Megyn Kelly?has slammed Donald Trump's 現在進行中の?hush money 裁判,公判 - 述べるing it as 'disgraceful' and a humiliation to the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs.?

It is the first time a former American 大統領,/社長 has 直面するd a 犯罪の 裁判,公判. Kelly said this broke a 250-year precedent and was an example of the 合法的な system 存在 used against an ex-大統領,/社長 in what was a 'humiliation' of the country 'like she is a whore'.

The 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s 中心 on $130,000 in 支払い(額)s that Trump's company made to his then-lawyer, Michael Cohen.?

He paid that sum on Trump's に代わって to keep porn actor 嵐の Daniels from going public with her (人命などを)奪う,主張するs of a 性の 遭遇(する) with Trump a 10年間 earlier. Trump has 否定するd the 遭遇(する) ever happened.?

検察官,検事s say the 支払い(額)s to Cohen were 誤って logged as 合法的な 料金s.?

Megyn Kelly 爆破d Donald Trump's 現在進行中の hush money 裁判,公判, calling it 'disgraceful' 公式文書,認めるing it's the first time a former US 大統領,/社長 has 直面するd such 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s
Donald Trump is seen speaking to the 圧力(をかける) at the end of the second day of 陪審/陪審員団 選択 in his 裁判,公判 over 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s that he falsified 商売/仕事 記録,記録的な/記録するs to 隠す money paid to silence porn 星/主役にする 嵐の Daniels in 2016, in Manhattan 明言する/公表する 法廷,裁判所 in New York City

The 起訴 has 述べるd the money as 存在 part of a 計画/陰謀 to bury 損失ing stories Trump 恐れるd could help his 対抗者 in the 2016 race, 特に as Trump's 評判 was 苦しむing at the time from comments he made about women.

Kelly said on her show: 'To me this is a sad and disgusting day… I woke up today feeling unsettled, feeling 負かす/撃墜する about this 事例/患者.?

'It's not that I love Trump as you guys know, I'm not a Trump lover. I'm not a sycophant. I'm not a Trump derangement person either. I'm sad for our country.

'I am sad for Trump that he's 存在 put through this. What's he (刑事)被告 of doing? 支払う/賃金ing off ? yes, she's a porn 星/主役にする but let's just be honest about it ? a lover to keep 静かな about an 事件/事情/状勢. And then that 令状ing 負かす/撃墜する in the 調書をとる/予約するs, “I paid off a lover to keep 静かな about my 事件/事情/状勢.” They've ginned up that moment into 34 重罪 counts.


'For that, they broke nearly 250 years of precedent and 起訴するd a former 大統領. It's a 不名誉. It's a humiliation for us, the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs. Forget Trump.?

'Alvin Bragg, he's humiliated himself and he's brought us 負かす/撃墜する with him,' Kelly said in an excoriating 要約 of the 裁判,公判 直面するing Trump.

'It's as if they took someone like Princess Diana and made her into a street whore. That's Amer ica, and what he's 減ずるd us to today. But this mockery of our 合法的な system in all of the “Get Trump” 成果/努力s, this one is the most 不快な/攻撃.'

The 裁判,公判, part of Trump's 合法的な challenges, is a 批判的な moment in his political trajectory, with 関わりあい/含蓄s for the 近づいている 選挙 and his image in the public 注目する,もくろむ. Trump is seen in the courtroom at Manhattan 犯罪の 法廷,裁判所 on Tuesday
Trump paid porn actor 嵐の Daniels $130,000 to stop her going public with her (人命などを)奪う,主張するs of a 性の 遭遇(する) with Trump a 10年間 earlier. Trump has 否定するd the 遭遇(する) ever occurred

Kelly explained that Trump did not 文書 the hush 支払い(額) 適切に in his 調書をとる/予約するs which would 普通は be a 重罪 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 however the 申し立てられた/疑わしい coverup? elevated the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 from a 軽罪 to a 重罪 under New York 法律.

'I'm disgusted. I'm disheartened. I have very low hopes for fairness toward Trump during this 裁判,公判, either by this 裁判官 who 明確に can't stand him and shouldn't be trying the 事例/患者 at all, or by the 陪審/陪審員団 who if you play the 半端物s is going to 絶対 loathe Donald Trump as 87 パーセント of New Yorkers do,' Kelly continued.

'He used to be loved when he was just a 実業家, and 十分な of color, and swag. 井戸/弁護士席, things change when you get political. We all know that. It's a dark day for America. Alvin Bragg せねばならない be ashamed of himself,' Kelly 示唆するd.?

'And I understand what Trump is 説 what he said, “I'm proud to be here.” He's got to spin it. You know, he's taking this 合法的な 弾丸 and 実験(する)ing the system because he must and also because he's, I'm sure, horrified at what's 存在 done… This could be the thing that changes November. And if you think I'm kidding, go look at the 投票s.'?


The first seven 賠審員s for Donald Trump's hush money 裁判,公判 were seated on Tuesday after lawyers 取調べ/厳しく尋問するd the 陪審/陪審員団 pool about their social マスコミ 地位,任命するs, political 見解(をとる)s and personal lives to decide who can sit in fair judgment of the former 大統領,/社長.?

Trump looked exhausted after he (機の)カム out of the courtroom に引き続いて a second day of 陪審/陪審員団 選択
Trump stands (刑事)被告 of 有罪に altering 商売/仕事 記録,記録的な/記録するs to cover up a $130,000 hush-money 支払い(額) to porn 星/主役にする 嵐の Daniels の直前に the 2016 選挙

The 討論者/講師s who were selected are an (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) 科学(工学)技術 労働者, an English teacher, an oncology nurse, a sales professional, a ソフトウェア engineer and two lawyers.?

Eleven more people still must be sworn in before 開始 声明s begin on Monday.

It's a moment of reckoning for Trump, who has tried to put off his 起訴s until after the November 選挙 and casts himself as the 犠牲者 of a 政治上 動機づけるd 司法(官) system.?

The 裁判,公判 puts Trump's 合法的な problems at the 中心 of his closely contested race against 大統領 Joe Biden.?

It's the first of Trump's four 犯罪の 事例/患者s to reach 裁判,公判, and it may be the only one to return a 判決 before 投票者s decide whether to elect the presumptive GOP 大統領の 指名された人.?

The methodical 過程 広げるing in the Manhattan courtroom 最高潮の場面s the challenge of finding people who can 公正に/かなり 裁判官 the polarizing 被告 in the city where he built his real 広い地所 empire before 存在 elected 大統領,/社長 in 2016.

Even so, 陪審/陪審員団 選択 moved quicker than 推定する/予想するd Tuesday afternoon. It was 始める,決める to 再開する Thursday.?

On his way out of the courthouse, Trump sto pped in the hallway to rail against the 事例/患者 to reporters, 告発する/非難するing 裁判官 Juan Merchan of '急ぐing' the 裁判,公判.?

He has 否定するd any 悪事を働くこと.?

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