By James Tapsfield, Political Editor For Mailonline

Rishi Sunak?明かすd a 'moral 使節団' to get Brits off 利益s today as he 警告するd that numbers out of the 全労働人口 are 'unsustainable' and '悲劇の'.?

In a major speech 製図/抽選 dividing lines for the 選挙, the PM 誓約(する)d to 割れ目 負かす/撃墜する on the country's 'sick 公式文書,認める culture', 主張するing normal 'life worries' are not a 推論する/理由 to be 調印するd off.

He 最高潮の場面d that 850,000 more are long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 sick than before the pandemic, with the largest 増加する の中で young people.

Mr Sunak 示唆するd that in 未来 specialist teams should 査定する/(税金などを)課す what work people can do, instead of GPs who might be いっそう少なく willing to take a 堅い 姿勢.

Laying out a 重要な 誓約(する) for the Tory?manifesto, the 首相 said that in 未来 anyone who was みなすd fit for a 職業 would be stripped of 利益s after 12 months, unless they 従うd with 条件s 始める,決める by their work coach.?

Mr Sunak 強調する/ストレスd he did not want to make the system いっそう少なく generous for those who genuinely needed support, but would not 'let 負かす/撃墜する' Brits by 辞退するing to 取り組む the 問題/発行する for 恐れる of '原因(となる)ing offence'.

'The 状況/情勢 as it is is economically unsustainable,' he said. 'We can't afford such a spiralling 増加する in the 福利事業 法案.'

The 介入 (機の)カム the IFS think-戦車/タンク 概算の that 4.2million working age people are 現在/一般に (人命などを)奪う,主張するing at least one health-関係のある 利益. That is 同等(の) to one in 10 of the 全住民 in that age 禁止(する)d, and up from 3.2million in 2019.

Strikingly, that level is 予報するd to spike even その上の, 潜在的に hitting 5.8million by 2028-29 if the 地位,任命する-Covid 傾向s continue.? ?

Separate 公式の/役人 人物/姿/数字s 解放(する)d this week 明らかにする/漏らすd that the number of people considered 'economically inactive' after 存在 placed on long 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 sickness 利益s has jumped by a third since the start of the pandemic and now stands at a staggering 2.8million.

But 労働 said the 政府 was to 非難する for people 存在 'locked out' of work, 告発する/非難するing the PM of trotting out 'reheated 提案s'. And the British 医療の 協会 criticised his '敵意を持った rhetoric on sick 公式文書,認める culture'.?

In a major speech today, Rishi Sunak will 警告する that a 殺到する in people 調印するd off sick with mental health 条件s is placing 'unsustainable' 圧力 on the 福利事業 予算

Estimates produced by the IFS think-tank suggest one in ten of the working-age population is currently receiving health-related handouts

Estima tes produced by the IFS think-戦車/タンク 示唆する one in ten of the working-age 全住民 is 現在/一般に receiving health-関係のある handouts

Around half are 調印するd off with 不景気, 苦悩 and bad 神経s.

全体にわたる, 9.4million people 老年の between 16 and 64 are economically inactive - meaning they are neither in work nor looking for work.

The PM 最高潮の場面d 人物/姿/数字s showing that GPs 問題/発行する いわゆる 'fit 公式文書,認めるs' to 94 per cent of those who ask for them, with more than 11million 施し物d out last year.

重要な points from PM's sick 公式文書,認める speech?

  • 操縦するing using specialist teams to 査定する/(税金などを)課す what work people can do, rather than GPs 調印 them off long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 sick
  • Anyone on 利益s for 12 months who does not 従う with 条件s 始める,決める by their work coach should be stripped of handouts 完全に?
  • スピード違反 up 転換 to 全世界の/万国共通の Credit for those on 'outdated' 遺産/遺物 利益s
  • A review of PIP 適格(性) 基準, 査定/評価 過程 and types of support that can be 申し込む/申し出d, 要求するing 'greater 医療の 証拠 to 立証する a (人命などを)奪う,主張する'?
  • A 利益 詐欺 厳重取締 含むing new 力/強力にするs to carry out 令状s for searches, seizures and 逮捕(する)s?
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He said it could be time to end the 役割 of GPs in the system.?

Questions have been raised over whether 外科s need the 追加するd workload まっただ中に a long backlog of 患者s in the wake of the pandemic.

