• Students at Parkland High filmed as the teacher was 残酷に 強襲,強姦d
  • Giggles were heard as the student towered over his 犠牲者 and taunted her
  • The student has been 逮捕(する)d on a 軽罪?告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 に引き続いて the ordeal
  • WARNING: ビデオ 含む/封じ込めるs graphic content?

Teachers at a school have 反応するd with horror to a ビデオ of their middle-老年の 女性(の) 同僚 存在 繰り返して punched in the 直面する and 乱用d by a male student.

The 十代の少年少女 has been 逮捕(する)d after a classmate filmed the profanity-laden physical attack at Parkland High School in North Salem, North Carolina.

The teacher sits motionless in the classroom as the student lands a 権利-手渡すd punch to her cheek before he steps 支援する and 需要・要求するs: 'Want me to 攻撃する,衝突する you again?'

'I don't want it,' she replies before he repeats his 需要・要求する and punches her again, this time with his left, in the ビデオ 明らかにするd by North Carolina (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域.

地区 弁護士/代理人/検事 Jim O'Neill said he had no 当局 to 起訴する the 凶漢 as an adult for his 強襲,強姦 on the teacher who has astonished 捜査官/調査官s with her resilience.

'I still see it playing in my 長,率いる,' Forsyth 郡 郡保安官 Bobby Kimbrough said. 'I'm amazed that she even showed up for work today.'?

Phones are whipped out at 
Parkland High School in North Carolina as the student attacks his teacher in class, towering over her and landing a series of blows

Phones are whipped out at Parkland High School in North Carolina as the student attacks his teacher in class, 非常に高い over her and 上陸 a 一連の blows

The middle-aged teacher sits impassively as the student punches her in the face again, sending her glasses flying from her face

The middle-老年の teacher sits impassively as the student punches her in the 直面する again, sending her glasses 飛行機で行くing from her 直面する

A 安全な・保証する 保護/拘留 order was 問題/発行するd against the boy on Tuesday for one count of communicating 脅しs and tw o counts of 軽罪 強襲,強姦.

DA Jim O'Neill said he could not be 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d as an adult because the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s only 量 to a 軽罪 so they cannot be brought to superior 法廷,裁判所.

But he 警告するd students that they 直面する the same consequences for attacking teachers as they would for 強襲,強姦ing police officers.

'We're here to see that you're never 強襲,強姦d when you go to work,' he told a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会.

'We want to remind people if you put your 手渡すs on a teacher, it's the same as if you put your 手渡すs on one of these officers.

'The 検察官's office will bring the 負わせる of this office 負かす/撃墜する on 最高の,を越す of you, so you should have 恐れる of consequences.'

Neither the student or the teacher have been 指名するd but more than one million people have seen (映画の)フィート数 of the attack after it was uploaded by the student's classmate, にもかかわらず the school's 試みる/企てる to stop it 存在 株d.

It is not known if the 十分な extent of the attack was caught by the ビデオ which opens with the student 上陸 his first blow.

Fellow students are heard giggling in the background as the student stalks back to his seat while taunting his victim:?'Ain't nobody coming,' he boasts

Fellow students are heard giggling in the background as the student stalks 支援する to his seat while taunting his 犠牲者:?'Ain't nobody coming,' he 誇るs

The school in North Salem wrote to parents about the 'unsettling interaction' and asked that they did not share the video footage

The school in North Salem wrote to parents about the 'unsettling interaction' and asked that they did not 株 the ビデオ (映画の)フィート数

The 井戸/弁護士席-built student 繰り返して 断言するs at and 乱用s the educator as he towers over the middle-老年の woman sitting in the corner of her class.

The second blow sends her glasses 飛行機で行くing from her 長,率いる and leaves her 小衝突ing the hair out of her 直面する as the 攻撃者 glowers at her.

'I told you I'm not f***ing playing with you,' he yells.

'You think that 影響する/感情d me in any way?' she asks resignedly as he jigs to the 支援する of the classroom.

Another student is heard giggling as he taunts her. 'Ain't nobody coming,' he 誇るs. 'You just got slappe d. Go 支援する to teaching.'

Tripp Jeffers, a former 同僚 of the Parkland educator, 述べるd her as a 'wonderful teacher'.

'This is shocking to the 核心. No educator should be 扱う/治療するd this way.'

But the school 地区 記録,記録的な/記録するd 46 出来事/事件s of students 強襲,強姦ing school staff in the last academic year.

'I didn't 恐れる the students. I didn't ever feel 脅すd by them in any way, and I really enjoyed my time teaching there,' said Kisha 塀で囲む-Freeman who taught there between 2012 and 2019.

Forsyth County Sheriff Bobby Kimbrough paid tribute to the bravery of the teacher, remarking: 'I'm amazed that she even showed up for work today'

Forsyth 郡 郡保安官 Bobby Kimbrough paid 尊敬の印 to the bravery of the teacher, 発言/述べるing: 'I'm amazed that she even showed up for work today'

District Superintendent Tricia McManus said she would recommend the student?s expulsion
District Attorney Jim O'Neill said he could not be tried as an adult

地区 Superintendent Tricia McManus said she would recommend the student's 追放, but 地区 弁護士/代理人/検事 Jim O'Neill said he could not be tried as an adult

But she said より悪くするing 行為 had been 悪化させるd by more lenient discipline.

'They hear the cussing and the bad language from their parents 同様に,' she told WFMY.

'I have seen that get progressively worse, even just going through the 蓄える/店s or in the 商店街s. I hear it, I see it, and it wasn't like that not even 10 years ago it wasn't like that.'

郡保安官 Kimbrough 述べるd the attack as 'deplorable and outrageous'.

'We should 持つ/拘留する those who teach and educate our children in the highest regard,' he 追加するd.

'All of us should be 乱暴/暴力を加えるd when those who educate us can be 強襲,強姦d. We, as a community, must bring order not only to our community but our children.'

School 主要な/長/主犯 Noel Keener told parents the students will 直面する 'disciplinary 活動/戦闘' over what she 述べるd as an '不適切な and unsettling interaction'.

'We are working with 地区 staff to 演説(する)/住所 this すぐに and 確実にする 行為 like this is not 許容するd in our school and 地区,' she wrote in a letter.

'When you see a 関心ing social マスコミ 地位,任命する or text, please remember to 報告(する)/憶測 it, not repost or reshare it.'

地区 Superintendent Tricia McManus said she would recommend the student's 追放 when the attack is discussed by the school board.

'My 焦点(を合わせる) now is on making sure that our teacher is taken care of and has the support needed to navigate through the 継続している 影響s of this 出来事/事件,' she 追加するd.

But Jenny 復活祭 of the Forsyth 郡 協会 of Educators, 述べるd the 返答 to the attack as a 'travesty'.

'The level of disrespect toward educators, to be frank, is one of the many 推論する/理由s we have a major teacher exodus 危機 in the 明言する/公表する,' she 追加するd.