Direct strikes between Iran and イスラエル 'are now OVER', US source says... but Netanyahu may 可決する・採択する 'death by 1,000 削減(する)s' 戦略 of more, smaller attacks まっただ中に 怒り/怒る in his 政府 at 'feeble' 夜通し strike

The attack on Iran by イスラエル this morning may 代表する the final 明言する/公表する-to-明言する/公表する strikes in the 衝突, によれば a US 安全 source.?

The city of Isfahan in central Iran was struck at 5am 地元の time, with イスラエル 報告(する)/憶測d to have 的d?an 空気/公表する base 近づく the city that also hosts some of Iran's 核の 研究 施設s.?

But Iran sought to downplay any 重要な 損失 to its 軍の 施設s and 完全な 否定するd any 核の 工場/植物s were destroyed, as?公式の/役人s told Reuters that Tehran has no 計画(する) for 即座の 報復 - 否定するing 声明s made by several 上級の 政治家,政治屋s earlier this week.?

No Iranian 公式の/役人 直接/まっすぐに 定評のある the 可能性 that イスラエル attacked, and the Israeli 軍の did not 答える/応じる to a request for comment.?

A 地域の US 知能 source later told CNN that direct 交流s of strikes between イスラエル and Iran were now 'over', 示唆するing a wider war could be 回避するd.?

But the 手段d nature of イスラエル's 返答 appears to have been 貧しく received by the hard-権利 elements of 総理大臣 Benjamin Netanyahu's war 閣僚, as Israeli 国家の 安全 大臣 Itamar Ben-Gvir - who 以前 said his country should 'go berserk' on Iran?- 宣言するd the 爆発s in Iran 'feeble'.?

With Netanyahu 直面するing 圧力 from within his own 政府 to 答える/応じる more forcefully - and 捜し出すing to distract the international community from criticising イスラエル's 残虐な 砲撃 of Gaza?- some 専門家s 示唆するd the Israeli PM could 追求する a more 長引いた, simmering 衝突.

Following warnings over escalation in the region, Israeli Prime Minister defied Biden as he maintained that Israel would 'make its own decisions'

に引き続いて 警告s over escalation in the 地域, Israeli 総理大臣 反抗するd Biden as he 持続するd that イスラエル would 'make its own 決定/判定勝ち(する)s'?

Unconfirmed footage shared on social media appeared to show anti-aircraft fire striking over the city of Isfahan in central Iran, which hosts one of the nation's nuclear facilities

Unconfirmed (映画の)フィート数 株d on social マスコミ appeared to show anti-航空機 解雇する/砲火/射撃 striking over the city of Isfahan in central Iran, which hosts one of the nation's 核の 施設s?

Strikes have hit at least one target in Iran, US officials reportedly confirmed. The extent of the damage and exact location of the attack is unclear (unconfirmed image)

Strikes have 攻撃する,衝突する at least one 的 in Iran, US 公式の/役人s 報道によれば 確認するd. The extent of the 損失 and exact 場所 of the attack is 不明瞭な (unconfirmed image)?

People walk on the streets of Tehran as they continue their daily lives after the explosions heard in Isfahan and Tabriz cities of Iran, in Tehran, Iran on April 19, 2024

People walk on the streets of Tehran as they continue their daily lives after the 爆発s heard in Isfahan and Tabriz cities of Iran, in Tehran, Iran on April 19, 2024

Netanyahu is facing considerable pressure at home from his citizens and within his own government. (Pictured: Thousands carry Israeli flags and chant slogans against the government as they stage a protest demanding Benjamin Netanyahu's resignation)

Netanyahu is 直面するing かなりの 圧力 at home from his 国民s and within his own 政府. (Pictured: Thousands carry Israeli 旗s and 詠唱する スローガンs against the 政府 as they 行う/開催する/段階 a 抗議する 需要・要求するing Benjamin Netanyahu's 辞職)

'I think a 長引かせるd but manageable 衝突 is in Netanyahu's 利益/興味. That can be 達成するd by 延長するing the 衝突 with Iran's Axis of 抵抗. This is a low 危険 衝突 that keeps イスラエル on high 警報 without the 危険 of becoming existential,' Middle Eastern 安全 専門家 and Kings College London Lecturer Dr Andreas Krieg told MailOnline.?

'イスラエル might decide to engage in a 一連の 分散させるd attacks over time that are 個々に so ごくわずかの that Iran doesn't have to 答える/応じる... a 戦略 of ''death by a 1000 削減(する)s'', which is difficult to 阻止する.'

