中国 gives TAX BREAKS to the fentanyl-making 会社/堅いs behind some 80,000 US overdose deaths each year: House 報告(する)/憶測 says Beijing (種を)蒔くs '大混乱 and 荒廃'

中国's leaders give 税金 breaks to companies that produce fentanyl 化学製品s and 原因(となる) some 80,000 US overdose deaths each year, a damning House 報告(する)/憶測 警告するs.

Beijing is 燃料ing America's fentanyl 危機 by 補助金を支給するing the 製造(する) of 構成要素s used by traffickers to make pills outside the country, say papers from a 委員会 on 中国.

研究員s 接近d a 政府 website that 明らかにする/漏らすd 税金 rebates for the 生産/産物 of 明確な/細部 fentanyl precursors and other synthetics ― as long as those companies sell them outside of 中国.

'Through its 活動/戦闘s, as our 報告(する)/憶測 has 明らかにする/漏らすd, the Chinese 共産主義者 Party is telling us that it wants more fentanyl entering our country,' said Rep マイク Gallagher, the 共和国の/共和党の chairman of the special House 委員会.

The carnage of fentanyl deaths on US st
reets is underpinned by government tax breaks for Chinese chemical producers, says a damning report

The 大虐殺 of fentanyl deaths on US streets is underpinned by 政府 税金 breaks for Chinese 化学製品 生産者s, says a damning 報告(する)/憶測?

Chinese President Xi Jinping and President Joe Biden agreed in November to work together against fentanyl and other drugs

Chinese 大統領 Xi Jinping and 大統領 Joe Biden agreed in November to work together against fentanyl and other 麻薬s

'It wants the 大混乱 and 荒廃 that has resulted from the 疫病/流行性の.'

America 苦しむd more than 111,000 overdose deaths in the year to April 2023 ― more than 70 パーセント of them 予定 to fentanyl and other synthetic opioids, says the US 中心s for 病気 支配(する)/統制する and 予防.


Is the Biden 行政 doing enough to 保護する Americans from fentanyl?

Is the Biden 行政 doing enough to 保護する Americans from fentanyl?

  • Yes 22 投票(する)s
  • No 303 投票(する)s
  • Not sure 10 投票(する)s

Now 株 your opinion

  • ?

大統領 Joe Biden and Chinese 大統領 Xi Jinping in November 発表するd a 再開 of 二国間の/相互の 協調 on counternarcotics, with a 焦点(を合わせる) on 減ずるing the flow of precursor 化学製品s and synthetic 麻薬 trafficking.

But this week's congressional 報告(する)/憶測 raises questions about whether Beijing can be 信用d.

The 報告(する)/憶測's findings were 解放(する)d Tuesday as part of a 審理,公聴会 診察するing 中国's 役割 in the fentanyl 疫病/流行性の in the US.?

安価な fentanyl is ますます 削減(する) into other 麻薬s, often without the 買い手s' knowledge.

The Chinese 政府 not only 補助金を支給するs the 製造(する) of precursor 化学製品s, but the 報告(する)/憶測 says it has also 妨害するd 調査s into illicit 麻薬-製造者s.

When US 法律 enforcers 正式に request 援助, Beijing 警告するs the 会社/堅いs they are 的s of an 調査, the 報告(する)/憶測 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs.

研究員s said 多重の 現在の and former 連邦の スパイ/執行官s have 述べるd the notification of 的s, 主要な those 的s to 改造する 操作/手術s and make it harder to (悪事,秘密などを)発見する their activities.

The drug was initially produced in India and China and mailed to recipients across North America. Makeshift labs have since sprung up in Mexico to receive the precur
sor chemicals, mix them or press them into pills, and smuggle them into the US

The 麻薬 was 最初 produced in India and 中国 and mailed to 受取人s across North America. 一時しのぎの物,策 labs have since sprung up in Mexico to receive the precursor 化学製品s, mix them or 圧力(をかける) them into pills, and 密輸する them into the US

Former US Attorney General William Barr says China's government is?'knee deep' in the export of fentanyl chemicals

Former US 司法長官 William Barr says 中国's 政府 is?'膝 深い' in the 輸出(する) of fentanyl 化学製品s?

