NSW 検討する,考慮するs tougher knife 法律s after Westfield Bondi Junction and Wakeley church attacks

Two shocking stabbing attacks in?Sydney?in the past week have 誘発するd NSW?首相 Chris Minns to consider tougher knife 法律s.?

Mr Minns said the 暴力/激しさ had left the 明言する/公表する's 資本/首都 in a 'combustible 状況/情勢' and was looking at ways to 少なくなる the 見込み it would happen again.?

A stabbing attack at a western Sydney church that hospitalised two clergymen on Monday is 存在 扱う/治療するd as a テロリスト 行為/法令/行動する, and the 十代の少年少女 恐らく responsible has a history of knife-関係のある 罪,犯罪.

That attack (機の)カム just two days after six people were fatally stabbed by 40-year-old Joel Cauchi at Westfield Bondi Junction.

Cauchi's knife rampage resulted in the murder of six people

Cauchi's knife rampage resulted in the 殺人 of six peop le?

A stabbing attack at a western Sydney church that hospitalised two clergymen on Monday is being treated as a terrorist act, with the teenager allegedly responsible having a history of knife-related crime

A stabbing attack at a western Sydney church that hospitalised two clergymen on Monday is 存在 扱う/治療するd as a テロリスト 行為/法令/行動する, with the 十代の少年少女 恐らく responsible having a history of knife-関係のある 罪,犯罪

Cauchi was 発射 dead by a police 視察官 after 殺人,大当り 夜明け Singleton, 25, Jade Young, 47, Pikria Darchia, 55, Yixuan Cheng, 27, and 30-year-old Faraz Tahir, while Ashlee Good, 38, later died in hospital.

Both 悪党/犯人s had a history of 所有/入手 of knives for 可能性のある use on others, with the 十代の少年少女 on a good behaviour 社債 over a knife 罪,犯罪 just three months ago.

The day before the Bondi horror, an attack 近づく a school in Doonside in Sydney's west on Friday left an 18-year-old dead and a 19-year-old 負傷させるd.

A 16-year-old boy has since been 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 殺人.

'It's a combustible 状況/情勢 and I'm not going to sugarcoat it,' Mr Minns told Sydney 無線で通信する 2GB on Tuesday.

Premier Minns (pictured) said Sydney's recent violence left the city in
 a?"combustible situation"

首相 Minns (pictured) said Sydney's 最近の 暴力/激しさ left the city in a?'combustible 状況/情勢'

The floral tribute at Bondi Junction to honour and grieve the massacre victims

The floral 尊敬の印 at Bondi Junction to honour and grieve the 大虐殺 犠牲者s

'We 増加するd knife 法律s about six months ago, after the terrible death of Steven Tougher, the NSW paramedic, but I'm not 用意が出来ている to 支配する anything out 権利 now.

'When people are 存在 killed, and you've got a 状況/情勢 where a knife is 存在 used, then it would be irresponsible not to look at it.'

The NSW 政府 recently 二塁打d the 最大限 刑罰,罰則s for 所有するing or (権力などを)行使するing a knife in a public place.

Under 法律制定 introduced to 議会 in June 2023, the 罪,犯罪s 行為/法令/行動する was 修正するd to 含む the offences of having a knife in a public place or school and (権力などを)行使するing a knife in a public place or school.

The 最大限 刑務所,拘置所 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 for those offences 増加するd from two to four years while the 最大限 罰金 for 所有するing a knife 増加するd from $2200 to $4400, and for (権力などを)行使するing a knife to $11,000.

NSW Premier Chris Minns is open to changing knife laws after the recent stabbing attacks in the state (pictured stock image)

NSW 首相 Chris Minns is open to changing knife 法律s after the 最近の stabbing attacks in the 明言する/公表する (pictured 在庫/株 image)