最高の,を越す neurosurgeon left with trembling 手渡す after 衝突,墜落ing snowmobile on £23,000 Lapland break organised by supercar brand McLaren 告訴するs for more than £10million

  • Dr Andrew Cannestra, a spinal 外科 specialist 衝突,墜落d into a tree at 40mph
  • He (人命などを)奪う,主張するs he will have to retire from his £1.6m-a-year 職業 早期に 予定 to the 傷害s
  • Lawyers at the McLaren Group's Woking HQ have 否定するd any 義務/負債?

A 最高の,を越す neurosurgeon, who has been left with a trembling 手渡す after his snowmobile 衝突,墜落 on a 高級な holiday organised by British supercar brand McLaren, is 告訴するing for over £10million.

Dr Andrew Cannestra, a spinal 外科 specialist, 苦しむd serious 長,率いる 傷害s after losing 支配(する)/統制する of a snowmobile during a couples' break in Lapland, 調書をとる/予約するd through the Pure McLaren 北極の Experience.

While on the £23,000 four-night holiday in 2020 the 53-year-old 衝突,墜落d into a tree going at around 40mph, 原因(となる)ing him to lose consciousness and 苦しむ a brain haemorrhage.

Dr Cannestra is now 告訴するing McLaren 自動推進の Events Ltd for over £10m 補償(金), (人命などを)奪う,主張するing he will be 軍隊d to retire from his £1.6m-a-year 職業 in the next few years 予定 to the 衝撃 of the 長,率いる 傷害s he 苦しむd in the 衝突,墜落.?

Dr Andrew Cannestra, a spinal surgery specialist, suffered serious head injuries after losing control of a snowmobile during a couples' break in Lapland, booked through the Pure McLaren Arctic Experience

Dr Andrew Cannestra, a spinal 外科 specialist, 苦しむd serious 長,率いる 傷害s aft er losing 支配(する)/統制する of a snowmobile during a couples' break in Lapland, 調書をとる/予約するd through the Pure McLaren 北極の Experience

Dr Cannestra is now suing McLaren Automotive Events Ltd for over £10m compensation, claiming he will be forced to retire from his £1.6m-a-year job in the next few years due to the impact of the head injuries he suffered in the crash

Dr Cannestra is now 告訴するing McLaren 自動推進の Events Ltd for over £10m 補償(金), (人命などを)奪う,主張するing he will be 軍隊d to retire from his £1.6m-a-year 職業 in the next few years 予定 to the 衝撃 of the 長,率いる 傷害s he 苦しむd in the 衝突,墜落

But lawyers for the company, based at the McLaren Group's Woking HQ, are 否定するing 義務/負債, 主張するing that the 地元の guide did his 最大の to 確実にする the snow trek was 安全な, and also 示唆するing that Dr Cannestra was partly to 非難する in failing to take 十分な care.

London's High 法廷,裁判所 heard that the Florida-based 外科医 and his partner 調印するd up for the 排除的 高級な holiday in the 北極の circle 申し込む/申し出d by McLaren's events arm in February 2020.

The Pure McLaren 北極の Experience is 焦点(を合わせる)d on an unforgettable 'ice-運動ing experience' in which guests 運動 McLaren supercars on a frozen 実験(する) 回路・連盟 in Ivalo, Finland, と一緒に other activities 含むing the snowmobile trip.

In 法廷,裁判所 文書s his KC, Neil 封鎖する, says that the snowmobile 小旅行する was 供給するd as part of the McLaren holiday 一括 by 地元の 操作者s 高級な 活動/戦闘 Oy.

He and his partner had been the only guests taking the 小旅行する on the afternoon of 2 February 2020, having 行方不明になるd out on an earlier group excursion and were 供給するd with a personal guide each.

He said Dr Cannestra's 事故 followed an 初期の 15-minute 裁判,公判 ride through trees with his partner during which he says they 攻撃する,衝突する 速度(を上げる)s of around 30mph.

