Horrifying new ビデオ (映画の)フィート数 has shown the 行方不明の Israeli father of 'Hamas's youngest 人質' covered in 血 and 存在 beaten by a (人が)群がる of Palestinians while 元気づける テロリストs 運動 him away on a motorbike on October 7.

Yarden Bibas, the father of?10-month-old Kfir Bibas, is seen in the ビデオ covered in his own 血 as the 暴徒 rains punches 負かす/撃墜する on him - and also 提起する/ポーズをとる for selfies.

The ビデオ was 株d on social マスコミ by Israeli 大統領,/社長 Isaac Herzog, who wrote: 'The world must not remain silent in the 直面する of such 罪,犯罪s. Bring them home now!'

Baby?Kfir and his four-year-old brother?Ariel were kidnapped と一緒に their mother and?Yarden's wife?Shiri by Hamas テロリストs during their 強襲,強姦 into イスラエル last year.

Yarden is 報告(する)/憶測d to have 降伏するd himself to the gunmen in the hope that they would take him and spare his wife and children.?Yarden is thought to be be alive in Gaza, but the 運命/宿命 of his family is 不明瞭な.

Horrifying new video footage (pictured) has shown the missing Israeli father of 'Hamas 's youngest hostage' covered in blood and being beaten by a crowd of Palestinians while cheering terrorists drive him away on a motorbike on October 7

Horrifying new ビデオ (映画の)フィート数 (pictured) has shown the 行方不明の Israeli father of 'Hamas 's youngest 人質' covered in 血 and 存在 beaten by a (人が)群がる of Palestinians while 元気づける テロリストs 運動 him away on a motorbike on October 7

Yarden Bibas, the father of 10-month-old Kfir Bibas (centre), is seen in the video covered in his own blood as the mob rains punches down on him

Yarden Bibas, the father of 10-month-old Kfir Bibas (centre), is seen in the ビデオ covered in his own 血 as the 暴徒 rains punches 負かす/撃墜する on him

The video was shared on social media by Israeli president Isaac Herzog, who wrote: 'The world must not remain silent in the face of such crimes. Bring them home now!'

The ビデオ was 株d on social マスコミ by Israeli 大統領,/社長 Isaac Herzog, who wrote: 'The world must not remain silent in the 直面する of such 罪,犯罪s. Bring them home now!'

The Bibas family, father Yarden, mother Shiri, baby Kfir and four-year-old Ariel, were taken captive by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023 from Kibbutz Nir Oz

The Bibas family, father Yarden, mother Shiri, baby Kfir and four-year-old Ariel, were taken 捕虜 by Hamas テロリストs on October 7, 2023 from Kibbutz Nir Oz

Hamas and Islamic Jihad, 交戦的な groups 支援するd by Iran, carried out the cross-国境 terror attack on October 7, 殺人,大当り 1,200 people and kidnapping 250 others.

イスラエル 答える/応じるd with an 不快な/攻撃 in Gaza that has 原因(となる)d 普及した 荒廃 and killed over 33,900 people, によれば 地元の health 公式の/役人s.

Since October 7, some 人質s have been 解放(する)d by Hamas in 交流 for Palestinian 囚人s held by イスラエル. Some have also died in 捕らわれた.

Several 人質s remain alive in Gaza, although the true 人物/姿/数字 is a mystery.

イスラエル says it believes around 130 remain in the 沿岸の 飛び領土.

In November, the?al-Qassam 旅団s - Hamas's 軍の wing - (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that Kfir, Ariel and Shiri had been killed in an Israeli airstrike.

These (人命などを)奪う,主張するs were never 立証するd, and their 運命/宿命 remains unknown.

It was believed that the mother and her two children had been taken into 旅宿泊所 Younis by a Palestinian group separate from Hamas, かもしれない the?Popular 前線 for the 解放 of パレスチナ.

イスラエル later attacked 旅宿泊所 Younis in its 使節団 to wipe out Hamas.

Nili Margalit, a 人質 who spent 50 days in Hamas 捕らわれた before 存在 解放(する)d, 明らかにする/漏らすd that she was with?Yarden when Hamas told him his family had been killed.

They then ordered him to film a ビデオ in which he lay the 非難する for their 団体/死体s not returning to イスラエル at the feet of the country's 総理大臣 Benjamin Netanyahu.

The?イスラエル 弁護 軍隊s (IDF) have since said that the (人命などを)奪う,主張するs made by Hamas regarding the 運命/宿命 of?Shiri and her sons has not been 立証するd.

The IDF 述べるd the (人命などを)奪う,主張する as?'psychological terror.'

In a second video filmed with another camera, Yarden is seen again. It appears he is now covered in blood, suggesting the second clip is actually from before the first

In a second ビデオ filmed with another camera, Yarden is seen again. It appears he is now covered in 血, 示唆するing the second clip is 現実に from before the first

At one point, the man driving the motorbike pulls a small handgun from his trousers as people surrounding Yarden and his captives take selfies

At one point, the man 運動ing the motorbike pulls a small handgun from his trousers as people surrounding Yarden and his 捕虜s take selfies

Yarden Bibas is pictured on October 7 during his capture by Hamas in a picture that emerged before the latest video of him. He is bleeding from a head wound and has blood on his hands. His family members have not heard from him since

Yarden Bibas is pictured on October 7 during his 逮捕(する) by Hamas in a picture that 現れるd before the 最新の ビデオ of him. He is bleeding from a 長,率いる 負傷させる and has 血 on his 手渡すs. His family members have not heard from him since

Now,?Yarden has been seen again - this time in (映画の)フィート数 filmed on October 7.

He is seen sitting on the 支援する of a motorcycle 存在 driven by a man 推定するd to be a Hamas テロリスト. Another man sits behind him, 挟むing him in.

The motorbike has come to a shop, and an angry mop of men are seen trying to reach the father - some 後継するing - raining blows 負かす/撃墜する on his 長,率いる.

The two men sitting on the bike with?Yarden and a couple of others standing next to it 怒って 試みる/企てる to 保護する him from the 猛攻撃, shouting at the 暴徒.

Yarden's 長,率いる and 手渡すs, 一方/合間, are seen covered in 血.

In a second ビデオ filmed with another camera,?Yarden is seen again. It appears he is now covered in 血, 示唆するing the second clip is 現実に from before the first.

At one point, the man 運動ing the motorbike pulls a small handgun from his trousers as people surrounding Yarden and his 捕虜s take selfies.

The ビデオs are the 最新の to show a member of the?Bibas family on October 7.

支援する in February the IDF 解放(する)d (映画の)フィート数 from inside the Gaza (土地などの)細長い一片 that showed Hamas テロリストs taking?Kfir, Ariel and Shiri to a home in 旅宿泊所 Younis.?

Grainy (映画の)フィート数, 解放(する)d by the IDF with 許可 of the family and 株d with MailOnline, showed a group the IDF identifies as Hamas members taking a woman out of a parked white car as she 持つ/拘留するs a young child or baby.?

Grainy footage, released by the IDF with permission of the family and shared with MailOnline in February, shows a group the IDF identifies as Hamas members taking a woman out of a parked white car as she holds a young child or baby
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Grainy (映画の)フィート数, 解放(する)d by the IDF with 許可 of the family and 株d with MailOnline in February, shows a group the IDF identifies as Hamas members taking a woman out of a parked white car as she 持つ/拘留するs a young child or baby