Iran hints it will build a NUKE if Netanyahu carries out a strike on its 原子の 場所/位置s - and 的 イスラエル's 核の 施設s

  • A 上級の 革命の Guards general said Iran could review its '核の doctrine' in the event of an Israeli strike on Tehran's 原子の 施設s?

Iran has hinted it could build a 核の 武器 if Benjamin?Netanyahu strikes Tehran's 原子の 場所/位置s - and 的 イスラエル's own 核の 施設s in 返答.

A 上級の 革命の Guards general said Iran could review its '核の doctrine' in the event of an Israeli strike on Tehran's 原子の 施設s.

The comments 代表する the first time Iran has explicitly について言及するd its 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd 核の 武器s programme since Tehran's 前例のない 週末 attack that saw Iran?開始する,打ち上げる more than 300 ミサイルs at イスラエル.

They also appear to be 心配するing 報復 for the attack.

イスラエル's 軍の 長,指導者 has 公約するd a 返答 to the Iranian 空中の 一斉射撃, which was mostly 迎撃するd, while world leaders have 勧めるd de-escalation.

Tehran's first direct attack on イスラエル, 開始する,打ち上げるd late Saturday, was in 報復 for an April 1 空気/公表する strike on the Iranian 領事館 in Damascus that killed seven members of the Islamic 革命の Guard 軍団, 含むing two generals.

Israeli 公式の/役人s have not said when or where the country would 報復する.

However, Ahmad Haghtalab, the Guards' 長,率いる of 核の 保護 and 安全, said Iran would 'definitely' 報いる any attack on 核の 場所/位置s.

Iran has hinted it could build a nuclear weapon if Benjamin Netanyahu strikes Tehran's atomic sites - and target Israel's own nuclear facilities in response. Pictured: A?S-300 missile system is displayed during the annual Army Day celebration at a military base in Tehran, April 17 2024

Iran has hinted it could build a 核の 武器 if Benjamin Netanyahu strikes Tehran's 原子の 場所/位置s - and 的 イスラエル's own 核の 施設s in 返答. Pictured: A?S-300 missi le system is 陳列する,発揮するd during the 年次の Army Day 祝賀 at a 軍の base in Tehran, April 17 2024

A senior Revolutionary Guards general said Iran could review its 'nuclear doctrine' in the event of an Israeli strike on Tehran's atomic facilities

A 上級の 革命の Guards general said Iran could review its '核の doctrine' in the event of an Israeli strike on Tehran's 原子の 施設s

Israel today threatened airstrikes on Iran in retaliation for a 350-missile blitz amid fears the conflict will spiral into all-out war in the Middle East. Pictured: Rocket trails are seen in the sky above The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem as Iranian missiles are intercepted by air defences

イスラエル's 軍の 長,指導者 has 公約するd a 返答 to the Iranian 空中の 一斉射撃 (pictured over Jerusalem), which was mostly 迎撃するd, while world leaders have 勧めるd de-escalation

'If the Zionist 政権 (イスラエル) wants to take 活動/戦闘 against our 核の centres and 施設s, it will definitely and surely 直面する our reaction,' the 公式の/役人 news 機関 IRNA 引用するd Haghtalab as 説.

'For the 反撃, the 核の 施設s of the (Israeli) 政権 will be 的d and operated upon with 前進するd 兵器.'

He 追加するd: 'a review of our 核の doctrine and politics 同様に as considerations 以前 communicated is 完全に possible.'

His 警告 (機の)カム after 総理大臣 Benjamin Netanyahu said イスラエル reserves 'the 権利 to 保護する itself' に引き続いて the Iranian attack.

British 外務大臣 Lord David Cameron on Wednesday said that 'it is (疑いを)晴らす the Israelis are making a 決定/判定勝ち(する) to 行為/法令/行動する' after the Iranian attack.

He 表明するd the British 政府 's 'hope' that 'イスラエル 行為/法令/行動するs in a way that does as little to 増大する this as possible.'

