コカイン bricks: Major 打開 as Daniel Wayne John Roberts is 逮捕(する)d over 申し立てられた/疑わしい botched 輸入 where 麻薬 一括s washed up along NSW coastline

Police have 逮捕(する)d the 申し立てられた/疑わしい ringleader behind an 明らかに botched 密輸するing 操作/手術 which saw 900kg of コカイン bricks wash up along Australia's east coast.

Australian 連邦の Police officers 主張する Daniel Wayne John Roberts is the Australian leader of international 麻薬 traffickers who failed to 選ぶ up the 違法な 出荷/船積み.

In the weeks that followed, countless mysterious plastic-wrapped bricks were 設立する on the shoreline all along the NSW coast as they drifted on the tide.

On Wednesday, police 急襲するd on an 演説(する)/住所 in Brisbane's northern 郊外s where Roberts, 36, was 逮捕(する)d and will appear at Brisbane 治安判事s 法廷,裁判所 on Thursday.

He 直面するs seven 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s relating to the 輸入 of 商業の 量s of 麻薬s and 取引,協定ing in the proceeds of 罪,犯罪, with 最大限 宣告,判決 of life in 刑務所,拘置所.

The Aspley man was also 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with a その上の 12 offences of using 暴力/激しさ and 脅しs to collect 負債s and 脅迫してさせる 競争相手s by engaging 犯罪の associates to 強襲,強姦, firebomb, shoot at and だまし取る his 顧客 s.?

Police believe they have arrested the Australian ringleader behind a botched drug importation that left 'bricks' of cocaine washing up on the eastern coastline

Police believe they have 逮捕(する)d the Australian ringleader behind a botched 麻薬 輸入 that left 'bricks' of コカイン washing up on the eastern coastline

AFP Detective Superintendent Adrian Telfer speaks to media during a press conference about the arrest at AFP Brisbane Headquarters in Brisbane

AFP 探偵,刑事 Superintendent Adrian Telfer speaks to マスコミ during a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 about the 逮捕(する) at AFP Brisbane (警察,軍隊などの)本部 in Brisbane

The first of the tightly-wrapped and taped 一括s of コカイン was 設立する on the NSW central coast's?Magenta Beach in December when police opened the barnacle-encrusted outer plastic to find?39 'bricks 含む/封じ込めるing 39kg of コカイン.?

Over the festive season seven separate 一括s of around 7kg of コカイン were discovered on?Magenta Beach, Pelican Beach, Blacksmith Beach, Avoca Beach, Pentaloon Bay and Manly's North Steyne Beach.?

A fisherman reeled in a blue バーレル/樽 含む/封じ込めるing a その上の 39 個々に wrapped 1kg bricks of コカイン on ボクシング Day before 手渡すing it over to police.

Large packages containing the tightly wrapped bricks appeared along the Sydney coast and as far north as Newcastle late last year

Large 一括s 含む/封じ込めるing the tightly wrapped bricks appeared along the Sydney coast and as far north as Newcastle late last year

Later that day, a member of the public 設立する 39 more 個々に-調印(する)d 1kg bricks? on 激しく揺するs 近づく Newcastle Ocean Baths and also 手渡すd that over to police.

The コカイン bricks have been branded with labels 含むing Tesla, Zoe and R-Z.

Earlier this month, the コカイン was still turning up on NSW beaches, with five more - 概算の to be 価値(がある) $1million - 設立する by lifeguards on Sydney's Freshwater and Curl Curl beaches.

So far about 256kg of the 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd 900kg has been 掴むd by NSW Police 軍隊 after washing up on the shore.

'There was understandably community 関心 when コカイン washed up on beaches ? beaches where our children play, swim and eat,' said?AFP Superintendent Adrian Telfer.

'The AFP and our partners 献身的な a 重要な 量 of 資源s to 確実にする we kept the public 安全な and brought those 恐らく responsible before the 法廷,裁判所s.'?

探偵,刑事s 主張する Roberts used 献身的な encrypted communication 壇・綱領・公約s to 契約 out 麻薬 選ぶ-ups and to 隠す his 犯罪の activities from police.

It is 申し立てられた/疑わしい he used the 扱うs WANTED and John Dillinger, the same 指名する as the 悪名高い US ギャング(個々) during the 広大な/多数の/重要な 不景気.

The AFP will also 主張する the man played a 重要な 役割 in 輸入するing almost two tonnes of コカイン in just three 投機・賭けるs in the past year, which have an 概算の total street value of $683 million.