A British man has been 刑務所,拘置所d for just nine months after 支配するing his Australian girlfriend to years of physical and mental 乱用 - even 脅すing her children.

Nadine Hams, 43, from Gippsland in southeastern Victoria, said Terry Phillips was at first very affectionate and 'love-爆破' after they met online.

Within six months,?Phillips had turned violent, leaving the mother-of-four with a broken cheekbone, broken wrist, and often bruised and 乱打するd.

The 乱用 even continued when she was 妊娠している, with Phillips once hitting her over the 長,率いる with a stick while she was 運動ing.

Just a week after she gave birth, Ms Hams was kicked in the stomach while breastfeeding, with Phillips almost making 接触する with her baby.

He then punched her in the 直面する, breaking her cheek.?

Nadine Hams, 43, from Gippsland in southeastern Victoria, has opened up about her relationship with Terry Phillips, who she said was at first very affectionate and 'love-bombing'

Nadine Hams, 43, from Gippsland in southeastern Victoria, has opened up about her 関係 with Terry Phillips, who she said was at first very affectionate and 'love-爆破'

'His fuse could go from normal to a psychopath within a 分裂(する) second,' she told Nine News.?

'He is a disgusting human 存在.'

Ms Hams, who now 作品 as a paramedic, said her children too were 犠牲者s of Phillips' 乱用.

'You don't forget 叫び声をあげるs like that of your children,' she said.

Phillips would also 削除する her bed and pillows, was a compulsive liar and would 監視する Ms Hams' social マスコミ accounts.

Ms Hams said she kept the 乱用 a secret from loved ones and would use make-up to cover up bruises.

Terry Phillips is behind bars after assaulting Ms Hams

Terry Phillips is behind 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s after 強襲,強姦ing Ms Hams

She managed to send photos of her 傷害s to a friend and 結局 報告(する)/憶測d the 乱用 to police.

When Phillips was 直面するd with 証拠 of his 乱用 in a police interview in February, 2022, he 否定するd any 悪事を働くこと and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd it was 'made up c**p'.

Dents were even left in the fridge after Phillips slammed Ms Hams' 長,率いる into it.

Phillips pleaded 有罪の to a long 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s against Ms Hams 含むing 強襲,強姦.

He was also 設立する to have 脅すd to kill a child, and 認める to 強襲,強姦ing another woman he was dating.

Phillips was 刑務所,拘置所d for nine months and 21 days. Upon his 解放(する), he will be placed on a 15-month community 是正s order and will have to 完全にする 20 hours of community service.

He also 直面するs the 危険 of 存在 国外追放するd 支援する to the UK.

Shocking photos showed the extent of Phillips' violence against his former partner

Shocking photos showed the extent of Phill ips' 暴力/激しさ against his former partner