, 38, was a trained osteopath and a first-time mother to her baby girl Harriet

Dr Ashlee Good, 38, was a trained osteopath and a first-time mother to her baby girl Harriet

Dr Ashlee Good, 38,?was a trained osteopath and a first-time mother.?She is the daughter of former North Melbourne AFL player and board member Kerry Good.?

She died in St Vincents Hospital on Saturday night after 存在 stabbed by Cauchi while trying to 保護する her nine-month-old baby Harriet from the 攻撃者.?

The dying mother threw her baby girl into the 武器 of two strangers and begged them to help the little girl.?

She was 急ぐd to hospital in a 批判的な 条件 for 緊急 外科.?

Harriet was on Tuesday night moved from 集中的な care to a normal children's 区 in a 調印する she is 回復するing.?

夜明け Singleton, 25?

Dawn Singleton was the daughter of multi-millionaire advertising guru John Singleton and lawyer Julie Martin. She worked in e-commerce for White Fox Boutique

夜明け Singleton was the daughter of multi-millionaire advertising guru John Singleton and lawyer Julie ツバメ. She worked in e-商業 for White Fox Boutique

In a cruel twist of fate, her NSW police officer fianc? Ashley Wildey responded to the incident not knowing his childhood sweetheart was a victim (the couple are pictured)

In a cruel 新たな展開 of 運命/宿命, her NSW police officer fianc? Ashley Wildey 答える/応じるd to the 出来事/事件 not knowing his childhood sweetheart was a 犠牲者 (the couple are pictured)

夜明け Singleton was the 25-year-old daughter of multi-millionaire advertising guru John Singleton and lawyer Julie ツバメ.?

Her father, a hors e racing 熱中している人, had 指名するd his prized filly 'Dawnie Perfect' after his daughter.?

Ms Singleton had worked in e-商業 for fashion brand White Fox Boutique and had …に出席するd Kambala Church of England Girls' School.?

She had only arrived at Westfield Bondi Junction 15 minutes before she was attacked while shopping in Chanel for 構成 for her 近づいている wedding.?

In a cruel 新たな展開 of 運命/宿命, her NSW police officer fianc? Ashley Wildey 答える/応じるd to the 出来事/事件 not knowing his childhood sweetheart was a 犠牲者.?

2GB host Ray Hadley on Monday 明らかにする/漏らすd that he had broken the 破滅的な news? to Mr Singleton.?

Hadley, who has been friends with the Singleton family for 30 years, said he had 確認するd her 指名する with NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb.?

He 明らかにする/漏らすd Ms Singleton had put a deposit 負かす/撃墜する for her wedding dress on Friday. She had also started sending save the dates to her friends and family.?

Jade Young, 47?

Jade Young was a 47-year-old Sydney architect and mother-of-two who grew up in Wollongong

Jade Young was a 47-year-old Sydney architect and mother-of-two who grew up in Wollongong

Jade Young was a 47-year-old Sydney architect and mother-of-two who grew up in Wollongong on NSW's Illawarra 地域.

She was a member of Bronte Surf Club in Sydney's eastern 郊外s, which cancelled their social drinks on Sunday に引き続いて the attack.?

'This is and will be a difficult time for the community,' the club said on Facebook.?

'We are here to support the community, and our 深く心に感じた 弔慰s go out to everyone 影響する/感情d.'

Yixuan Cheng, 27?

Yixuan Cheng, 27, was an economics student at the University of Sydney and was named on Monday as the sixth victim of the stabbing spree

Yixuan Cheng, 27, was an 経済的なs student at the University of Sydney and was 指名するd on Monday as the sixth 犠牲者 of the stabbing spree

Yixuan Cheng, 27, was an 経済的なs student at the University of Sydney.

Ms Cheng's parents told Chinese マスコミ their daughter was on the phone with her fiance, who is based in 中国, a few minutes before the 悲劇.

She was on the fourth 床に打ち倒す of the 商店街, shopping and sending her boyfriend photos of herself trying on 着せる/賦与するs.

After ending the call to his girlfriend, her boyfriend saw the news about the stabbing attack in Sydney.

He すぐに called her again, but Ms Cheng didn't answer. He had been planning to marry her after she 卒業生(する)d this year.?

Wang Chunsheng, 中国's 事実上の/代理 総領事 in Sydney, said he was 'very sorry' to hear about the 出来事/事件 and that the 領事館 was in 接触する with her family.?

Faraz Tahir, 30?

Faraz Tahir was fatally stabbed on his first day as a security guard at Westfield Bondi Junction as he reportedly tried to stop Cauchi mid-rampage

Faraz Tahir was fatally stabbed on his first day as a 安全 guard at Westfield Bondi Junc tion as he 報道によれば tried to stop Cauchi 中央の-rampage

Faraz Tahir was fatally stabbed on his first day as a 安全 guard at Westfield Bondi Junction.?

Mr Tahir arrived in Australia as a 難民 after 逃げるing his home country of Pakistan.?

He was a member of the Ahmadiyya イスラム教徒 Community of Australia and 参加するd in charity 成果/努力s for its 青年 organisation.

'He quickly became an integral part of our community, known for his unwavering dedication and 親切,' the group said in a 声明.?

'Our thoughts and 祈りs are with Faraz's family and loved ones during this difficult time and with 犠牲者s and their families 影響する/感情d by this senseless 行為/法令/行動する of 暴力/激しさ.'

Scentre Group CEO Elliott Rusanow said: 'We are 荒廃させるd by Faraz's passing and recognise our team member's bravery and 役割 as a first responder.?

'Another member of our 安全 team was 負傷させるd and remains in hospital.'