Dubai is flooded…with FLOODS! As city struggles to 回復する from biggest 降雨 in 75 years, a look at how the streets are 定期的に 洪水ing after 嵐/襲撃するs - and the 推論する/理由 why

  • UAE this week experienced heaviest rains and worst floods since 記録,記録的な/記録するs began?

This week's 破滅的な floods that soaked the 湾 明言する/公表するs, snarled flights into the world's busiest international airport in Dubai and killed 21 people in Oman and the 部隊d Arab 首長国s were の中で the worst in the 地域's history.?

Punishing rains - the heaviest experienced by the UAE in the 75 years that 記録,記録的な/記録するs have been kept - brought much of the country to a 行き詰まり and 罠にかける thousands of 居住(者)s and holidaymakers in traffic, offices, homes and hotels.?

In Dubai, some 乗り物s, 含むing buses, were almost 完全に 潜水するd by the deluge water while the roofs of shopping centres and public buildings 崩壊(する)d, sending 激流s of rainwater 噴出するing through.?

But this is by no means the first time the influencer 資本/首都 of the world and favourite 目的地 of jetsetters around the globe has been underwater.

In fact, it has become something of a 正規の/正選手 occurrence - the city has been blighted by floods three times in as many months this year, and on many more occasions in 最近の memory.?

A person stands surrounded by flood water caused by heavy rains, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, April 17, 2024

A person stands surrounded by flood water 原因(となる)d by 強い雨s, in Dubai, 部隊d Arab 首長国s, April 17, 2024

Cars drive in a flooded street following heavy rains in Dubai on April 17, 2024. Dubai, the Middle East's financial centre, has been paralysed by the torrential rain that caused floods across the UAE and Bahrain and left 18 dead in Oman

Cars 運動 in a flooded street に引き続いて 強い雨s in Dubai on April 17, 2024. Dubai, the Middle East's 財政上の centre, has been paralysed by the 豪雨 that 原因(となる)d floods across the UAE and Bahrain and left 18 dead in Oman

Shocking videos shared on social media showed how cars were filled with water, forcing hundreds of motorists to abandon their vehicles and swim to safety. Some cars were completely submerged, with the top of their roofs barely breaking the water's surface

Shocking ビデオs 株d on social マスコミ showed how cars were filled with water, 軍隊ing hundreds of 運転者s to abandon their 乗り物s and swim to safety. Some cars were 完全に 潜水するd, with the 最高の,を越す of their roofs barely breaking the water's surface

A man steers his canoe past a stranded car on a flooded street in Dubai following heavy rains on April 18, 2024. Dubai's giant highways were clogged by flooding and its major airport was in chaos as the Middle East financial centre remained gridlocked on April 18, a day after the heaviest rains on record

A man steers his canoe past a 立ち往生させるd car on a flooded street in Dubai に引き続いて 強い雨s on April 18, 2024. Dubai's 巨大(な) 主要道路s were clogged by flooding and its major airport was in 大混乱 as the Middle East 財政上の centre remained gridlocked on April 18, a day after the heaviest rains on 記録,記録的な/記録する

People walk along an flooded highway on April 18, 2024 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

People walk along an flooded 主要道路 on April 18, 2024 in Dubai, 部隊d Arab 首長国s

In this video grab from AFPTV, a man wades through a flooded street in Dubai on April 16, 2024

In this ビデオ 得る,とらえる from AFPTV, a man wades through a flooded street in Dubai on April 16, 2024

Cars are stuck on a flooded road after a rainstorm hit Dubai, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, April 17, 2024

Cars are stuck on a flooded road after a 暴風雨 攻撃する,衝突する Dubai, in Dubai, 部隊d Arab 首長国s, April 17, 2024

April 2024?

This week's floods were 述べるd by the UAE's 明言する/公表する-run news 機関 as?'a historic 天候 event' that より勝るd anything 文書d since the start of data collection in 1949.

The rains began late on Monday, soaking the sands and roadways of Dubai.

