Rex Heuermann's lawyer is 試みる/企てるing to 転換 the 非難する for the Gilgo Beach 殺人s on to the corrupt former police 長,指導者 who was 以前 in 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 of the 事例/患者.?

Speaking outside the Long Island courthouse where his (刑事)被告 serial 殺し屋 (弁護士の)依頼人 had a 審理,公聴会 Wednesday morning, 弁護士/代理人/検事 Michael Brown said 不名誉d Suffolk 郡 Police 長,指導者 James Burke is '伴う/関わるd' in the sordid 事件/事情/状勢.?

'We received だいたい almost 3,000 leads on this 事例/患者,' he told reporters outside?Suffolk 郡 最高裁判所?in Riverhead.?

'There were 非常に/多数の leads that (機の)カム into the Suffolk 郡 Police Department, 示唆するing that 長,指導者 Burke was 伴う/関わるd in this.'?

Burke?恐らく led a 二塁打 life 伴う/関わるing 割れ目, cross-dressing and 関係s with 売春婦s.?He is serving 刑務所,拘置所 time after 存在 罪人/有罪を宣告するd of several offences 含むing 強襲,強姦, public lewdness and unlawful solicitation after flashing in a park.?

Heuermann, 60, has spent most of his days since his July 2023 arrest in a small windowless cell at the Riverhead Jail as he awaits trial. (Pictured: Heuermann in court Wednesday)

Heuermann, 60, has spent most of his days since his July 2023 逮捕(する) in a small windowless 独房 at the Riverhead 刑務所,拘置所 as he を待つs 裁判,公判. (Pictured: Heuermann in 法廷,裁判所 Wednesday)

Pictured: Former Suffolk County police chief James Burke (center) is escorted to a vehicle by FBI personnel outside the FBI office in Melville, New York on December 9, 2015

Pictured: Former Suffolk 郡 police 長,指導者 James Burke (中心) is 護衛するd to a 乗り物 by 連邦検察局 職員/兵員 outside the 連邦検察局 office in Melville, New York on December 9, 2015

His ex-wife, Asa Ellerup (pictured) was also spotted pulling up in a black Mercedes outside the Long Island courthouse

His ex-wife, Asa Ellerup (pictured) was also spotted pulling up in a 黒人/ボイコット Mercedes outside the Long Island courthouse

Speaking about the former 警官,(賞などを)獲得する's 関与 with the Gilgo Beach 殺人s 事例/患者, Brown said: '長,指導者 Burke would not let the 連邦検察局 in to the 調査 支援する then, with their 専門的知識.

'It's problematic for us that the 長,指導者 of police who was running the 調査 had this very checkered past and was 伴う/関わるd in 犯罪の activity.

'He recently served a four or four-and-a-half year 刑務所,拘置所 宣告,判決 in the 連邦の system.

'Just recently he was 逮捕(する)d on some 主張 of 存在 very deviant sexually. We want to see those 記録,記録的な/記録するs.'

Brown's comments (機の)カム after his (弁護士の)依頼人, Heuermann, appeared in 法廷,裁判所 wearing a 黒人/ボイコット 控訴, white shirt and 海軍 blue tie on Wednesday morning.?

He listened intently to the 審理,公聴会, which 中心d around troves of 可能性のある 証拠 掴むd from さまざまな 装置s 関係のある to the 事例/患者.?

The 60-year-old father-of-two is 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 殺人ing four 女性(の) sex 労働者s whose 団体/死体s were 設立する buried on a remote stretch of Gilgo Beach more than 10 years ago.?

His ex-wife, Asa Ellerup, was also spotted pulling up in a 黒人/ボイコット Mercedes outside the Long Island courthouse.?

The 60-year-old father-of-two is charged with murdering four female sex workers whose bodies were found on Gilgo Beach more than 10 years ago

The 60-year-old father-of-two is 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 殺人ing four 女性(の) sex 労働者s whose 団体/死体s were 設立する on Gilgo Beach more than 10 years ago

Alleged Gilgo Beach serial killer Rex A. Heuermann, right, appears in Judge Tim Mazzei's courtroom next to his attorney Michael Brown at Suffolk County Court in Riverhead on Wednesday

申し立てられた/疑わしい Gilgo Beach serial 殺し屋 Rex A. Heuermann, 権利, appears in 裁判官 Tim Mazzei's courtroom next to his 弁護士/代理人/検事 Michael Brown at Suffolk 郡 法廷,裁判所 in Riverhead on Wednesday

Asa Ellerup, left, the estranged wife of Long Island serial killing suspect Rex Heuermann, arrives at court in Riverhead, N.Y. on Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Asa Ellerup, left, the estranged wife of Long Island serial 殺人,大当り 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う Rex Heuermann, arrives at 法廷,裁判所 in Riverhead, N.Y. on Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Ellerup, left, who also shares two children with Heuermann, filed for divorce six days after he was charged with the first three murders

Ellerup, left, who also 株 two children with Heuermann, とじ込み/提出するd for 離婚 six days after he was 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with the first three 殺人s

It comes just weeks after she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd?her partner of 27 years is 'not 有能な' of 殺人ing the four women. Heuermann has pleaded not 有罪の to the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s.?

