G7 comes for Putin, Ayatollah and Xi: ウクライナ共和国 to receive frozen ロシアの 資産s to 基金 'game-changing' war chest, Iran is 攻撃する,衝突する with more 許可/制裁s over イスラエル attack and 中国 is 警告するd to stop arming Vladimir's 軍隊s

  • The 会合 (機の)カム hours after イスラエル appeared to strike an Iranian 空気/公表する base

外務大臣s from the G7 countries today 攻撃する,衝突する out at 競争相手s Russia, 中国 and Iran in a 一連の bold 声明s まっただ中に a 会合 of Western-提携させるd 同盟(する)s in Italy.

The 会合 (機の)カム hours after イスラエル appeared to strike a major 空気/公表する base and a 核の 場所/位置 近づく the Iranian city of Isfahan - a 返答 to?Tehran's 前例のない drone-and-ミサイル 強襲,強姦 on the country last 週末.?

The G7 誓約(する)d support for イスラエル's 安全 and 非難するd 'in the strongest 条件' what the 外務大臣s 述べるd as Iran's '前例のない attack against イスラエル of April 13-14', 発表するing it is ready to 可決する・採択する more 許可/制裁s against the Islamic 共和国.?

一連の会議、交渉/完成するing on Beijing, the 大臣s 宣言するd 'strong 関心' that Chinese 商売/仕事s were transferring 二重の-use 構成要素s and 武器s 構成要素s to Russia.

US 国務長官 Antony?Blinken (刑事)被告 中国 of 'fuelling' the ウクライナ共和国 war by helping Moscow's 'most ambitious defence 拡大 since the Soviet 時代', によれば Washington.

And finally, Italian 外務大臣 Antonio Tajani said Western 政府s are reviewing the 可能性 of using ロシアの 資産s frozen in Europe to 補充する ウクライナ共和国's war chest as Vladimir Putin's 軍隊s continue to make 伸び(る)s in the Donbas.?

The West has locked 負かす/撃墜する around £260 billion 価値(がある) of 資産s, with European countries now 診察するing whether they could 合法的に create a 'game-changing' slush 基金 of sorts to 燃料?Kyiv's war 成果/努力.?

The G7 会合 in Capri was ひどく 抗議するd by プロの/賛成の-Palestinian 行動主義者s who 衝突/不一致d with 暴動 police outside the gates of the 発生地.?

(L-R) Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani walks with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and British Secretary for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs David Cameron during the G7 foreign ministers' meeting, in Capri, Italy, 19 April 2024

(L-R) Italian 外務大臣 Antonio Tajani walks with German 外務大臣 Annalena Baerbock and British 長官 for Foreign, 連邦/共和国 and 開発 事件/事情/状勢s David Cameron during the G7 外務大臣s' 会合, in Capri, Italy, 19 April 2024

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei
Chinese President Xi Jinping
Russian President Vladimir Putin

外務大臣s from the G7 countries today 攻撃する,衝突する out at 競争相手s Russia , 中国 and Iran in a 一連の bold 声明s まっただ中に a 会合 of Western-提携させるd 同盟(する)s in Italy (L-R:?Iranian 最高の Leader Ali Khamenei,?Chinese 大統領 Xi Jinping,?ロシアの 大統領 Vladimir Putin)

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken accused China of 'fuelling' the Ukraine war by helping Moscow's 'most ambitious defence expansion since the Soviet era'

US 国務長官 Antony Blinken (刑事)被告 中国 of 'fuelling' the ウクライナ共和国 war by helping Moscow's 'most ambitious defence 拡大 since the Soviet 時代'

Pro-Palestinian activists cla
sh with police, as they try to embark on a ferry to protest G7 meeting on Capri Island, at a port in Naples, Italy, April 19, 2024

プロの/賛成の-Palestinian 行動主義者s 衝突/不一致 with police, as they try to 乗る,着手する on a フェリー(で運ぶ) to 抗議する G7 会合 on Capri Island, at a port in Naples, Italy, April 19, 2024

Speaking on the Italian island of Capri, 大臣s from the US, UK, フラン, Germany, Canada, Japan and Italy 警告するd of new 許可/制裁s against Iran for its drone and ミサイル attack on イスラエル, and 勧めるd both 味方するs to 避ける an escalation of the 衝突.

