EXCLUSIVE'The 十分な English will never die out!' Greasy spoon fans speak up for the 広大な/多数の/重要な British Fry-Up after news that health-conscious Gen Z are turning their 支援するs on 伝統的な breakfast - with one cafe 顧客 admitting to eating one every day

Britons enjoying a 十分な English breakfast this morning have 解任するd (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that the fry-up could be dying out because of health 関心s の中で young people.

Diners 答える/応じるd to 投票 of those 老年の between 18 to 34 which 設立する one in ten never have a cooked breakfast and 14 per cent only eat one once or twice a year.

And a その上の 20 per cent only eat a 十分な English - which 伝統的に 含むs bacon, egg, sausage, beans, tomatoes, mushroom and toast - every couple of months.

Home 器具 製造者 Breville, which (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d the 研究, 示唆するd youngsters were 存在 turned off the classic by health influencers on social マスコミ.

But MailOnline visited a 一連の 'greasy spoon' cafes today where many people young and old あられ/賞賛するd the tradition, with some admitting that they eat one every day.

Luke Wells, 25, Jackson Moule, 27, and George Camies, 22, said they rarely worry about the calorific content of their favourite breakfast, as they sat down to enjoy one in London today

Luke 井戸/弁護士席s, 25, Jackson Moule, 27, and George Camies, 22, said they rarely worry about the calor ific content of their favourite breakfast, as they sat 負かす/撃墜する to enjoy one in London today

Cafe owner Sahb Dhillon serves breakfast to Margaret Snowdon (left) and Tanya Langmead (right), who had just finished a cleaning shift, at Blossoms Cafe in the Byker area of Newcastle

Cafe owner Sahb Dhillon serves breakfast to Margaret Snowdon (left) and Tanya Langmead (権利), who had just finished a きれいにする 転換, at Blossoms Cafe in the Byker area of Newcastle

Luke 井戸/弁護士席s and his workmates Jackson Moule and George Camies, all in their 20s, said they rarely worry about the calorific content of their favourite breakfast.

What are the ありふれた 成分s for a 十分な English breakfast??

The 'ありふれた' 十分な English breakfast is a '相当な meal' consisting of the に引き続いて 成分s, によれば the English Breakfast Society:

  • 支援する bacon
  • Eggs
  • British sausage
  • Baked beans
  • 泡 and squeak
  • Fried tomato
  • Fried mushrooms
  • 黒人/ボイコット pudding
  • Fried & toasted bread (on the 味方する)

The society says that while this 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) is often 審議d, 'these are the 権利 成分s in our learned opinion'.?

It 追加するs that hash browns are not part of a 伝統的な English breakfast, and are used only as a cheap plate filler.


The trio waited in line outside a caf? in London this morning before ordering fry-ups inside. Mr 井戸/弁護士席s, 25, who 作品 任命する/導入するing 空気/公表する 条件s 部隊s with his 同僚s, said: 'I have a 十分な English at least once a week, maybe more.

'We love it - the 十分な English is a tradition. We're not bothered about it 存在 greasy; I think I need it. We started 早期に today and (機の)カム 負かす/撃墜する for breakfast. Ever since I was young, my mum's always made me a 十分な English or a bacon 挟む.

'It's like a way of life. If you eat healthily the other six days a week, you balance it out. If someone について言及するs a fry-up I just can't resist - 特に after a 激しい night out. It sorts you out.'

His 同僚 Mr Camies, 22, 追加するd: 'I had four last week.'

But Mr Moule, from Australia, did 収容する/認める that big breakfasts were becoming いっそう少なく popular in his home country.

'潜在的に, we're going a little away from the big breakfasts,' the 27-year-old said. 'It's going healthier. But a 十分な English is too good not to get.'

At the Waterloo Caf? in the 資本/首都, Dziugas Butkevicius, 22, who moved to England from Lithuania at five years old, agreed that the fry-up was a British tradition.

He told MailOnline that he believed people his age were not so keen on the 伝統的な breakfast because it is not considered 流行の/上流の.

'I'm 22, but I probably eat a 十分な English once a week,' the construction 労働者 said. 'It's a 扱う/治療する, and almost like a tr adition for us on a Friday.

Keith Mansfield (left), 62, and Dziugas Butkevicius (right), 22, at the Waterloo Cafe in London. Mr Butkevicius said: 'I know it's not the healthiest thing in the world, but once in a while can't hurt you really, can it?' Mr Mansfield added:?'I don't think the full English will ever die out'

Keith Mansfield (left), 62, and Dziugas Butkevicius (権利), 22, at the Waterloo Cafe in London. Mr Butkevicius said: 'I know it's not the healthiest thing in the world, but once in a while can't 傷つける you really, can it?' Mr Mansfield 追加するd:?'I don't think the 十分な English will ever die out'

Retired truck driver Richard Robson, 80, enjoyed his full English breakfast at Blossoms Cafe in Byker, Newcastle, today and said: ?I can't imagine a world without them?