Today, Haghtalab said 'the 脅し' of an Israeli attack on Iran's 核の 施設s could lead Tehran 'to 改訂する and deviate from the 宣言するd 核の 政策s and considerations', without (a)手の込んだ/(v)詳述するing.

The Islamic 共和国, which has always 主張するd its 核の programme is 平和的な and 否定するs 捜し出すing an 原子の 爆弾, has (刑事)被告 arch 敵 イスラエル of 破壊行為 attacks on its 施設s and 暗殺s of 核の scientists in 最近の years.

によれば Haghtalab, Iran has 'identified' Israeli 核の centres and 持つ/拘留するs 'necessary (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) of all 的s'.

イスラエル is 広範囲にわたって known to have 核の 武器s but has never 認める so.

'手渡すs are on the 誘発する/引き起こす to 解雇する/砲火/射撃 powerful ミサイルs for the total 破壊 of 決定するd 的s,' the Irani an general said.

On Monday, the 長,率いる of the International 原子の Energy 機関, Rafael Grossi, said Iran had の近くにd its 核の 施設s 'for 安全 推論する/理由s' on the day of its attack.

Amirali Hajizadeh, 指揮官 of the 革命の Guards' 航空宇宙学 部隊 that led the attack on イスラエル, said on Thursday that Iran had only used 'old 武器s and 極小の 力/強力にする' for it.

'At this 行う/開催する/段階, we have not used' 弾道学の ミサイルs, he said, arguing Iran has '打ち勝つ the 最大限 capacity' of イスラエル and its 同盟(する)s 'with 極小の 力/強力にする'.?

Ahmad Haghtalab, the Guards' head of nuclear protection and security, said Iran would 'definitely' reciprocate any attack on nuclear sites. In this picture released by the Iranian Defense Ministry in 2023, Khorramshahr-4 missile is test-launched in Iran

Ahmad Haghtalab, the Guards' 長,率いる of 核の 保護 and 安全, said Iran would 'definitely' 報いる any attack on 核の 場所/位置s. In this picture 解放(する)d by the Iranian 弁護 省 in 2023, Khorrams hahr-4 ミサイル is 実験(する)-開始する,打ち上げるd in Iran

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi speaks during the annual Army Day celebration at a military base in Tehran, Iran, April 17 2024

Iranian 大統領 Ebrahim Raisi speaks during the 年次の Army Day 祝賀 at a 軍の base in Tehran, Iran, April 17 2024

Iran's 大統領,/社長 Ebrahim Raisi also 警告するd during an 年次の army parade on Wednesday that the 'tiniest 侵略' by イスラエル would bring a '大規模な and 厳しい' 返答, as the 地域 を締めるs for 可能性のある Israeli 報復.

His comments (機の)カム after Iranian 議会's 国家の 安全 委員会 Abolfazl Amoue 明言する/公表するd that Iran is '用意が出来ている to use a 武器 that we have never used' if イスラエル 答える/応じるs その上の to Tehran's 週末 attack.

Speaking on Monday, he said イスラエル should consider its next steps and '行為/法令/行動する wisely.'

Raisi said Saturday's attack was a 限られた/立憲的な one, and that if Iran had 手配中の,お尋ね者 to carry out a bigger attack, 'nothing would remain from the Zionist 政権.

His 発言/述べるs were carried by the 公式の/役人 IRNA news 機関.

It was also 報告(する)/憶測d on Wednesday that Iranian 海軍 指揮官 Shahram Irani has said Iran's 海軍 would 護衛する its 商業の ships to the Red Sea - putting Iranian 軍艦s 直接/まっすぐに on イスラエル's doorstep.

Tasnim news 機関 引用するd Irani as 説: 'The Islamic 共和国 of Iran [is] carrying out a 使節団 to 護衛する our 商業の ships, and now the Jamaran 破壊者 is 現在の in the 湾 of Aden with all its strength.

'This 使節団 will continue until It will also be the Red Sea,' he said によれば the 出口, 追加するing: 'We 護衛する our ships from the 湾 of Aden to the Suez 海峡 and are ready to 保護する the ships of other countries 同様に.

