イスラエル 恐れるs 国際刑事警察機構 法廷,裁判所 is 準備するing ARREST WARRANT for Benjamin Netanyahu for breaking international 法律s in Gaza

  • Both イスラエル and Hamas stand (刑事)被告 of committing war 罪,犯罪s since October 7?

The Israeli 政府 called an '緊急 discussion' over 関心s the 国際刑事警察機構 法廷,裁判所 could be 準備するing an 逮捕(する) 令状 for 総理大臣 Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders over 申し立てられた/疑わしい 違反s of international 法律 in Gaza, it has been 明らかにする/漏らすd.

Three 大臣s and several 政府 合法的な 専門家s met at the 総理大臣's Office on Tuesday to discuss how they would manage 逮捕(する) 令状s after 報道によれば receiving (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) such orders could be 問題/発行するd imminently, によれば Israeli Channel 12.

外務大臣 イスラエル Katz, 法務大臣 Yariv Levin and 戦略の 事件/事情/状勢s 大臣 Ron Dermer 報道によれば met and decided to 捜し出す support from international 外交の circles in an 成果/努力 to 失敗させる/負かす possible 活動/戦闘 against Netanyahu.

非常に/多数の 団体/死体s have 申し立てられた/疑わしい イスラエル has 違反d international 法律 in its 報復の (選挙などの)運動をする in Gaza since the Hamas-led October 7 attacks.

イスラエル 報道によれば 恐れるs that 逮捕(する) 令状s would be brought on the basis of the 人道的な 危機 in Gaza, where 権利s groups and international 団体/死体s continue to 警告する of 差し迫った 'man made 飢饉', 主張するing 審議する/熟考する 制限s of 援助(する) into the (土地などの)細長い一片.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (not pictured) speak to the media following talks at the Chancellery on March 16, 2023 in Berlin, Germany

Israeli 総理大臣 Benjamin Netanyahu and German (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Olaf Scholz (not pictured) speak to the マスコミ に引き続いて 会談 at the Chancellery on March 16, 2023 in Berlin, Germany

Children fill up bottles with water distributed by charitable organizations as accessing clean water gets harder due to ongoing Israeli blockade in Rafah, Gaza on February 16

Children fill up 瓶/封じ込めるs with water 分配するd by charitable organizations as 接近ing clean water gets harder 予定 to 現在進行中の Israeli 封鎖 in Rafah, Gaza on February 16

Palestinian forensic experts and others search for bodies of dead people in the vicinity of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City on April 17, 2024 after a recent Israeli military operation

Palestinian 法廷の 専門家s and oth ers search for 団体/死体s of dead people in the 周辺 of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City on April 17, 2024 after a 最近の Israeli 軍の 操作/手術

Thousands rally against the government demanding Benjamin Netanyahu's resignation, early elections and prisoner swap with Gaza in Tel Aviv, Israel on April 13, 2024

Thousands 決起大会/結集させる against the 政府 需要・要求するing Benjamin Netanyahu's 辞職, 早期に 選挙s and 囚人 交換(する) with Gaza in Tel Aviv, イスラエル on April 13, 2024

イスラエル 直面するs a number of 主張s 付随するing to 違反s of international 法律 over its 行為/行う in Gaza since October 2023.

In February, the UN High Commissioner for Human 権利s published a damning 報告(する)/憶測 calling for accountability for both イスラエル and さまざまな Palestinian 交戦的な groups over 申し立てられた/疑わしい 違反s of international 法律.

These covered the period November 1, 2022 to October 31, 2023, but also 言及/関連d historical 主張s of 権利s 違反s.

'For over 56 years, the 占領するd Palestinian 領土 ? the West Bank, 含むing East Jerusalem, and Gaza ? has remained under 占領/職業 by イスラエル, 影響する/感情ing all 権利s of Palestinians, 含むing the 権利 to self-決意,' the 報告(する)/憶測 read.

'The human 権利s 状況/情勢 in the 占領するd Palestinian 領土 徹底的に より悪くするd during the 報告(する)/憶測ing period.?There was an escalation of the use of lethal 軍隊 in the West Bank, 含むing East Jerusalem, and May 2023 also saw an escalation of 敵意s in Gaza.'

The British 政府 in December?called?on イスラエル to 'take 即座の and 固める/コンクリート steps to 取り組む 記録,記録的な/記録する high 植民/開拓者 暴力/激しさ in the 占領するd West Bank'.

The UN High Commissioner's 報告(する)/憶測 示唆するd イスラエル had committed war 罪,犯罪s and 違反s of international 法律, 含むing the 'wanton 破壊 of 非軍事の 所有物/資産/財産', 集団の/共同の 罰, 刑罰の and 審議する/熟考する 包囲s, 'deprivation of 必須の services' such as water and 援助(する), and 軍隊d 排水(気)量.

It also 公式文書,認めるd the deaths of 30 Israelis in the West Bank and one Israeli woman killed in イスラエル by a 'ロケット/急騰する 開始する,打ち上げるd from Gaza' 事前の to October 7.

