Parents 告訴する school over (人命などを)奪う,主張するs teachers 圧力d 女性(の) student to identify as male and gave her a new 指名する and pronoun without telling them

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A group of parents are 告訴するing an Ohio?school 地区 after a 女性(の) student 恐らく 苦しむd?'厳しい emotional 外傷/ショック' by teachers (刑事)被告 of 圧力ing her to identify as male.

The parents とじ込み/提出するd a 訴訟 against?Hilliard City Schools in January last year in a 企て,努力,提案 to 禁じる educators from discussing 性の 事柄s with students. The 控訴 also 目的(とする)d to 禁止(する) teachers from wearing badges 問題/発行するing support of LGBTQ?students.

In an 修正するd 控訴 とじ込み/提出するd this month, the parents (刑事)被告 school 公式の/役人s of 軍隊ing a 女性(の) student to?可決する・採択する 'a new 指名する and 身元 as the opposite sex'.

School 公式の/役人s '扱う/治療するd the child as the opposite sex' without parental 同意 after 恐らく '診断するing' the girl with gender?dysphoria, によれば the (民事の)告訴 得るd by Dai

Her parents were not privy to the 地区's diagnosis and, によれば the 控訴, the student's '条件 spiraled out of 支配(する)/統制する' after the family was made aware of the 状況/情勢 when a postcard using the child's male 指名する and pronouns arrived at the home.

The parents 主張する the 地区's 活動/戦闘s 原因(となる)d the student to take self-害(を与える)ing 活動/戦闘s and resulted in a 自殺 試みる/企てる at school, the とじ込み/提出するing (人命などを)奪う,主張するs.?

A group of parents filed a lawsuit against Hilliard City Schools in January last year in a bid to prohibit educators from discussing sexual matters with students. They have since filed an amendment to the complaint, alleging?a female student allegedly suffered 'severe emotional trauma' by teachers accused of pressuring her to identify as male. Pictured is the school's board in 2022

A group of parents とじ込み/提出するd a 訴訟 against Hilliard City Schools in January last year in a 企て,努力,提案 to 禁じる educators from discussing 性の 事柄s with students. They have since とじ込み/提出するd an 改正 to the co mplaint, 主張するing?a 女性(の) student 恐らく 苦しむd '厳しい emotional 外傷/ショック' by teachers (刑事)被告 of 圧力ing her to identify as male. Pictured is the school's board in 2022

In the (民事の)告訴, which 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)s the school board and its members as 被告s, the parents (刑事)被告 school 公式の/役人s of deceiving them about the girl's 申し立てられた/疑わしい-条件.

They (人命などを)奪う,主張する that although they referred to the student using their 'opposite-sex 指名する' while in school, teachers used pronounced 一貫した?with their '生物学の sex' in the presence of the parents.

'The 地区's 行為/法令/行動するs were 無謀な because 地区 公式の/役人s are not qualified - and are 特に 否定するd entitlement to - make 診断するs and 治療 決定/判定勝ち(する)s for somebody else's child,' the 修正するd (民事の)告訴 とじ込み/提出するd on April 1 明言する/公表するs.

The parents 特記する/引用するd the student's experience as one of several 推論する/理由s they are 関心d the 地区 is?'hiding their child's gender dysphoria from them'.

The 控訴 questions if school 公式の/役人s would?'affirmatively deceive parents' if the 後見人s are not identified as a '安全な person' or 支持者 of the LGBTQ community.

'"Support" for '[LGBTQ+] 青年 or 問題/発行するs' is a 事柄 of personal opinion,' the parents 明言する/公表する. 'Thus, a 地区 公式の/役人's opinion of whether a parent is a "安全な person" could arise from judgments 関係のある to a parent's constitutionally-保護するd practices, such as practicing 確かな 宗教s, 表明するing 確かな political 見解(をとる)s.'?

President of the school board Brian Perry

大統領 of the school board Brian Perry

VP?Kara Crowley
School board member?Zach Vorst

VP Kara Crowley of the school board and member Zach Vorst

The 地区, in a 返答 to the compliant とじ込み/提出するd on Monday, 否定するd nearly all of the 主張s and said the?'申し立てられた/疑わしい 損害賠償金, if any, were proximately 原因(となる)d by the 単独の or contributory or comparative 怠慢,過失 of the 原告/提訴人s.'

Hilliard City Schools 明言する/公表するd t he 地区?'行為/法令/行動するd reasonably, in good 約束, upon advice of counsel, in 一致 with 法律 and/or in the 演習 of their statutory 義務s and 責任/義務s,' によれば the とじ込み/提出するing.?

The 地区's 返答 also said the (人命などを)奪う,主張する made by the parents is outside the 法令 of 制限s.

The parents' 修正するd (人命などを)奪う,主張する does not identify when the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 自殺 試みる/企てる occurred of what school the student …に出席するd.?

It does 明言する/公表する, however, that through 'professional therapy and 助言' it was 決定するd that the student's 'problems were not gender dysphoria.'

The suit also aimed to ban teachers from wearing badges issuing support of LGBTQ students

The 控訴 also 目的(とする)d to 禁止(する) teachers from wearing badges 問題/発行するing support of LGBTQ students

Hilliard City Schools, in a 声明 to NBC 4, said the 実体 of the (民事の)告訴 remains the same as the 見解/翻訳/版 初めは とじ込み/提出するd in January 2023.

The 地区 繰り返し言うd its position on the 控訴 has not changed and that its 動議 to 解任する remains applicable. The 地区 is still waiting for a 判決,裁定 on the 動議.

At the time of the 初めの とじ込み/提出するing, the 地区 said the 訴訟 含む/封じ込めるd 'thread-明らかにする 主張s, innuendo, 噂する, and spurious 合法的な 結論s'.?

Superintendent?David Stewart 追加するd it was 'filled with misstatements of fact and mischaracterizations.' has approached the 地区 and school board for comment.?

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