一方/合間, Andrew Borene, (n)役員/(a)執行力のある Director of 脅し 知能 会社/堅い Flashpoint, said: 'It appears that イスラエル and Iran are now engaged in a very dangerous game of 二国間の/相互の 瀬戸際政策.

'The kinetic strikes by イスラエル into Iranian 領土 could have been meant to 論証する a 解決する on イスラエル's part to engage with Iran in a tit-for-tat, かもしれない as a 限られた/立憲的な demonstration that Israeli precision strike 科学(工学)技術 can reach into the heart of Iran's most 極度の慎重さを要する 軍の programmes.'

No 公式の/役人 comment has been 解放(する)d by イスラエル or the US on the attacks in Iran this morning in Isfahan, which long has been home to Iran's (n)艦隊/(a)素早い of American-made F-14 Tomcats - 購入(する)d before the 1979 Islamic 革命.

当局 said 空気/公表する defences 解雇する/砲火/射撃d at a major 空気/公表する base in Isfahan.

The?Tasnim news 機関 also published a ビデオ from one of its reporters, who said he was in the southeastern Zerdenjan area of Isfahan, 近づく its '核の energy mountain.'?

The (映画の)フィート数 showed two different anti-航空機 gun positions, and 詳細(に述べる)s of the ビデオ corresponded with known features of the 場所/位置 of Iran's Uran ium 転換 施設 at Isfahan.

'At 4:45, we heard 射撃s. There was nothing going on,' he said. 'It was the 空気/公表する 弁護, these guys that you're watching, and over there too.'

The 施設 at Isfahan operates three small Chinese-供給(する)d 研究 原子炉s, 同様に as 扱うing 燃料 生産/産物 and other activities for Iran's 非軍事の 核の program.

Isfahan also is home to 場所/位置s associated with Iran's 核の program, 含むing its 地下組織の Natanz 濃縮すること 場所/位置, which has been 繰り返して 的d by 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd Israeli 破壊行為 attacks.

Military personnel stand guard at a nuclear facility in the Zardanjan area of Isfahan, Iran, April 19, 2024, in this screengrab taken from video

軍の 職員/兵員 stand guard at a 核の 施設 in the Zardanjan area of Isfahan, Iran, April 19, 2024, in this screengrab taken from ビデオ

Military personnel stand guard at a nuclear facility in the Zardanjan area of Isfahan, Iran, April 19, 2024, in this screengrab taken from video

軍の 職員/兵員 stand guard at a 核の 施設 in the Zardanjan area of Isfahan, Iran, April 19, 2024, in this screengrab taken from ビデオ

An aerial view shows a nuclear facility in Isfahan, Iran, March 30, 2005, in this screengrab taken from video

An 空中の 見解(をとる) shows a 核の 施設 in Isfahan, Iran, March 30, 2005, in this screengrab taken from ビデオ

Iranian 国家の 安全 委員会 公式の/役人 Abolfazl Amoue 宣言するd earlier this week that Tehran is '用意が出来ている to use a 武器 that we have never used' in 返答 to an Israeli attack.?

And Iran's 外務大臣 told CNN yesterday that Tehran's 返答 to an Israeli strike would be 即座の.?

'If the Israeli 政権 commits the 広大な/多数の/重要な error once again our 返答 will be 決定的な, 最終的な and regretful for them,' Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said.?

But 公式の/役人s this morning appeared to climb 負かす/撃墜する from carrying out 天罰.?

'The foreig n source of the 出来事/事件 has not been 確認するd. We have not received any 外部の attack, and the discussion leans more に向かって infiltration than attack,' one Iranian 公式の/役人 said on 条件 of anonymity.

Justin Crump, British army 退役軍人 and CEO of 安全 分析 会社/堅い Sibylline, said of イスラエル's strikes today: 'This is more ''商売/仕事 as usual'' on the 直面する of it, rather than an 行為/法令/行動する to 回復する deterrence and make Iran 傷つける.

'But it remains to be seen if this is the start of a more 一致した (選挙などの)運動をする by イスラエル 刻々と to 害(を与える) Iran while remaining below an escalation threshold, or an 孤立するd 行為/法令/行動する.

'I would 示唆する that honour is far from 満足させるd on both 味方するs at the moment. This may give the illusion that we have threaded the needle on the 危機, but the baseline level of 警報 across the 地域 is now going to be 増大するd for an 延長するd period

'The 危険 of miscalculations is higher and the many points of 緊張 remain.'