The 嵐/襲撃するs 強めるd at around 9am 地元の time on Tuesday and continued throughout the day, ダンピング more rain and あられ/賞賛する の上に the 圧倒するd city.

By the end of Tuesday, more than 5.59 インチs of 降雨 had soaked Dubai over 24 hours.?

An 普通の/平均(する) year sees 3.73 インチs of rain at Dubai International Airport, the world's busiest for international travel and a 中心 for the long-運ぶ/漁獲高 運送/保菌者 首長国s.?

Shocking ビデオs 株d on social マスコミ showed how cars were filled with water, 軍隊ing hundreds of?運転者s to abandon their 乗り物s?and swim to safety.?

Some 乗り物s were 完全に 潜水するd, with the 最高の,を越す of their roofs barely breaking the water's surface.

Other clips showed how furniture was blown off the balconies of highrise buildings into the deluge below as 居住(者)s and holidaymakers waded - and in some 事例/患者s swam - to safety.?

操作/手術s at Dubai airport remain 混乱に陥れる/中断させるd after the 嵐/襲撃する flooded the 滑走路, resulting in flight 転換s, 延期するs and 取り消しs.

Shops and 商売/仕事s are slowly 開始 two days on from the flooding as a 集まり clean up 操作/手術 continues.?

Cars are stranded on a flooded street in Dubai following heavy rains on April 18, 2024

Cars are 立ち往生させるd on a flooded street in Dubai に引き続いて 強い雨s on April 18, 2024


Cars were filled with water, 軍隊ing people to abandon their 乗り物s

Planes are caught in intense flooding at Dubai International Airport on Tuesday

計画(する)s are caught in 激しい flooding at Dubai International Airport on Tuesday

Hundreds of buildings and shops were destroyed throughout the day, as the large masses of water crashed through windows and sent vehicles sailing through walls

Hundreds of buildings and shops were destroyed throughout the day, as the large 集まりs of water 衝突,墜落d through windows and sent 乗り物s sailing through 塀で囲むs

Airport staff hike through desert scrub to reach accommodation after planes were grounded

Airport staff 引き上げ(る) through 砂漠 scrub to reach accommodation after 計画(する)s were grounded

February and March 2024?

The UAE 苦しむd かなりの floods に引き続いて 激しい 雷雨s just over one month ago on Saturday, March 9 and into Sunday.?

A 激しい downpour, …を伴ってd by 厳しい 雷, 乱打するd the country over the 週末, 誘発するing 当局 across the 首長国s to 問題/発行する orange 天候 警告s.?

This 軍隊d the 終結 of most public buildings 含むing 医療の centres, gyms and shopping centres, 同様に as most offices.?

Several cars were 潜水するd up to the windows, while many 居住(者)s 苦しむd floods and 漏れるs at their homes.?

Others were seen 立ち往生させるd on the streets, leaving behind their cars as they waded to safety.?

More than 2,300 緊急 労働者s were (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd across the 首長国s, with 250 タンカーs, 300 rainwater pumps and 180 緊急 乗り物s ploughing through feet of water to (疑いを)晴らす the streets.

The UAE was also 攻撃する,衝突する with more 季節風-like rains one month 事前の on February 12 which 原因(となる)d 類似の levels of flooding.

One ビデオ taken by an AP 新聞記者/雑誌記者 showed how a 4x4 was 軍隊d to plough through several feet of water that had 完全に 潜水するd an underpass.

Another 発射 by AFP showed how a McLaren supercar trundled carefully through 概略で a foot of water.??

当局 told schools and workplaces to switch to remote working for several days as the water was (疑いを)晴らすd, with Dubai Police using 動きやすい phone 警報s to 勧める 居住(者)s to remain indoors and stay away from valleys and wadis 傾向がある to 洪水.

