Mystery 深くするs as Riley 緊張する's mom 明らかにする/漏らすs haunting text he sent her about the taste of his drink on the night he 消えるd from Nashville 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 - as she 示唆するs it might be 重要な in why he was 設立する dead in a river without his pants

  • Michelle Whiteid 明らかにする/漏らすd strange final messages from son Riley 緊張する, 22
  • 緊張する 消えるd on a night out in Nashville and was 設立する dead in a river?
  • 検視 showed no 証拠 of 溺死するing but police 支配するd out foul play

Riley 緊張する's mom has 明らかにする/漏らすd her son mysteriously text her to say his drink tasted strange - just hours before he disappeared.

Michelle Whiteid said 緊張する, 22,?had ordered a rum and coke that 'didn't taste good' on the night he 消えるd, NewsNation 報告(する)/憶測s.

The University of Missouri student's half naked 団体/死体 was plucked from the Cumberland River in Tennessee 14 days after he 消えるd, but an 初期の 検視 支配するd out foul play.

Now his mom has 株d her 恐れるs his drink may have 含む/封じ込めるd something which could explain the circumstances.

Riley Strain's mom Michelle Whiteid said her son text her to tell her his drink tasted strange hours before he disappeared

Riley 緊張する's mom Michelle Whiteid said her son text her to tell her his drink tasted strange hours before he disappeared?

緊張する, 22, was? seen leaving? Luke's 32 橋(渡しをする) Food + Drink on Broadway on March 8, によれば the 主要都市の Nashville Police Department?

Strain was seen stumbling around the streets of Nashville on the night he vanished

緊張する was seen つまずくing around the streets of Nashville on the night he 消えるd

'Maybe there was something in it that shouldn't have been,' Whiteid said, explaining that her son told her the drink 'tasted like barbecue'.

'I go, '井戸/弁護士席, that sounds awful,' Whiteid 追加するd. 'He said, '井戸/弁護士席, it sounds good, but it's not.''

?Luke's 32 橋(渡しをする) Food + Drink where 緊張する was last seen alive in person said he was asked to leave after 存在 served one アル中患者 drink and two waters.

The Delta Chi fraternity member was in Tennessee on a group trip for their 年次の spring formal when he was kicked out of the 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 around 10 p.m.

監視 ビデオ showed him 落ちるing as he walked the streets of Nashville before his 見えなくなる on March 8.

付加 監視 (映画の)フィート数 解放(する)d by the Nashville police show him wobbling and appearing 混乱させるd as he crossed a の近くにd road 近づく the water.

The next morning, his fraternity brothers tried to find 緊張する using his Snapchat 場所 but were 不成功の and called police to 報告(する)/憶測 him 行方不明の.

Whiteid said her son had been 'excited' for the trip, but her world (機の)カム 衝突,墜落ing 負かす/撃墜する when she received a call from his friends 知らせるing him they could not find him.

'I said, 'What do you mean, he's with you? Why would I? What do you mean you can't find him?'' Whiteid 解任するd. '(The brother) goes, '井戸/弁護士席, he's not in the hotel, and we can't find him.''

Michelle Strain Whiteid, said her son told her his drink 'tasted like barbecue' and she advised him not to drink it

Michelle 緊張する Whiteid, said her son told her his drink 'tasted like barbecue' and she advised him not to drink it

He was found by a worker for a local building materials company that unloads barges at the river

He was 設立する by a 労働者 for a 地元の building 構成要素s company that 荷を降ろすs 船s at the river

His last cellphone 場所 was 記録,記録的な/記録するd between Gay Street and James Robertson Parkway の近くに to the 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 where he was last seen.

A frantic search 続いて起こるd and 緊張する was 結局 設立する in the river without pants, shoes or his wallet.

An 初期の police 検視 設立する no 調印するs of foul play, but no 調印するs that he 溺死するd.?

A second 検視 ordered by the family 確認するd there was no water in his 肺s, 増加するing 恐れるs that he was already dead when he entered the water.?

'One thing that threw the family for a 宙返り飛行 was the 検死官 going on 記録,記録的な/記録する 明言する/公表するing about the 欠如(する) of water in his 肺s,' 緊張する's family friend told NewsNation.?

'Usually water in the 肺s means that they were alive when they went into the water.'

緊張する's stepfather Chris Whiteid says he wants to know what happened and that he will continue to look for answers.

'If he fell and truly fell in the water, and you can 証明する that to me, show me. I'll 受託する it,' he said to NewsNation.?

Michelle Strain Whiteid, le
ft, and her husband, Chris Whiteid, speak to the media during a press conference to update the public about the disappearance of Riley Strain

Michelle 緊張する Whiteid, left, and her husband, Chris Whiteid, speak to the マスコミ during a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 to update the public about the 見えなくなる of Riley 緊張する

Chris Dingman (pictured) a friend of the Riley family, appeared on NewsNation's 'Elizabeth Vargas Reports,'and said the new development in the case was 'huge'

Chris Dingman (pictured) a friend of the Riley family, appeared on NewsNation's 'Elizabeth Vargas 報告(する)/憶測s,'and said the new 開発 in the 事例/患者 was '抱擁する'

'But I can tell you from all the stuff that we've done as far as search and looking, taking pictures ― I don't feel like it's really possible that happened. He may have fallen, but someone helped him in the water.'

The person who last spoke to Riley?was said to have spoken to police earlier this month, with the family 賞賛するing it as a '抱擁する' 開発.?

Family friend Chris Dingman, told NewsNation's Elizabeth Vargas 報告(する)/憶測s this week that the 証言,証人/目撃する 'told the 探偵,刑事 his account of the story of what happened to Riley.'

The ビデオ 監視 from a nearby 拘留,拘置 中心 may 持つ/拘留する the 重要な to Riley's final moments.

Dingman said one of the ビデオs from one of the cameras have been made public, but the others have not been 利用できる to the family.

'The 拘留,拘置 中心 is just north of the last ping on Riley's phone. It was the only ビデオ 解放(する)d to the public, ' he said.

The family's worst 恐れるs have been その上の stoked after a renowned 法廷の 専門家 (機の)カム out to say he believed 緊張する's 明言する/公表する of undress could 示す he was 殺人d.

'I would say somebody took them off,' Dr. 法案 Bass, who 設立するd the University of Tennessee's famed 団体/死体 Farm, said of 緊張する's pants.

Riley, 22, was wearing this distinctive black and white shirt when he disappeared after being kicked out of a bar in downtown Nashville on a night out with friends

Riley, 22, was wearing this 独特の 黒人/ボイコット and white shirt when he disappeared after 存在 kicked out of a 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 in downtown Nashville on a night out with friends??

Nashville Police searched a homeless encampment on the water's edge after people living their reported having seen the missing student on the night of his disappearance
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Nashville Police searched a homeless 野営 on the water's 辛勝する/優位 after people living their 報告(する)/憶測d having seen the 行方不明の student on the night of his 見えなくなる?

'If you do 研究 on this, it would be very difficult because you've got to kill a person to do it, but it is difficult to get your pants off,' he explained to News Channel 5.

'It's difficult when you are alive to get your pants off.'

'It is unusual. 普通は if you 落ちる in the river, it's very difficult to get your pants off,' he 追加するd.