反抗的な headteacher Katharine Birbalsingh tells parents 'if you don't like it, don't come to us' まっただ中に prospect of その上の 合法的な 活動/戦闘 after winning the 権利 to 禁止(する) イスラム教徒 祈り rituals at her school
A 反抗的な headteacher who has won the 権利 to 禁止(する) イスラム教徒 祈り rituals at her school has told parents 'if you don't like it, don't come to us' まっただ中に the 脅し of その上の 合法的な 活動/戦闘.
Katharine Birbalsingh, who has been called Britain's strictest 長,率いる, said the 目印 判決,裁定 was a 'victory for all schools' as she?攻撃する,衝突する out at 'いじめ(る)ing 身元 politics'.
The 政府's former social mobility tsar also 宣言するd we need the 'honesty' to call out '深い-seated progressivist 人種差別主義' in society.?
A pupil at her Michaela Community School in Wembley, north-west London, had (人命などを)奪う,主張するd a 禁止(する) on 祈り rituals was a 違反 of her human 権利s and 侵害する/違反するd the Equality 行為/法令/行動する.
But the High 法廷,裁判所 yesterday 支配するd the 禁止(する) was both proportionate and 正当化するd and that 行方不明になる Birbalsingh should be 許すd to 施行する the school's 世俗的な ethos.
After (人命などを)奪う,主張するing victory, 行方不明になる Birbalsingh said:?'If parents do not like what Michaela is, they do not need to send their children to us.'
In a 非常に長い 声明, she also questioned why the イスラム教徒 pupil received '£150,000 in 合法的な 援助(する)' to fight her 事例/患者 - and 恐れるs the family may 開始する,打ち上げる その上の 活動/戦闘.
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She asked: 'Can it be 権利 for a family to receive £150,000 of taxpayer-基金d 合法的な 援助(する) to bring a 事例/患者 like this???
She (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the pupil's mother, who helped her daughter bring the 事例/患者, ーするつもりであるd to send another child to the school.?
Ms Birbalsingh 申し立てられた/疑わしい: 'At the same time, this mum has sent a letter to our lawyers 示唆するing that she may take us to 法廷,裁判所 yet again over another 問題/発行する at the school she doesn't like, 推定では once again at the taxpayer's expense.'
A 代表者/国会議員 for the family said the 人物/姿/数字 含むd in Ms Birbalsingh's 声明 was incorrect, with the pupil's capped 合法的な 援助(する) costs 存在 lower than that sum. The 代表者/国会議員 did not comment on the suggestion of その上の 合法的な 活動/戦闘.
どこかよそで in her 声明, Ms Birbalsingh said: 'If our families did not like the school, they would not 繰り返して choose to send their children to Michaela.
'At the two welcome events that all parents must …に出席する before sending their child to Michaela, I run through everything that makes Michaela different to other schools: constant 監督, family lunch, silent 回廊(地帯)s, no 祈り room, 平易な ways to get 拘留,拘置, strict uniform etc.'
She then said if parent's don't like what the school is, they should not send their children there.?
Equalities 大臣 Kemi Badenoch said it was 'a victory against 行動主義者s trying to subvert our public 会・原則s'. She 追加するd: 'The Equality 行為/法令/行動する is a 保護物,者, not a sword, and teachers must not be 脅すd.'
The 事例/患者, which was brought with taxpayer-基金d 合法的な 援助(する), will have wide 関わりあい/含蓄s for 明言する/公表する schools under 圧力 from 強行路線 宗教的な groups.?
The 決定/判定勝ち(する) was welcomed by 負かす/撃墜するing Street, which said '長,率いるs are best placed to take 決定/判定勝ち(する)s on what takes place in their school 含むing how to 融通する 祈り'.
And Education 長官 Gillian Keegan said it would give all 長,率いるs the 信用/信任 to 'make the 権利 決定/判定勝ち(する) for their school'.
行方不明になる Birbalsingh became known as the country's strictest 長,率いる for her uncompromising 支配するs.
She 施行するs a 世俗的な ethos at Michaela, にもかかわらず 50 per cent of pupils 存在 イスラム教徒, to 確実にする children can make friends 'across 宗教的な divides'. But によれば her 証拠 to the 法廷,裁判所, a group of pupils started 連係させた 祈り rituals in the playground in March last year.
Some also '脅迫してさせるd' other pupils for 辞退するing to 急速な/放蕩な during Ramadan, by '星/主役にするing' and '拒絶する/低下するing to talk to them'.?
One girl had been '脅迫してさせるd' into wearing a headscarf, and another had dropped out of the school choir after 存在 told it was 'forbidden during Ramadan'.?