A cyclist makes his way through a flooded street after heavy rains in Dubai on March 10, 2024

A cyclist makes his way through a flooded street after 強い雨s in Dubai on March 10, 2024

Commuters make their way through a flooded street after heavy rains in Dubai on March 10, 2024

通勤(学)者s make their way through a flooded street after 強い雨s in Dubai on March 10, 2024

People make their way through a flooded street after heavy rains in Dubai on March 10, 2024

People make their way through a flooded street after 強い雨s in Dubai on March 10, 2024

A sportscar moves near a water pump along a flooded street following heavy rains in Dubai on February 12, 2024

A sportscar moves 近づく a water pump along a flooded street に引き続いて 強い雨s in Dubai on February 12, 2024

August and November 2023

November and August last year saw floods 潜水する parts of Dubai after 降雨 攻撃するd the UAE.

Several roads in Dubai were waterlogged, with?Dubai police 地位,任命するing an 警報 on November 18 勧めるing people to 避ける going to beaches and other areas 傾向がある to flash floods.?

目撃者 報告(する)/憶測s in 湾 News and India TV News recounted how one man was seen 列/漕ぐ/騒動ing along a road in Dubai on November 18.

But there were no 死傷者s as 気象学者s were 井戸/弁護士席 aware that the rains were on their way.??

'We 推定する/予想するd this 降雨 of different intensity 特に in the northern and eastern parts of the 郡 that day 予定 to convective cloud 形式 over the sea moving 徐々に に向かって 沿岸の areas, starting from Dubai to Sharjah, Ajman and so on,' said Dr Abdul Habib, a 天候 専門家 from the 国家の Centre for Meteorology.?

にもかかわらず,?13 inbound flights were コースを変えるd from Dubai's international airport to 隣人ing airports while six outbound flights were cancelled.?

Other images from August showed how expensive Porsches, Jeeps and large freight トラックで運ぶs (1)偽造する/(2)徐々に進むd on through water covered streets.

People were seen wading in 膝-深い water while traffic was snarled on 主要道路s.?

July 2022?

The summer of 2022 saw the UAE 苦しむ 致命的な flooding as a result of a 残虐な 雷雨 and 勝利,勝つd of up to 70mph.

Seven Asian migrant 労働者s were killed in the flash flooding which blighted the 首長国s and was 述べるd as some of the worst in the 首長国s for 30 years.

The 緊急 services said they 答える/応じるd to hundreds of calls for help as 洪水s 押し寄せる/沼地d the streets.

公式の/役人s later said that 870 people were 救助(する)d and 3,897 people were 避難させるd from floods in さまざまな parts of the country between July 23 and July 28.

Of those 避難させるd, nearly 2,000 were housed in hotels until the streets were (疑いを)晴らすd and their homes had been みなすd 安全な.

A man carries his scooter as he crosses a flooded street on a rainy day in Dubai on August 5, 2023

A man carries his scooter as he crosses a flooded street on a 雨の day in Dubai on August 5, 2023

A man carries his scooter as he crosses a flooded street on a rainy day in Dubai on August 5, 2023

A man carries his scooter as he crosses a flooded street on a 雨の day in Dubai on August 5, 2023

Seven people were killed after unseasonable downpours triggered flash flooding in eastern districts of the normally parched Gulf state in 2016

Seven people were killed after unseasonable downpours 誘発する/引き起こすd flash flooding in eastern 地区s of the 普通は parched 湾 明言する/公表する in 2016

'We regret to announce that six people of Asian nationalities have been found dead as a result of the floods,' the interior ministry's chief of central operations, Ali al-Tunaiji, said, in March 2016.?The ministry later announced the death of a seventh Asian migrant

'We 悔いる to 発表する that six people of Asian 国籍s have been 設立する dead as a result of the floods,' the 内部の 省's 長,指導者 of central 操作/手術s, Ali al-Tunaiji, said, in March 2016.?The 省 later 発表するd the death of a seventh Asian migrant

General view of flood water following a day of heavy rain in Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, July 28, 2022

General 見解(をとる) of flood water に引き続いて a day of 強い雨 in Fujairah, 部隊d Arab 首長国s, July 28, 2022

March 2016?

The flooding 証言,証人/目撃するd in Dubai this week has drawn comparisons to that of 2016.

