Pictured: Students killed 'after 急落(する),激減(する)ing off 辛勝する/優位 of waterfall while taking selfie' at Highlands beauty 位置/汚点/見つけ出す

Two University of Dundee students who 溺死するd after 落ちるing into a waterfall 'while trying to take a selfie' have been pictured for the first time.

Jitendranath Karuturi, 26, and Chanhakya Bolisetti, 22, are believed to have been taking pictures at the?Linn of Tummel waterfall 近づく Blair Atholl, on Wednesday evening when they slipped and 急落(する),激減(する)d into the river below.

They were then 報道によれば swept away, 証言,証人/目撃するd by a friend who was with them on their walk at the Highlands beauty 位置/汚点/見つけ出す. Their 団体/死体s were 回復するd by the Scottish 解雇する/砲火/射撃 and 救助(する) service.


Mr Karuturi and Mr?Bolisetti, from India, were?熟考する/考慮するing for a master's degree in data science and 工学.

A 広報担当者 for the university said: 'This has been a 悲劇の 事故 which has shocked us all, and our thoughts are with the families and friends of the students.?

Student Chanhakya Bolisetti, 22, was a student at the University of Dundee and was 熟考する/考慮するing for a Masters in data science and 工学
Jitendranath Karuturi, 26, was also a student at the University of Dundee
The two students were pulled from the water at the Linn of Tummel waterfall in Perth and Kinross on Wednesday evening

'We have been 供給するing support to those families and friends at this 極端に difficult time.'

The pair had started their courses in January 2023 and were 予定 to finish next month.?

Mr Karuturi?had a degree from the University of Hartford in Connecticut while Mr Bolisetti …に出席するd Jawaharlal Nehru 科学技術の University in Hyderabad, India.?

Mr Karuturi also worked as a waiter at the City Quay restaurant in Dundee. Vaseem Salimi, the restaurant's 経営者/支配人, told the 特使 newspaper:?'Everyone is 荒廃させるd. Jitu was really popular with everybody,'

'He had just finished his master's and was telling everyone his 計画(する)s about what he was doing now. It was 破滅的な for everyone.

'He was very polite and 穏やかな-mannered ? you would get no 演劇 from him. He was 静める all the time.?

'He never had an argument or fell out with anybody. He was 極端に reliable for work. He never let us 負かす/撃墜する, ever.'

The 団体/死体s of the two men were 回復するd by 緊急 services on Wednesday night (Pictured: The?Linn of Tummel waterfalls)

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: 'Around 7pm on Wednesday April 17, we received a 報告(する)/憶測 of two men, 老年の 22 and 26 years, in the water at the Linn of Tummel waterfall 近づく Blair Atholl.

'緊急 services …に出席するd and に引き続いて searches in the area, the 団体/死体s of two men were 回復するd from the water.

'調査s are 現在進行中の to 設立する the 十分な circumstances, however there would not appear to be any 怪しげな circumstances surrounding these deaths.


'A 報告(する)/憶測 will be submitted to the procurator 会計の.'

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