Members of the Sinaloa Cartel preapre drugs for the US market at a safe house in Culiacan

Members of the Sinaloa Cartel preapre 麻薬s for the US market at a 安全な house in Culiacan

Former US 司法長官 William Barr told 国会議員s that it's hard to believe that a country with the most 普及(する) 監視 system in the world is not fully aware of the 大規模な 麻薬 trafficking taking place.

He said the 委員会's 報告(する)/憶測 '暴露するd persuasive 証拠' that 中国's 政府 is not just a bystander, but is '膝 深い' in sponsoring and 容易にするing the 輸出(する) of fentanyl 化学製品s.

Barr 勧めるd the US to use its 貿易(する) and 経済大国 to 捜し出す greater 施行 from Chinese 当局.

He also said 犠牲者s should bring civil 活動/戦闘s against companies and individuals 伴う/関わるd in 分配するing the precursors and synthetic 麻薬s.

'I don't think we can count on their 好意/親善, as we have in the past,' Barr said.

The Chinese 大使館 in Washington did not 答える/応じる すぐに to a request for comment.

Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, the 最高の,を越す 民主党員 on the 委員会, said Chinese companies are also 現在/一般に selling synthetic opioids on their websites.

He pointed to a screenshot of one such solicitation that 委員会 staff 設立する just Monday night in 前進する of the 審理,公聴会.

Immigrants seeking asylum in the US are processed by border agents after crossing into Arizona from Mexico. Guards told that cartels get drugs across the border by using migrants as decoys

移民,移住(する)s 捜し出すing 亡命 in the US are 過程d by 国境 スパイ/執行官s after crossing into Arizona from Mexico. Guards told that cartels get 麻薬s across the 国境 by using migrants as おとりs?

This image from Mexico's national defense forces shows a makeshift drugs lab in northwest Mexico, where officers discovered?precursor chemicals, fentanyl paste, weapons and drug making gear, from November 2021

This image from Mexico's 国家の 弁護 軍隊s shows a 一時しのぎの物,策 麻薬s lab in northwest Mexico, where officers discovered?precursor 化学製品s, fentanyl paste, 武器s and 麻薬 making gear, from November 2021??

Such 地位,任命するs must be taken 負かす/撃墜する すぐに, he said.

'There are hundreds of these website 地位,任命するs ― hundreds,' Krishnamoorthi said.

What is fentanyl and why is it so dangerous?

Fentanyl was 初めは developed in Belgium in the 1950s to 援助(する) 癌 患者s with their 苦痛 管理/経営.?

Given its extreme potency it has become popular amongst recreational 麻薬 使用者s.?

Overdose deaths linked to synthetic opioids like fentanyl jumped from nearly 10,000 in 2015 to nearly 20,000 in 2016 - より勝るing ありふれた opioid p ainkillers and ヘロイン for the first time.?

And 麻薬 overdoses killed more than 72,000 people in the US in 2017 ? a 記録,記録的な/記録する driven by fentanyl.?

It is often 追加するd to ヘロイン because it creates the same high as the 麻薬, with the 影響s biologically 同一の. But it can be up to 50 times more potent than ヘロイン, によれば 公式の/役人s in the US.?

In the US, fentanyl is 分類するd as a schedule II 麻薬 - 示すing it has some 医療の use but it has a strong 可能性のある to be 乱用d and can create psychological and physical dependence.?



'This is 完全に 容認できない.'

The 化学製品 companies 供給するing fentanyl precursors often have 合法的 商売/仕事s with 顧客s around the world.

The 報告(する)/憶測 said fentanyl precursors and other synthetic 麻薬s are a '味方する hustle' designed to maximize 利益(をあげる)s.

商売/仕事s that 取引,協定 in fentanyl precursors and 麻薬s on the 味方する are 特に 攻撃を受けやすい to US 許可/制裁s.

The same goes for companies such as banks, online 壇・綱領・公約s and shipping companies that enable illicit fentanyl 貿易(する).

The 報告(する)/憶測 calls on 議会 to 明らかにする the 力/強力にする of the 大統領,/社長 to 許可/制裁 those 伴う/関わるd in 麻薬 trafficking.

Washington should also 非難する 許可/制裁s on violators and 報告(する)/憶測s 支援する to 議会 定期的に on how often 許可/制裁s have been undertaken.

It also calls for forming a 仕事 軍隊 that would place 知能, 経済的な and 施行 資源s under one roof.

