イスラム教徒 leader 反応するs after Sydney church stabbing in Wakeley?

Two 影響力のある イスラム教徒 leaders have criticised stabbing 犠牲者 Bishop 損なう Mari Emmanuel over comments he made, which they (人命などを)奪う,主張する 侮辱d their 宗教.

The bishop, 53, is in a stable 条件 in hospital after he was 恐らく stabbed by a teen about 7pm Monday while he led a service at Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley in what police have called a 'テロリスト 出来事/事件'.

The 十代の少年少女 was 逮捕(する)d on the online broadcast of the church service 持つ/拘留するing a blade, 肺ing at the bishop and shouting 'Allahu Akbar'.

A later ビデオ showed the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 16-year-old 悪党/犯人 拘留するd by police on the ground inside the church before he spoke in Arabic.

The words are understood to translate to: 'If he didn't 断言する at my Prophet, I wouldn't be here. If he didn't 伴う/関わる himself in my 宗教, I wouldn't be here.'

Mohamed Shaar, who runs the Sydney?Ruqyah Centre, and The Australian イスラム教徒 social マスコミ page, which has more than 2.6million 信奉者s, have both 非難するd the violent 行為/法令/行動する but said some of the bishop's teachings were hate speech.

'What's funny is all those イスラム教徒s 説 quick 回復, and I hope he gets better and so on,' Mr Shaar said.

He then 選び出す/独身d out the 地元の 会議, asking them 'Where were you when he was 乱用ing our prophet and our 宗教?'

'We 非難する the people who do any 害(を与える), even to an animal. We don't support any 肉親,親類d of 暴力/激しさ in our community but why 港/避難所't you, Mr 政治家,政治屋 and Mr Community Leader, said something to him that could have solved the 問題/発行するs?'

'He ran his mouth and said that our Prophet is rotten in a 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な. We love our Prophet.

'Leave our 宗教 and Prophet alone.'

The alleged attacked was streamed in on online broadcast of the church service

The 申し立てられた/疑わしい attacked was streamed in on online broadcast of the church service?

Mohammed Shaar, who has previously courted controversy over homophobic views , said the bishop had 'ran his mouth' about the prophet Muhammad

Mohammed Shaar, who has 以前 法廷,裁判所d 論争 over homophobic 見解(をとる)s , said the bishop had 'ran his mouth' about the prophet Muhammad

The Australian イスラム教徒 social マスコミ page, which is not to be 混乱させるd with the Australian イスラム教徒 事業/計画(する), said: 'I'm not 正当化するing the 活動/戦闘s of that kid, but the bishop starte d it'.

'He's been 名誉き損,中傷ing our prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. We イスラム教徒s will never ever 名誉き損,中傷 Jesus, peace be upon him.'

The comments 誘発するd mixed 返答s from 信奉者s, and more than 1,000 likes.

'I watched a ビデオ of him a couple of days 支援する, he sounded so self 消費するd and demeaning to other 宗教s. This is very 関心ing,' one said.

'We need 静める, not inflammatory language. We live in a multi cultural society and there will always be people who 拒絶する our 約束 but we should 始める,決める good examples through our 活動/戦闘s,' argued another.

'We will never grow, 円熟した and be 適切に 尊敬(する)・点d by those outside our 約束 until we learn to 反対する ignorance and 宣伝 with education rather than 暴力/激しさ,' a third said.

The church where Bishop 損なう Mari Emmanuel was attacked as he led a service broke away from the Assyrian Church of the East in 2014 over theological differences.

The bishop had 伸び(る)d a 重要な に引き続いて on social マスコミ where the Christ the Good Shepherd's Facebook and YouTube pages have more than 240,000 信奉者s.

He has 配達するd some sermons criticising 非,不,無-Christian 宗教s, 含むing Judaism and Islam, and has also recently 配達するd sermons calling for peace in Gaza.

He appeared in a 議論の的になる ビデオ made last December for the PBD Podcast, hosted by American 放送者 Patrick Bet-David.

On the podcast, Bishop Emmanuel (pictured) questioned Islamic beliefs around 
Jesus, who he calls Isa, and said 'the truth hurts'

On the podcast, Bishop Emmanuel (pictured) questioned Islamic beliefs around Jesus, who he calls Isa, and said 'the truth 傷つけるs'

On the podcast, Bishop Emmanuel questioned Islamic beliefs around Jesus, who he calls Isa, and said 'the truth 傷つけるs'.