In 未来, those looking to be 調印するd off could be asked to discuss their health with teams of 'specialist work and health professionals' who will 査定する/(税金などを)課す what work they can do and what help they need to 'bounce 支援する to the workplace'.

Mr Sunak said: 'For me, it is a 根底となる 義務 of 政府 to make sure that hard work is always rewarded.

'I know, and you know, that you don't get anything in life without hard work.

'It's the only way to build a better life for ourselves and our family, and the only way to build a more 繁栄する country.'

He said since the pandemic 'something has gone wrong'.

'We now spend £69billion on 利益s for people of working age with a disability or health 条件.

'That's more than our entire schools 予算, more than our 輸送(する) 予算, more than our policing 予算.

'And spending on personal independence 支払い(額)s alone is 予測(する) to 増加する by more than 50 per cent over the next four years…

'That's not 権利, it's not 維持できる, and it's not fair on the taxpayers who 基金 it.

'So in the next 議会, a 保守的な 政府 will 意味ありげに 改革(する) and 支配(する)/統制する 福利事業.'

Mr Sunak said: 'This is not about making the 福利事業 system いっそう少なく generous to people who 直面する very real extra costs from mental health 条件s.

'For those with the greatest needs, we 現実に want to make it easier to 接近, with より小数の 必要物/必要条件s.'

He 追加するd that the 政府's '全体にわたる approach is about 説 that people with いっそう少なく 厳しい mental health 条件s should be 推定する/予想するd to engage in the world of work'.

One in 10 of working age are (人命などを)奪う,主張するing health-関係のある 利益s?

Some 4.2million people are now (人命などを)奪う,主張するing health-関係のある 利益s - and the number could rise by 30 per cent by the end of the 10年間.

The 見積(る) has been produced by the IFS think-戦車/タンク, 示唆するing one in ten of the working-age 全住民 is 現在/一般に receiving the handouts.

It 設立する that before the pandemic, both incapacity 利益s and disability 利益s saw about 20,000 new (人命などを)奪う,主張するs per month.?

But by November 2022, that had risen to 51,000 and 43,000 それぞれ.?

The think-戦車/タンク 事業/計画(する)d that even if the 傾向 slows in the coming years , by 2028-29 there will be 5.4million people on health-関係のある 利益s.??


PIP is 目的(とする)d at helping with extra living costs if someone has a long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 physical or mental health 条件 or disability, and has difficulty doing 確かな everyday 仕事s or getting around because of that.

But Mr Sunak said that since 2019, the number of people (人命などを)奪う,主張するing PIP 特記する/引用するing 苦悩 or 不景気 as their main 条件 has 二塁打d, and it is 'not (疑いを)晴らす they have the same degree of 増加するd living costs as those with physical 条件s'.

He 述べるd the system as 存在 '土台を崩すd' as people are 'asked to make subjective and unverifiable (人命などを)奪う,主張するs about their 能力'.

A 協議 is now 始める,決める to look at changes to the 適格(性) 基準, 査定/評価 過程 and types of support that can be 申し込む/申し出d, 示唆するing a 'more 客観的な and rigorous' approach, 要求するing 'greater 医療の 証拠 to 立証する a (人命などを)奪う,主張する'.

It will also consider whether some people with mental health 条件s should get 接近 to talking therapies or 一時的休止,執行延期 care rather than cash 移転s.

範囲's director of 戦略, James Taylor, (刑事)被告 the 政府 of 提案するing to '削除する 無能にするd people's income by hitting PIP' in a cost-of-living 危機, branding the suggestion 'horrific'.

But Work and 年金s 長官 Mel Stride told LBC 無線で通信する there was no 代案/選択肢 to 改革(する). 'If you look at 問題/発行するs like long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 sickness, disability, and you 追加する up all the costs of all the 利益s there, you get to about £69billion,' he said.

'The most worrying 面 of all of this… is the 増加するd cost going 今後. So all the 予測(する)s are for these 利益s to be 急上昇するing 上向きs in time. And that is something that we must 演説(する)/住所. Enough is enough on that one is my message.

'So what you will be 審理,公聴会 from the 総理大臣 is that we will be taking 対策 to make sure that 福利事業 spend is under 支配(する)/統制する.'

Mr Stride said higher spending on 福利事業 is '追加するing to the 圧力s for people to be 支払う/賃金ing, for example, more 課税'.

He 定評のある that the 詳細(に述べる)s of the new system were yet to be finalised, but argued that in many 事例/患者s it would just mean 'different configuration of 存在するing 資源s'.