The 報告(する)/憶測 (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the human 権利s 状況/情勢 in the West Bank was 悪化するing 事前の to October 7, 特記する/引用するing the use of '植民/開拓者 暴力/激しさ to 容易にする de facto 併合' of the 領土.

Earlier this year, South Africa also とじ込み/提出するd an 使用/適用 主張するing that イスラエル's 行為/行う in Gaza were genocidal in character.

The 使用/適用 勧めるd the International 法廷,裁判所 of 司法(官) to order '一時的に 対策' to 保護する Palestinians in Gaza, 含むing the 停止 of 軍の attacks that '構成する or give rise to 違反s of the 集団殺戮 条約'.?

The 重要な request, the 停止 of 敵意s altogether, was not 認めるd, but the 法廷,裁判所 did order イスラエル to 妨げる and punish direct and public incitement to 集団殺戮.

Fadi Zant, aged nine, is experiencing malnutrition and receives treatment after evacuated from the northern Gaza Strip

Fadi Zant, 老年の nine, is experiencing 栄養不良 and receives 治療 after 避難させるd from the northern Gaza (土地などの)細長い一片

Israel has been accused of weaponising starvation as a method of war in its battle against Hamas

イスラエル has been (刑事)被告 of weaponising 餓死 as a method of war in its 戦う/戦い against Hamas

Leila (pictured) can be seen quickly breathing in and out, desperate for a breath of fresh air in one of the 12 remaining hospitals

Leila (pictured) can be seen quickly breathing in and out, desperate for a breath of fresh 空気/公表する in one of the 12 remaining hospitals

11-year-old Palestinian girl Nur al-Huda Mohammed is being treated for malnutrition and severe dehydration at Kamal Adwan Hospital

11-year-old Palestinian girl Nur al-Huda Mohammed is 存在 扱う/治療するd for 栄養不良 and 厳しい dehydration at Kamal Adwan Hospital

The 集団殺戮 条約 defines?集団殺戮 by 行為/法令/行動するs 'committed with 意図 to destroy, in whole or part, a 国家の, ethnical, racial or 宗教的な group'.

集団殺戮, 共謀 to commit 集団殺戮, direct and public incitement to commit 集団殺戮, 試みる/企てる to commit 集団殺戮 and complicity in 集団殺戮 are all 罰せられるべき, によれば the 条約.?

答える/応じるing to the ICJ 審理,公聴会s, 国際アムネスティ 警告するd at the time of the 'staggering 規模 of death and 破壊' in Gaza, 同様に as the 'appalling spike in dehumanising and 人種差別主義者 rhetoric against Palestinians?by 確かな Israeli 政府 and 軍の 公式の/役人s'.

'This, coupled with イスラエル’s 課税 of an 違法な 包囲 in Gaza, which has 削減(する) off or 厳しく 制限するd the 非軍事の 全住民’s 接近 to water, food, 医療の 援助 and 燃料, is (打撃,刑罰などを)与えるing unfathomable levels of 苦しむing and puts the 生き残り of those within Gaza at 危険,' the organisation said in a 声明.

Last month, the 議長,司会を務める of the 外務 select 委員会, Alicia Kearns MP, 示唆するd the British 政府 had received advice from its lawyers 明言する/公表するing that イスラエル had broken international 人道的な 法律, によれば a 漏れるd 記録,記録的な/記録するing 得るd by the 観察者/傍聴者.

Ms Kearns 繰り返し言うd the (人命などを)奪う,主張するs in a 声明, 説: 'I remain 納得させるd the 政府 has 完全にするd its updated 査定/評価 on whether イスラエル is 論証するing a かかわり合い to international 人道的な 法律, and that it has 結論するd that イスラエル is not 論証するing this かかわり合い, which is the 合法的な 決意 it has to make.

'Transparency at this point is 最高位の, not least to 支持する the international 支配するs-based order.'

合法的な 専門家s 警告するd that receiving such 合法的な advice would mean the UK would have to すぐに 中止する all 武器 sales to イスラエル, as it would さもなければ be seen as 補佐官ing and abetting war 罪,犯罪s - itself 巻き込むing the country.

This week, Al Jazeera 報告(する)/憶測d that nine 団体/死体s had been 設立する buried in an 明らかな 集まり 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な 近づく Al Shifa hospital in Gaza.

The 団体/死体s had not fully 分解するd, 示唆するing they had been killed recently.

Some were 設立する with 医療の 包帯s and catheters still 大(公)使館員d to them.

公式の/役人s stopped digging after finding nine over 恐れるs Israeli drones were hovering above them.

Hamas said in a 声明: 'The 一連の 現在進行中の 違反s, 含むing the 発見 of 集まり 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大なs in al-Shifa, 事例/患者s of 死刑執行, and the hundreds of 団体/死体s that remain under the がれき… are (疑いを)晴らす and 井戸/弁護士席-文書d war 罪,犯罪s.'

