Westfield Bondi Junction stabbing: Crazed shopping centre 殺し屋 Joel Cauchi 時代遅れの 十代の少年少女 half his age as she 明らかにする/漏らすs 詳細(に述べる)s of their five-month 事件/事情/状勢

集まり 殺し屋?Joel Cauchi?had 時代遅れの an 18-year-old when he was more than twice her age at 37 - and the young woman has now given a 冷気/寒がらせるing insight into their 関係.

Josephine Everson first met Cauchi, a surfer and online English 教える, in 中央の 2019, around the time of her 18th birthday.

Five years later, Ms Everson was horrified to see her ex-boyfriend gunned 負かす/撃墜する by police after his murderous rampage?at Westfield Bondi Junction.

Cauchi fatally?stabbed five women and a man?and 負傷させるd 12 more on Saturday before he was 発射 dead by police 視察官 Amy Scott.

In 2019, Ms Everson and Cauchi met for the first time through a dating website in their Queensland home town of Toowoomba, 125km west of Brisbane.

Josephine Everson (pictured) began dating Joel Cauchi around her 18th birthday in 2019, despite their almost 20-year age difference

Josephine Everson (pictured) began dating Joel Cauchi around her 18th birthday in 2019, にもかかわらず their almost 20-year age difference

Cauchi (pictured) was shot dead by a lone policewoman after stabbing six innocent shoppers to death and injuring at least a dozen more, including a nine-month-old baby girl

Cauchi (pictured) was 発射 dead by a 孤独な policewoman after stabbing six innocent shoppers to death and 負傷させるing at least a dozen more, 含むing a nine-month-old baby girl

にもかかわらず their almost 20-year age gap, the pair met for coffee?at Northpoint Shopping Centre and すぐに 攻撃する,衝突する it off.

They continued dating for about five months, during which time Ms?Everson said they went on day trips around the 地域.

The couple trekked to the 最高の,を越す?of the Toowoomba 範囲 and took another excursion to a place outside nearby Highfields 'with pumpkins on the 盗品故買者'.

'He was a fun and 肉親,親類d person,' she told the ABC on Wednesday.?

Ms Everson wept as she 認める not knowing Cauchi 苦しむd from schizophrenia, with which he was 診断するd at age 17.?

'He always had this big smile on his 直面する. He was a joyful person,' she said.

The pair 社債d over their love of photography, with Cauchi teaching Ms Everson how to use her camera 適切に.

She 追加するd he was 'always respectful' throughout their 関係 and had met her parents.?

However, their 関係 悪化するd when Cauchi moved to Brisbane in October 2019, when his parents said he began to stop taking his anti-psychotic 麻薬s.

The couple tried to keep in 接触する but 結局 ended the 関係 because of the distance between them.

Cauchi's 関心d parents,?Michele and Andrew Cauchi, had been trying to reach the 40-year-old in 最近の months.

After losing 接触する with their son, they ended up 接触するing his bank just to find out if he was alive and had been using his account.

They were relieved when just five weeks ago Cauchi sent his parents a selfie from Sydney.

'Mum, I just want to show you how beautiful Coogee Beach [is],' he wrote.

But the next time the couple saw their son was on television, carrying out the gruesome shopping centre attack.

Cauchi (pictured) was diagnosed with schizophrenia at 17 years old and was unmedicated at the time of the Westfield Bondi Junction stabbing

Cauchi (pictured) was 診断するd with schizophrenia at 17 years old and was unmedicated at the time of the Westfield Bondi Junction stabbing

Ms Cauchi (pictured) received a selfie of her son at Coogee Beach five weeks before the attack

Ms Cauchi (pictured) received a selfie of her son at Coogee Beach five weeks before the attack

READ MORE:?Sobbing parents of crazed knifeman Joel Cauchi 激突する their 殺し屋 son


'I walked in and my wife said, "It looks like Joel." I said, "It does a bit," but he had his 長,率いる 負かす/撃墜する,' Mr Cauchi said.?

Several other former romantic partners of Cauchi's have come 今後 since the Bondi stabbing.

One Brisbane woman, who (人命などを)奪う,主張するs she met Cauchi on Tinder in 2020, said she got the impression Cauchi was 簡単に looking to connect with people.?

A?Gold Coast?woman, who wished to remain 匿名の/不明の, told Daily Mail Australia about her 簡潔な/要約する 関係 with the knifeman.