(映画の)フィート数 広まる social マスコミ appears to show 爆発s 総計費 in Iran, though MailOnline has not been able to 立証する the clips.?

すぐに after 報告(する)/憶測s of strikes 現れるd, three drones were '首尾よく 発射 負かす/撃墜する by the country's 空気/公表する defence', によれば Iran's 国家の Cyberspace 中心 広報担当者 Hossein Dalirain on X.?

A handout image grab made available by the Iranian state TV, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), shows what the TV said was a live picture of the city of Isfahan early on April 19, 2024

A handout image 得る,とらえる made 利用できる by the Iranian 明言する/公表する TV, the Islamic 共和国 of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), shows what the TV said was a live picture of the city of Isfahan 早期に on April 19, 2024

A passerby, taking on his cellphone, walks past a banner showing missiles being launched from Iranian map in northern Tehran, Iran, Friday, April 19, 2024

A 通りがかりの人, taking on his cellphone, walks past a 旗,新聞一面トップの大見出し/大々的に報道する showing ミサイルs 存在 開始する,打ち上げるd from Iranian 地図/計画する in northern Tehran, Iran, Friday, April 19, 2024

Israeli 公式の/役人s 警告するd the Biden 行政 of its 意図 to strike before 開始する,打ち上げるing in previous days, but an 公式の/役人 told CNN that the US did not 'green light' any Israeli 返答.?

US Defence 長官 Lloyd Austin spoke with his Israeli 相当するもの Yoav Gallant on Thursday afternoon, but a 上級の source 拒絶する/低下するd to 確認する to the New York Times?whether Gallant 警告するd about the strikes に引き続いて the 会合.??

Israeli 軍の sources 報道によれば 強調する/ストレスd that today's strikes were a '限られた/立憲的な 返答' to Iran's attack, appearing to 的 軍の 中心s used by Iran in their 猛攻撃 on Saturday.?

Around four hours after 報告(する)/憶測s of strikes, Iran 解除するd flight 中断s and opened its airports, with 滑走路s in Tehran, Isfahan and Shiraz の近くにd まっただ中に the Israeli attack.?

その上の 爆発s 報道によれば 攻撃する,衝突する 軍の 的s in?Iraq and Syria?around the same time.?Syria's 明言する/公表する-run SANA news 機関 引用するd a 軍の 声明 as 説?イスラエル carried out a ミサイル strike 的ing an 空気/公表する defence 部隊 in its south, 原因(となる)ing 構成要素 損失.??

The Britain-based Syrian 観測所 for Human 権利s, an 対立 war 監視する, said the strike 攻撃する,衝突する a 軍の レーダ for 政府 軍隊s. It was not (疑いを)晴らす if there were 死傷者s, the 観測所 said.

The 観測所's 長,指導者 Rami Abdurrahman said six Israeli 闘士,戦闘機 jets entered Syria's 領空 and were 飛行機で行くing east when they were spotted by the レーダ.

Although the US 軍の played a central 役割 in 停止(させる)ing Iran's strikes on Saturday, 大統領 Biden said he made it 'very (疑いを)晴らす' to Netanyahu that he had to 行為/法令/行動する 'carefully and strategically.'

Biden 勧めるd Netanyahu to 'take the 勝利,勝つ' of the derailed attack, and?警告を与えるd that the US would not 参加する in any Israeli 反対する-不快な/攻撃.?

The Israeli leader 小衝突d off Biden's 警告s, 主張するing イスラエル would 'make its own 決定/判定勝ち(する)s' in how to 反応する to Iran's attack.?

The Iranian attack last 週末 (機の)カム in 報復 to a 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd Israeli strike on Iran's 領事館 in Syria on April 1, which killed 13 people 含むing two generals in the Islamic 革命の Guard.?

The Biden administration had stressed the need for de-escalation from Israel following Iran's barrage of strikes on Saturday

The Biden 行政 had 強調する/ストレスd the need for de-escalation from イスラエル に引き続いて Iran's 一斉射撃,(質問などの)連発/ダム of strikes on Saturday?

一方/合間, the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs 大使館 in イスラエル told its 従業員s and their families to 制限する their movements this morning.

'Out of an 豊富 of 警告を与える に引き続いて 報告(する)/憶測s that イスラエル 行為/行うd a 報復の strike inside Iran, US 政府 従業員s and their family members are 制限するd from personal travel outside the greater Tel Aviv' area 同様に as the Jerusalem and Beersheva areas 'until その上の notice,' a 安全 (a)忠告の/(n)警報 問題/発行するd by the 使節団 on its website said.

