German-US supermarket 億万長者, 64, who disappeared 引き上げ(る)ing on the Matterhorn and was 宣言するd dead is 'living with his 44-year-old mistress in Moscow'

  • Karl-Erivan Haub disappeared six years ago during a 単独の ski 小旅行する of スイスの アルプス山脈
  • But he is 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd of having 偽のd his death and is thought to be living in Russia

A German 億万長者 who 消えるd under mysterious circumstances under Switzerland's iconic?Matterhorn 頂点(に達する) six years ago is 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd to be living with a ロシアの?mistress in Moscow, an 調査 has (人命などを)奪う,主張するd.

German-American 小売 大君 Karl-Erivan Haub, then 58, was training for a ski 登山 race when he disappeared in April 2018 in?Zermatt, Switzerland.

The 億万長者 実業家 was last seen 長,率いるing up the mountain in a 解除する one morning alone - something his trainer said was strange for a man who was typically very safety conscious and 井戸/弁護士席-用意が出来ている - and never returned to his hotel.?

当局 開始する,打ち上げるd a six-day search which saw five ヘリコプターs and teams of alpine 救助者s canvas the area, but his 団体/死体 was never 設立する.

Haub - the former managing director and part owner of German supermarket and 小売 巨大(な) Tengelmann Group - was 宣言するd dead by a Cologne 法廷,裁判所 three years later, leaving behind a wife, two children and a company of some 75,000 従業員s.

His younger brother Christian swore in a courtroom in 2021 there was no 指示,表示する物 the アルプス登山家, whose 逮捕する 価値(がある) was 概算の at £5.2 billion, remained alive.

But now a major 調査 led by German 放送者 RTL (人命などを)奪う,主張するs to have identified Haub in Moscow?- and believes the 大君 is there with a much younger mistress 指名するd?Veronika Ermilova.

German-American tycoon Karl-Erivan Haub, then 58,?was training for a ski mountaineering race when he disappeared in April 2018

German-American 大君 Karl-Erivan Haub, then 58,?was training for a ski 登山 race when he disappeared in April 2018

The billionaire businessman was seen heading up the mountain in a lift one morning alone - something his trainer said was strange for a man who was typically very safety conscious and well-prepared - and never returned to his hotel

The 億万長者 実業家 was seen 長,率いるing up the mountain in a 解除する one morning alone - something his trainer said was strange for a man who was typically very safety conscious and 井戸/弁護士席-用意が出来ている - and never returned to his hotel

Haub is alleged to have dialled the phone of mysterious Russian woman Veronika Ermilova - suspected of being a Russian agent - 13 times in the three days before he vanished

Haub is 申し立てられた/疑わしい to have dialled the phone of mysterious ロシアの woman Veronika Ermilova - 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd of 存在 a ロシアの スパイ/執行官 - 13 times in the three days before he 消えるd

Haub called Ermilova 13 times before his disappearance, leading to suspicions he was plotting to fake his death with help from Moscow

Haub called Ermilova 13 times before his 見えなくなる, 主要な to 疑惑s he was plotting to 偽の his death with help from Moscow

Ermilova ran an 'inconspicuous' event agency in St Petersburg with hobbies like hiking, climbing and ski touring

Ermilova ran an 'inconspicuous' event 機関 in St Petersburg with hobbies like 引き上げ(る)ing, climbing and ski 小旅行するing

German-American tycoon Karl-Erivan Haub was training for a ski mountaineering race when he disappeared in April 2018 in Zermatt, Switzerland

German-American 大君 Karl-Erivan Haub was traini ng for a ski 登山 race when he disappeared in April 2018 in Zermatt, Switzerland

Christian is now 支配する to an 調査 by the Cologne 検察官,検事's office on 疑惑 of making 誤った 声明s under 誓い, RTL?報告(する)/憶測d.?

Christian assumed 支配(する)/統制する of the Tengelmann Group after his brother's 見えなくなる, and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d a 安全 service to 調査/捜査する the 'rumours' he was still alive.

His lawyer, 示す Binz, told German newspaper Die Zeit: 'Of course there is nothing to the 告訴,告発.'?

小売 mogul Haub, who would now be 老年の 64, is 申し立てられた/疑わしい to have called Ermilova's phone 13 times in the three days before he 消えるd in 2018, によれば the 調査(する) by RTL and マスコミ 出口?厳しい.?

The calls were 相当な - one 継続している more than an hour - 主要な to 疑惑s he was plotting to 偽の his death with help from Moscow and Ermilova.?

The 調査 設立する that Ermilova, 44, ran an 'inconspicuous' event 機関 in St. Petersburg, which organised skiing, 引き上げ(る)ing and climbing excursions for outdoor 熱中している人s - but she is also 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd of 存在 伴う/関わるd with Russia's FSB 安全 service.?

She is now 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d on LinkedIn as a Marketing Director at ロシアの Event, which is styled as a travel experience company.?

