Mother, 38, died after '複雑化s' during £2,000 負わせる loss 操作/手術 in Turkey which led to her having a heart attack on the operating (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, 検死 hears

  • Leanne Leary 苦しむd a cardiac 逮捕(する) from undiagnosed 深い vein thrombosis

A British mother died after '複雑化s' during a £2,000 負わせる loss 操作/手術 in Turkey, an 検死 heard.

Leanne Michelle Leary had a heart attack on the operating (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する 予定 to undiagnosed 深い vein thrombosis (DVT), the 審理,公聴会 was told.

The 38-year-old was resuscitated and 急ぐd to 集中的な care, but 苦しむd a second 致命的な cardiac 逮捕(する) the に引き続いて afternoon on July 2 last year.

Rochdale 検死官s' 法廷,裁判所 heard Ms Leary, a mother-of-three, had fallen on the stairs at work and then complained of 脚 苦痛s after travelling to Istanbul to watch Manchester City (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 Internazionale in the 支持する/優勝者s League final the month before her death.

On her return to the UK she underwent 実験(する)s for DVT, but they were 十分な説得力のない, the 検死 heard. The 同意/服従 経営者/支配人 told her friends she had a 'small 血 clot' which didn't 要求する 治療.

Leanne Leary died of a heart attack while having a weight loss operation in Turkey as a result of?ndiagnosed deep vein thromb
osis, an inquest heard

Leanne Leary died of a heart attack while having a 負わせる loss 操作/手術 in Turkey as a result of?ndiagnosed 深い vein thrombosis, an 検死 heard

Ms Leary left for the £2,000 operation in Turkey without informing either her parents or her GP

Ms Leary left for the £2,000 操作/手術 in Turkey without 知らせるing either her parents or her GP

The 検死 heard Ms Leary, who had 喘息 and 肺炎, had 初めは 調書をとる/予約するd the gastric sleeve 外科 in April to take place in October, but brought it 今後 to July while she was off work sick.

She didn't 知らせる her parents of her 計画(する)s to を受ける the £2,000 操作/手術 for 恐れる they would try to talk her out of it, nor did she discuss it with her GP.

Ms Leary's final text messages to her father, Paul Dermody, as she was about to go into 外科 on the morning of July 1, were read out in 法廷,裁判所.

The mother-of-three, who had a BMI of 47, wrote: 'I didn't want people to try put me off. I need this for me and my health.'

Mr Dermody told the 法廷,裁判所: 'I said I fully support what you are doing, but I want to know where you are every step of the way before and after 外科.'

Ms Leary's mother, Kathleen Scott, said: 'I would have 100 per cent talked her out of it. You have to think of the kids. But she felt like there was nothing to worry about because she so 猛烈に needed and 手配中の,お尋ね者 this 操作/手術.'?

When Ms Leary hadn't 答える/応じるd to a number of texts her family began to worry. and a friend who spoke Turkish 接触するd the hospital outside Istanbul and was told she had 苦しむd a heart attack during 外科.

Rochdale Coroner's Court heard that Ms Leary had died of a pulmonary embolism due to deep vein thrombosis

Rochdale 検死官's 法廷,裁判所 heard that Ms Leary had died of a pulmonary embolism 予定 to 深い vein thrombosis

Her parents caught the first flight to Istanbul, where they were met by an interpreter. On arrival at the hospital they were 知らせるd that Ms Leary had died.

A 地位,任命する-mortem examination gave the 原因(となる) of death as a pulmonary embolism 予定 to 深い vein thrombosis. 病理学者 Dr Sami Titi said it was likely the DVT was 現在の before Ms Leary left the UK.

Mr Dermody said he had 関心s about the 速度(を上げる) with which the 操作/手術 had been arranged and the 危険s of people travelling abroad to を受ける 外科. He also said it appeared the hospital hadn't taken any next of 肉親,親類 詳細(に述べる)s in 事例/患者 of an 緊急.

検死官 Catherine McKenna 記録,記録的な/記録するd a 結論 that Ms Leary had died of 'recognised 複雑化s of an elective surgical 手続き 連合させるd with underlying 医療の 条件s'.

Ms McKenna said: 'This 事例/患者 を強調するs the importance of transparency when it comes to surgical 手続きs. It is imperative to anyone considering a 手続き that, irrespective of how straightforward it may seem, all 外科 carries 危険.

'It's so important to discuss any 外科 with one's GP and that that 外科医s carrying out the 手続き are aware of one's 医療の history.'