Caloundra Music Festival is cancelled: Another Australian event is canned 予定 to cost-of-living 危機

Another Australian music festival has been cancelled with the organiser 非難するing 増加するd costs and slow ticket sales resulting from the cost-of-living 危機.

Caloundra Music Festival, which had 16,000 people …に出席する last year, is held 毎年 at Kings Beach on the 日光 Coast and was scheduled for October 4 - 6.

The event, held over three days, usually floods the 地元の economy with an 概算の $4m.

However, the event organisers, 日光 Coast 会議, said in a 声明?they have had to 'pause' the festival.

Caloundra Music Festival is the 最新の such event to be called off, after Splendour in the Grass, Groovin the Moo and other multi-行為/法令/行動する shows.

The Caloundra Music Festival attracted 16,000 concert-goers last year. The festival was scheduled for October 2024 has been paused due to rising costs

The Caloundra Music Festival attracted 16,000 concert-goers last year. The festival was scheduled for Octobe r 2024 has been paused 予定 to rising costs?

The organiser posted on Facebook they were 'devastated' to be cancelling the event

The organiser 地位,任命するd on Facebook they were '荒廃させるd' to be cancelling the event?

'The much-loved Caloundra Music Festival (CMF) will take a break in 2024 予定 to the 衝撃 of rising operating costs and cost-of-living 圧力s on event ticket sales,' organisers said in a 声明.

'It will join the growing 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of major music festivals across Australia that have been 影響する/感情d by 類似の challenges.'

The festival organisers said like other festivals around the country, they too had experienced rising costs, 含むing 組織/基盤/下部構造, 安全, policing, 労働, and accommodation.

日光 Coast 会議 also said they have had to 競う with the '衝撃 of higher 利益/興味 率s' on patrons - 同様に as 増加するd rent, food, 燃料 and 力/強力にする costs which has meant people have very little 使い捨てできる income left over for entertainment.

日光 Coast 会議 分割 2 議員 Terry Landsberg said the 年次の event is a loss for the area's 地元の event 産業.

'The 増加するing 支出 要求するd to 配達する a 安全な and entertaining even t while trying to keep tickets prices reasonable puts festivals like this in a 不安定な position,' he said.

'We needed to make a 決定/判定勝ち(する) 早期に in the planning 過程 to 避ける the 可能性のある of 高くつく/犠牲の大きい 取り消し 料金s.

'Hopefully, 条件s will 改善する, and it can get 支援する on its feet.'

Festival director Richie Eyles said the event also 供給するd 地元の performers the? 適切な時期 to 'get a 脚-up into the festival scene' and 株 the 行う/開催する/段階 with both Aussie and international 行為/法令/行動するs.

'The 日光 Coast has such a vibrant music community and the loss of CMF, と一緒に other events in 2024, like Groovin the Moo, will be felt 深く,強烈に,' he said.

The organiser has said current financial pressures, such increased prices for food, fuel and rent have impacted people's ability to afford concert tickets (pictured past Caloundra Music Festival attendees)

The organiser has said 現在の 財政上の 圧力s, such 増加するd prices for food, 燃料 and rent have 衝撃d people's ability to afford concert tickets (pic tured past Caloundra Music Festival attendees)

'I encourage people to support other festivals, 発生地s and artists by 購入(する)ing tickets often and 早期に.'

Artists to 成し遂げる at Caloundra have 含むd Empire of the Sun, Missy Higgins and Powderfinger, 同様に as international artists 逮捕(する)d 開発, New 力/強力にする 世代 and Michael Franti.?

The Australian Festival 協会’s Adelle Robinson told a 上院 審理,公聴会 on Tuesday more than 25 music events have been cancelled since 2022.

Ms Robinson 勧めるd the 政府 to introduce 対策 such as a 政府-supported 保険 計画/陰謀.

Creative Australia’s first Soundcheck 報告(する)/憶測 that was 解放(する)d last week 明らかにする/漏らすd the cost was an 普通の/平均(する) $3.9 million to run a music festival.?

その上に, the 報告(する)/憶測 said more than one-third of Australian music festivals are losing money, 特記する/引用するing 急上昇するing 操作の costs, difficult red-tape and people in their late teens and 早期に 20s not …に出席するing events.

Out of 51 Australian music festivals 調査するd, over half made a 利益(をあげる) - but 35 per cent had a median loss of $470,000.?

READ MORE:?Ridiculous call to raise Centrelink 支払い(額)s so young Aussies can go to music festivals?

A new report has found economic pressures and the soaring cost-of-living has seen a drastic drop in ticket sales among young Aussies

A new 報告(する)/憶測 has 設立する 経済的な 圧力s and the 急に上がるing cost-of-living has seen a 激烈な 減少(する) in ticket sales の中で young Aussies?
