Dubai travel 当局 today 勧めるd travellers to stay away from the airport after the?部隊d Arab 首長国s was 乱打するd by more than a year and a half's 価値(がある) of rain in just a few hours.

The 砂漠 city-明言する/公表する yesterday 苦しむd horrendous floods which 押し寄せる/沼地d the airport and many of the surrounding roads, 軍隊ing dozens of flights to be cancelled as travellers crammed into the concourse to 避難所 from the 激しい downpour.

Shocking ビデオs 株d on social マスコミ showed how cars were filled with water, 軍隊ing hundreds of 運転者s to abandon their 乗り物s and swim to safety. Some cars were 完全に 潜水するd, with the 最高の,を越す of their roofs barely breaking the water's surface.

Some 豊富な drivers in 高級な cars bragged of 'floating' their way through the 大虐殺? - but most saw their 乗り物s 立ち往生させる as they became stuck in the deluge.

Rainwater also 注ぐd into homes, 押し進めるing people out of their houses and into the streets to 捜し出す 避難所 in higher structures.

一方/合間, (映画の)フィート数 from inside the airport - the world's busiest for international travel - showed 乗客s sleeping on the 床に打ち倒す as others were turned away from the 終点.

Standing water lapped on taxiways as 航空機 (機の)カム in to land, 軍隊ing 操作者s to 完全に の近くに the airport for almost an hour yesterday. The 施設 quickly 再開するd but the schedule has descended into 大混乱 with dozens more flights 混乱に陥れる/中断させるd.

A 声明 株d by Dubai airport 操作者s on social マスコミ read: 'We advise you NOT to come to the airport, unless 絶対 necessary.?Flights continue to be 延期するd and コースを変えるd.?

'Please check your flight status 直接/まっすぐに with your 航空機による. We are working hard to 回復する 操作/手術s as quickly as possible in very challenging 条件s.'

An incredible time lapse ビデオ 株d on social マスコミ this morning showed how the 雷雨s rolled in and the sky became 黒人/ボイコット before the city was obscured by a 一面に覆う/毛布 of rain.?


? Slide me ?

An incredible time lapse ビデオ 株d on social マスコミ this morning showed how the 雷雨s rolled in and turned the sky 黒人/ボイコット

? Slide me ?

The city was quickly obscured by the incredible downpour

Shocking videos shared on social media showed how cars were filled with water, forcing hundreds of motorists to abandon their vehicles and swim to safety

Shocking ビデオs 株d on s ocial マスコミ showed how cars were filled with water, 軍隊ing hundreds of 運転者s to abandon their 乗り物s and swim to safety. Some cars were 完全に 潜水するd, with the 最高の,を越す of their roofs barely breaking the water's surface


Cars were filled with water, 軍隊ing people to abandon their 乗り物s

Crowds filled the airport as they sheltered from the rain and tried in vain to get information on their flights

(人が)群がるs filled the airport as they 避難所d from the rain and tried in vain to get (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) on their flights

In this video grab from AFPTV, a man carefully wades through a flooded street in Dubai on April 16, 2024

In this ビデオ 得る,とらえる from AFPTV, a man wades through a flooded street in Dubai on April 16, 2024

Cars are stuck on a flooded road after a rainstorm hit Dubai, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, April 17, 2024

Cars are stuck on a flooded road after a 暴風雨 攻撃する,衝突する Dubai, in Dubai, 部隊d Arab 首長国s, April 17, 2024

Hundreds of buildings and shops were destroyed throughout the day, as the large masses of water crashed through windows and sent vehicles sailing through walls

Hundreds of buildings and shops were destroyed throughout the day, as the large 集まりs of water 衝突,墜落d through windows and sent 乗り物s sailing through 塀で囲むs

Planes are caught in intense flooding at Dubai International Airport on Tuesday

計画(する)s are caught in 激しい flooding at Dubai International Ai rport on Tuesday

Airport staff hike through desert scrub to reach accommodation after planes were grounded

Airport staff 引き上げ(る) through 砂漠 scrub to reach accommodation after 計画(する)s were grounded

Traffic is brought to a standstill as flood waters intensify

Traffic is brought to a 行き詰まり as flood waters 強める

Footage from inside the airport - the world's busiest for international travel - showed passengers sleeping on the floor as they waited for flights out of the 
country, after dozens were grounded following torrential rain

(映画の)フィート数 from inside the airport - the world's busiest for international travel - showed 乗客s sleeping on the 床に打ち倒す as they waited for flights out of the country, after dozens were grounded に引き続いて 豪雨?