'Your 調書をとる/予約する (the Koran) says that Isa, son of Mary, went up to Heaven alive and he will come 支援する to 裁判官 the dead and the living.

'If I ask a イスラム教徒 'Who 裁判官s?', they will say God.

'井戸/弁護士席, you're telling me this prophet (Muhammad) will 裁判官, so which is which? Has the prophet taken the 役割 of God? Has God gone on vacation and he's come and taken his position?'

The bishop said 'Isa is the living messiah, even (the Koran) says'.

'Now let me ask you, my dear イスラム教徒, if you're (人命などを)奪う,主張するing Isa is a prophet, then how come all the other prophets which you believe in - you believe in Moses, you believe in Isa, you believe in all the prophets of the Old Testament.

'How come 非,不,無 of the Old Testament prophets were referred to as 'The word of God', except Isa? Why?'

Bishop Emmanuel then spoke about Jesus' birth to Mary and how he is the son of God.

'How come all the prophets and every 選び出す/独身 human 存在 on the 直面する of this 惑星 was born of an Earthly father and an Earthly mother, yet Jesus, son of Mary, was born in a virginal birth,' he said.

'He has an Earthly mother, but has no Earthly father. For his father (is) who art in Heaven.'

The outspoken bishop 追加するd that 'The very 推論する/理由 Muhammad failed is because he's dead. Their 調書をとる/予約する says that ...

'I know truth 傷つけるs. I'm not 感情を害する/違反するing people, I'm speaking the truth. And if it 感情を害する/違反するs you, I'm really sorry. Not. I'm not sorry for that.'

He later told his fellow panellists on the podcast that 'When you go to Heaven, I can 保証する you ... Muhammad will not 迎える/歓迎する you, Buddha will not 迎える/歓迎する you, (Hindu deity) Krishna will not 迎える/歓迎する you, because they will not.

'It will be only one, who is the way, the truth and the life, it will be Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who died for you and me.'

NSW 首相 Chris Minns has met with leaders from different 約束s across the city who have all 問題/発行するd 声明s 非難するing the attack and calling for peace and まとまり.

Mr Minns said the city is in a combustible and 異常な 状況/情勢 and there's no point pretending さもなければ after the stabbing 誘発するd violent 暴動s in Wakeley.

'I can understand people's 関心 and 苦悩 in what has been an incredibly difficult week in Sydney,' Mr Minns said.

'It is a combustible 状況/情勢, there's no point in pretending that everything is as normal.'

Mr Minns said police now had 高めるd patrols.

'特に in western Sydney, 特に around 宗教的な 会・原則s, for the 残り/休憩(する) of the week and the 週末,' he said.

NSW Premier Chris Minns met with faith leaders on Tuesday to call for peace and unity

NSW 首相 Chris Minns met with 約束 leaders on Tuesday to call for peace and まとまり

The public has been 勧めるd to come together and 行為/法令/行動する reasonably.

'Take the 注意する from the 市民の and 宗教的な leaders of this 明言する/公表する who are calling for 静める and an 絶対の repudiation of all 肉親,親類d of 暴力/激しさ,' Mr Minns said.

Several police who 答える/応じるd to the stabbing were 負傷させるd during the その後の 暴動 while paramedics had to 捜し出す 避難 in the church as a large (人が)群がる gathered after the attack was 逮捕(する)d during a social マスコミ livestream.

It was 宣言するd an 行為/法令/行動する of terror on Tuesday, with an 明らかな 宗教的な 動機づけ behind the attack 恐らく committed by a 16-year-old with a history of knife-関係のある 罪,犯罪.

Mr Minns said he had spoken with the five officers hospitalised after the 暴動.

'Several of them were 支援する out on 転換 the next day,' he said, 賞賛するing their dedication.

The attack was streamed on social マスコミ, where 連邦の 環境 大臣 and Sydney MP Tanya Plibersek 警告するd lies are 存在 used to divide a reeling city.

'We know there are people deliberately trying to stoke 分割 on social マスコミ ... switch if off if you can,' she said.