Retired トラックで運ぶ driver Richard Robson, 80, enjoyed his 十分な English breakfast at Blossoms Cafe in Byker, Newcastle, today and said: 'I can't imagine a world without them'?

'I know it's not the healthiest thing in the world, but once in a while can't 傷つける you really, can it?

'I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I wouldn't eat it day-to-day, but once or twice a week, I don't think there's too much wrong with that.

'I think it's a bit uncool these days - it's more of a culture than a health thing. It's not 流行の/上流の. Gen Z… I think there's a lot of people who live off energy drinks and crisps, so I don't think they're too bothered about health.

'At least with a 十分な English there's some nutritional value. I can see where the argument comes from, but I don't think the 十分な English will ever die out.'

Keith Mansfield, a 62-year-old father-of-one, agreed with his younger 同僚.

'I don't think the 十分な English will ever die out,' he said. 'It's maybe not as 大規模な as it was, but it's a selling point at pubs across the country: 十分な English breakfast, £10 or whatever.'

German tourist Jonas Riemer said he visited a greasy spoon in London with his friends 支援する in 2019, and enjoyed his breakfast so much that he returned to 列 by himself for another taste today.

Retired community worker Michelle Whitworth, 73, said at Blossoms Cafe in Byker, Newcastle, that the ?full English is a treat for me? but added: ?I never have the fried bread?

Retired community 労働者 Michelle Whitworth, 73, said at Blossoms Cafe in Byker, Newcastle, that the '十分な English is a 扱う/治療する for me' but 追加するd: 'I never have the fried bread'?

German tourist Jonas Riemer, 25, said he visited a greasy spoon in London with his friends in 2019, and enjoyed it so much that he returned to the same one to queue by himself today

German tourist Jonas Riemer, 25, said he visited a greasy spoon in London with his friends in 2019, and enjoyed it so much that he returned to the same one to 列 by himself today

'I'm not put off by it 存在 unhealthy,' the 25-year-old 商売/仕事 行政 student from Berlin said. 'I like greasy food. In Germany we also have bacon, eggs and sausage for breakfast.

'I also like cooking and 準備するing things for myself and have nothing against greasy, fatty foods. But, I understand that many Gen Zers think staying healthy is very important.'

American tourists Trevor and Stefanie Perry 株d a (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する with Mr Riemer 同様に as his 感情s on the 十分な English.

'In the 明言する/公表するs, we love greasy breakfasts,' 31-year-old PE teacher Mr Perry said. 'They'll never die out in America, so I don't think they'll die out here.'

At the other end of the country in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, MailOnline visited Blossoms Cafe in Byker, which was doing a roaring 貿易(する) in 十分な English breakfasts today.

At the busy greasy spoon on 保護物,者s Road, owner Sahb Dhillon said: 'The 十分な English breakfast is really popular. We get a lot of younger people coming in. But people of all ages love the 十分な English.

'It costs £6.95, 含むing a drink. The 十分な English is popular throughout the day, not just the morning. I used to be on Just Eat, and you'd get people ordering one at 10pm.

'People love our 十分な English breakfasts. Our 部分s are 大規模な. We get 顧客s asking for doggy 捕らえる、獲得するs, because they struggle to finish.

'I guess some young people think the 十分な English is greasy and too much food. I would say to them, come to Blossoms Cafe. You don't know what you are 行方不明の. It 始める,決めるs you up for the 残り/休憩(する) of the day.'

Mr Dhillon, who has owned the cafe for 15 years, 追加するd: 'I am surprised by the 研究 as we get a lot of students coming in. It's not our experience here.

'Some of them might come in when they are a bit hungover. The 十分な English is as popular as ever の中で everyone.'

Mother and daughter Margaret Snowdon, 65, and Tanya Langmead, 29, were tucking into 十分な English breakfasts after finishing a 6.30am きれいにする 転換.

Ms Langmead said: 'I have a 十分な English breakfast about twice a week. My partner could have one every day. He 絶対 loves a 十分な English. He'll have one about four times a week.

'I understand why young peop le might not be eating them as much, because they think they're unhealthy. But that's not やむを得ず the 事例/患者. When I cook one at home, I do it in the 空気/公表する fryer so there's no oil.

Kyle Elsender, 22, said at Blossoms Cafe in Newcastle: 'I will eat a full English two or three times a week. When I come out for food, I always get one. A full English fills you up all day'

Kyle Elsender, 22, said at Blossoms Cafe in Newcastle: 'I will eat a 十分な English two or three times a week. When I come out for food, I always get one. A 十分な English fills you up all day'

Occupational therapist Stefanie Perry, 32, and PE teacher Trevor Perry, 31, enjoy a fry-up in London.??Mr Perry said: 'They'll never die out in America, so I don't think they'll die out here'

Occupational therapist Stefanie Perry, 32, and PE teacher Trevor Perry, 31, enjoy a fry-up in London.??Mr Perry said: 'They'll never die out in America, so I don't think they'll die out here'

'I don't have one every day. But when I do have a 十分な English, 特に in a cafe, I love it.'

