Argentina 開始する,打ち上げるs 企て,努力,提案 to join 軍隊s with 北大西洋条約機構: Chainsaw-(権力などを)行使するing 大統領 Milei continues his pivot に向かって the West - but remains 反抗的な over the Falkland Islands

  • Milei and Lord Cameron said 'they would agree to 同意しない' over the Falklands

Argentina has 正式に requested to join 北大西洋条約機構?as a '全世界の partner',?a status that would 容易にする greater political and 安全 協調 as 大統領 Javier Milei 注目する,もくろむs stronger 関係 with the West.

Firebrand Milei has been (刑事)被告 of playing 'two different games', as the famously 予測できない leader recently 公約するd to 設立する a 外交の 'roadmap' に向かって the UK 手渡すing over the Falkland Islands.

The contentious 問題/発行する (機の)カム up during a 会合 between Milei and UK Foreign 長官 Lord Cameron in January, during which the pair said 'they would agree to 同意しない, and do so politely', によれば the Foreign Office.

As the Argentine 政府 企て,努力,提案s to 改善する relations with the US and its 同盟(する)s, it 発表するd on Tuesday that it was 購入(する)ing 24 US-made F-16 闘士,戦闘機 jets from Denmark, a 取引,協定 支援するd by Washington.

Today, Argentine Defence 大臣 Luis Alfonso Petri met with the 副 長官 General of 北大西洋条約機構?Mircea Geoana to 服従させる/提出する the country's formal request to join the 安全 同盟's 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of 'partners across the globe'.?

President Javier?Milei met with UK Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron?at the World Economic Forum in Davos back in January

大統領 Javier?Milei met with UK Foreign 長官 Lord Cameron?at the World 経済的な 会議 in Davos 支援する in January

German and British servicemen transfer tanks and armored vehicles via Vistula river during NATO's Dragon-24 exercise, a part of large scale Steadfast Defender-24 exercise

German and British servicemen 移転 戦車/タンクs and 装甲の 乗り物s 経由で Vistula river during 北大西洋条約機構's Dragon-24 演習, a part of large 規模 確固たる Defender-24 演習

The famously unpredictable leader recently vowed to establish a diplomatic 'roadmap' towards the UK handing over the territory. He is pictured brandishing a chainsaw on the campaign trail for the presidency in September

The famously 予測できない leader recently 公約するd to 設立する a 外交の 'roadmap' に向かって the UK 手渡すing over the 領土. He is pictured brandishing a chainsaw on the (選挙などの)運動をする 追跡する for the 大統領/総裁などの地位 in September

Geoana said he welcomed Argentina's 企て,努力,提案 to become an 信じる/認定/派遣するd partner in the 同盟 - a valued 役割 short of '同盟(する)' for nations not in Nato's geographical area and not 要求するd to 参加する in 集団の/共同の 軍の 活動/戦闘s.

北大西洋条約機構 会員の地位 is 現在/一般に 限られた/立憲的な to European countries, Turkey, Canada, and the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs.?正式に partnering with Nato 要求するs the 合意 of all 32 Nato members.

The 任命 could 許す Argentina 接近 to 前進するd 科学(工学)技術, 安全 systems, and training that was not 以前 利用できる to it, the Argentine 大統領/総裁などの地位 said.

'Argentina plays an important 役割 in Latin America,' Geoana said at the 北大西洋条約機構 (警察,軍隊などの)本部. 'Closer political and practical 協調 could 利益 us both.'

によれば 北大西洋条約機構, 全世界の partners 協力する with 同盟 members, for example through 知能 sh aring and 参加するing in 軍の 操作/手術s.

北大西洋条約機構's 現在の 全世界の partners 含む Australia, Iraq, Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan.?As it stands, Colombia is the only South American country to partner with 北大西洋条約機構.

It comes as 北大西洋条約機構 長,指導者?Jens Stoltenberg 警告するd on Thursday that ウクライナ共和国 had an '緊急の, 批判的な need for more 空気/公表する defence', as he …に出席するd a G7 外務大臣s 会合 in Italy.