'For a long time, the 勢力均衡 in the 地域 has changed にもかかわらず the 抵抗 軍隊. Today, with the 操作/手術 of the honest 約束, it was 証明するd to everyone that イスラム教徒s are speaking one thing together and that is supporting the 抑圧するd and 直面するing the 抑圧者.

'操作/手術 True 約束 [Iran's ミサイル attack on イスラエル] 証明するd to the whole world how real 力/強力にする 作品 with 偽の 力/強力にする on 行う/開催する/段階,' the 指揮官 said.

イスラエル and Iran have 行うd a 影をつくる/尾行する war for 10年間s, but the strike over the 週末 was the first direct Irani an 軍の attack on イスラエル.

The attack was in 返答 to an 明らかな Israeli strike on Iran's 大使館 構内/化合物 in Syria on April 1 that killed 12 people, 含むing two Iranian generals.

イスラエル, with help from the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs, the 部隊d Kingdom, 隣人ing Jordan and other nations, 首尾よく 迎撃するd nearly all the ミサイルs and drones.

An Iranian missile launch is
 seen in this footage, claimed to be the first missile launched towards Israel in Tehran's attack over the weekend

An Iranian ミサイル 開始する,打ち上げる is seen in this (映画の)フィート数, (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to be the first ミサイル 開始する,打ち上げるd に向かって イスラエル in Tehran's attack over the 週末

US and UK 明かす 広範囲にわたる 許可/制裁s on Iran's drone program?

The 部隊d 明言する/公表するs and Britain 発表するd 普及した 許可/制裁s against Iran's 軍の drone program on Thursday, in 返答 to its 週末 attack against イスラエル.

'Today, we are 持つ/拘留するing Iran accountable - 課すing new 許可/制裁s and 輸出(する) 支配(する)/統制するs,' US 大統領 Joe Biden said in a 声明.

Tehran 開始する,打ち上げるd its first ever direct 軍の attack on イスラエル late Saturday in 報復 for an April 1 空気/公表する strike on the Iranian 領事館 in Damascus - 広範囲にわたって 非難するd on イスラエル - that killed seven members of the Islamic 革命の Guard 軍団, 含むing two generals.

The large-規模 attack 伴う/関わるd more than 300 drones and mis siles, most of which were 発射 負かす/撃墜する by イスラエル and its 同盟(する)s 含むing Washington and London, 原因(となる)ing little 損失.

Israeli 公式の/役人s have not said when or where they would 報復する, but the country's 軍の 長,指導者 has 公約するd a 返答.

Washington's 許可/制裁s 的 16 people and two companies 伴う/関わるd in Iran's 無人の 空中の 乗り物 (UAV) program, 同様に as 構成要素s for the drones used in the Saturday attack, によれば the 財務省 Department.

'As I discussed with my fellow G7 leaders the morning after the attack, we are committed to 事実上の/代理 collectively to 増加する 経済的な 圧力 on Iran,' Biden said.

'Let it be (疑いを)晴らす to all those who enable or support Iran's attacks: the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs is committed to イスラエル's 安全,' he continued. 'And we will not hesitate to take all necessary 活動/戦闘 to 持つ/拘留する you accountable.'

In 調整 with the US 財務省, the UK 政府 発表するd its own 控訴 of 許可/制裁s against Tehran on Thursday, 的ing seven individuals and six companies for enabling Iran to continue its '動揺させるing 地域の activity, 含むing its direct attack on イスラエル.'

'The Iranian 政権's attack against イスラエル was a 無謀な 行為/法令/行動する and a dangerous escalation,' British 総理大臣 Rishi Sunak said, 追加するing that the UK had 許可/制裁d the 'ringleaders of the Iranian 軍の and 軍隊s 責任がある the 週末's attack.'

The United States and Britain announced widespread sanctions against Iran's military drone program on Thursday, in response to its weekend attack against Israel

The 部隊d 明言する/公表するs and Britain 発表するd 普及した 許可/制裁s against Iran's 軍の drone program on Thursday, in 返答 to its 週末 attack against イスラエル

'These 許可/制裁s - 発表するd with the US - show we unequivocally 非難する this 行為, and they will その上の 限界 Iran's ability to 動揺させる the 地域,' he 追加するd.

