• Trump visited the NYC bodega where a 労働者 killed an ex-反対/詐欺 in self-弁護?
  • The 労働者 gave up on New York, moving to the Dominican Repu blic last year
  • Trump met with the new owners on Tuesday night and got a hero's welcome??

Donald Trump?made the most of having to be in New York City for his 犯罪の 裁判,公判 on Tuesday, leaving 法廷,裁判所 in the evening to visit the bodega where a 労働者 stabbed an ex-反対/詐欺 to death last year to take a 発射 at the city's soft-on-罪,犯罪 leaders.?

The former 大統領,/社長 received a hero's welcome in Hamilton 高さs, upper Manhattan, where Jose Alba knifed Austin Simon to death in July 2022.?

Simon had tried to attack him, climbing over the 反対する in a violent 試みる/企てるd 強盗.??

Alba was famously 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg but was 解放する/自由なd after 普及した public 乱暴/暴力を加える. He gave up on New York afterwards, moving to the Dominican 共和国. It's 不明瞭な if he was 招待するd to the 会合 last night.?

Trump met with the two 現在の owners and received a hero's welcome.?Trump received a raucous welcome as he arrived at the bodega, with the (人が)群がる 詠唱するing 'four more years' and 元気づける his 指名する.?

As the (人が)群がる sung the 星/主役にする Spangled 旗,新聞一面トップの大見出し/大々的に報道する behind him, Trump 追加するd: 'You know what we're going to be doing, 権利? We're going to be saving America.'?

President Donald Trump inside the Sanaa Convenience Store, formerly the Blue Moon Convenience Store, where Jose Alba stabbed a robber to death in 2022. Alba, who left New York for the Dominican Republic afterwards, was not there. Trump met the current owners instead

大統領 Donald Trump inside the Sanaa Convenience 蓄える/店, 以前は the Blue Moon Convenience 蓄える/店, where Jose Alba stabbed a robber to death in 2022. Alba, who left New York for the Dominican 共和国 afterwards, was not there. Trump met the 現在の owners instead

The former president seen speaking with the bodega's owner Maad Ahmed on Tuesday

The former 大統領,/社長 seen speaking with the bodega's owner Maad Ahmed on Tuesday?

Trump visited the site of the July 2022 stabbing death of ex-con Austin Simon, who was killed in self-defense by Jose Alba when he jumped the counter in his store

Trump visited the 場所/位置 of the July 2022 stabbing death of ex-反対/詐欺 Austin Simon, who was killed in self-弁護 by Jose Alba when he jumped the 反対する in his 蓄える/店

Trump inside the bodega where Jose Alba stabbed an ex-con in 2022

Trump inside the bodega where Jose Alba stabbed an ex-反対/詐欺 in 2022?

Alba's 事例/患者 was 掴むd on by 共和国の/共和党のs, until 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s against him were 結局 dropped by 地区 弁護士/代理人/検事 Alvin Bragg, who has become a たびたび(訪れる) 的 of Trump's attacks on the (選挙などの)運動をする 追跡する over (人命などを)奪う,主張するs he is soft on 罪,犯罪.

At the time, (映画の)フィート数 明確に showed that Simon had moved behind the 反対する at the convenience 蓄える/店 in Hamilton 高さs and 押し進めるd the 蓄える/店 clerk into a stack of 棚上げにするs before grabbing him.

It was only then that Alba reached over to a shelf and pulled out a knife to fight 支援する.

Trump used the 事例/患者 in his 現在進行中の (選挙などの)運動をする to paint his 民主党員 対抗者s are soft on 罪,犯罪, weeks after he arrived at 殺害された NYPD officer Jonathan Diller's wake in Long Island?after he was 恐らく killed by a repeat 違反者/犯罪者.?

After having his 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s dropped, Alba left New York for the Dominican 共和国.?

He returned for a House 上院 司法の 委員会 審理,公聴会 last year, but it's 不明瞭な if he was 招待するd to yesterday's rendezvous with the former 大統領,/社長.??

At the bodega, Trump took 目的(とする) at Bragg as he 宣言するd: 'Number one, we have to stop 罪,犯罪.

'We have to let the police do their 職業, they have to be given 支援する their 当局,' he said, 追加するing that his 選挙運動 is 'making a big play for New York.'?

Trump, a former New Yorker who now lives in Florida, said he 'loves this city' but it has 'gotten so bad in the last three, four years.'??

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Former President Donald Trump with the business owners Maad Ahmed, left with his son, and Francisco Marte, right

Former 大統領 Donald Trump with the 商売/仕事 owners Maad Ahmed, left with his son, and Francisco 市場, 権利?