A statement shared by Dubai airport operators on social media read: 'We advise you NOT to come to the airport, unless absolutely necessary. Flights continue to be delayed and diverted'

A 声明 株d by Dubai airport 操作者s on social マスコミ read: 'We advise you NOT to come to the airport, unless 絶対 necessary. Flights continue to be 延期するd and コースを変えるd'

A Porsche floats down a flooded road as onlookers watch on in shock

A Porsche floats 負かす/撃墜する a flooded road as onlookers watch on in shock

A man is seen clambering on top of a vehicle to escape floodwater

A man is seen clambering on 最高の,を越す of a 乗り物 to escape 洪水

Roads surrounding the airport were seen submerged in water, with some wealthy drivers in luxury cars bragging of 'floating' their way through the carnage

Roads surrounding the airport were seen 潜水するd in water, with some 豊富な drivers in 高級な cars bragging of 'floating' their way through the 大虐殺?

In this video grab from AFPTV, people push a stranded car along a flooded street in Dubai on April 16

In this ビデオ 得る,とらえる from AFPTV, people 押し進める a 立ち往生させるd car along a flooded street in Dubai on April 16, 2024

A lightning flashes through the sky during a heavy rainfall in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on Tuesday

A 雷 flashes through the sky during a 激しい 降雨 in Dubai, 部隊d Arab 首長国s, 16 April 2024

The rains began late on Monday, soaking the sands and roadways of Dubai with some 0.79 インチs of rain, によれば 気象の data collected at Dubai International Airport.

The 嵐/襲撃するs 強めるd at around 9am 地元の time on Tuesday and continued throughout the day, ダンピング more rain and あられ/賞賛する の上に the 圧倒するd city.

By the end of Tuesday, more than 5.59 インチs of 降雨 had soaked Dubai over 24 hours.

An 普通の/平均(する) year sees 3.73 インチs of rain at Dubai International Airport, the world's busiest for international travel and a 中心 for the long-運ぶ/漁獲高 運送/保菌者 首長国s.

A clean up 操作/手術 appeared to be 進行中で 早期に this morning, with 当局 (軍隊を)展開する,配備するing タンカー トラックで運ぶs out into the streets and 主要道路s to pump away the water.?

But the country's hereditary 支配者s 申し込む/申し出d no 全体にわたる 損失 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) or 傷害 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) for the nation, as some slept in their flooded 乗り物s on Tuesday night.

In Ras al-Khaimah, the country's 最北の 首長国, police said one 70-year-old man died when his 乗り物 was swept away by 洪水.

当局 cancelled school and the 政府 学校/設けるd a work from home 政策 as the clean up 操作/手術 continues.?

Motorisits drive along a flooded street following heavy rains in Dubai early on April 17, 2024

Motorisits 運動 along a flooded street に引き続いて 強い雨s in Dubai 早期に on April 17, 2024

An SUV drives through floodwater covering a road in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Wednesday, April 17, 2024

An SUV 運動s through 洪水 covering a road in Dubai, 部隊d Arab 首長国s, Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Abandoned cars are seen littering the roads

Abandoned cars are seen littering the roads

Huge swathes of the city were plunged underwater

抱擁する 列s of the city were 急落(する),激減(する)d underwater

Some reports suggested people were being turned away from the terminal, such was the level of overcrowding inside as hundreds of travellers looked to escape the chaos

Some 報告(する)/憶測s 示唆するd people were 存在 turned away from the 終点, such was the level of overcrowding inside as hundreds of travellers looked to escape the 大混乱?