Italian 外務大臣 Tajani, who 議長,司会を務めるd the 会合 of 大臣s of industrialised countries, said the 協議事項 of the three-day 会合 was changed on Friday to 演説(する)/住所 the 最新の 開発s after they received 'last minute' (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) from イスラエル about drone 活動/戦闘 in Iran.

Iran 解雇する/砲火/射撃d 空気/公表する defences at a major 空気/公表する base and a 核の 場所/位置 近づく Isfahan after spotting drones 早期に this morning, almost one week after Iran's 300-strong ミサイル and drone attack on イスラエル.?

イスラエル had 公約するd to 答える/応じる to Iran's 前例のない 週末 attack, leaving the 地域 を締めるing for その上の escalation after months of fighting in Gaza.?

同盟(する)s have 勧めるd イスラエル to 持つ/拘留する 支援する on any 返答 to the attack that could spiral, but Tajani said the G7 was willing to ramp up its 許可/制裁s 政権 against Iran in an 試みる/企てる to 阻止する その上の 衝突.?

'The political 客観的な is de-escalation,' Tajani said in a の近くにing news 会議/協議会.?

Blinken also 強調d that the US was not 伴う/関わるd in any attack on Iran and was committed to working for a 'de-escalation' in the 地域.

'I'm not going to speak to that except to say that the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs has not been 伴う/関わるd in any 不快な/攻撃 操作/手術s,' Blinken said.

Asked to 述べる the 現在の US-Israeli 関係, Blinken 公式文書,認めるd that イスラエル makes its own 決定/判定勝ち(する)s and the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs is committed to its 安全.

'イスラエル makes its 決定/判定勝ち(する)s, but we have a かかわり合い to defending it,' Blinken said.

Iran has long been one of the most 許可/制裁d countries, 特に by the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs, with Washington 開始する,打ち上げるing a punishing 政権 of 経済的な 制限s against Tehran に引き続いて the 1979 Islamic 革命.?

No such 脅しs were 問題/発行するd against Beijing, though the G7 大臣s 発言する/表明するd 疑惑s that 中国 has helped the Kremlin's war 成果/努力 in ウクライナ共和国 by 供給(する)ing it with 二重の-use 科学(工学)技術s that could be 器具/実施するd in a 軍の capacity.?

US 国務長官 Antony Blinken 勧めるd European 相当するものs to 増加する 圧力 on Beijing, which he (刑事)被告 of 'fuelling' the ウクライナ共和国 war by 補佐官ing Russia.?

'We 表明する our strong 関心 about 移転s t o Russia from 商売/仕事s in the People's 共和国 of 中国 of 二重の-use 構成要素s and 武器s 構成要素s that Russia is using to 前進する its 軍の 生産/産物,' the 大臣s said in a final 声明 after 会談 on Capri.

'中国 should 確実にする that this support stops, as it will only 長引かせる this 衝突 and 増加する the 脅し that Russia 提起する/ポーズをとるs to its 隣人s.'

Washington has 始める,決める a red line for Beijing - not to 供給(する) 武器s to Russia for its war in ウクライナ共和国 - but is yet to 現在の proof that this has 現実に happened.?

The same 会合 that saw the 大臣s 非難する Chinese support for Russia also saw the consideration of using frozen ロシアの 資産s to 燃料 ウクライナ共和国's war chest as Kyiv's 軍隊/機動隊s continue to repel the 侵略.