The woman said she barely recognised the 殺し屋 from the man she met on the Badoo?dating app in April 2020.

'I struck up a conversation with him for a while then I had a few drinks with him at his house in Brisbane. He lived there with flatmates,' she said.

'He was a lovely guy when I met him, definitely 静かな and reserved. I'm just very shocked at what has happened.?

'It's hard to believe he has killed these innocent people.'

She 述べるd Cauchi as a 'true gentleman' but 認める they only met in person once as he was not her type.

にもかかわらず this, the pair continued their 関係 into 2021.?

'He was a very nice guy. 井戸/弁護士席 spoken. I only saw him once but we did text for a good year after that,' she said.

'He (機の)カム across a little too nerdy for me, to be honest, but we still kept in touch. I live on the Gold Coast and he lived in Brisbane at the time.'

A Brisbane woman, who claims she met Cauchi on Tinder in 2020, said she got the impression Cauchi was simply looking to connect with people (pictured, messages from their chat)

A Brisbane woman, who (人命などを)奪う,主張するs she met Cauchi on Tinder in 2020, said she got the impression Cauchi was 簡単に looking to connect with people (pictured, messages from their 雑談(する))

A Gold Coast woman (pictured) described Cauchi as acting like a 'true gentleman' during their brief relationship

A Gold Coast woman (pictured) 述べるd Cauchi as 事実上の/代理 like a 'true gentleman' during their 簡潔な/要約する 関係

にもかかわらず Cauchi's father 以前 telling Daily Mail Australia the 40-year-old lived a 'backpacker' lifestyle, which 伴う/関わるd 回転/交替ing between sleeping in his car and cheap 宿泊所s, the Gold Coast woman didn not 解任する Cauchi having an 利益/興味 in travel.

'He never について言及するd travelling to me. That's why I was surprised he was in Bondi,' she said.

While most of the women said Cauchi seemed like a polite, 井戸/弁護士席-spoken date, another said she stopped seeing him 予定 to his 半端物 behaviour.

'We went to church together. I went on a few coffee dates with him, but he had compulsions,' she said.?

'It was a bit weird so I stopped messaging him, then he said he was moving away. I'm in shock.'

Another person, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing to be in the knifeman's 'の近くに circle of friends' during high school in Toowoomba, gave an insight into Cauchi's strange behaviour.

'He was one of those ones at school that was shy, always a bit on the weird 味方する, but whenever he did something it was always 十分な 攻撃する,' they wrote.

'In hindsight he probably didn't 規制する that 井戸/弁護士席.?

'Dropped off the レーダ after school but to my knowledge he didn't 持続する any friendships with his circle of school mates.'

They believe Cauchi was 苦しむing a mental health episod e at the time of Saturday's Westfield attack which is a theory 株d by police and echoed by his distraught parents.

Cauchi was 診断するd with schizophrenia as a 十代の少年少女 and his parents said he had gone off his 医薬, which had 誘発する/引き起こすd his psychosis.

'It might seem like misplaced empathy but the Joel that I knew would have not been himself, not in 命令(する) of his 活動/戦闘s while he attacked those people,' the friend wrote.

'If there's a lesson, it's that mental illness is a b***h and we shouldn't muck around with it.

'We shouldn't be too 堅い to get help ourselves when we need to, and when people reach out to us for 関係 we should see it for what it is and not ignore them.?

'Joel's surely not the only one struggling.'

They also 株d their sympathy for the loved ones of the six shoppers who were killed and the 負傷させるd.

'I know that it's no 慰安 for the 犠牲者s, the whole thing is a 血まみれの 悲劇 for them and their families, for Joel and his family, and for everyone connected with the event who doesn't feel as 安全な to go shopping there now,' they wrote.

NSW Police do not believe the stabbing was an incident of terrorism, instead pointing to Cauchi's (pictured) history of mental illness

NSW Police do not believe the stabbing was an 出来事/事件 of テロ行為, instead pointing to Cauchi's (pictured) history of mental illness

The six people killed in Saturday's rampage have been identified as?mother Ashlee Good, 38, advertising heiress 夜明け Singleton, 25, architect Jade Young, 47, artist Pikria Darchia, 55, 安全 guard Faraz Tahir, 30, and Chinese student?Yixuan Cheng, 27.?

The attack is still under police 調査 and will be 支配する to a coronial 検死.