Six people were killed across the UAE and Oman, while police 登録(する)d more than 250 road 事故s in Dubai alone 予定 to the horrendous flooding eight years ago, which caught many 運転者s unawares.

One young boy 溺死するd after 存在 stuck in a car in the UAE, while five others died in Oman.?

One was swept away by the floods, with his 団体/死体 回復するd days later. Another was 設立する 罠にかける in a 乗り物 that had sunk into the soft mud in a valley.??

The rain started lightly, with many 居住(者)s not 推定する/予想するing the 条件s to 悪化する so はっきりと.?

Flights were 一時停止するd at Dubai International Airport for a day and?Abu Dhabi's 株式市場 was 軍隊d to 一時停止する 貿易(する)ing after many 労働者s were unable to reach the building.

There was also かなりの 構造上の 損失 to many buildings, with some roofs 崩壊(する)ing under the 負わせる of the water. Some 力/強力にする lines were also put out of (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限.

A man in a shopping trolley attempts to push himself through flood water with a stick amid the floods in Dubai, March 2016

A man in a shopping trolley 試みる/企てるs to 押し進める himself through flood water with a stick まっただ中に the floods in Dubai, March 2016

The rain started lightly, with many residents not expecting the conditions to deteriorate so sharply

The rain started lightly, with many 居住(者)s not 推定する/予想するing the 条件s to 悪化する so はっきりと

Why is the UAE so 不正に 影響する/感情d by floods?

に引き続いて the shocking floods this week, questions were raised over whether cloud-seeding could have caus ed the 強い雨s.

The typically scorching UAE ひどく relies on cloud-seeding - a technique which sees 航空機 解雇する/砲火/射撃 salt ゆらめくs into clouds to 速度(を上げる) up condensation and induce 降雨 - to 供給する its groundwater.?

Flight-跡をつけるing data analysed by the Associated 圧力(をかける) showed one 航空機 (v)提携させる(n)支部,加入者d with the UAE's cloud-seeding 成果/努力s flew around the country on Sunday.

一方/合間, Ahmed Habib, a 気象学者 at the UAE's 国家の Centre for?Meteorology (NCM), told Bloomberg?several cloud-seeding sorties were flown in the days before the 前例のない 降雨 攻撃する,衝突する.?

But 気候 専門家s said 全世界の warming was the main 犯人 behind extreme 天候 events, arguing cloud-seeding is nowhere 近づく 効果的な enough to have 誘発する/引き起こすd such a downpour.

They 示唆するd that an 異常な 天候 system was already 長,率いるd for the 地域 and 非難するd the 残虐な flooding on Dubai's poor drainage systems.?

Giles Harrison, Professor of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Reading, said: 'The UAE does do 操作の cloud seeding, but there is 抱擁する difference between what this can 達成する ? 的ing individual, developing clouds with seeding 構成要素 解放(する)d from an 航空機 ? and the Dubai 降雨, which was associated with a large 天候 system 前進するing across the 地域.'

His 同僚 Professor Maarten Ambaum 追加するd:?'The UAE does have an 操作の cloud seeding programme to 高める the 降雨 in this arid part of the world, however, there is no 科学(工学)技術 in 存在 that can create or even 厳しく 修正する this 肉親,親類d of 降雨 event.'

Re 捜査員s 心配する that 気候 change will lead to 高くする,増すd 気温s, 増加するd 湿度 and a greater 危険 of flooding in parts of the 湾 地域.?

The UAE in 2021 完全にするd the 深い Drainage 事業/計画(する), which 伴う/関わるd building a six-mile-long tunnel to help 輸送(する) stormwater and surface water away from the city.?

But the drainage system is still not 適する and becomes easily 圧倒するd まっただ中に 激しい 降雨.

Another 事業/計画(する), known as the 深い Tunnels 大臣の地位, is now 進行中で to かなり 高める the drainage and 汚水 systems that serve Dubai, whose 全住民 is 事業/計画(する)d to continue 急上昇するing.??