Why this 選び出す/独身 image of an old lady outside Coles is making Australians angry: 'So messed up'

  • Image shows officers going through woman's shopping?
  • It was (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the pensioner was stopped for 万引?
  • READ MORE: 顧客's 残虐な rant at Coles?

A picture 株d to social マスコミ which appears to show police officers going through an 年輩の woman's grocery shopping has 乱暴/暴力を加えるd Australians.?

'I just saw this poor old lady get 逮捕(する)d by police for 万引 food,' the 地位,任命する 株d on X read.?

'I told them that I'll 支払う/賃金 for her food and let her go and then I got 脅すd with 存在 逮捕(する)d for 妨害するing police. ボイコット(する) coles and Woolworths.'

The pictures show the woman talking with police in the Melbourne CBD as a number of items from her shopping are placed on the ground but do not show her 存在 護衛するd away by officers.?

Victoria Police has been 接触するd for comment about the 出来事/事件.

An image posted to X showed officers rifling through the woman's shopping

An image 地位,任命するd to X showed officers ライフル銃/探して盗むing through the woman's shopping?

The person who shared to post said they offered to pay for the groceries but police declined

The person who 株d to 地位,任命する said they 申し込む/申し出d to 支払う/賃金 for the groceries but police 拒絶する/低下するd

Commenters online were mixed with some 説 she broke the 法律 and others slamming the police for stopping the woman.

'This is so messed up. If people are 軍隊d to steal food, we need a better 代案/選択肢,' one said.

'The 年輩の do not have enough to live on, 年金 rises are not covering food and? 公共事業(料金)/有用性 price rises and the 政府 couldn't care いっそう少なく,' another said.

'In my neck of the 支持を得ようと努めるd, I see some 年輩の folk 軽食ing on grapes in supermarkets. They are left alone to do so by staff,' a third 追加するd.

'Seems like some training in empathy and 親切 is needed,' 追加するd a fourth.

Woolworths 地位,任命するd a total $1.7bn in 利益(をあげる) in the last 財政上の year.?

The supermarket's CEO Brad Banducci was 脅すd with a six-month 刑務所,拘置所 宣告,判決 and a $5,000 罰金 for earlier this week failing to answer questions at a heated?上院 調査 into supermarket pricing.

A Greens 上院議員 繰り返して asked Mr Banducci to 公表する/暴露する Woolworths' return on 公正,普通株主権, a 重要な 手段 of profitability at Australia's biggest supermarket chain.

Instead, the 去っていく/社交的な 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある who earned $8.6million during the last 財政上の year, 拒絶する/低下するd to answer the questions, 焦点(を合わせる)ing on the company's return on 投資.

'We 手段 return on 投資, which we think is the 権利 way of 手段ing profitability in a company,' he told the 調査 on Tuesday.

Woolworths boss Brad Banducci (pictured) was threatened with being charged with contempt of court during a Senate hearing

Woolworths boss Brad Banducci (pictured) was 脅すd with 存在 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 法廷侮辱(罪) during a 上院 審理,公聴会

調査 議長,司会を務める and Greens 上院議員 Nick McKim 警告するd Mr Banducci a 失敗 to answer the question 直接/まっすぐに, if he knew the answer, could lead to a contempt 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金.

'We're not 利益/興味d in PR spin. We're not 利益/興味d in you bulls***ting your way through this 委員会,' 上院議員 McKim said.?

'This is very important because it is open to the 上院 to 持つ/拘留する you in contempt and that 含むs 可能性のある 許可/制裁s 含むing up to six months' 監禁,拘置 for you.

'I'm not asking what you 焦点(を合わせる) on, Mr Banducci. That's not 関連した to this discussion.

'What is 関連した is what you know: do you know what your return on 公正,普通株主権 was in the last 十分な 財政上の year? Just yes or no, please, Mr Banducci.'

A contempt 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 comes with a 罰金 of up to $5,000 and a possible 刑務所,拘置所 宣告,判決 of six months.

The 失敗 to 公表する/暴露する the answer led to the 調査 存在 軍隊d to 一時停止する its 審理,公聴会s.?

Mr Banducci had earlier 申し込む/申し出d to take the question on notice, after admitting he didn't know the answer.

'上院議員, that is not what I 焦点(を合わせる) on, I don't know what the number is 特に,' he said. 'Happy to take the question on notice.'??

The profit margins of major supermarkets, including Woolworths (pictured, has come under scrutiny at the inquiry, with Woolworths and Coles being accused of price gouging

The 利益(をあげる) 利ざやs of major supermarkets, 含むing Woolworths (pictured, has come under scrutiny at the 調査, with Woolworths and Coles 存在 (刑事)被告 of price gouging

It seems ありそうもない the cost-of-living will 改善する in the short 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 with Australia 推定する/予想するd to lag behind other countries in 減ずるing インフレーション and 上げるing 経済成長.?

In its 最新の World 経済的な 見通し, 解放(する)d on Tuesday, the International 通貨の 基金 予測(する) that 普通の/平均(する) headline インフレーション in Australia would 緩和する to 3.5 per cent in 2024, 負かす/撃墜する from its October 発射/推定 of 4 per cent. It 現在/一般に is 4.1 per cent.

But 消費者 price growth would still be 3 per cent on 普通の/平均(する) through 2025, the 発射/推定s showed, at the 最高の,を越す of the RBA's 2 to 3 per cent 的 禁止(する)d.

Other 前進するd economies are 推定する/予想するd to do better than Australia on 減ずるing prices, with the median インフレーション 率 始める,決める to 緩和する to just 2.4 per cent in 2024, and 落ちる その上の to just 2 per cent by 20 25.

In some developed economies, 含むing Australia, インフレーション has 跡をつけるd sideways in 最近の months, 誘発するing 警告を与えるs from the 国際通貨基金.