Dubai travel 当局 today 勧めるd travellers to stay away from the airport after the?部隊d Arab 首長国s was 乱打するd by more than a year and a half's 価値(がある) of rain in just a few hours.

The 砂漠 city-明言する/公表する yesterday 苦しむd horrendous floods which 押し寄せる/沼地d the airport and many of the surrounding roads, 軍隊ing dozens of flights to be cancelled as travellers crammed into the concourse to 避難所 from the 激しい downpour.

Shocking ビデオs 株d on social マスコミ showed how cars were filled with water, 軍隊ing hundreds of 運転者s to abandon their 乗り物s and swim to safety. Some cars were 完全に 潜水するd, with the 最高の,を越す of their roofs barely breaking the water's surface.

Some 豊富な drivers in 高級な cars bragged of 'floating' their way through the 大虐殺? - but most saw their 乗り物s 立ち往生させる as they became stuck in the deluge.

Rainwater also 注ぐd into homes, 押し進めるing people out of their houses and into the streets to 捜し出す 避難所 in higher structures.

Meanwhi le, (映画の)フィート数 from inside the airport - the world's busiest for international travel - showed 乗客s sleeping on the 床に打ち倒す as others were turned away from the 終点.

Standing water lapped on taxiways as 航空機 (機の)カム in to land, 軍隊ing 操作者s to 完全に の近くに the airport for almost an hour yesterday. The 施設 quickly 再開するd but the schedule has descended into 大混乱 with dozens more flights 混乱に陥れる/中断させるd.

A 声明 株d by Dubai airport 操作者s on social マスコミ read: 'We advise you NOT to come to the airport, unless 絶対 necessary.?Flights continue to be 延期するd and コースを変えるd.?

'Please check your flight status 直接/まっすぐに with your 航空機による. We are working hard to 回復する 操作/手術s as quickly as possible in very challenging 条件s.'

An incredible time lapse ビデオ 株d on social マスコミ this morning showed how the 雷雨s rolled in and the sky became 黒人/ボイコット before the city was obscured by a 一面に覆う/毛布 of rain.?


? Slide me ?

An incredible time lapse ビデオ 株d on social マスコミ this morning showed how the 雷雨s rolled in and turned the sky 黒人/ボイコット

? Slide me ?

The city was quickly obscured by the incredible downpour

Shocking videos shared on social media showed how cars were filled with water, forcing hundreds of motorists to abandon their vehicles and swim to safety

Shocking ビデオs 株d on social マスコミ showed how cars were filled with water, 軍隊ing hundreds of 運転者s to abandon their 乗り物s and swim to safety. Some cars were 完全に 潜水するd, with the 最高の,を越す of their roofs barely breaking the water's surface


Cars were filled with water, 軍隊ing people to abandon their 乗り物s

Crowds filled the airport as they sheltered from the rain and tried in vain to get information on their flights

(人が)群がるs filled the airport as they 避難所d from the rain and tried in vain to get (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) on their flights

In this video grab from AFPTV, a man carefully wades through a flooded street in Dubai on April 16, 2024

In this ビデオ 得る,とらえる from AFPTV, a man wades through a flooded street in Dubai on April 16, 2024

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Cars are stuck on a flooded road after a rainstorm hit Dubai, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, April 17, 2024

Cars are stuck on a flooded road after a 暴風雨 攻撃する,衝突する Dubai, in Dubai, 部隊d Arab 首長国s, April 17, 2024