と一緒に its 許可/制裁s against Iran's UAV program, the US also 的d five companies 供給するing parts for Iran's steel 産業, and an 自動車製造業者 伴う/関わるd in 供給するing '構成要素 support' to Iran's Islamic 革命の Guard 軍団.

'Iran's metals 部門 生成するs the 同等(の) of several billion dollars in 歳入 毎年, with the 大多数 coming from steel 輸出(する)s,' the 財務省 Department said.

'We're using 財務省's 経済的な 道具s to degrade and 混乱に陥れる/中断させる 重要な 面s of Iran's malign activity, 含むing its UAV program and the 歳入 the 政権 生成するs to support its テロ行為,' US 財務省 長官 Janet Yellen said in a 声明.

'We will continue to (軍隊を)展開する,配備する our 許可/制裁s 当局 to 反対する Iran with その上の 活動/戦闘s in the days and weeks ahead,' she 追加するd.


Speaking to MailOnline on Monday before Iran's 最新の 脅し,?Justin Crump - British army 退役軍人 and CEO of 全世界の 危険 分析 会社/堅い Sibylline, pointed to the 核の 脅し 提起する/ポーズをとるd by Iran when discussing イスラエル's possible 返答s.

'At the 支援する of everyone's minds, though, is the 核の 問題/発行する,' he said.

'Iran has shown it can and will strike at イスラエル and those who have always held 関心s about a 核の 能力 will be speaking loudly in the coming days.'

In 新規加入 to its possible 核の 武器s programme, Iran has a 広大な array of ミサイルs and other 武器s in its 兵器庫 that it could use to strike イスラエル.

Saturday's attack already 論証するd some such 武器s, 含むing 巡航する ミサイルs and kamikaze drones - the likes of which have also been seen in ウクライナ共和国 after Iran sent Russia Shahed 136 drones to be used in its continuing 侵略 there.

In fact, with more than 3,000 弾道学の ミサイルs - によれば a US 見積(る) - Iran has one of the largest ミサイル 備蓄(する)s in the Middle East, and is believed to have nine types of ミサイルs with enough 範囲 to reach イスラエル's 領土.

What's more, Iranian 当局 明かすd what the Tehran 政権 bi lled as its first 国内で-made hypersonic 弾道学の ミサイル last June.

Iranian missiles exhibited in a park on January 20, 2024 in Tehran

Iranian ミサイルs 展示(する)d in a park on January 20, 2024 in Tehran

Fighters from the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah carry out a training exercise in Aaramta village in the Jezzine District, southern Lebanon, Sunday, May 21, 2023

闘士,戦闘機s from the Lebanese 交戦的な group Hezbollah carry out a training 演習 in Aaramta village in the Jezzine 地区, southern Lebanon, Sunday, May 21, 2 023?

A shell from Israeli artillery explodes over Dahaira, a Lebanese border village with Israel, south Lebanon, Monday, October 16, 2023

A 爆撃する from Israeli 大砲 爆発するs over Dahaira, a Lebanese 国境 village with イスラエル, south Lebanon, Monday, October 16, 2023

Hypersonic ミサイルs are defined as a ミサイル that can travel five times the 速度(を上げる) of sound, making them incredibly hard to (悪事,秘密などを)発見する and 迎撃する.

In 新規加入 to its own 備蓄(する), Iran also has several proxies across the 地域 willing to do its bidding. These 含む Hamas in Gaza - who attacked イスラエル on October 7 誘発するing the on-going 危機, the Houthi 反逆者/反逆するs in Yemen and the powerful Hezbollah.

In their own 権利,?Hezbollah - based in Lebanon on イスラエル's northern 国境 - is a powerful fighting 軍隊 in itself.

財政/金融d by Iran and trained by Iran's 革命の Guard, the group's leader has (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have 100,000 trained 闘士,戦闘機s who have 戦車/タンクs and a 広大な 武器s armoury at its 処分, much of which is 持続するd in 隣人ing Syria.