災害 struck after his guide 恐らく then took Dr Cannestra on a 単独の jaunt after telling him he was 'doing 井戸/弁護士席' and they should 'go off together and have some fun'.

He and his partner had been the only guests taking the tour on the afternoon of 2 February 2020, having missed out on an earlier group excursion and were provided with a personal guide each. It also included driving McLaren cars on an ice track (pictured)

He and his partner had been the only guests taking the 小旅行する on the afternoon of 2 February 2020, having 行方不明になるd out on an earlier group excursion and were 供給するd with a personal guide each. It also 含むd 運動ing McLaren cars on an ice 跡をつける (pictured)

He 衝突,墜落d as his 乗り物 巡航するd at around 40mph through the snow, said his barrister, and after losing sight of his guide ahead of him 予定 to poor sunset visibility.

'Dr Cannestra had lost sight of (the guide) 予定 to the 増加するing gap between them and その結果 was unaware of the second of the 一連の left-手渡す bends or the short straight section of 跡をつける on the approach to it,' explained Mr 封鎖する.

Lawyers for the 外科医 say the 事故 was 原因(となる)d by a 失敗 to 確実にする the 跡をつける was 明確に 示すd out and by a 失敗 to 確実にする a proper safety 要点説明.

They also (人命などを)奪う,主張する the guide was at fault in riding too far ahead and that he turned the setting of Dr Cannestra's snow buggy into a 比較して 前進するd 方式 although the medic was just a novice rider.

'As he entered the second bend he lost 支配(する)/統制する of his snowmobile and veered off the 跡をつける into 深い snow, and then into 衝突/不一致 with a tree.

'As a result of striking the tree he 支えるd serious 傷害s,' 含むing a 長,率いる 傷害 that 原因(となる)d him to lose consciousness and 苦しむ a brain haemorrhage, 追加するd the barrister.

In the 事故's 影響 he experienced problems with 'word-finding, comprehension, memory and 疲労,(軍の)雑役'.

He also 支えるd an 傷害 to his left 膝, but the most 継続している 衝撃 was on his ability to work and his mental 機能(する)/行事ing, he said.

Before the 事故, Dr Cannestra had been 診断するd with a 'benign' 必須の (軽い)地震 in the 手渡すs which was very 穏やかな in form, was '井戸/弁護士席 controlled by 時折の doses of 医薬', and 許すd him to 成し遂げる a '十分な 範囲 of neurosurgery'.

But his snowmobile 傷害s mean he now needs '重要な' 医薬 to 鎮圧する the (軽い)地震, explained Mr 封鎖する.

'But for the 事故 there would have been a very slow progression of the (軽い)地震 which would have been controlled by modest 増加するs in 医薬,' he (人命などを)奪う,主張するd.

'His work would not have been 影響する/感情d, in contrast the prognosis is that within five years Dr Cannestra will have to 中止する working.'

The 事例/患者 reached London's High 法廷,裁判所 this week as lawyers on both 味方するs 審議d the 形態/調整 of a 来たるべき 裁判,公判, although the 事例/患者 is not scheduled to be heard until at least April 2025.

Matthew Chapman, for McLaren 自動推進の Ltd, told the 法廷,裁判所 the company is 主張するing that the 地元の guide did his 最大の to 確実にする the snow trek was 安全な, and making an 主張 of contributory 怠慢,過失 on the part of the doctor.

Mr Chapman told the 裁判官, Master Lisa Ann Sullivan, that the '核心' of McLaren's 事例/患者 on 義務/負債 for the 衝突,墜落 is that the '指導/手引 and 指示/教授/教育' 供給するd to Dr Cannestra was 適する, 追加するing that the company ーするつもりであるs to enlist 専門家 証言,証人/目撃するs to 証言する on 基準s of reasonable care and 技術.

The 法廷,裁判所 also heard that the 裁判,公判 when it reaches 法廷,裁判所 could last up to eight days, taking in an array of 専門家 証言,証人/目撃するs about snowmobile safety and judgment of 地元の 地形.