• WARNING: This article 含む/封じ込めるs upsetting images?
  • Girl's mother told DailyMail.com she'd been 的d by the いじめ(る)s for weeks?

The mother of a 12-year-old girl who was pulled from her 車椅子 and beaten by いじめ(る)s in a horrifying attack is speaking out about the 乱用.?

(映画の)フィート数 of two 乱すing attacks on the 12-year-old in the bathroom and an elevator at Conway Middle School in Orlando show her 存在 dragged around like a rag doll and 押すd の上に the 冷淡な tile 床に打ち倒す in an attack filmed by fellow students.?

The 犠牲者's mother Myisha Hall told DailyMail.com her daughter was いじめ(る)d for weeks by the same girls.

DailyMail.com has decided not to publish the 乱すing (映画の)フィート数.??

'I'm sickened to see that ビデオ, I keep thinking about, what if she was 麻ひさせるd or never woke up?' she said.

'I'm mad and I'm disappointed, how can I 減少(する) my daughter off every day and not wonder what could happen? She's defenseless, she can't walk.'

'I see her on her 膝s praying to God to make her 'normal'.

The girl's mother said she was furious and distraught that her daughter (left) was attacked and the footage posted on Instagram

The girl's mother said she was furious and distraught that her daughter (left) was attacked and the (映画の)フィート数 地位,任命するd on Instagram

The horrifying video begins with the victim prone on her knees before the other girl grabs her head and pushes it into the bathroom floor

The horrifying ビデオ begins with the 犠牲者 傾向がある on her 膝s before the other girl 得る,とらえるs her 長,率いる and 押し進めるs it into the bathroom 床に打ち倒す

Hall's daughter 苦しむs from a rare spinal 条件 had had six 外科s since she was five. She was told she would not live beyond 老年の 10.??

The horrifying ビデオ begins with the 犠牲者 on her 膝s. One of the いじめ(る)s 得る,とらえるs her 長,率いる and 押し進めるs her の上に the bathroom 床に打ち倒す.?

Trying to get to her feet, the 無能にするd girl tries to 報復する - but the much taller 攻撃者 得る,とらえるs her by the arm and swings her around the room.

She again tries to fight 支援する but is 押し進めるd against the 塀で囲む while the 攻撃者 and girl filming laugh hysterically.

The girl is 結局 able to つまずく 支援する into her 車椅子.?

Seemingly proud of her cruelness, the girl 地位,任命するing the footag e 追加するd the caption 'I will fight sb in da 車椅子'.

The elevator attack ビデオ shows the 無能にするd girl 存在 manhandled around the small space and 繰り返して slapped until she can get 支援する to her 車椅子.?

Hall said she was first 警報d to the attack when another parent saw the ビデオ on Instagram and 接触するd her.

The girl's father, who has 保護/拘留 on 週末s, then 接触するd her to say a parent also told him and he was on his way to 選ぶ her up.

He went inside the school and explained what happened to school 行政官/管理者s, who had not 接触するd either of them.?

When Hall finally spoke to her daughter, she was with the girl who attacked her - who grabbed the phone and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd they were only playing.

'I told her my daughter was in a 車椅子 for a 推論する/理由 and they couldn't be playing like that. But I was misled,' she explained.

The girl is swung around the room in a full circle after the bigger student grabbed her arm

The girl is swung around the room in a 十分な circle after the bigger student grabbed her arm

She soon discovered other ビデオs of sickening attacks on her daughter 広まる online, along with 脅すing 地位,任命するs and messages.

When she asked her daughter about the attacks, she 明らかにする/漏らすd that she'd been いじめ(る)d for weeks.?

'She said, "Mom, they do this to me all the time".?

'It 傷つけるs me because I didn't know my daughter was going through this. She should feel 安全な and be 保護するd and not afraid to tell people.'

Hall said she was angry the school did nothing about the いじめ(る)ing and failed to tell her of the attack before she saw it on social マスコミ.

'I'm furious, I 港/避難所't slept or eaten in days,' she said.

'It's?scary that she was 耐えるing this and and no one at the school did anything about it. If they had at start this wouldn't have happened.

The 12-year-old was attacked in the bathroom and an elevator at Conway Middle School (pictured) in Orlando

The 12-year-old was attacked in the bathroom and an elevator at Conway Middle School (pictured) in Orlando

'無能にするd kids should be looked after all day and they should have 知らせるd me from the start.

'Both the school and the girls who did this are 扱う/治療するing it like a joke. It's not, and it's not horseplay either - it's いじめ(る)ing and 強襲,強姦.'

主要な/長/主犯?Joshua Bing sent out a message to parents 説 the school すぐに opened an 調査.

'The school 行政 is aware of a few students who were 伴う/関わるd in several 極端に 乱すing altercations that took place on campus,' he said.

It remains 不明瞭な if the girls 伴う/関わるd have been disciplined. Conway Middle School did not 答える/応じる to DailyMail.com's request for comment.?

The girl 苦しむs from chondrodysplasia punctata, a rare disorder.?

Her genetic defects 含む shorter femurs, and one of her 脚s is shorter than the other.

The 条件 can 含む skeletal abnormalities, 独特の facial features, 知識人 disability, and respiratory problems.?