Ellerup, who also 株 two children with Heuermann, とじ込み/提出するd for 離婚 six days after he was 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with the first three 殺人s.?

But she still visits him in 刑務所,拘置所 because she believes he 'deserves the 利益 of the 疑問' and …に出席するs his 審理,公聴会s with a 文書の camera 乗組員.?

Ellerup 報道によれば 調印するd a 議論の的になる seven-人物/姿/数字 を取り引きする NBC 全世界の/万国共通の, Texas 乗組員 生産/産物s and G-部隊 to feature in a series about th e 事例/患者.?

During Wednesday's 審理,公聴会, 弁護士/代理人/検事s discussed troves of 可能性のある 証拠 held on hundreds of 装置s. The 裁判官 said he 手配中の,お尋ね者 the 発見 段階 of the 事例/患者 to by 完全にするd by July.?

Suffolk DA Ray Tierney said 検察官,検事s have 'a tremendous 量 of 構成要素' to 競う with.

'When you are talking about terabytes upon terabytes upon terabytes on (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) - it doesn't happen 夜通し,' he told reporters outside 法廷,裁判所.??

Heuermann last appeared in 法廷,裁判所 早期に February for an update on the 進歩 of his 事例/患者, during which he stayed silent.

He was?brought into a silent Suffolk 郡 Courthouse in Riverhead, Long Island, New York, for a procedural 審理,公聴会 not …に出席するd by Ellerup.?

It 示すd the first time the architect had appeared in 法廷,裁判所 since January 16, when he pleaded not 有罪の to 殺人,大当り Maureen Brainard-Barnes, 25, in 2007.

Pictured: Asa Ellerup in court on Wednesday ahead of Heuermann's latest hearing

Pictured: Asa Ellerup in 法廷,裁判所 on Wednesday ahead of Heuermann's 最新の 審理,公聴会?

The alleged victims known as the 'Gilgo four' - Maureen Brainard-Barnes; Amber Lynn Costello, 27; Megan Waterman, 22; and Melissa Barthelemy, 24

The 申し立てられた/疑わしい 犠牲者s known as the 'Gilgo four' - Maureen Brainard-Barnes; Amber Lynn Costello, 27; Megan Waterman, 22; and Melissa Barthelemy, 24

Heuermann was earlier 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with three counts of first-degree 殺人 over the deaths of Melissa Barthelemy in 2009, and Megan Waterman and Amber Lynn Costello in 2010.?

He has spent most of his days since his July 2023 逮捕(する) in a?small windowless 独房 at the Riverhead 刑務所,拘置所 as he を待つs 裁判,公判.?

His 弁護士/代理人/検事 earlier 明らかにする/漏らすd to that the (刑事)被告 殺害者 was still 存在 held in 独房監禁 confinement and was 'lonely and depressed'.?

公式の/役人s at the high-安全 New York 刑務所,拘置所 said he has been 孤立するd because he would さもなければ be a 'major 的' for inmates.

'We have very good (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) that he would be a 的 of 暴力/激しさ if he was not in a 安全な・保証する 場所,' Suffolk 郡 郡保安官 Errol D. Toulon Jr. told Newsday 以前.?

'There was an individual that did say if he was able to get into の近くに 接触する with him, 'I'm going to do something.'?

申し立てられた/疑わしい 犠牲者s Maureen Brainard-Barnes, 25, Melissa Barthelemy, 24, Megan Waterman, 22, and Amber Lynn Costello, 27 went 行方不明の between 2007 and 2010.

They were all sex 労働者s who advertised their services on Craigslist and Backstory The women were 設立する tied up in burlap 解雇(する)s within a few miles of each other. ?

Long Island architect Heuermann was 逮捕(する)d ou tside his Manhattan office last year after デオキシリボ核酸 証拠 linked him to their 見えなくなるs.

Burke, 59,?was 破産した/(警察が)手入れするd in an area known for gay 巡航するing dubbed 'pickle park', when he was caught in a 連係させた sting by undercover 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs in August 2023.?

