• Some 237 illicit マリファナ farms in Maine 生成するd $4.37B in 歳入 in 2023, far より勝るing the 明言する/公表する's 合法的な マリファナ 産業 which brought in $158M
  • Many of the Chinese money 仲買人s who 支援する 違法な マリファナ farms in US are also 伴う/関わるd in fentanyl trafficking?

司法長官 Merrick Garland said he has no idea what's behind the flood of Chinese 国家のs trying to cross into the U.S. from Mexico in 最近の months, many of whom go on to grow 違法な マリファナ in the 明言する/公表するs.?

'Do you have a theory on why the Chinese are sending people 不法に into our country to 設立する these grower 操作/手術s?' Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, asked Garland during a 上院 (資金の)充当/歳出s 委員会 審理,公聴会.?

'I don't have a theory,' the 弁護士/代理人/検事 general said.?

'Now 普通は, I develop a theory by learning the facts from the different investigative orders or (独立の)存在s that look into this. So at this point, I don't have a theory. There are a lot of obvious theories, 含むing the 利益(をあげる) 動機.'?

'These transnational 犯罪の organizations are operating ... all over the world to make money where they can, but I can't tell you what the 明確な/細部 動機づけ here is.'

Collins' 明言する/公表する of Maine is the newest frontier in the 黒人/ボイコット market マリファナ 商売/仕事, but the 現象 (期間が)わたるs across the nation.?

In February 50 U.S. 国会議員s wrote to Garland 需要・要求するing answers about 中国's 役割 in the illicit マリファナ 貿易(する) in the U.S.?

司法長官 Merrick Garland said he has no idea what's behind the flood of Chinese 国家のs trying to cross into the U.S. from Mexico in 最近の months, many of whom go on to grow 違法な マリファナ in the 明言する/公表するs
'Do you have a theory on why the Chinese are sending people 不法に into our country to 設立する these grower 操作/手術s?' Sen. Susan Collins , R-Maine, asked Garland during a 上院 (資金の)充当/歳出s 委員会 審理,公聴会

'We are 深く,強烈に 関心d with 報告(する)/憶測s from across the country regarding Chinese 国家のs and 組織するd 罪,犯罪 cultivating マリファナ on 部隊d 明言する/公表するs 農地,' the bipartisan group wrote.

Many of the Chinese money 仲買人s who 支援する 違法な マリファナ farms are also 伴う/関わるd in fentanyl trafficking.?

A 漏れるd Department of 母国 安全 文書 from 2023 設立する that some 237 illicit マリファナ farms in Maine 生成するd $4.37 billion in 歳入 in 2023, far より勝るing the 明言する/公表する's 合法的な マリファナ 産業 which brought in?$158 million.?


Mexican cartels have long 支配するd the market for 違法な 少しのd in the US, but 公式の/役人s are now 警告 that Chinese 基金ing for such 操作/手術s is 急上昇するing.

A Chinese 労働者 at a 違法な cannabis farm in New Mexico that was shut 負かす/撃墜する in 2020. Former 労働者s at the 工場/植物 とじ込み/提出するd a 訴訟 last year against its 中心人物s 主張するing 虐待
This house in ベオグラード, Maine, was (警察の)手入れ,急襲d by police earlier this year after 当局 said they 暴露するd 違法な マリファナ growing 操作/手術s inside. Two Chinese 国家のs were 逮捕(する)d
Maine police 掴むd 970 マリファナ 工場/植物s at a Chinese farm in the town of ベオグラード in January

It is not known whether the money is coming from groups connected to the Chinese 共産主義者 Party (CCP), but 専門家s have pointed out that triads are usually only 許すd to operate if they agree to 行為/法令/行動する as informal 'enforcers' for the 政府.

Chinese 移民,移住(する) 労働者s have 申し立てられた/疑わしい they were 誘惑するd to northern New Mexico under 誤った pretenses and 軍隊d to work 14 hours a day at an 違法な マリファナ 工場/植物 支援するd with 基金s from a 中国-based energy 巨大(な), によれば a 訴訟 とじ込み/提出するd last year.?

違法な Chinese 移住 has 急上昇するd in the past two years. Customs and 国境 保護 (CBP) 逮捕(する)d nearly 25,000 国家のs from the People's 共和国 of 中国 (PRC) since October, によれば 政府 data of crossings at the southern and northern 国境s over the last four years.

A sprawling 違法な マリファナ 工場/植物 in New Mexico was shut 負かす/撃墜する after 当局 設立する a 網状組織 of 1,100 温室s across 400 acres
The 操作/手術 was 支援するd with 基金ing from a 中国-based energy 巨大(な), によれば a 訴訟 seen by

The 最近の 人物/姿/数字s 代表する an astounding 7,000 パーセント 増加する from the same time period in 2021.

Only 342 migrants from 中国 were 拘留するd by CBP in 会計の Year 2021 and 1,987 were apprehended the next 会計年度 cycle.

But the number of 違法な migrants coming from 中国 殺到するd in 2023 with 24,125 crossing the entire year.

A large 部分 of Garland's 審理,公聴会 焦点(を合わせる)d on 移民/移住 and the illicit 麻薬 貿易(する). 'There is no worse 脅し this country has 直面するd with regard to 麻薬s than fentanyl,' Garland 宣言するd.?

Garland turned up the heat on Mexico, which has 原因(となる)d frustr ations の中で U.S. 国会議員s for not doing enough to stop cartels from even reaching the U.S. 国境. He 認める Mexico has been 'not as helpful as I wish they were.'?


The 弁護士/代理人/検事 general also 辞退するd to say whether 大統領 Biden has the 合法的な 当局 to 安全な・保証する the 国境 himself, and 確認するd Biden is still 検討する,考慮するing new (n)役員/(a)執行力のある 活動/戦闘 after 激しい 圧力.?

'I know, as has been 報告(する)/憶測d, that the White House is considering a number of 選択s with 尊敬(する)・点 to im 移住,' Garland said. 'I don't want to get into our 審議s with the 大統領,/社長 and?I don't want to make a 決意 about 合法性 before we have in 前線 of us particular 提案.'

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., tore into Biden for taking (n)役員/(a)執行力のある 活動/戦闘 to 許す student 負債 - even as those 活動/戦闘s continue to be challenged in 法廷,裁判所 - but 辞退するing to 行為/法令/行動する on the 国境 because he doesn't believe he has the 合法的な 当局.?

'I don't know how this is any different, to stop 違法な [移民/移住] and thinking they're going to take us to 法廷,裁判所, and it might be overturned, but at least it sends the message that we are serious about the 国境.'

Biden's 国境 厳重取締 is on the horizon and 推定する/予想するd to 減少(する) in the coming weeks after months of 延期する. The White House team has been prepping for 合法的な challenges and political (激しい)反発 同様に as a 可能性のある 不足 of 資源s for 施行 活動/戦闘.?

Biden is 推定する/予想するd to rely on?Section 212(f), a part of the U.S. code that 許すs?the 大統領,/社長 to 限界 foreigners from entering the country if they're みなすd detrimental to U.S. 利益/興味s.

'Some are 示唆するing that I should just go ahead and try it,' Biden 認める in a 最近の interview wi th Univision. 'And if I get shut 負かす/撃墜する by the 法廷,裁判所, I get shut 負かす/撃墜する by the 法廷,裁判所.'