Several cars remain submerged in the deep flood waters in Dubai as the storms continue into the night - 
leaving vehicle owners standing in the water and sitting on their car roofs while waiting to be rescued

Several cars remain 潜水するd in the 深い flood waters in Dubai as the 嵐/襲撃するs continue into the night - leaving 乗り物 owners standing in the water and sitting on their car roofs while waiting to be 救助(する)d

A handful of brave drivers battling the elements have been spotted sitting atop their roofs and waiting for rescue under the black sky

A handful of 勇敢に立ち向かう drivers 戦う/戦いing the elements have been spotted sitting 頂上に their roofs and waiting for 救助(する) under the 黒人/ボイコット sky

Cars are stuck on a flooded road after a rainstorm hit Dubai, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, April 17, 2024

Cars are stuck on a flooded road after a 暴風雨 攻撃する,衝突する Dubai, in Dubai, 部隊d Arab 首長国s, April 17, 2024

Passengers wait for their flights at the Dubai International Airport in Dubai on April 17, 2024

乗客s wait for their flights at the Dubai International Airport in Dubai on April 17, 2024

A plane comes into land on a flooded runway at Dubai airport, Tuesday April 16 2024

A 計画(する) comes into land on a flooded 滑走路 at Dubai airport, Tuesday April 16 2024

証言,証人/目撃するs at the airport on Tuesday evening said there were no empty seats left in the waiting area, as desperate travellers hunkered 負かす/撃墜する and 用意が出来ている for a long night ahead.

The world's busiest 空気/公表する 中心 for international 乗客s 確認するd a 停止(させる) to arrivals at around 3.30pm GMT before 発表するing a '漸進的な 再開' over two hours later.

Outside the 塀で囲むs of the airport, (映画の)フィート数 from those 罠にかける in the wet 条件s 株d ビデオ and images that 似ている an apocalyptic world.???

A handful of 勇敢に立ち向かう drivers 戦う/戦いing the elements were spotted sitting 頂上に their cars and waiting for 救助(する) under the 黒人/ボイコット sky, but many more chose to abandon their 乗り物s and swim to safety.?

A clip 株d on X 早期に on Tuesday showed entrepreneur and YouTuber Jordan Welch 罠にかける in his Rolls Royce in Dubai as 深い water flooded the road.

'My Rolls Royce got flooded and we're stuck in the middle of the road in Dubai,' he wrote.?

'Just like all my friends in crypto... today I am underwater,' he 地位,任命するd in a follow-up.

But others, in Teslas, have taken to X, 以前は Twitter, to 賞賛する Elon Musk while having 'the best experience with the Tesla?Y model' as they 'floated' 負かす/撃墜する the flooded roads while 'every other car is stuck'.

Hundreds of buildings and shops were destroyed throughout the day, as the large 集まりs of water 衝突,墜落d through windows and sent 乗り物s sailing through 塀で囲むs.?

安定性のない 天候 条件s were 推定する/予想するd to continue in the 地域 through to today, UAE's 国家の 中心 of Meteorology said, though the 本体,大部分/ばら積みの of the rain appears to have moved eastwards.?

YouTuber and entrepreneur Jordan Welch showed the extent of flooding in Dubai, UAE, Tuesday

YouTuber and entrepreneur Jordan Welch showed the extent of flooding in Dubai, UAE, Tuesday

Footage has shown shops being wiped out by the water
Several stores have been left in ruins following the rare flooding

Hundreds of shops and buildings have been left in 廃虚s に引き続いて the strong and rare floods 広範囲にわたる through parts of the UAE

A Rolls Royce bobs in the murky flood water with the driver having seemingly abandoned the vehicle

A Rolls Royce (頭が)ひょいと動くs in the murky flood water with the driver having seemingly abandoned the 乗り物?

Patio furniture appears to fall from a highrise balcony amid storm conditions in Dubai

Patio furniture appears to 落ちる from a highrise balcony まっただ中に 嵐/襲撃する 条件s in Dubai

There were no 調印するs of any (疑いを)晴らす-up late last night, as city 当局 advised people to stay at home until the 'exceptional 天候 event' (機の)カム to an end.????