He was 逮捕(する)d by Suffolk 郡 Parks 特別奇襲隊員s?at the Vietnam 退役軍人's 記念の Park in Farmingville after he was 恐らく 申し込む/申し出ing oral sex to an undercover male park 特別奇襲隊員.

James Burke, the disgraced former head of Suffolk County Police Department, has been accused of hampering the Gilgo Beach serial killer probe by booting the FBI off the case in its early stages

James Burke, the 不名誉d former 長,率いる of Suffolk 郡 Police Department, has been (刑事)被告 of 妨害するing the Gilgo Beach serial 殺し屋 調査(する) by booting the 連邦検察局 off the 事例/患者 in its 早期に 行う/開催する/段階s

Burke battered Christopher Loeb (pictured), who stole a bag from the police chief's car which contained porn and sex toys

Burke 乱打するd Christopher Loeb (pictured), who stole a 捕らえる、獲得する from the police 長,指導者's car which 含む/封じ込めるd porn and sex toys

Once Suffolk 郡's highest-最高位の 警官,(賞などを)獲得する, Burke was いっそう少なく than 10 miles from his Smithtown home and in a 賃貸しの car with Rhode Island?plates when he was 選ぶd up by the 当局 in the area of Bald Hill and North Ocean Avenue.?

Burke was 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 申し込む/申し出ing a sex 行為/法令/行動する, indecent (危険などに)さらす, public lewdness and 犯罪の solicitation in the fifth degree.??

He was also (刑事)被告 of stymying the Gilgo Beach 事例/患者 in its 早期に 行う/開催する/段階s by 封鎖するing the 連邦検察局's?役割 in the 調査.

He (1)偽造する/(2)徐々に進むd a '堅い 警官,(賞などを)獲得する' 評判 through out his career that 含むd 疑わしい policing 策略 and a penchant for cigars dipped in cherry brandy.?

Burke, who enjoyed a の近くに 関係 with several 不名誉d 地元の 公式の/役人s, rose through the 階級s of the department にもかかわらず スキャンダルs that 含むd sleeping with a 売春婦 in his patrol car.

His?申し立てられた/疑わしい secret taste for 麻薬s and 売春婦s (機の)カム to light in 2015 after he was 調査/捜査するd for attacking Christopher Loeb, a young ヘロイン (麻薬)常用者 who stole a 捕らえる、獲得する from the police 長,指導者's car.

Inside the 捕らえる、獲得する, Loeb 設立する sex toys and a porn DVD with sickening (映画の)フィート数 that showed a bound and gagged women 存在 拷問d.

Speaking outside the Long Island courthouse where his accused serial killer client had a hearing Wednesday morning, attorney Michael Brown said disgraced PC James Burke (pictured in August 2023) is 'involved' in the case

Speaking outside the Long Island courthouse where his (刑事)被告 serial 殺し屋 (弁護士の)依頼人 had a 審理,公聴会 Wednesday morning, 弁護士/代理人/検事 Michael Brown said 不名誉d PC James Burke (pictured in August 2023) is '伴う/関わるd' in the 事例/患者

Burke was 決定するd to catch the どろぼう and 保護する his career - knowing the contents of the duffel 捕らえる、獲得する could land him in hot water.?

He then orchestrated a failed cover-up when Loeb complained about the (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing and the 連邦検察局 調査/捜査するd Burke and his cronies in Suffolk 郡.

Loeb broke into Burke's department-問題/発行するd SUV in December 2012 and was later identified and 逮捕(する)d.

He was taken to a police 駅/配置する and 手錠d to the 床に打ち倒す of an 尋問 room before Burke violently 乱打するd Loeb. The police 長,指導者, who ran a 軍隊 of 2,200 officers, also 脅すd to kill Loeb before a junior 警官,(賞などを)獲得する 勧めるd his boss to stop.

The episode 最終的に exposed a culture of 汚職 at the highest levels of Suffolk 郡 政府. Ex-地区 弁護士/代理人/検事 Thomas Spota and Christopher McPartland, the former 長,指導者 of an anti-汚職 bureau, were also 刑務所,拘置所d for five years for their 役割s in the スキャンダル.

The 連邦検察局 had spent two years 調査(する)ing the cover-up before Burke was 逮捕(する)d after at least ten police office agreed to 協力する in the 事例/患者.

The 裁判官 who 刑務所,拘置所d Burke, who was 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with conspiring to 妨害する 司法(官) and 侵害する/違反するing Loeb's civil 権利s, said he 'corrupted a system'.