反抗的な headteacher Katharine Birbalsingh tells parents 'if you don't like it, don't come to us' まっただ中に prospect of その上の 合法的な 活動/戦闘 after winning the 権利 to 禁止(する) イスラム教徒 祈り rituals at her school

A 反抗的な headteacher who has won the 権利 to 禁止(する) イスラム教徒 祈り rituals at her school has told parents 'if you don't like it, don't come to us' まっただ中に the 脅し of その上の 合法的な 活動/戦闘.

Katharine Birbalsingh, who has been called Britain's strictest 長,率いる, said the 目印 判決,裁定 was a 'victory for all schools' as she?攻撃する,衝突する out at 'いじめ(る)ing 身元 politics'.

The 政府's former social mobility tsar also 宣言するd we need the 'honesty' to call out '深い-seated progressivist 人種差別主義' in society.?


A pupil at her Michaela Community School in Wembley, north-west London, had (人命などを)奪う,主張するd a 禁止(する) on 祈り rituals was a 違反 of her human 権利s and 侵害する/違反するd the Equality 行為/法令/行動する.

But the High 法廷,裁判所 yesterday 支配するd the 禁止(する) was both proportionate and 正当化するd and that 行方不明になる Birbalsingh should be 許すd to 施行する the school's 世俗的な ethos.

After (人命などを)奪う,主張するing victory, 行方不明になる Birbalsingh said:?'If parents do not like what Michaela is, they do not need to send their children to us.'

In a 非常に長い 声明, she also questioned why the イスラム教徒 pupil received '£150,000 in 合法的な 援助(する)' to fight her 事例/患者 - and 恐れるs the family may 開始する,打ち上げる その上の 活動/戦闘.

Katharine Birbalsingh, who has been called Britain's strictest 長,率いる, said the 目印 判決,裁定 was a 'victory for all schools' as she 攻撃する,衝突する out at 'いじめ(る)ing 身元 politics'
Michaela Community School was 的d with death 脅しs and 乱用, the 法廷,裁判所 was told
Equalities 大臣 Kemi Badenoch (pictured) said it was 'a victory against 行動主義者s trying to subvert o ur public 会・原則s'

How a school's 祈り rituals 禁止(する) led to a High 法廷,裁判所 challenge?

A イスラム教徒 student at a London school has lost a High 法廷,裁判所 challenge against its 禁止(する) on 祈り rituals.

But how did events 広げる?

- Autumn 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 2022 and start of 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 2023

Pupils began talking about the 可能性 of praying at the school, the student said.

- March 17 2023

One of the teachers saw a Year 9 pupil praying in the yard during the lunch break, using their blazer as a 祈り mat.

Headteacher Katharine Birbalsingh was 知らせるd but she did not 介入する because this was within the school 支配するs at the time.

- March 22 2023

Around 20 Year 9 children prayed in the yard using 祈り mats.

Ms Birbalsingh said there was a 'high degree of 関心 and unease' の中で teachers and pupils as 祈り rituals had not been 行為/行うd at the school before.

A large number of Year 9 girls had co-ordinated with each other to bring in 祈り mats without 許可, にもかかわらず this 存在 against the 支配するs.

- March 23 2023

A 上級の teacher told children to put the 祈り mats away as they were against school 政策, but two students answered 支援する to her.

- March 24 2023

There were around 30 pupils praying in the yard, 含むing from years 7 and 11.

On the same day, an online 嘆願(書) started, 告発する/非難するing the 上級の teacher of 'disgusting, Islamophobic behaviour' the previous day, an d was 調印するd by at least 4,000 people.

Ms Birbalsingh and the teacher were 的d with death 脅しs, 乱用 and 主張s of Islamophobia.

- March 25 and 26 2023

An email was sent to the school 説 several 爆弾s had been 工場/植物d in the building.

Ms Birbalsingh spoke with the school's 上級の leadership team, and they agreed to 禁止(する) 祈り rituals.

- March 27 2023

Police searched the school for 爆発性のs, nothing was 設立する.

The 禁止(する) on 祈り rituals was 施行するd by teachers and two 安全 guards were 雇うd まっただ中に 脅しs.

- May 23 2023

The school's 治める/統治するing 団体/死体 投票(する)d to introduce the ritual 祈り 政策.

- January 16 2024

The student brought a High 法廷,裁判所 challenge against the school, 主張するing that the 政策 was 差別的な and had 'fundamentally changed' how she felt 'about 存在 a イスラム教徒 in this country'.

- April 16 2024

Mr 司法(官) Linden 解任するd the pupil's arguments, 説 there was 'a 合理的な/理性的な 関係 between the 目的(とする) of 促進するing the team ethos of the school, inclusivity, social cohesion etc and the 祈り ritual 政策'.

He said: 'The disadvantage to イスラム教徒 pupils at the school 原因(となる)d by the 祈り ritual 政策 is in my 見解(をとる) outweighed by the 目的(とする)s which it 捜し出すs to 促進する in the 利益/興味s of the school community as a whole, 含むing イスラム教徒 pupils.'

Source: PA?