Aussies were left divided after terrifying (映画の)フィート数 逮捕(する)d the moment a skateboarder was run over by a トラックで運ぶ driver running a red light.?

Dashcam (映画の)フィート数 showed the スケートをする人 riding across the road before he was 攻撃する,衝突する by a トラックで運ぶ on 栄冠を与える Street at Wollongong, NSW,?at 7.27pm in February.

The スケートをする人 was seen taking large strides on the 権利 味方する of the road, before he 工場/植物d both feet on his board and glided over to the left 味方する.

As it was a red light, there was no oncoming traffic, with cars 停止(させる)d at the lights.

However, what the スケートをする人 wasn't counting on was a トラックで運ぶ running the red light that was 運動ing up on the outer-left-手渡す 小道/航路.?

The man on his board, crossed over to the left side,? (pictured far right) but wasn't aware of the truck coming up on the outer lane, which was about to run the red light

The man on his board, crossed over to the left 味方する,? (pictured far 権利) but wasn't aware of the トラックで運ぶ coming up on the outer 小道/航路, which was about to run the red light?

The rider appeared to be going behind the truck but didn't notice the trailer until the last moment (pictured)

The rider appeared to be going behind the トラックで運ぶ but didn't notice the trailer until the last moment (pictured)

As the スケートをする人 moved across the street, it appears as though he became aware of the トラックで運ぶ and 試みる/企てるd to skate around it.

He was then struck by the trailer 大(公)使館員d to the 支援する of the 乗り物.

The (映画の)フィート数 was 株d to Facebook 明らかにする/漏らすing the skateboarder 'got up soon after and was not 本気で 負傷させるd'.

Social マスコミ 使用者s were divided over who was at fault with some 説 the スケートをする人 was crossing at a 歩行者 'crossing point' and the トラックで運ぶ driver was '全く at fault'.

'How red does the トラックで運ぶ driver need [the traffic light] to be?' one wrote.

'トラックで運ぶ driver should be 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 殺人未遂,' said another.

'Lucky the boarder was able to get up or he would / should have been 直面するing 刑務所,拘置所 time,' one wrote.

'That d**khead in the トラックで運ぶ is the only one at fault here,' another said.?

Others laid the 非難する 堅固に at the feet of the スケートをする人 who they said was crossing the street 'diagonally' and was on the wrong 味方する of the road.

'He was 搭乗 like an する権利を与えるd idiot and got what he deserved!!!' one wrote.

Moment of 衝撃: the スケートをする人 was collected by the トラックで運ぶ's trailer after the driver went through the red light. The Facebook 地位,任命する to Dash (機の)カム owners Australia said the スケートをする人 wasn't '本気で 負傷させるd' (pictured)

'Stupid skateboarder,' another said.?

'He should be 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d for riding on the wrong 味方する of the road, running a red light, and malicious 損失 原因(となる)ing an 事故 to a トラックで運ぶ,' one wrote.

However, most Aussies believed both parties were at fault, with one calling them both 'idiots'.

'No sympathy for either of the clowns,' one wrote.

'When two wrongs ma ke a wrong,' another said.?

'Don't run a red light, and look both ways before crossing a road,' one wrote.

'The skateboarder and the トラックで運ぶ driver both blew the red light,' another said.

'I guess this is what happens when you have no regard for your own personal safety, and when people run red lights,' one wrote.?

Daily Mail Australia 接触するd NSW Police for comment.?

READ MORE:?神経-wracking moment skateboarders 成し遂げる idiotic stunt on 最高の,を越す of Scape Swanston, Melbourne?

Shocked office works spot two stupid skateboarders on top of Melbourne skyscraper

Shocked office 作品 位置/汚点/見つけ出す two stupid skateboarders on 最高の,を越す of Melbourne 超高層ビル