He 追加するd: 'We have already gone out to the さまざまな health boards around the country and we have 15 of the 42 in England who in the autumn will be 参加するing in something called WorkWell, which is the 指名する for what I 述べるd earlier of bringing together the 医療の 援助 but also that 批判的な work-based advice and support 同様に.'

In a round of interviews ahead of the speech, Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride said 'enough is enough' - pointing to 'skyrocketing' benefits spending

In a 一連の会議、交渉/完成する of interviews ahead of the speech, Work and 年金s 長官 Mel Stride said 'enough is enough' - pointing to '急上昇するing' 利益s spending

Mr Stride said a call for 証拠 開始する,打ち上げるd on Friday will help 決定する '正確に/まさに what the model is and 正確に/まさに how it will work,' but 概して, a GP would send a patie nt with a bad 支援する to WorkWell, where an 助言者 may 接触する their workplace to make 調整s such as relocating their office to the ground 床に打ち倒す.

In his speech, Mr Sunak said: 'We don't just need to change the sick 公式文書,認める, we need to change the sick 公式文書,認める culture so the default becomes what work you can do ? not what you can't.

'Building on the 操縦するs we've already started we're going to design a new system where people have 平易な and 早い 接近 to specialised work and health support to help them 支援する to work from the very first fit 公式文書,認める conversation.?

'We're also going to 実験(する) 転換ing the 責任/義務 for 査定/評価 from GPs and giving it to specialist work and health professionals who have the 献身的な time to 供給する an 客観的な 査定/評価 of someone's ability to work and the tailored support they need to do so.'?

The PM said there is a 'growing 団体/死体 of 証拠 that good work can 現実に 改善する mental and physical health'.

He 追加するd: 'We need to be more ambitious about helping people 支援する to work and more honest about the 危険 of over-medicalising the everyday challenges and worries of life.'

The change is part of a wider 一括 of 福利事業 改革(する)s 存在 drawn up by Mr Stride まっただ中に 関心s about the 急に上がるing 利益s 法案.

He has raised 関心s the NHS is not doing enough to keep people in work, with his department now taking steps に向かって creating a 国家の occupational health service.

操縦する 計画/陰謀s are under way 申し込む/申し出ing 職業 coaches, physiotherapy and mental health 治療 to people at 危険 of dropping out of the 全労働人口.

Since the pandemic, total spending on working age disability and ill-health benefits has increased by almost two-thirds to £69 billion (Stock Image)

Since the pandemic, total spending on working age disability and ill-health 利益s has 増加するd by almost two-thirds to £69 billion (在庫/株 Image)

Mr Sunak welcomed the fact that people feel able to 'talk 率直に about mental health 条件s in a way that only a few years ago would have been 考えられない'.

But, he said 'just as it would be wrong to 解任する this growing 傾向, so it would be wrong 単に to sit 支援する and 受託する it because it's too hard; or too 議論の的になる; or for 恐れる of 原因(となる)ing offence'.

'Doing so, would let 負かす/撃墜する many of the people our 福利事業 system was designed to help,' he said.

労働, 同様に as the Tories, has also called for the 傾向 to be 演説(する)/住所d.

Professor Kamila Hawthorne, 議長,司会を務める of the 王室の College of GPs, said: 'The college is supportive of a 協議 to understand who is best placed to 問題/発行する fit 公式文書,認めるs, given the 全労働人口 and workload 圧力s already 直面するd by GPs.

'It is 決定的な that if others become 伴う/関わるd in this 過程 that the best 利益/興味s of the 患者 remains the 優先 for anyone 伴う/関わるd in 査定する/(税金などを)課すing someone's ability to work.'

長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of mental health charity Mind, Dr Sar ah Hughes, said in her 返答 to the news: 'We are 深く,強烈に disappointed that the 首相's speech continues a 傾向 in 最近の rhetoric which conjures up the image of a 'mental health culture' that has 'gone too far'.

'This is harmful, 不確かの and contrary to the reality for people up and 負かす/撃墜する the country. The truth is that mental health services are at breaking point に引き続いて years of underinvestment, with many people getting ますます unwell while they wait to receive support.'

She 追加するd: 'To 暗示する that it is 平易な both to be 調印するd off work and then to 接近 利益s is 深く,強烈に 損失ing. It is 侮辱ing to the 1.9 million people on a waiting 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) to get mental health support, and to the GPs whose 専門家 judgment is 存在 called into question.'