予定 to a 'コンビナート/複合体' 安全 環境 that 'can change quickly,' the 大使館 'may その上の 制限する or 禁じる' the 関心d people from travelling to parts of イスラエル, Jerusalem's Old City, and the 占領するd West Bank, the (a)忠告の/(n)警報 read.

US 公式の/役人s said there was an 期待 that if イスラエル 反抗するd 警告s, they would not 的 核の or 非軍事の 場所/位置s.?

In the UK, a 閣僚 大臣 拒絶する/低下するd to say whether the UK would support イスラエル's 報告(する)/憶測d 活動/戦闘 in Iran.

Mel Stride told Sky News: 'I don't want to get into hypotheticals, because of course, the question you've asked begs many other questions as to what form 正確に/まさに that 報復 may or indeed may not have taken.'

'The overarching message on the 軍の 前線 is that de-escalation now is really important,' he said. 'We are very 堅固に engaged in counselling de-escalation and moderation at this particular moment.'

副 French 外務大臣 ジーンズ Noel Barrot also called on Iran and イスラエル to climb 負かす/撃墜する from その上の 衝突.

'All I can say is that フラン's position is to call on all actors for de-escalation and 抑制, he said.

Those reactions (機の)カム as Italian 外務大臣 Antonio Tajani, who is hosting a 会合 of G7 counterpar ts, called for a '絶対の de-escalation'.

'We 招待する everyone to be 用心深い to 避ける an escalation,' he told RAI news from Capri, 追加するing that the G7 手配中の,お尋ね者 an '絶対の de-escalation' in the Middle East.

Emergency and security personnel extinguish a fire at the site of strikes which hit the Iranian embassy in Syria's capital Damascus on April 1, which?killed 13 people including two generals in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard

緊急 and 安全 職員/兵員 消滅させる a 解雇する/砲火/射撃 at the 場所/位置 of strikes which 攻撃する,衝突する the Iranian 大使館 in Syria's 資本/首都 Damascus on April 1, which?killed 13 people 含むing two generals in the Islamic 革命の Guard?

Israeli military spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari (L) poses next to an Iranian ballistic missile which fell in Israel o
n the weekend, during a media tour at the Julis military base near the southern Israeli city of Kiryat Malachi on April 16, 2024

Israeli 軍の 広報担当者 後部 海軍大将 Daniel Hagari (L) 提起する/ポーズをとるs next to an Iranian 弾道学の ミサイル which fell in イスラエル on the 週末, during a マスコミ 小旅行する at the Julis 軍の base 近づく the southern Israeli city of Kiryat Malachi on April 16, 2024

まっただ中に 恐れるs over the 危機 in the Middle East devolving into all-out war, ロシアの 独裁者 Vladimir Putin joined calls to 静める 緊張s when he spoke to Iranian 大統領 Ebrahim Raisi, the Kremlin said last week.?

As the West 勧めるd for calmer 長,率いるs to 勝つ/広く一帯に広がる in the ユダヤ人の 明言する/公表する, Iranian 議会's 国家の 安全 委員会 Abolfazl Amoue 明言する/公表するd that Iran is 用意が出来ている for a 'painful 返答' to the 'slightest 活動/戦闘.'?

It was also 報告(する)/憶測d on Wednesday that Iranian 海軍 指揮官 Shahram Irani has said Iran's 海軍 would 護衛する its 商業の ships to the Red Sea - putting Iranian 軍艦s 直接/まっすぐに on イスラエル's doorstep.?

The 不安定 in the 地域 has すぐに 衝撃d 全世界の oil markets, with brent 天然のまま prices 増加するing above $90 a バーレル/樽 as news of the Israeli strikes 現れるd.??

The Islamic 共和国, which has always 主張するd its 核の program is 平和的な and 否定するs 捜し出すing an 原子の 爆弾, has (刑事)被告 arch 敵 イスラエル of 破壊行為 attacks on its 施設s and 暗殺s of 核の scientists in 最近の years.?

によれば Ahmad Haghtalab, the Islamic 革命の Guards' 長,率いる of 核の 保護 and 安全,?Iran has 'identified' Israeli 核の 中心s and 持つ/拘留するs 'necessary (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) of all 的s'.?

イスラエル is 広範囲にわたって known to have 核の 武器s but has never 認める so.?