荒涼とした 警告 Australia's (一定の)期間 of wild 天候 is not over as dreaded La Ni?a makes a possible return

Australians have been 警告するd La Ni?a could return and bring plenty of rain in a その上の blow for the country after it experienced one of its wettest starts to the year.

Sky News Australia 気象学者 略奪する Sharpe 予報するd there is a very high chance of a '劇の swing' to La Ni?a 条件s in the coming months.?

Eastern Australia 記録,記録的な/記録するd its wettest period between December and March since 2010 after 24 per cent more rain than normal fell in the 地域.?

Mr Sharpe's 予測(する) 予報するs even more rain is on the way.??

'If La Ni?a develops it would likely bring wetter than usual 天候 to much of Australia ? 特に the tropics, centre and southeastern inland 地域s,' he said.

La Ni?a is predicted to bring even more wet weather to Australia

La Ni?a is predic ted to bring even more wet 天候 to Australia

によれば Mr Sharpe, the west and far south of Australia will most likely escape the worst of La Ni?a.

The Bureau of Meteorology has 公式に 宣言するd that El Ni?o is over, with 大洋の and atmospheric 条件s returning to normal.??

This 中立の 天候 段階 should result in drier 天候 for the next few months, before a change brought on by the arrival of La Ni?a.??

La Ni?a occurs when equatorial 貿易(する) 勝利,勝つd become stronger, changing ocean surface 現在のs, 製図/抽選 cooler 深い water up from the the ocean depths.

They usually occur every three to five years, but can occur over a number of 連続した years.?

Typically, La Ni?a sees a 転換ing of 降雨 patterns に向かって South East Asia and Australia and a 強化するing of the easterly equatorial 勝利,勝つd.?

This results in 増加するd 降雨 over most of Australia and areas south of the tropics experiencing cooler daytime 気温s 同様に as more 熱帯の サイクロンs and an earlier onset of 季節風 season.?

Other 天候 機関s have also been 予測(する)ing the 可能性 of a La Ni?a event.

Last week, the 国家の 大洋の and Atmospheric 行政 明言する/公表するd the 半端物s of a La Ni?a occurring are at around 85 per cent.

The arrival of La Ni?a will result in increased rainfall over most of Australia

The arrival of La Ni?a will result in 増加するd 降雨 over most of Australia

The Bureau of Meteorology also warns another La Ni?a could be on the way in the coming months

The Bureau of Meteorology also 警告するs another La Ni?a could be on the way in the coming months

What is a?La Ni?a event?

??La Ni?a occurs when equatorial 貿易(する) 勝利,勝つd become stronger, changing ocean surface 現在のs and 製図/抽選 cooler 深い water up from below.?

This results in a 冷静な/正味のing of the central and eastern 熱帯の 太平洋の Ocean.

?La Ni?a typically means:?

  • 増加するd 降雨 across much of Australia Cooler daytime 気温s (south of the tropics)?
  • < li class="class">Warmer 夜通し 気温s (in the north)?
  • 転換 in 気温 extremes?
  • 減少(する)d 霜 危険?
  • Greater 熱帯の サイクロン numbers?
  • Earlier 季節風 onset?

Source: Bureau of Meteorology


There are 関心s the coming?La Ni?a event will bring more wild 天候 に引き続いて months of 強い雨 that has already 原因(となる)d flooding and 集まり 灯火管制/停電s.?

Earlier this month, the eastern 明言する/公表するs were 粉砕するd by a 黒人/ボイコット Nor'easter, a freak mega rain 爆弾 that brought wild 勝利,勝つd and flash flooding on April 5.

This resulted in some areas deluged with a month's 価値(がある) of 降雨 in just one day.?

The 大規模な 降雨 and high 勝利,勝つd also 原因(となる)d 大混乱 at airports, on the roads and rail 網状組織s.?

More than 100 flights into and out of Sydney's 国内の and international airports were cancelled 予定 to the extreme 天候.

The 破滅的な floods led to 集まり 避難/引き上げ orders, with over 150 people needing to be 救助(する)d from rising 洪水s in NSW.

At the 高さ of the ferocious 天候, the NSW 明言する/公表する 緊急 Service received 4,128 calls for 援助 in just 24 hours.??

The epic floods tragically resulted in the death of a 71-year-old man in South East Queensland.

The man 溺死するd when his ute was washed away by 洪水s south of Brisbane.?

The Bureau of Meteorology has officially declared that El Ni?o is over, with oceanic and atmospheric conditions returning to normal

The Bureau of Meteorology has 公式に 宣言するd that El Ni?o is over, with 大洋の and atmospheric 条件s returning to normal

Other drivers were 救助(する)d in an another 出来事/事件 in the same area.?The 天候 event resulted in 記録,記録的な/記録する 降雨s in Queensland.?

On April 7, the north Brisbane 郊外 of Burpengary was 攻撃する,衝突する with 133mm of rain in just one hour and the 嵐/襲撃する 捨てるd 153mm on Greenbank, south east of Brisbane.

A person was 救助(する)d from a 沈むing v ehicle in 洪水s 近づく Caboolture. The driver was 補助装置d by paramedics, but 拒絶する/低下するd 医療の 治療.?

豪雨 also 原因(となる)d 普及した flash flooding in Victoria earlier this month, resulting in road 終結s across the 明言する/公表する.

A woman in Daylesford had a 奇蹟 escape after 落ちるing into a flooded stormwater drain on April 1.

She was swept along by 激怒(する)ing water as it rose up to her neck. She managed to 粘着する to a 政治家 before climbing out of the drain.

The Victorian SES received over 500 緊急 callouts on April 1, 答える/応じるing to 113 flooding events in homes and 商売/仕事s and 260 損失d buildings.

Over 2,000 homes in eastern Victoria were 攻撃する,衝突する with 力/強力にする outages.

The wild 天候 (機の)カム after Australia experienced one of its wettest periods between December and March.

In December 2023, an '前例のない' cyclonic 嵐/襲撃する ripped through Queensland's southeast on Christmas and ボクシング Day bringing 豪雨, 損失ing 勝利,勝つd and 嵐/襲撃するs.?

The wild 嵐/襲撃するs killed 10 people, 含むing nine-year-old Mia Holland-McCormack who died on ボクシング Day after 存在 swept into a drain by flood waters in Rochedale South, in southeast Brisbane.?

The 犠牲者s also 含むd Brisbane Rugby 身元 David 'Mario' Logan and schoolteacher Stephen 'Taity' Tait who were killed after a boat 持つ/拘留するing 11 people 転覆するd 近づく Green Island, in Moreton Bay, at about 5.30pm on ボクシング Day.