The family of a woman who was gunned 負かす/撃墜する by her ex-father-in-法律 have 爆破d a family 法廷,裁判所 裁判官 for ignoring 残虐な text 脅しs.? ?

Dennis and Ashley Prince were fatally 発射 during a deposition?伴う/関わるing Ashley's ex-husband, Dylan Houston, last week. Prince was 代表するing his wife in the 事例/患者.?

Houston was 代表するd by his father, 77-year-old Joseph Houston II, who opened 解雇する/砲火/射撃 during the 訴訟/進行s before turning the gun on himself.?

Prince, 30, was fighting for 単独の 保護/拘留 of her two oldest kids during the deposition, while Houston was 代表するing his son Dylan.?

At a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 on Monday, Ashley's parents Julie and Paul said Dylan Houston would 脅す her with text messages, as many as 70 a day.?

These 含むd 脅しs like: 'I don't want to see you unless you're in a casket', 'I will chisel you 負かす/撃墜する to a 女性 and worthless 解雇(する) of bones' and 'I'll 鎮圧する you in way you don't even comprehend', the family said.?

Dennis and Ashley Prince, seen here, were fatally shot during a deposition involving Ashley's ex-husband, Dylan Houston, last week

Dennis and Ashley Prince, seen here, were fatally 発射 during a deposition 伴う/関わるing Ashley's ex-husband, Dylan Houston, last week

Ashley was married to Dylan Houston, another lawyer
Joseph Houston, who turned the gun on himself, is pictured with his daughter

Ashley was married to Dylan Houston, another lawyer (left). His father Joseph (権利) killed her, her new husband and then himself?

Ashley with her ex-husband, Dylan Houston, at their wedding. The pair were entangled in a bitter custody dispute over their two young children

Ashley with her ex-husband, Dylan Houston, at their wedding. The pair were entangled in a bitter 保護/拘留 論争 over their two young children?

Her parents say their daughter's 法廷,裁判所 戦う/戦い had failed her as she tried to get 保護s in place for herself and her children.?

Clark 郡 地区 法廷,裁判所 裁判官 法案 Henderson had 扱うd the 事例/患者, with a spokesperson for the 法廷,裁判所 telling 8newsnow: 'The 法廷,裁判所 cannot comment 予定 to 関係のある 未解決の 事柄s.'??

'Our daughter Ashley was a 充てるd and 猛烈な/残忍な protector of her children,' Page said, choking 支援する 涙/ほころびs as she told reporters that her daughter 'would have never given up the fight for her children.'?

The 出口 報告(する)/憶測d that five days before the 狙撃, Dylan Hou ston, who is also a lawyer, emailed Dennis Price.?

In 文書s seen by the 8newsnow, Houston said: 'You have no idea what's coming do you, all your cards are on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する and I 港/避難所't played one.'

At a press conference on Monday, Ashley's parents Julie and Paul, seen here, said Houston would threaten her with text messages, as many as 70 a day

At a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 on Monday, Ashley's parents Julie and Paul, seen here, said Houston would 脅す her with text messages, as many as 70 a day

Paul and Julie Page speak to reporters in Las Vegas on Monday, April 15, 2024, while a photo of their daughter Ashley Prince is projected behind them on a screen

Paul and Julie Page speak to reporters in Las Vegas on Monday, April 15, 2024, while a photo of their daughter Ashley Prince is 事業/計画(する)d behind them on a 審査する

Houston himself was not 現在の at the deposition, but the 文書s 公式文書,認める that a 私的な 捜査官/調査官 had 記録,記録的な/記録するd '関心ing (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) regarding 原告/提訴人's drinking and dangerous 行為' a month earlier.

The 捜査官/調査官 恐らく 観察するd Dylan 運動ing home from a 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 on March 29 while swerving around the road.

Dylan, who is a partner at?Resnick & Louis in Las Vegas, とじ込み/提出するd for 離婚 from Ashley in October 2021 に引き続いて four years of marriage.

によれば social マスコミ 地位,任命するs, the pair were together for several years before they 結婚する, with Ashley 発表するing that she and Dylan were moving in together in 2014.

