Richard Peter Coburn: Man dies in car 衝突,墜落 after 2010 殺人,大当り of girlfriend Justine Jones

The family of a young woman who was killed by her boyfriend 14 years ago say they 'feel empty' and have been given no 終結 after he was killed in a car 衝突,墜落.

Richard Peter Coburn was 運動ing in?South Taranaki, New Zealand when he was struck by another car in the 早期に hours of March 20.

He was left with 批判的な 傷害s and died five days later at the age of 40.

Coburn had spent?five-and-a-half years in 刑務所,拘置所 before he was 国外追放するd 支援する to New Zealand in 2015.

In August 2013 he was 宣告,判決d to more than ten-and-a-half-years behind 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s over the 過失致死 of his partner Justine Jones, 22, in 2010.

Richard Peter Coburn?was in August, 2013 sentenced to more than ten-and-a-half-years behind bars over the manslaughter of his partner Justine Jones, 22, (pictured) in 2010

R ichard Peter Coburn?was in August, 2013 宣告,判決d to more than ten-and-a-half-years behind 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s over the 過失致死 of his partner Justine Jones, 22, (pictured) in 2010

Coburn killed Ms Jones after going over to her house to watch the?明言する/公表する of Origin in July, 2010.

He wrapped her 団体/死体 in a doona and 捨てるd it in a 貯蔵所 which was then compacted and taken to a tip.

Her 団体/死体 was so 不正に 損失d, a 原因(となる) of death was unable to be given.

Ms Jones' sister,?Jackie Johnson, said Coburn's death had not changed anything for their forever grieving family.

'Everyone's 肉親,親類d of lost, you know, like there's just such a waste of life on both 味方するs. And everyone's been 傷つける by it,' she told the 特使 Mail.

Ms Johnson said the worst part was that Ms Jones' loved ones would never get the answers about the night of her death given Coburn was now gone.

Coburn died in a car accident last month at the age of 40. His victim's family say they feel 'empty'

Coburn died in a car 事故 last month at the age of 40. His 犠牲者's family say they feel 'empty'

'He 辞退するd to speak, he showed no 悔恨. He just shut his mouth and he got away with it pretty much,' she said.?

'But I don't believe he should have ever been 解放(する)d from 刑務所,拘置所 for what he did to her and this is just the universe 肉親,親類d of balancing things out I believe. Like karma 作品 in mysterious ways.'

Coburn had been violent to Ms Jones earlier on in their 関係.

He once broke a beer 瓶/封じ込める before stabbing her in the 支援する.

She 最初 told her parents she had slipped when they saw the scars before 明らかにする/漏らすing what had really happened.

Ms Jones had met Coburn after moving into a sharehouse with her sister where Coburn already lived in 2009 at? Alexandra Headlands on Queensland's 日光 Coast.

Coburn had already served three years in 刑務所,拘置所 before his 宣告,判決ing in 2013, before 存在 国外追放するd to New Zealand in 2015.