The 長,率いる of the group would 報告(する)/憶測 直接/まっすぐに to the 弁護士/代理人/検事 general of the US and serve as a special assistant to the 大統領,/社長 on the 国家の 安全 会議 with 当局 over the opioids 大臣の地位.

Fentanyl is 一般的に mixed with 麻薬s like ヘロイン, コカイン, and methamphetamine, or 圧力(をかける)d into pills that 似ている other prescription opioids. On the street, it is known as everything from 'blues' to 中国 Girl, and Goodfellas.

実験(する)s by the 麻薬 施行 行政 show that four in ten pills sold in the US have at least 2mg of fentanyl ― the 同等(の) of about five 穀物s of salt ― a dose that is considered 潜在的に lethal.

The 機関 警告するs that 'one pill can kill'.

Synthetic opioids kill more Americans every year than died in the Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan wars combined

Synthetic opioids kill more Americans every year than died in the Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan wars 連合させるd

DEA officers seized a million fake pills containing fentanyl at a home in Inglewood, California. The drug is so potent that users can easily take a lethal dose

DEA officers 掴むd a million 偽の pills 含む/封じ込めるing fentanyl at a home in Inglewood, California. The 麻薬 is so potent that 使用者s can easily take a lethal dose ?

The Facebook group Lost 発言する/表明するs of Fentanyl has tens of thousands of members who 支払う/賃金 尊敬の印 to their loved ones who were (人命などを)奪う,主張するd by the 麻薬.

In Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York and other big cities, the sight of homeless people 崩壊(する)d on sidewalks, puffing fentanyl smoke and lurching from moments of slumber to 一区切り/(ボクシングなどの)試合s of violent shivering have become all too ありふれた.

The 荒廃 has become so bad that fentanyl flows across the US-Mexico 国境 have become a flashpoint between 民主党員s and 共和国の/共和党のs.

Former 大統領,/社長 Donald Trump has said he would (軍隊を)展開する,配備する 軍の 資産s to fight the fentanyl 危機 and '(打撃,刑罰などを)与える 最大限 損失' on Mexican cartel 操作/手術s if elected in 2024.

He would also 捜し出す the 死刑 to 罪人/有罪を宣告するd 麻薬 売買業者s and human traffickers, he said.

'Under my leadership, we took the 麻薬 and fentanyl 危機 長,率いる on, and we 達成するd the first 削減 in overdose deaths in more than 30 years,' Trump said in a (選挙などの)運動をする ビデオ.

'Sadly, under Joe Biden, our hard-won 進歩 has been 降伏するd, along with the 降伏する of our southern 国境.'

Synthetic opioids ― mostly fentanyl ― now kill more Americans every year than died in the Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan wars 連合させるd.

The 基礎 for the US fentanyl 疫病/流行性の was laid more than 20 years ago, with 積極的な over-定める/命ずるing of the synthetic opioid oxycodone.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates there were more than 111,000 overdose deaths in the year to April 2023. Many were due to fentanyl, pictured

The 中心s for 病気 支配(する)/統制する and 予防 (CDC) 見積(る)s there were more than 111,000 overdose deaths in the year to April 2023. Many were 予定 to fentanyl, pictured

As US 当局 clamped 負かす/撃墜する on its prescription, 使用者s moved to ヘロイン, which the Sinaloa cartel happily 供給(する)d.

But making its own fentanyl ― far more potent and versatile than ヘロイン ― in small, easily 隠すd labs was a game changer.

The cartel went from its first 一時しのぎの物,策 fentanyl lab to a 網状組織 of labs concentrated in the northern 明言する/公表する of Sinaloa in いっそう少なく than a 10年間.

A sin gle cartel 'cook' can 圧力(をかける) fentanyl into 100,000 偽造の pills every day to fool Americans into thinking they're taking Xanax, Percocet or oxycodone.

The pills are 密輸するd over the 国境 to 供給(する) 麻薬 (麻薬)常用者s across the US, 含むing the homeless 使用者s seen つまずくing around on the streets of San Francisco, New York and other big cities.

Fentanyl is so cheap to make that the cartel 得るs 大規模な 利益(をあげる)s even 卸売ing the 麻薬 at 50 cents per pill, 捜査官/調査官s say.

The 麻薬's potency makes it 特に dangerous.

The 麻薬 dose of fentanyl is so の近くに to the lethal dose that a pill meant to 確実にする a high for a habituated 使用者 can easily kill a いっそう少なく experienced person taking something they didn't know was fentanyl.