The 国家の 中心 for Meteorology also '勧めるd 居住(者)s to take all the 警戒s... and to stay away from areas of flooding and water accumulation' in a 地位,任命する on X.

Flood water was seen cascading through 高級な 地下組織の 商店街s while shoppers in designer 着せる/賦与するs waded through water.

Above ground, howling 勝利,勝つd blew furniture off tower-封鎖する balconies as the 黒人/ボイコット sky was illuminated by forks of 雷 every few seconds.

(映画の)フィート数 from Tuesday also showed water 衝突,墜落ing through the 天井 of a 飛行機で行くing Tiger as shops began to flood and 組織/基盤/下部構造 buckle under the 圧力.

製品s were 爆破d out across the shop 床に打ち倒す as water 注ぐd from the 天井, bystanders helpless to 行為/法令/行動する.

Bus services were 敏速に 始める,決める up after water 急ぐd into the Onpassive Metro 駅/配置する, 原因(となる)ing 厳しい disruptions.

The sky turned black in Dubai on Tuesday as storms continued to lash the region

The sky turned 黒人/ボイコット in Dubai on Tuesday as 嵐/襲撃するs continued to 攻撃する the 地域

Bolts of lightning were seen flashing through the sky on Tuesday

Bolts of 雷 were seen flashing through the sky on Tuesday

An SUV stalls out while trying to pass through standing water in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Tuesday, April 16, 2024

An SUV 立ち往生させるs out while trying to pass through standing water in Dubai, 部隊d Arab 首長国s, Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Vehicles struggle to wade through the flooding in Dubai on Tuesday

乗り物s struggle to wade through the flooding in Dubai on Tuesday

Waves begin to crash in the road as cars are brought to a standstill in Dubai

Waves begin to 衝突,墜落 in the road as cars are brought to a 行き詰まり in Dubai

Indoor spaces, not prepared for the flooding, were also seen soaked through with water

Indoor spaces, not 用意が出来ている for the flooding, were also seen soaked through with water

People walk during torrential rain in the Gulf Emirate of Dubai on April 16, 2024

People walk during 豪雨 in the 湾 首長国 of Dubai on April 16, 2024

Cars drive through a flooded street during a rain storm in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, April 16, 2024

Cars 運動 through a flooded street during a rain 嵐/襲撃する in Dubai, 部隊d Arab 首長国s, April 16, 2024

A view of the street after heavy rainfall as adverse weather conditions affect daily life in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on April 15, 2024

A 見解(をとる) of the street after 激しい 降雨 as 逆の 天候 条件s 影響する/感情 daily life in Dubai, 部隊d Arab 首長国s on April 15, 2024

Dark, brooding clouds covered the sky above Dubai on Tuesday

Dark, brooding clouds covered the sky above Dubai on Tuesday

Rain is not ありふれた in UAE, but occurs periodically during the cooler winter months.?

Many roads 欠如(する) drainage systems for managing floods.?

Some 居住(者)s were told to 避難所 if they felt in danger or were asked by 当局 to do so.

Police and the 軍の were sent out to help 避難させる 国民s in the hardest-攻撃する,衝突する 州 of?Ash Sharqiyah North, 明言する/公表する マスコミ 報告(する)/憶測d.

The Asian 支持する/優勝者s League football 半分-final between the UAE's Al Ain and Saudi 味方する Al Hilal, 予定 to be hosted in Al Ain, was 延期するd for 24 hours because of the 天候.

Rain also fell in Bahrain, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

In 隣人ing Oman, a sultanate that 残り/休憩(する)s on the eastern 辛勝する/優位 of the Arabian 半島, at least 18 people had been killed in 強い雨s in 最近の days, によれば a 声明 on Tuesday from the country's 国家の 委員会 for 緊急 管理/経営.

That 含むs some 10 schoolchildren swept away in a 乗り物 with an adult, which saw 弔慰s come into the country from 支配者s across the 地域.

