議論の的になる university 'race 研究員' who wrote that equality between white and 非,不,無-white people is 'based on lies' is dropped by Cambridge college after (激しい)反発 from students

A fellow at the University of Cambridge who has 誘発するd (激しい)反発 with his comments on race has been dropped by Emmanuel College where he was a 研究 associate.

Nathan Cofnas, an 早期に career 研究 fellow in the Faculty of Philosophy, is understood to have had his 関係 with the college ended に引き続いて an 調査 into his 行為/行う.

Mr Cofnas (機の)カム under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 in February after he published a blog 地位,任命する which (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the number of 黒人/ボイコット professors at Harvard would 'approach 無' in a meritocracy, and that '黒人/ボイコットs would disappear from almost all high-profile positions outside of sports and entertainment.'

He also 解任するd equality between people of different ethnicities as a '論題/論文' that is 'based on lies'.

The college's 決定/判定勝ち(する) followed the philosopher stepping 負かす/撃墜する from all student-直面するing 義務s, which 含むd teaching and 場内取引員/株価 examinations, まっただ中に 強化するing (激しい)反発 from students and staff.

Mr Cofnas, who 述べるs himself as a 'race-realist', is understood to have been 知らせるd of the college's 決定/判定勝ち(する) by letter on April 5, which 明言する/公表するd his 地位,任命するs were in 違反 of its 多様制 and 傾向 政策s.

Nathan Cofnas came under fire in February after he published a blog post which claimed the number of black professors at Harvard would 'approach zero' in a meritocracy

Nathan Cofnas (機の)カム under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 in February after he published a blog 地位,任命する which (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the number of 黒人/ボイコット professors at Harvard would 'approach 無' in a meritocracy

Emmanuel College has 削減(する) all 関係 with philosophy 研究員 Nathan Cofnas に引き続いて his 議論の的になる comments on race

によれば Varsity, the letter 明言する/公表するd: 'The 委員会 first considered the meaning of the blog and 結論するd that it 量d to, or could reasonably be construed as 量ing to, a 拒絶 of 多様制, Equality, and 傾向 (DEI and EDI) 政策s.'

It 追加するd: 'The 委員会 結論するd that the 核心 使節団 of the College was to 達成する 教育の excellence and that 多様制 and 傾向 were inseparable from that. The ideas 促進するd by the blog therefore 代表するd a challenge to the College's 核心 values and 使節団,'

It was not the first time his comments had 原因(となる)d 乱暴/暴力を加える, after MailOnline 明らかにする/漏らすd in 2022 that the Faculty of Philosophy knew of a 2019 paper authored by Mr Cofnas in which he argued that people of different ethnicities have different levels of IQ.

Students at the university have 以前 開始する,打ち上げるd a 嘆願(書) against the 研究員's continued 雇用 and organised 抗議するs に引き続いて his blog 地位,任命するs.

Last month, the first 黒人/ボイコット man to ever be 任命するd to the 長,率いる of a Cambridge College, Lord Simon Woolley, 主要な/長/主犯 of Homerton College, held an event with students and the master of Emmanuel Doug Chalmers to discuss their 関心s.

Lord Woolley, who was 以前 任命するd by then-総理大臣 Theresa May to 長,率いる?the UK 政府's Race 不平等 部隊, told the 組み立てる/集結するd students that 解放する/自由な speech must be 保護するd, but this did not 延長する to 'abhorrent 人種差別主義'.

He 追加するd: 'If this [Cofnas' comments] is not 甚だしい/12ダース 不品行/姦通 […] I don't know what is.'

Emmanuel's Master Mr Chalmers had 最初 支援するd Mr Cofnas' 権利 to freedom of speech, but the college soon 開始する,打ち上げるd an 調査, と一緒に other 調査(する)s by the University and the Leverhulme 信用, which 供給するd him with a 研究 認める.

Fellows and students alike have criticised Mr Cofnas' continued 雇用.?Dr Bronwen Everill, Director of the University's centre of African 熟考する/考慮するs, 以前 said his 雇用 is 'like having a flat earther on the physics faculty - it's embarrassing'.?

In a 声明, the 信用 said it had 開始する,打ち上げるd an '緊急の' 調査, continuing: 'The 認める 供給するd was not for 研究 into the 関係 between race and IQ.?

'The 見解(をとる)s 表明するd in the blog are in no way those of the Leverhulme 信用. We are very (疑いを)晴らす that 人種差別主義 of any and all forms is abhorrent.'

Since receiving news of the 決定/判定勝ち(する), Cofnas' social マスコミ shows he has had support from an Australian philosopher, Peter Singer, and that he …に出席するd the 保守主義 会議/協議会 in Brussels featuring Nigel Farage and Suella Braverman.

Mr Cofnas is understood to still be under investigation by the University of Cambridge and the Leverhulme Trust

Mr Cofnas is understood to still be under 調査 by the University of Cambridge and the Leverhulme 信用

After attending the National Conservatism conference in Brussels, Mr Cofnas said on Twitter he is already 'in enough trouble in the UK'

After …に出席するing the 国家の 保守主義 会議/協議会 in Brussels, Mr Cofnas said on Twitter he is already 'in enough trouble in the UK'

The 会議/協議会 was shut 負かす/撃墜する by the 市長 of Brussels, 主要な police to …に出席する the event. ベルギー 総理大臣?Alexander De Croo later overturned the 決定/判定勝ち(する), branding it '憲法違反の', and the second day of the 会議/協議会 went ahead as planned.

Mr Cofnas wrote in a 地位,任命する on X: 'At the 国家の 保守主義 会議/協議会 in Brussels. The 社会主義者 市長 駅/配置するd police in 前線 of the building and they won't let anyone inside.'

Answering a 使用者's question if he had spoken to police at the scene, Mr Cofnas said: 'I'm in enough trouble in the UK - better not to get 逮捕(する)d in Belgium.'

It is 不明瞭な if the 'trouble' referred to is 関係のある to Emmanuel's 決定/判定勝ち(する) to 減少(する) him as a 研究 associate.?

The Faculty of Philosophy, which 現在/一般に still 雇うs him as a 研究 fellow, 以前 told MailOnline?Mr Cofnas' words 'do not 代表する the 見解(をとる)s of the Faculty' and that 'there is no place for 人種差別主義 at the University of Cambridge'.

Professor Angela Breitenbach, 議長,司会を務める of the Faculty, said: 'The 見解(をとる)s 表明するd in these blogs do not 代表する the 見解(をとる)s of the Faculty of Philosophy.

'The Faculty 努力する/競うs to be a leader in defending equality and fostering 傾向. There is no place for 人種差別主義 at the University of Cambridge.'

Emmanuel College and Nathan Cofnas have been 接触するd for comment.?