A kindergarten in Kibbutz Be'eri, which shows signs of clashes from the October 7 attacks

A 幼稚園 in Kibbutz Be'eri, which shows 調印するs of 衝突/不一致s from the October 7 attacks?

The kindergarten in Be'eri which appeared to be a site of clashes when Hamas gunmen swept the kibbutz on October 7

The 幼稚園 in Be'eri which appeared to be a 場所/位置 of 衝突/不一致s when Hamas gunmen swept the kibbutz on October 7

An Israeli soldier stands over the body of a Hamas militant in Kibbutz Be'eri on Wednesday, October 11, 2023

An Israeli 兵士 stands over the 団体/死体 of a Hamas 交戦的な in Kibbutz Be'eri on Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Hamas has itself been accus ed of committing 非常に/多数の war 罪,犯罪s while the de facto 当局 in Gaza.

Human 権利s Watch 特記する/引用するd the 役割 of Hamas and other Palestinian 武装した groups in their 破滅的な 強襲,強姦 on イスラエル on October 7.

Some 1,170 Israelis - many of whom were 非軍事のs - were killed when Hamas swept into southern イスラエル and began indiscriminately 的ing people.

Israeli 強姦 centres have since 収集するd 報告(する)/憶測s of 強姦 and 性の 乱用?committed by 武装した 加害者s last year.

A?冷気/寒がらせるing 報告(する)/憶測 from the 協会 of 強姦 危機 中心s was 現在のd to the UN Special (外交)使節/代表 on 性の 暴力/激しさ in 衝突 Areas in February, who visited イスラエル? to hear 証言s of 性の 乱用.

An overview of the findings 明言する/公表するs: 'Hamas テロリストs 雇うd sadistic practices 目的(とする)d at 強めるing the degree of humiliation and terror inherent in 性の 暴力/激しさ.

?'Many of the 団体/死体s of 性の 罪,犯罪 犠牲者s were 設立する bound and shackled.

'The genitals of both women and men were 残酷に mutilated, and いつかs 武器s were 挿入するd into them. The テロリストs did not stop at 狙撃, they also 削減(する) and mutilated 性の 組織/臓器s and other 団体/死体 parts with knives.'

The 証言s 含むd (人命などを)奪う,主張するs Hamas gunmen 繰り返して stabbed an 負傷させるd woman while they 強姦d her; that 犠牲者s had nails, 手りゅう弾s and knives 挿入するd into their 性の 組織/臓器s; and how 生存者s 逃げるing the festival 証言,証人/目撃するd 'girls whose pelvises were 簡単に broken from 存在 強姦d so much'.

Yoni Saadon, a 生存者 who 証言,証人/目撃するd the 強姦 of a young woman 耐えるing 厳しい 暴力/激しさ, recounted a 犠牲者 crying out: 'Stop it - already I'm going to die anyway f rom what you are doing, just kill me!'

The 証言,証人/目撃する said 'when they finished they were laughing and the last one 発射 her in the 長,率いる'.

One 証言,証人/目撃する said she saw a young woman with a 支援する 傷害, her trousers pulled 負かす/撃墜する below her 膝s, 存在 強姦d by one テロリスト as another 'pulled from her hair'.

'Each time the woman resisted, the テロリスト stabbed her in the 支援する.'

In another 事例/患者, she said she saw how while one テロリスト was 強姦ing a woman, another 削減(する) into her and mutilated her 団体/死体.

Charred and damaged cars along a desert road after an attack by Hamas militants at the Tribe of Nova Trance music festival near Kibbutz Re'im in southern Israel on Saturday, October 7

Charred and 損失d cars along a 砂漠 road after an attack by Hamas 交戦的なs at the Tribe of Nova Trance music festival 近づく Kibbutz Re'im in southern イスラエル on Saturday, October 7

Destroyed cars and belongings left at the Supernova Music Festival site where hundreds were killed and dozens taken by Hamas militants near the border with Gaza, on October 12, 2023

Destroyed cars and 所持品 left at the Supernova Music Festival 場所/位置 where hundreds were killed and dozens taken by Hamas 交戦的なs 近づく the 国境 with Gaza, on October 12, 2023?

An Israeli officer walks around a campsite at the festival near Re'im kibbutz on October 17

An Israeli officer walks around a campsite at the festival 近づく Re'im kibbutz on October 17

Some 250 people were taken 人質 during Hamas' 急襲 into イスラエル in October last year.

Many have returned 主張するing poor 治療 and 普及した 性の 乱用?in 捕らわれた.

イスラエル and Gaza have not managed to 安全な・保証する a 囚人 交流 since November, when around 100 people were returned in 交流 for a なぎ in the 衝突 and the return of Palestinian 囚人s held in イスラエル.

抗議するs continued to 開始する against Netanyahu this week from those pleading for the 即座の 解放(する) of 人質s and 停止 of 衝突 in the Gaza (土地などの)細長い一片.

Some 33,900 people have been killed in Gaza since the 敵意s began in October, によれば the Palestinian Health 省 in Gaza.

The 省 does not distinguish between 軍の and 非軍事の 死傷者s.