The first 逮捕(する) has been made in the 追跡(する) for those 恐らく 責任がある 暴動s which broke out in the 影響 of the Sydney church stabbing.?

劇の 見通し of a (警察の)手入れ,急襲 by ひどく 武装した 戦術の officers? showed the moment 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs slapped cuffs on a 19-year-old man in?Doonside, in Sydney's west.

Police Commissioner Karen Webb on Tuesday 警告するd 申し立てられた/疑わしい 暴徒s who 'turned on police' that they can 推定する/予想する a 'knock at the door'.

'It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow, but we'll find you and we'll come and 逮捕(する) you.' she said.

During the man's 逮捕(する), an officer said: 'Told you we were coming.'

緊張s 爆発するd on Monday night after?Bishop 損なう Mari Emmanuel was 恐らく stabbed 多重の times by a boy, 16, while giving a sermon?at Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley.

Dramatic vision of a raid by heavily armed tactical officers showed the moment cops slapped cuffs on a 19-year-old man in Doonside, in Sydney's west

劇の 見通し of a (警察の)手入れ,急襲 by ひどく 武装した 戦術の officers showed the moment 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs slapped cuffs on a 19-year-old man in Doonside, in Sydney's west?

During the man's arrest, an officer said: 'Told you we were coming'

During the man's 逮捕(する), an officer said: 'Told you we were coming'

Tensions erupted on Monday night after Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was allegedly stabbed multiple times by a boy, 16, while giving a sermon at Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley

緊張s 爆発するd on Monday night after Bishop 損なう Mari Emmanuel was 恐らく stabbed 多重の times by a boy, 16, while giving a sermon at Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley?

Father Isaac Royel also 苦しむd 傷害s to his 手渡す and shoulder coming to the bishop's 援助(する) but was 解放(する)d from Liverpool hospital on Wednesday -?and was seen waving to an exhilarated 隣人 with a 包帯 wrapped around his 手渡す.

Bishop Emmanuel remains in hospital in a stable 条件 after を受けるing 外科 on Tuesday.

The 出来事/事件 誘発するd a 暴動 outside the church すぐに after with a (人が)群がる of 2,000 people 詠唱するing 'bring him out' and 'an 注目する,もくろむ for an 注目する,もくろむ' as police kept the 申し立てられた/疑わしい knifeman inside the building まっただ中に 恐れるs for his own safety.?

During the 熱狂的興奮状態, 発射物s were thrown at officers, about 50 police 乗り物s were 損失d, and 所有物/資産/財産 was stolen.

Two police officers were taken to hospital after 存在 負傷させるd by members of the (人が)群がる who broke into 'a number of houses to 伸び(る) 武器s to throw at the police'.

総理大臣 Anthony Albanese has criticised those who attacked police cars に引き続いて the terror attack in Sydney last night.

'I certainly understand the 苦しめる and 関心s which are there, 特に after the 悲劇の event at Bondi,' he said.

'But it is 完全に not 許容できる to 妨げる and 負傷させる police doing their 義務 or to 損失 police 乗り物s in the way that occurred last night,' he exclaimed.

Mr Albanese 勧めるd the public to remain 静める.

Police Commissioner Karen Webb on Tuesday warned alleged rioters who 'turned on police' that they can expect a 'knock at the door'

Police Commissioner Karen Webb on Tuesday 警告するd 申し立てられた/疑わしい 暴徒s who 'turned on police' that they can 推定する/予想する a 'knock at the door'

Father Isaac Royal (pictured right, alongside Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel) has been released from hospital after being injured during an alleged 'act of terror' on Monday night
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Father Isaac 王室の (pictured 権利, と一緒に Bishop 損なう Mari Emmanuel) has been 解放(する)d from hospital after 存在 負傷させるd during an 申し立てられた/疑わしい '行為/法令/行動する of terror' on Monday night

Father Royel was seen walking from the hospital and waving to an?exhilarated neighbour with a bandage wrapped around his hand on Wednesday afternoon (pictured)

Father Royel was seen walking from the hospital and waving to an?exhilarated 隣人 with a 包帯 wrapped around his 手渡す on Wednesday afternoon (pictured)

The 十代の少年少女 (刑事)被告 of carrying out the attack?報道によれば made a 一連の 宗教的な comments to a group of parishioners moments after the bishop was stabbed.

An Arabic translation of his comments says: 'If he didn't 断言する at my Prophet I wouldn't be here. If he didn't 伴う/関わる himself in my 宗教 I wouldn't be here'.

He has been taken to an 公表されていない 場所 where he remains under police guard.

Police 確認するd the 16-year-old had undergone 外科 for serious 傷害s to his 手渡すs after rumours 渦巻くd he lost a finger during the 申し立てられた/疑わしい attack.

NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb branded the attack on the bishop as a 'テロリスト 出来事/事件' that was 'centred around 宗教'.

She said the 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う was known to police but was not on any terror watch 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)s.

'We will 主張する there is a degree of premeditation.. this person has travelled to that 場所... he's travelled with a knife and subsequently the bishop and the priest have been stabbed,' Commissioner Webb said on Tuesday.

'They are lucky to be alive.'

The 決定/判定勝ち(する) from Comissioner Webb led to a 共同の?反対する テロ行為 Team 存在 開始する,打ち上げるd to 調査/捜査する the 出来事/事件

The team 含むs members from the NSW Police 軍隊, Australian 連邦の Police, Australian 安全 知能 Organisation and the NSW 罪,犯罪 (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限.

The attacked sparked mass unrest as angry mobsters descended on the church and clashed with police 
while attempting to reach the teenage accused who was at the scene hours later

The attacked 誘発するd 集まり 不安 as angry mobsters descended on the church and 衝突/不一致d with police while 試みる/企てるing to reach the teenage (刑事)被告 who was at the scene hours later

Given the (刑事)被告 knifeman's young age, some have questioned the 決定/判定勝ち(する) to brand the 出来事/事件 as terror-関係のある, and 主張するd that mental health may have been the overarching 原因(となる).

NSW 首相 Chris Minns, however, said he is comfortable with the police 決定/判定勝ち(する).

'It's really important to know, and I made this (疑いを)晴らす to community leaders that I spoke with today, that this is not a 任命 about the person of 利益/興味 現在/一般に in police 保護/拘留,' he told ABC's 7.30 報告(する)/憶測.

'This is a 任命 that is 要求するd under 法律制定 to 打ち明ける 力/強力にするs for that 調査, and police made that 裁判/判断. This is not a performative gesture.'

Mr Minns said Commissioner Webb made the 決定/判定勝ち(する) 'on (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) 示唆するing a religiously 動機づけるd attack' which was also 恐らく premeditated.

When asked if the 決定/判定勝ち(する) was 正確に made, the 首相 said: 'I believe it was'.

'This is a 裁判/判断 call,' he 追加するd. 'My 裁判/判断 is it was the 権利 決定/判定勝ち(する) last night.'