'I like to play in the rain, but for the first time it 脅すs me,' said nine-year-old Ali Hassan, as he helped his mother (疑いを)晴らす water from outside their house in Manama.

'I was terrified b y the sound of 雷鳴 and the sky was lit by 雷. I had never seen anything like this, so I hid with my mother... the sound of rain 脅すd me.'

They brought with them plenty of rainfall, with cars struggling on the roads

They brought with them plenty of 降雨, with cars struggling on the roads

A severe wave of thunderstorms has been hitting most of UAE's major cities

A 厳しい wave of 雷雨s has been hitting most of UAE's major cities

Many cars have been partially submerged as a result of the heavy rainfall

Many cars have been 部分的に/不公平に 潜水するd as a result of the 激しい 降雨

People push a BMW sports car during a heavy rainfall in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

People 押し進める a BMW sports car during a 激しい 降雨 in Dubai, 部隊d Arab 首長国s

Motorists were backed up in a long traffic jam during the heavy rainfall

運転者s were 支援するd up in a long traffic jam during the 激しい 降雨

Bahrain's 内部の 省 問題/発行するd public safety 警告s late Monday まっただ中に 雷鳴, 雷 a nd high 勝利,勝つd.

In Kuwait, the 気象の Department 警告するd of 差し迫った 雷雨s and advised the public to remain vigilant.

Saudi Arabia's 同等(の) centre 警告するd that 重要な 降雨 and 雷雨s were to be 推定する/予想するd until Wednesday.

勝利,勝つd and あられ/賞賛する are 推定する/予想するd in Al Qassim, Riyadh and Al Sharqiya, where 気温s can 押し進める past 40C in summer.

Both the Emirati and Omani 政府s have 以前 警告するd that 気候 change is likely to lead to more flooding.

Individual 天候 events are often difficult to link to 気候 change, but scientists say that it 増加するs both the 見込み and strength of extreme 天候 events.

The Foreign Office 分かれて 問題/発行するd a fresh 警告 for travellers to 多重の 目的地s on Friday, 含むing?Egypt, the UAE (含むing Dubai), Jordan, イスラエル, Morocco, Oman and Tunsia, 特記する/引用するing the 'rising 緊張 between Iran and イスラエル'.

People could do little to escape the torrential rain, but tried in vain to use a plastic sheet

People could do little to escape the 豪雨, but tried in vain to use a plastic sheet

The Burj Khalifa looks down over the rain-drenched roads in Dubai on Tuesday

The Burj Khalifa looks 負かす/撃墜する over the rain-drenched roads in Dubai on Tuesday

Dozens of cars ploughed through the rainwater on Dubai's roads

Dozens of cars ploughed through the rainwater on Dubai's roads

Water pours from the roof of a Flying Tiger in a shopping mall amid the brutal storm

Water 注ぐs from the roof of a 飛行機で行くing Tiger in a shopping 商店街 まっただ中に the 残虐な 嵐/襲撃する

A person rides a motorcycle near a flooded street during a rain storm in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, April 16

A person rides a motorcycle 近づく a flooded street during a rain 嵐/襲撃する in Dubai, 部隊d Arab 首長国s, April 16

A view of the street after heavy rainfall as adverse weather conditions affect daily life in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on April 15, 2024

A 見解(をとる) of the street after 激しい 降雨 as 逆の 天候 条件s 影響する/感情 daily life in Dubai, 部隊d Arab 首長国s on April 15, 2024

Cars drive through a flooded street during a rain storm in Dubai, April 16, 2024

Cars 運動 through a flooded street during a rain 嵐/襲撃する in Dubai, April 16, 2024

Cars are parked at a flooded street during a rain storm in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, April 16

Cars are parked at a flooded street during a rain 嵐/襲撃する in Dubai, 部隊d Arab 首長国s, April 16

A bus stands abandoned in pouring rain as the sky turned green as a storm hit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Tuesday, April 16

A bus stands abandoned in 注ぐing rain as the sky turned green as a 嵐/襲撃する 攻撃する,衝突する in Dubai, 部隊d Arab 首長国s, Tuesday, April 16