An 調査 by Tengelmann later 明らかにする/漏らすd that Haub's life was closely intertwined with the enigmatic Ermilova, who is believed to be some twenty years Haub's junior and was 述べるd as 'a わずかな/ほっそりした, 運動競技の woman with shoulder-length brown hair, dark 注目する,もくろむs, and open smile'.

捜査官/調査官s 示唆するd that she 'may work for the ロシアの 国内の secret service FSB', although 強調する/ストレスd this 'cannot be proven'.

'What can be proven, however, is that she is always in the same places at the same time as Karl-Erivan Haub,' said the 報告(する)/憶測.

'In July 2008, both were in Moscow and Sochi within a few days... In May 2009, both travelled on the same night train from Moscow to St Petersburg, in separate compartments. The trips were 調書をとる/予約するd at the same time and by the same person.

'Strange too: [Ermilova] (機の)カム to Moscow the day before just to take the train 支援する home.

'その上の overlaps of short trips by Haub and [Ermilova] can be 設立する for stays in Omsk (2010), Sochi (2011), Baku (2014) and Moscow (2015, 2017).'

The 報告(する)/憶測 明言する/公表するs: 'It is not (疑いを)晴らす why these 申し立てられた/疑わしい 会合s took place. It doesn't sound like a love vacation.'

RTL 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Liv 出身の Boetticher 推測するd that Haub's 見えなくなる in Switzerland and 申し立てられた/疑わしい 外見s in Russia may have come as the result of shady 商売/仕事 取引.

'Karl-Erivan Haub is known to have done 商売/仕事 with 疑わしい people in the ロシアの economy,' she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd.?

'Our 仮定/引き受けること is that 商売/仕事 with Russia or with ロシアの 商売/仕事 partners could have got Karl-Erivan in trouble in the West.'

同様に as calling Ermilova, Haub is also understood to have dialled ロシアの 銀行業者 Andrey Suzdaltsev in both Russia and Geneva の直前に he died, the RTL and 厳しい 調査 (人命などを)奪う,主張するd.?

Another of Haub's ロシアの 商売/仕事 partners 含むd 悪名高い self-自白するd fraudster Sergey Grishin - known as the 'Scarface Oligarch'.

Grishin made headlines in the UK and US after 存在 selling his $14.7 million home in Montecito, California, to 非,不,無 other than Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in 2020.?

Haub was officially declared dead in 2021 with a net wealth of £5.2 billion - even though his body was missing

Haub was 公式に 宣言するd dead in 2021 with a 逮捕する wealth of £5.2 billion - even though his 団体/死体 was 行方不明の

Veronika Ermilova is pictured at Pacman bar, St Petersburg, back in 2016

Veronika Ermilova is pictured at Pacman 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業, St Petersburg, 支援する in 2016

Haub is also understood to have dialled secretive Russian mogul Andrey Suzdaltsev shortly before he died

Haub is also understood to have dialled 隠しだてする ロシアの mogul Andrey Suzdaltsev の直前に he died

Sergey Grishin was reported to have died from a long illness in March, although no evidence of his funeral has ever emerged

Sergey Grishin was 報告(する)/憶測d to have died from a long illness in March, although no 証拠 of his funeral has ever e 合併するd

The investigation links Haub's suspicious disappearance to Veronika Ermilova, a possible Russian spy

The 調査 links Haub's 怪しげな 見えなくなる to Veronika Ermilova, a possible ロシアの 秘かに調査する

Another co-owner of RosEvroBank, the ロシアの oligarch had bought the 所有物/資産/財産 with a seven-acre 場所/位置, pool, tennis 法廷,裁判所, guest 4半期/4分の1s and 素晴らしい main house, in 2009.

His 愛称 Scarface derived from his 所有権 of another Californian mansion where the 1983 Al Pacino movie of the same 指名する was filmed.

Grishin was 報告(する)/憶測d to have died from a long illness last year, although no 証拠 of his funeral has ever 現れるd.

RTL 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Boetticher also 推測するd in an interview with Die Welt that Haub may have 現実に been working for the ロシアのs.?

'He could have been 事実上の/代理 as a 肉親,親類d of 影響(力) スパイ/執行官 for Russia in Germany... It's not about an スパイ/執行官 with a floppy hat and a ざん壕 coat or a James 社債, but about 影響(力) on politics and the economy.

'(His 見えなくなる (機の)カム) at a time when Tengelmann was doing pre tty 不正に… and was 拡大するing into Russia with the Obi DIY chain, for example.'

The 新聞記者/雑誌記者 said: 'I am sure it was not a skiing 事故, but a 行う/開催する/段階d escape.'

The exact method used by Haub to 行為/行う his 申し立てられた/疑わしい escape is not known.?

Some believe he skied through the アルプス山脈 and descended into Italy, but there is no trace of his どの辺に after he 始める,決める out on a 単独の ski 小旅行する in April 2018.