While 北大西洋条約機構 同盟(する)s had made 'encouraging' 最近の かかわり合いs on 軍の support, he said: 'We should have given them more earlier.'

Argentine Defence Minister Luis Alfonso Petri met with the Deputy Secretary General of NATO

Argentine Defence 大臣 Luis Alfonso Petri met with the 副 長官 General of 北大西洋条約機構

'Ninety-nine パーセント of the 軍の support for ウクライナ共和国 comes from Nato 同盟(する)s, and it is of 決定的な importance that 北大西洋条約機構 同盟(する)s 支える and step up their support,' 追加するd the 長官 General.?

会合 with 北大西洋条約機構 公式の/役人s, Petri is said to have discussed Argentina's continued support to ウクライナ共和国. 大統領 Zelensky is a 支持者 of Milei's, and …に出席するd his 就任(式)/開始 in December and あられ/賞賛するing it 'a new beginning for Argentina'.

Milei has been 押し進めるing a 過激な libertarian 協議事項 目的(とする)d at 逆転するing years of 保護貿易論者 貿易(する) 対策, overspending and 手足を不自由にする/(物事を)損なうing international 負債 that has 急落(する),激減(する)d the country's economy into a tailspin.

Over his past four months as 大統領,/社長, he has reshaped Argentina's 外交政策 to almost 無条件の support for the US.

President Zelensky attended Milei's inauguration in December and hailed it 'a new beginning for Argentina'

大統領 Zelensky …に出席するd Milei's 就任(式)/開始 in December and あられ/賞賛するd it 'a new beginning for Argentina'

This is part of an 成果/努力 to return Argentina to prominence in the 全世界の economy after past 行政s 許すd relations with Washington and European 同盟(する)s to wither.

Milei's 政府 also 捜し出すs 安全 利益s through warming 関係 with Western countries.

Argentina's 関係 to 重要な 北大西洋条約機構 同盟(する) Britain have been fraught since the 1982 Falklands war, and Milei's rhetoric over the contested islands has remained 強烈な throughout his 大統領/総裁などの地位.

Speaking at a 最近の?儀式 to 示す the 42nd 周年記念日 of the start of the 衝突 between Argentina and the UK, he told the audience:?'I want to 繰り返し言う our unwavering (人命などを)奪う,主張する for the islands.'

Ian 保護物,者s OBE, a retired RAF officer who served in the war and is now an academic, told 表明する that ramping up emotions over the Falklands 'plays 井戸/弁護士席 with a 国家主義者, 右翼 協議事項, and also distracts the people from 国内の 経済的な 問題/発行するs.'

Perhaps surprisingly, Milei is a self-自白するd Anglophile, admitting in the past that he is a fan of Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill.

He 以前 said that when he criticised the Argentine 軍事政権's 1982 侵略 of the islands as an 11-year-old, his father thrashed him for 存在 unpatriotic.?

However, during his 大統領の (選挙などの)運動をする, Milei 主張するd that Britain returning the Falkland Islands?was '非,不,無-negotiable', 追加するing that the 領土, known as the Malvinas in Argentina, is Argentine.

Milei has said the islanders must have a say in their future. Pictured:?Farm buildings at Carcass Island Settlement in the Falkland Islands

Milei has said the islanders must have a say in their 未来. Pictured:?Farm buildings at Carcass Island 解決/入植地 in the Falkland Islands

He?stopped short of 説 he would go to war over them, instead?comparing it to the UK returning Hong Kong to 中国, and has 繰り返して said that the?islanders must have a say in their 未来.

The Falklands were the 支配する of a short but 残虐な war after Argentina 侵略するd in 1982,?(人命などを)奪う,主張するing the lives of 649 Argentines and 255 British 兵士s.

Britain repelled the invaders after 派遣(する)ing a 海軍の armada, but the 問題/発行する has never been considered settled in Buenos 空気/公表するs.

Argentina still (人命などを)奪う,主張するs the islands while Britain says the Falklands are a self-治める/統治するing (独立の)存在 under its 保護. A 2013 国民投票 there resulted in a 99.8 per cent 投票(する) to remain British.