• French schools have 増加するd 安全 準備/条項s in light of 最近の 脅しs

Two schoolgirls 老年の six and 11 were 負傷させるd in a knife attack の近くに to their school in the east of フラン today.?

The six-year-old was attacked by a man after he stabbed the 11-year-old outside her school in?Souffelweyersheim, just outside Strasbourg, 公式の/役人s said.

Both received superficial 負傷させるs, police said, and are 存在 扱う/治療するd in a paediatric hospital.

Parents were later in the afternoon 許すd to 選ぶ up their children, who had been 限定するd to the school in the 即座の 影響 of the attack.?

Police 追加するd the 攻撃者 did not appear to have any known links to 過激なs and was not 以前 known to the 安全 services.

Gendarmes investigate in the premises of a school in the eastern France after two girls were wounded in a knife attack outside the school on April 18, 2024

Gendarmes 調査/捜査する in the 前提s of a school in the eastern フラン after two girls were 負傷させるd in a knife attack outside the school on April 18, 2024

Gendarmes stand guard outside the school in eastern France after reports of stabbings

Gendarmes stand guard outside the school in eastern フラン after 報告(する)/憶測s of stabbings

Police investigate around a school in the eastern France city of Souffelweyersheim on April 18

Police 調査/捜査する around a school in the eastern フラン city of Souffelweyersheim on April 18

The 攻撃者, born in 1995, was 逮捕(する)d in the area where he attacked the second girl, the police said.?

He no longer had the knife in his 手渡す and did not resist 逮捕(する), it 追加するd.

'I'm really 脅すd. We've been 安心させるd that the children are 安全な inside, but we don't know when we'll be able to get them 支援する,' Sarah, a mother of an eight-year-old pupil, told AFP before the green light was given to collect the children.

'A friend called me. She saw the commotion in 前線 of the school as she passed by. Her reflex was to call me so that I could 選ぶ up my son.'

There was no 指示,表示する物 so far that the 攻撃者 had a link with the school.?

The attack (機の)カム as 総理大臣 Gabriel Attal 発表するd a 一連の 対策 目的(とする)d at 割れ目ing 負かす/撃墜する on 暴力/激しさ committed by schoolchildren against their peers.?

フラン recently 始める,決める up 動きやすい 安全 軍隊s for schools under 圧力 from 外部の 脅しs まっただ中に rising 緊張s over a 全国的な 禁止(する) on wearing 宗教的な 着せる/賦与するing in the classroom.

While the 動機 for the stabbing of the two girls was 不明瞭な,?文部大臣 Nicole Belloubet last month 約束d to '保証(人)... 3倍になる 安全' with new 'physical, 数字表示式の and 合法的な' 対策 まっただ中に 激しい抗議 over pupils in dozens of schools receiving 'serious 脅しs' 経由で online portals.

However, the 安全 outfits would be (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd only after receiving 報告(する)/憶測s of 'an 激烈な/緊急の 危機 around an 設立' within 48 hours ーするために '強化する 地元の 資源s'.

フラン has been shaken by a slew of terror 脅しs in high schools across the country in 最近の weeks, with the headteacher of a Paris school 軍隊d to 辞職する に引き続いて death 脅しs for requesting a pupil 除去する her Islamic 長,率いる-covering in line with フラン's 世俗的な 法律.

Police have since been ordered to patrol the Maurice-Ravel Lyc?e in eastern Paris in light of the 議論の的になる 辞職 of the 長,率いる of the Maurice Ravel Lyc?e.

首相 Gabriel Attal has since 公約するd to bring a (民事の)告訴 against the student and two others at the Maurice-Ravel Lyc?e for 名誉き損,中傷 and 誤った 告訴,告発s.

フラン, which introduced its 禁止(する) on 宗教的な 着せる/賦与するing in schools in a 企て,努力,提案 to 保存する 世俗的な tradition two 10年間s ago, remains 確固たる in 成果/努力s to 保存する the 禁止(する) while 保護するing teachers and children.

The girl 'was rescued by teachers who were very fast to call the fire department. She died at the end of the afternoon,' education official Olivier Faron said

Pupils and parents gather outside a school の中で police 軍隊s in Souffelweyersheim after two girls were 負傷させるd in a knife attack outside the school on April 18

Parents collect their children with police forces and firefighter watching at a school in the eastern France city of Souffelweyersheim after two girls were wounde
d in a knife attack outside the school on April 18, 2024

Parents collect their children with police 軍隊s and firefighters standing by, on April 18

Mr Attal said last month that the country was raising its 安全 警報 to the highest level after the Moscow concert hall attack.

ISIS (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 責任/義務 for the 残虐(行為) on March 22, which saw gunmen 嵐/襲撃する a public event and 解雇する/砲火/射撃 indiscriminately at 非軍事のs with (a)自動的な/(n)自動拳銃 武器s, 殺人,大当り at least 143.

Up to 45,000 French police and gendarmes are now 始める,決める to be (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd each day during the Olympics this summer, while 18,000 軍隊/機動隊s are also 推定する/予想するd to be mobilised, によれば 政府 人物/姿/数字s.

Another 18,000-22,000 私的な 安全 guards will be on the ground for the Games, which run from July 26 to August 11.

The 最新の 脅しs follow a flurry of 誤った 爆弾 警報s 的d schools, airport and tourist 場所/位置s in autumn 2023.