The pupil bringing the 事例/患者, who cannot be identified for 合法的な 推論する/理由s, was given a 直す/買収する,八百長をするd-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 除外 for 存在 'rude and 積極的な' when a teacher told her to put away her 祈り mat.
After that 出来事/事件, a (選挙などの)運動をする of いやがらせ started from the wider community, によれば 行方不明になる Birbalsingh.?
An online 嘆願(書) 告発する/非難するing the school of Islamophobia 獲得するd 4,000 署名s, and the 法廷,裁判所 heard …を伴ってing comments directed 人種差別主義者 乱用 at the teacher 伴う/関わるd.
A brick was thrown through the window of another teacher's home, and the school had a 爆弾 脅し which later turned out to be a hoax.
決定するd not to give in to 脅しs, 行方不明になる Birbalsingh and the 知事s then 公式に 禁じるd pupils from 成し遂げるing 祈り rituals.
The girl, supported by her mother, 開始する,打ち上げるd 活動/戦闘 経由で 法律 会社/堅い Simpson Millar, which argued she should be 許すd to pray for around five minutes at lunch, on dates when 約束 支配するs 要求するd it.?
But yesterday, Mr 司法(官) Linden 結論するd the 禁止(する) did not 干渉する with her 宗教的な freedom and helped to 達成する the '合法的' 目的(とする) of 促進するing an ethos of inclusivity and social cohesion.
行方不明になる Birbalsingh said in a 声明 afterwards: 'There is a 誤った narrative that some try to paint about イスラム教徒s 存在 an 抑圧するd 少数,小数派 at our school.?
'They are, in fact, the largest group. Those who are most at 危険 are other 少数,小数派s and イスラム教徒 children who are いっそう少なく observant.'
She (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the girl's mother still ーするつもりであるs to send her younger sibling to the school.
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にもかかわらず catering to a 奪うd area, Michaela is one of the best 成し遂げるing 明言する/公表する 第2位 schools in the country and 率d 優れた by Ofsted.
The pupil who lost the 事例/患者 said: 'Even though I lost, I still feel that I did the 権利 thing in 捜し出すing to challenge the 禁止(する). I tried my best and was true to myself and my 宗教.'
Her mother said: 'Her courage in 追求するing this 事柄 fills me with pride and I'm 確信して she's 伸び(る)d invaluable lessons.'
世俗的な 選挙運動者s said the 判決,裁定 serves as a 思い出の品 that (人命などを)奪う,主張するs of 宗教的な freedom 'do not trump all other considerations'.
Stephen Evans, 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of the 国家の 世俗的な Society, said: 'Given the disruption experienced by the school, a 判決,裁定 that the 禁止(する) on 祈り rituals was lawful is welcome.
'It also serves as a useful 思い出の品 that (人命などを)奪う,主張するs of 宗教的な freedom do not trump all other considerations. If a school wishes to 支持する a 世俗的な ethos, it should be する権利を与えるd to do so.
'Schools should be 環境s where everyone feels welcomed and valued, but that doesn't mean students have untrammelled 宗教的な freedom.
'Where the manifestation of 宗教 is みなすd 意見の不一致を生じる or 破壊的な, a balance must be struck. We're pleased the school's 活動/戦闘s have been vindicated.'
Another organisation said the 政府 should develop 国家の 指導/手引 on 宗教的な practices in schools to 演説(する)/住所 building '憤慨' in the system.
Andrew Copson, 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of the Humanists UK charity, said: 'In the absence of 国家の 指導/手引 on 宗教的な practices in schools and of a serious 国家の discussion about 存在するing 法律s, 事例/患者s like this will continue to be brought. Schools shouldn't be left alone to を取り引きする this.
'Today's High 法廷,裁判所 judgment 要求するs serious thinking from the 政府 about how to 保護する the child's freedom of 宗教 or belief while also making sure our education system is fair and inclusive to all.
'We believe a first step should be to 解決する the wider 問題/発行する of 義務的な 集団の/共同の worship in schools and 取って代わる it with an inclusive form of 議会 that makes all pupils feel welcomed, while making reasonable accommodations for those who want to 個人として pray or worship where it doesn't (規則などを)破る/侵害する the 権利s and freedoms of others.
'Without such holistic attention, 憤慨 will continue to build within our school system.'
?I'll carry on fighting to defend our way of life. If parents don't like it, their children can go どこかよそで, 令状s Britain's strictest 長,率いる KATHARINE BIRBALSINGH に引き続いて 目印 法廷,裁判所 判決,裁定 支援 a 祈り 禁止(する) at her school?