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani (C) walks with British Secretary for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs David Cameron (L) during the G7 foreign ministers' meeting, in Capri, Italy, 19 April 2024

Italian 外務大臣 Antonio Tajani (C) walks with British 長官 for Foreign, 連邦/共和国 and 開発 事件/事情/状勢s David Cameron (L) during the G7 外務大臣s' 会合, in Capri, Italy, 19 April 2024

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said G7 countries were prepared to levy more sanctions against Iran in an attempt to deter further conflict with Israel

Italian 外務大臣 Antonio Tajani said G7 countries were 用意が出来ている to 徴収する more 許可/制裁s against Iran in an 試みる/企てる to 阻止する その上の 衝突 with イスラエル

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken walks on the third day of the G7 foreign ministers meeting on Capri island, Italy, April 19, 2024

U.S. 国務長官 Antony Blinken walks on the third day of the G7 外務大臣s 会合 on Capri island , Italy, April 19, 2024

Ukrainian soldiers at the artillery position in an unidentified area on the Adiivka frontline

Ukrainian 兵士s at the 大砲 position in an 身元不明の area on the Adiivka frontline

Ukrainian soldiers practice trench operations as the war between Russia and Ukraine continues in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine on March 24, 2024

Ukrainian sol diers practice ざん壕 操作/手術s as the war between Russia and ウクライナ共和国 continues in Donetsk Oblast, ウクライナ共和国 on March 24, 2024

Ukrainian servicemen prepare themselves to return to the Semenivka battlefield nearby Avdiivka

Ukrainian servicemen 準備する themselves to return to the Semenivka 戦場 nearby Avdiivka

'As requested by Leaders, we will continue our work and update ahead of the (G7) Apulia 首脳会議 (in June) on all possible avenues and feasible 選択s by which immobilised ロシアの 君主 資産s could be made use of to support ウクライナ共和国,' the 大臣s said in a 声明.?

Europe and the US are 現在/一般に 持つ/拘留するing some £260 billion in ロシアの central bank 資産s as part of its 経済的な 許可/制裁s 一括 in 報復 for Moscow's war against ウクライナ共和国.

It is 概算の that the 利益/興味 alone on such 資産s would total 概略で £2.5 billion each year - money some EU 長,指導者s say should be used to help arm ウクライナ共和国, or reimburse countries sending 武器s 出荷/船積みs 直接/まっすぐに to Kyiv.?

But some member 明言する/公表するs are hesitant over 関心s about the 合法性 of such a move.

'It's importa nt we try and get 協定... That's what we're discussing here. I'm in no 疑問 we will find a way, but we're going to have to be creative. We'll have to be 柔軟な,' British Foreign 長官 David Cameron has said.

Under 現在の 計画(する)s, for which European 国会議員s are 診察するing 合法的な precedents, around 90% of the 利益/興味 from frozen 資産s would be put into a special 基金 that many EU countries already use to get reimbursed for 武器 and 弾薬/武器 they send.

The other 10% would be put into the EU 予算 to help 支える ウクライナ共和国's defence 産業.?

Some commentators have called for Western 政府s to go beyond using the 利益/興味 生成するd by the frozen 資産s and 掴む the 資産s themselves.

法案 Browder, the CEO and co-創立者 of Hermitage 資本/首都 管理/経営, told 無線で通信する 4?earlier this week that this approach 'could be the difference between 敗北・負かす and victory' as ウクライナ共和国 looks to turn the tide.

'If ウクライナ共和国 gets this money it means they can arm themselves 適切に; they can 支払う/賃金 for the 武器s they need to defend themselves and fight off the ロシアのs. And as we're all watching 権利 now, they've run out of money... and they're now starting to lose.'

With more than?$60 billion in US 援助(する) held up?by 内部の politics, Mr Browder 示唆するd Western nations draw upon the £260 billion in frozen ロシアの 資産s to '完全に change the landscape' in easter n ウクライナ共和国.?

'If all the major countries do it together... then there's no 逆の consequences for anybody because these are all the reserve 通貨s in the world,' he 推論する/理由d.?

But?the European Central Bank (ECB) has 警告するd in the past against 掴むing ロシアの 資産s as this could 土台を崩す 信用/信任 in the euro 通貨 and EU markets.