Clark County District Court Judge Bill Henderson, pictured here, had handled the case

Clark 郡 地区 法廷,裁判所 裁判官 法案 Henderson, pictured here, had 扱うd the 事例/患者

Prince was representing his wife in an ongoing custody case involving her ex-husband, Houston's son Dylan

Prince was 代表するing his wife in an 現在進行中の 保護/拘留 事例/患者 伴う/関わるing her ex-husband, Houston's son Dylan

She was identified as Ashley Prince in 法廷,裁判所 記録,記録的な/記録するs as recently as last month.?

A 離婚 法令 問題/発行するd in November 2021 認めるd the pair 共同の 保護/拘留 of their children, a son and daughter 老年の 5 and 4 - however, this remained in 論争.

離婚 filings 主張する Dylan grappled with 実体 乱用 while he had 保護/拘留 of their children.

Another one of Ashley's lawyers, John Jones, made 言及/関連 to 'a 肯定的な 麻薬 実験(する) for コカイン' 同様に as 'a?肯定的な alcohol 実験(する) during his custodial time' 同様に as 'a 行方不明になるd alcohol 実験(する)'.

記録,記録的な/記録するs show Dylan was 逮捕(する)d on a DUI 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 in October 2020, but later pleaded it 負かす/撃墜する to a 軽罪 無謀運転 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金.

に引き続いて his no contest 嘆願 in February 2022, Dylan was ordered to 完全にする community service and DUI classes.?

Within hours of her death, Ashley's lawyers とじ込み/提出するd an 緊急 動議 requesting that 単独の 保護/拘留 of the children be given to her sister. The 動議 was 認めるd.

In that 文書, LoBello 申し立てられた/疑わしい Dylan 'knew or must have known of the 意向s of his father 事前の to the (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 of these heinous 行為/法令/行動するs.'

Gunshots broke out during a deposition Monday morning, with Houston pulling out a handgun and shooting Prince in the chest four times

射撃s broke out during a deposition Monday morning, with Houston pulling out a handgun and 狙撃 Prince in the chest four times

Dylan Houston was not present at the deposition, but records show Ashley had filed for sole custody of the pair's young son and daug
hter the very morning of the shooting

Dylan Houston was not 現在の at the deposition, but 記録,記録的な/記録するs show Ashley had とじ込み/提出するd for 単独の 保護/拘留 of the pair's young son and daughter the very morning of the 狙撃

She 特記する/引用するd an 試みる/企てる to 選ぶ up his children 'in the middle of the school day, にもかかわらず the 詳細(に述べる)s as to (Ashley's) status of dead or alive not 存在 made public at this time'.

Dylan 攻撃する,衝突する 支援する at the 告訴,告発s in a 返答.?

'The 動機づけ of the 悲劇 of April 8, 2024, is unknown to anyone but Joseph W. Houston himself. The 弁護's suggestion that this was a 'planned attack' with the 原告/提訴人 is 侮辱ing and やめる 思索的な,' he wrote.

He 主張するd that his 活動/戦闘s were 'not indicative of a co-conspirator as the 弁護 callously would like the 法廷,裁判所 to believe, rather that of a 関心d father wanting to 保護する, console, love and support his children from any unnecessary discussion regarding this 悲劇'.

によれば Clark 郡 郡保安官 Kevin McMahill, 射撃s broke out at around 10 a.m. inside the Prince 法律 Group's Summerlin office.

法廷,裁判所 文書s とじ込み/提出するd hours later 詳細(に述べる)d the moments 先行する the senseless 暴力/激しさ.

Five minutes after the deposition began, Houston 'stood up, had a very glazed and 動揺させるd look in his 注目する,もくろむs, pulled out a handgun and 発射 Prince four times,' the 文書s 明言する/公表する.

Prince was 認めるd as the Nevada 裁判,公判 Lawyer of the Year in 2016 by the Nevada 司法(官) 協会 and tried more than 100 事例/患者s to 陪審/陪審員団 判決 at the time of his death.

He and Ashley had also recently welcomed a child together.