A man has 降伏するd to police are 報道によれば 脅すing to blow himself up at the Iranian 領事館 in Paris with a 自殺 vest.

The man gave himself up soon after 2pm, walking out of the 領事館 with his 手渡すs in the 空気/公表する and giving himself over to police at the scene.

'He had no 爆発性のs or 武器s on him,' said a 安全 source. 'He was placed under 逮捕(する) すぐに and taken away to a 安全な・保証する police 駅/配置する for 尋問.'

Specialist BRI officers continued to 群れている around the area, together with sniffer dogs, just in 事例/患者 爆発性のs had been hidden in the area.

'The 安全 perimeter will be 持続するd for a while yet,' said the source.

The individual was for a time 穴を開けるd up inside the building in the French 資本/首都's?16th arrondissement in a room with the 外交官/大使, one 報告(する)/憶測 said.

A man has surrendered to police are reportedly threatening to blow himself up at the Iranian consulate in Paris with a suicide vest.?The man gave himself up soon after 2pm, walking out of the consulate with his hands in the air and giving himself over to police at the scene

A man has 降伏するd to police are 報道によれば 脅すing to blow himself up at the Iranian 領事館 in Paris with a 自殺 vest.?The man gave himself up soon after 2pm, walking out of the 領事館 with his 手渡すs in the 空気/公表する and giving himself over to police at the scene

Police are seen at the scene of the Iranian consulate in Paris

Police are seen at the scene of the Iranian 領事館 in Paris

He was said to be wearing an 爆発性の belt and equipped with an 反対する that 似ているd a 手りゅう弾,?Europe 1?and other sources 報告(する)/憶測d earlier.

The area was 非常線,警戒線d off and 避難させるd, with a police source 説 that an '介入 was 切迫した'.

This 示唆するd officers had been 準備するing to 嵐/襲撃する the building.

'A 証言,証人/目撃する saw a man enter carrying a 手りゅう弾 or an 爆発性の belt,' a source told フラン's AFP news 機関, 追加するing that an エリート police 部隊 had been mobilised after the 領事館 requested an 介入.?

'The man 現在のd him at the 領事館, and then 除去するd his coat, to show off an 申し立てられた/疑わしい 爆発性のs vest,' another 安全 source said at the scene.

'He said he was carrying a 手りゅう弾, and then placed a 国家の 旗 on the 床に打ち倒す. He said he 手配中の,お尋ね者 to avenge his brother.'

Police ordered the city's Metro Line 6 to be interrupted as a safety 手段.

Europe 1 報告(する)/憶測d that the 大使館 接触するd the police requesting 援助, 報告(する)/憶測ing that the man was inside the building. It said he was 穴を開けるd up in a room inside the 領事館 'in the presence of the 外交官/大使'.

There were no 報告(する)/憶測s of an 爆発.

The 出来事/事件 (機の)カム まっただ中に 増加するing 緊張s between イスラエル and Iran, with the ユダヤ人の 明言する/公表する today 開始する,打ち上げるing strikes against the Islamic 共和国.

This was in 返答 to Iran 開始する,打ち上げるing over 300 ミサイルs に向かって イスラエル on Saturday, 99 パーセント of which were i ntercepted by イスラエル and its 同盟(する)s.

Armed police are seen at the scene in Paris on Friday
Armed police are seen at the scene in Paris on Friday

武装した, camo-wearing? police are seen at the scene in Paris on Friday

French police and members of French special police forces of Research and Intervention Brigade (BRI) secure the area near Iran consulate where a man is threatening to blow himself up, in Paris, France, April 19, 2024

French police and members of French special police 軍隊s of 研究 and 介入 旅団 (BRI) 安全な・保証する the area 近づく Iran 領事館 where a man is 脅すing to blow himself up, in Paris, フラン, April 19, 2024

French police secure the area near Iran consulate where a man is threatening to blow himself up, in Paris, France, April 19, 2024

French police 安全な・保証する the area 近づく Iran 領事館 where a man is 脅すing to blow himself up, in Paris, フラン, April 19, 2024

Iran's 週末 attack was in-turn believed to have been in 返答 to an April 1 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd Israeli 空気/公表する strike which levelled Tehran's 領事の 別館 in Damascus and killed seven 革命の Guards members, 含むing two generals.

The tit-for-tat attacks have ramped up 緊張s in the volatile 地域, 増加するing 恐れるs that the Middle East could descend into a 十分な-blown 衝突.

It was not (疑いを)晴らす whether the 出来事/事件 in Paris was 関係のある to the on-going 危機.?

This is a breaking news story. More to follow...?