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Police must 決定する who 選ぶd the mushrooms that are believed to have 原因(となる)d the death of a 53-year-old woman at an 代案/選択肢 health 退却/保養地 on the 週末 before they can decide if any 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s will be laid, a criminologist has said.

Rachael Dixon, 53, …に出席するd the Soul Barn Creative Wellbeing Centre in Clunes, 近づく Ballarat, and?became 本気で ill on Saturday after she is believed to have 鎮圧するd up mushrooms and 消費するd them in a drink.

She died すぐに after midnight.?

University of Newcastle criminologist Xanthe Mallett, speaking on Channel 7's Sunrise on Wednesday morning, said psychoactive '魔法 mushrooms' alone would be very ありそうもない to be 致命的な, and Ms Dixon could have 消費するd 高度に 有毒な fungi - many of which look very 類似の to ordinary mushrooms.

Professor Mallett said if 致命的な 有毒な mushrooms were on the health centre's 前提s to be 消費するd, any 合法的な culpability for that depends on who brought them there.

'That really depends on who かもしれない scavenged for those mushrooms,'?Prof Mallett said.?

'They will be probably growing at this time of year. It is autumn.?

'So it really depends on who 選ぶd them and who knew what was in those drinks.?

Rachael Dixon (pictured) attended the Soul Barn Creative Wellbeing Centre in Clunes, near Ballarat, on Saturday night and became violently ill after she is believed to have crushed up mushrooms and consumed them in a drink

Rachael Dixon (pictured) …に出席するd the Soul Barn Creative Wellbeing Centre in Clunes, 近づく Ballarat, on Saturday night and became violently ill after she is believed to have 鎮圧するd up mushrooms and 消費するd them in a drink

She was attending an event at Soul Barn, an alternative health centre in Clunes (pictured), which featured 'wild foraged plants'

She was …に出席するing an event at Soul Barn, an 代案/選択肢 health centre in Clunes (pictured), which featured 'wild foraged 工場/植物s'

READ MORE:?Mum who died at Soul Barn health 退却/保養地 in Clunes may have ingested '魔法' mushrooms?

Soul Barn owner Michelle Mullins is pictured

Soul Barn owner Michelle Mullins is pictured


'The police are really going to have to unravel all that before they can look at culpability.'

'We're really looking at misadventure or 意図 ... the police looking both of those until they have 証拠 to take them 負かす/撃墜する one of those paths,' Prof Mallett said.

The professor was also asked about comparisons to the Erin Patterson mushroom 毒(薬)ing 事例/患者, in which a Gippsland woman was 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with three counts of 殺人 and five counts of 殺人未遂.?

She is 申し立てられた/疑わしい to have 毒(薬)d a home-cooked meal with 有毒な mushrooms, 殺人,大当り 親族s of her estranged partner.

Prof Mallett said that 'some of the (same) toxicologists' may be 伴う/関わるd in the 最新の 事例/患者.?

'They (捜査官/調査官s) need to know 正確に/まさに what was in that tea that 恐らく 含む/封じ込めるd 魔法 mushrooms. It may be there are some other 有毒な mushrooms in there,' she said.

'They will need to 決定する 正確に/まさに what mushrooms were 恐らく in that drink.

The professor said it is 高度に ありそうもない Ms Dixon willingly 消費するd mushrooms she knew to be 潜在的に 致命的な, so police are only left with the 可能性s that this was 'an awful 事故' or 'something more intentful'.

There is no suggestion the 毒(薬)ing was intentional.??

Prof Mallett said that 'some of the (same) toxicologists' may be involved in the latest case

Prof Mallett said that 'some of the (same) toxicologists' may be 伴う/関わるd in the 最新の 事例/患者

Two other people at the health 退却/保養地 were also 急ぐd to hospital after 恐らく 消費するing a drink with 'foraged' 成分s.?

They were 解放(する)d from hospital on Tuesday.?

Ms Dixon's son Matthew paid 尊敬の印 to his mother on Sunday, 令状ing: 'To the most loving, most caring person I've ever known can't thank you enough for everything you ever did for me and all the support you gave me'.

'Words can't begin to 述べる how much I will 行方不明になる you, wish I could give you one last 抱擁する.'

探偵,刑事s with the Moorabool 罪,犯罪 調査 部隊 are 調査/捜査するing Ms Dixon's death and are 始める,決める to interview those at the 退却/保養地 at the time.

Ms Dixon
's son, Matthew, paid tribute to his mother on social media on Sunday

Ms Dixon's son, Matthew, paid 尊敬の印 to his mother on social マスコミ on Sunday

Soul Barn's Facebook page 述べるs the centre as an '代案/選択肢 & Holistic Health Service' and was used to spruik the skincare event.

'(The specialist) weaves 古代の skincare rituals and 連合させるs them with modern techniques to create 養育するing yet active facials,' it was advertised.

'Using infused herbal oils sourced from 地元の farms & wild foraged 工場/植物s, 加える handcrafted skincare from around the world 特に chosen for its potency and 潔白 ... This is a facial like 非,不,無 other, one you will never forget!'

A 地位,任命する on Sunday 延長するd the 商売/仕事' 'deepest 弔慰s' while 明言する/公表するing a 'sound 傷をいやす/和解させるing' 開会/開廷/会期 that day would be cancelled and those who 調書をとる/予約するd would be refunded.

Police are expected to investigate whether the drink contained 'magic' mushrooms, a hallucinogenic, but aren't ruling out other toxic substances (pictured, Soul Barn)

Police are 推定する/予想するd to 調査/捜査する whether the drink 含む/封じ込めるd '魔法' mushrooms, a hallucinogenic, but aren't 判決,裁定 out other 有毒な 実体s (pictured, Soul Barn)