Ms Snowdon 追加するd: 'We just finished work and now this breakfast will 始める,決める us up for the 残り/休憩(する) of day. I am not that surprised they're not as popular の中で younger people because new foods come out, and take over, such as avocado.

'It's a shame. In moderation, a 十分な English is not bad for you. My auntie, who was in her 90s, would cook one every 選び出す/独身 day. I love them, but I couldn't eat them やめる that often.'

Richard Robson, 80, was enjoying breakfast and a 雑談(する) with a friend. The retired トラックで運ぶ driver said: 'I lived on 十分な English breakfasts when I was at work. I can't imagine a world without them.

'What's an avocado? I don't even know what one is. Is it green and looks like a pear? As a lad, I'd いつかs eat pies for breakfast. Never an avocado.

'I don't know why young people aren't eating the 十分な English any more. It's up to them. The young will eat what they want, just like everyone else.'

Michelle Whitworth, 73, was reading a 調書をとる/予約する while waiting for her 十分な English to arrive. The retired community 労働者 said: 'I am not surprised, not at all.

'The 十分な English is a 扱う/治療する for me. I make sure I don't have one too often. I come to Byker on a Friday, and it fills me up. I never have the fried bread. That's the thing to 削減(する) out.

'In itself, the 十分な English is not unhealthy. Mushrooms, baked beans, tomatoes, even 黒人/ボイコット pudding. These things are not bad for you.

'I understand tastes are changing and the young are eating different things, like avocado. I would never order that in a cafe, it's overpriced.

'There are also more vegetarians and vegans these days, so the sausages and bacon wouldn't 控訴 them. I used to be a vegetarian and いつかs I do feel a bit 有罪の about eating meat.

'I would never make a 十分な English at home, and I understand why for young people it would be too much hassle.

'It's so cheap eating in a cafe like this, it's not 価値(がある) it, to buy all the 成分s 分かれて. I hate throwing food away. It's a very filling meal. I do still have lunch, but not a 大規模な one. Yo u don't need it after a 十分な English.'

Retired fence erector Steven Elsender, 50, said at Blossoms Cafe in Byker, Newcastle, that fry-ups 'keep me full up' - and he had 'gone from eating four a week, to having one every day'

Retired 盗品故買者 erector Steven Elsender, 50, said at Blossoms Cafe in Byker, Newcastle, that fry-ups 'keep me 十分な up' - and he had 'gone from eating four a week, to having one every day'

Cafe worker Gursharan Singh serves breakfast at Blossoms Cafe in the Byker area of Newcastle

Cafe 労働者 Gursharan Singh serves breakfast at Blossoms Cafe in the Byker area of Newcastle

Steven Elsender, 50, a retired 盗品故買者 erector, and his son Kyle, 20, were both getting stuck in to 十分な English breakfasts.

Kyle said: 'I will eat a 十分な English two or three times a week. When I come out for food, I always get one. A 十分な English fills you up all day.

'I am surprised by this 研究 as my friends are the same. They eat 十分な English breakfasts 同様に. I would never eat an avocado or anything like that.'

Steven 追加するd: 'I have eaten 十分な English breakfasts ever since I was a bairn. They keep me 十分な up. I have gone from eating four a week, to having one every day.

'I don't make them at home, it's too fiddly. I eat in cafes. It's cheaper. I don't understand young people 説 they are unhealthy.

'Plenty of people do things that are bad for them, like smoking. An English breakfast is やめる nice. There's nothing wrong with it.'

It comes after the Breville 熟考する/考慮する 設立する almost four in ten worry that the meal is too fatty or greasy to tuck into any more than they usually do, while a 類似の number are 関心d about the number of calories on the plate.

For many, it is the sheer number of 成分s that may be a turn-off, with almost a third of the 1,000 young Britons 調査するd by OnePoll (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that cooking a fry-up takes too much time.

A staggering 89 per cent said that they had experienced 'food 犯罪' after eating the breakfast, while almost one in four also said that they thought it was 'outdated'.

Th e clean-up also seems to be a problem, while others 示唆するd that the trouble of juggling so many 成分s at the same time was a 失望/欲求不満.

What 正確に/まさに goes into a fry-up 変化させるs across the UK. While eggs, mushrooms, beans, sausages and bacon are 主要な支えs on the plate, there are often 国家の varieties.

In むちの跡s, cockles and laverbread are often 追加するd; while in Northern Ireland, soda bread and potato bread are 定期的に 設立する on the menu.

Breville spokeswoman Lydia パン職人 said: 'There's still time to save the iconic dish. It's a beloved 会・原則 for a 推論する/理由.

'Social マスコミ has spread an endless number of accounts giving advice on what's 'good' and 'bad' to eat, with the humble fry-up often 落ちるing into the latter (軍の)野営地,陣営.

'But it's perfectly possible to create a 伝統的な fry up that's a little more 犯罪-解放する/自由な and いっそう少なく hassle.'