A school should be 解放する/自由な to do what is 権利 for the pupils it serves. The 法廷,裁判所's 決定/判定勝ち(する) is therefore a victory for all schools.
At Michaela, we embrace small-c 保守的な values. These enable us to make 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の academic 進歩.?
But they also 促進する a way of living in which 感謝, 機関 and personal 責任/義務, 拒絶 of 身元-politics victimhood, love of country, hard work, 親切, a 義務 に向かって others and self-sacrifice are 根底となる to who we are.
Multiculturalism 作品 at Michaela because we have a (疑いを)晴らす 身元, which anyone can 調印する up to - if they are willing to 妥協.
Michaela is a school that 作品 奇蹟s in London's inner-city.?
But our families choose us not just because of the 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の learning and 接近 to social mobility that we 供給する.?
They recognise that our 伝統的な values create an 環境 that is a joy to be in. Our children are friends with each other across racial and 宗教的な divides.
At the two 'Welcome Events' that all parents must …に出席する before sending their child to Michaela, I run through everything that makes Michaela different from other schools: constant 監督, silent 回廊(地帯)s, no 祈り room, 平易な ways to get 拘留,拘置, strict uniform etc. If parents do not like it, they do not need to send their children to us.
Ever since the idea of Michaela began in 2011, our detractors have railed against our strict 支配するs and 伝統的な values. Their patronising thinking goes like this: '民族の 少数,小数派 families ca nnot かもしれない know what they want for their children. Those choices must be made for them.'
Last year, we watched our イスラム教徒 pupils put under 圧力 by a tiny number of others to 急速な/放蕩な, to pray, to 減少(する) out of the choir, to wear a hijab.
I watched one of my 黒人/ボイコット teachers be 人種上 乱用d and 脅迫してさせるd, another teacher had her home nearly broken into, and yet another had a brick thrown through her window.
In 2014, 30 per cent of our intake was イスラム教徒. It is now 50 per cent. We are over-subscribed. If our families did not like the school, they would not 繰り返して choose to send their children to Michaela.
There is a 誤った narrative that some try to paint about イスラム教徒s 存在 an 抑圧するd 少数,小数派 at our school. They are, in fact, the largest group. Those who are most at 危険 are other 少数,小数派s and イスラム教徒 children who are いっそう少なく observant.
What does it mean to be the headmistress in a school which tries to 支持する our 株d British values, when different 選挙区/有権者s within our diverse society want いつかs …に反対するing things in the 指名する of their 宗教的な かかわり合いs?
It means asking everyone to 妥協.
We teach Jehovah's 証言,証人/目撃するs Macbeth as a GCSE 実験(する), even though it has witches in it. We 申し込む/申し出 Christians 改正 classes on Sundays.
We tell Hindus our plates will have been touched by eggs.
And we don't have a 祈り room for イスラム教徒s.
At Michaela, we 推定する/予想する all 宗教s and all races to make the necessary sacrifices to enable our school to 栄える. The 広大な 大多数 do so without (民事の)告訴.
People of all 約束s tell me that Michaela is more Christian, more カトリック教徒, more Islamic, more ユダヤ人の or more Hindu than schools they have seen どこかよそで. This is because our 強健な yet respectful secularism is 連合した to those 伝統的な values that all 宗教s 株.
We eat vegetarian food at lunch to enable us to break bread across racial and 宗教的な divides.
It is more of a challenge for a multicultural school to 後継する. One need only look at the schools that 最高の,を越す the '進歩 8' chart [which 対策 the 進歩 pupils make between the ages of 11 and 16]: the 広大な 大多数 are 約束 schools of one 宗教.
世俗的な schools must be 許すd the same 権利 that 宗教的な schools have: the 権利 to まとまり, the 権利 to 拒絶する 分割. Everyone is welcome in our community - but it has its own 身元 which we 招待する everyone to belong to.
So we sing 'God Save The King' because our country and our 旗 部隊 us. If we are 説 that 存在 an eth nic 少数,小数派 AND 存在 British are 相いれない, then as a nation, we are in 深い trouble.
For 25 years I have been in school at 6:45am, working 12 to 15-hour days, always with おもに brown and 黒人/ボイコット kids from the inner city. Our detractors' narrative: that I hate children, that I hate イスラム教徒 children, にもかかわらず more and more イスラム教徒 families choosing our school over the years and my own grandmother 存在 イスラム教徒, is 明確に nonsensical.
I have chosen to stay with the Michaela 事業/計画(する) and I continue to fight to defend our way of life. Why? Because I believe in something bigger than myself.
- This is an edited 見解/翻訳/版 of a 声明 put out by Katharine Birbalsingh yesterday
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