A ユダヤ人の 選挙運動者 who was 脅すd with 存在 逮捕(する)d by the police for 存在 近づく a プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ march has (刑事)被告 the Met of 許すing 'no-go zones for Jews'.

Gideon 滞る, the 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of (選挙などの)運動をする Against Antisemitism, was pulled aside by an officer who said he was '違反ing the peace' because he was 'やめる 率直に ユダヤ人の'.

ビデオ of the 対決, which was 株d online, has 誘発するd a furious 返答 after an officer told Mr 滞る his presence as he tried to walk around London after going to a synagogue on Saturday was antagonising a large group of people'.

He has now (刑事)被告 the 主要都市の Police failing to 演説(する)/住所 'the 脅し of antisemitic 暴力/激しさ' and has called for a 集まり demonstration by ユダヤ人の and 非,不,無-ユダヤ人の people to show 'no part of London should be 危険な'.

The Met has apologised to Mr 滞る and said the use of the phrase '率直に ユダヤ人の' by the office was 'hugely 残念な' and 主張するd officers were 介入するing not to stifle 解放する/自由な speech, but to 'keep the public , 含むing all those taking part or …に反対するing the 抗議する, 安全な'.

The Metropolitan Police has been branded 'beyond appalling' after an officer threatened to arrest a Jewish man for 'breaching the peace' as he is stopped from crossing the road

The 主要都市の Police has been branded 'beyond appalling' after an officer 脅すd to 逮捕(する) a ユダヤ人の man for '違反ing the peace' as he is stopped from crossing the road?

This officer was seen blocking the Jewish man, Gideon Falter, from crossing the road amid because he was 'quite openly Jewish'

?This officer was seen 封鎖するing the ユダヤ人の man, Gideon 滞る, from crossing the road まっただ中に because he was 'やめる 率直に ユダヤ人の'

In a ビデオ 株d by CAA from Saturday's march,?Mr 滞る - who was wearing a kippah on his 長,率いる - was seen telling the officer: 'I don't want to stay here, I want to leave.'?

The officer then replies: 'In that 事例/患者 sir, when the (人が)群がる is gone I will happily 護衛する you out.'?

After the 反抗的な man 試みる/企てるs to walk across the road in the Aldwych area, the officer 封鎖するs him and says: 'I don't want anybody antagonising anybody... and at the moment sir, you are やめる 率直に ユダヤ人の. This is a プロの/賛成の-Palestinian march.?

'I am not 告発する/非難するing you of anything but I am worried about the reaction to your presence.'

Later on in the ビデオ, another officer says: 'There's a 部隊 of people here now. You will be 護衛するd out of this area so you can go about your 商売/仕事, go where you want 自由に or if you choose to remain here because you are 原因(となる)ing a 違反 of peace, with all these other people, you will be 逮捕(する)d.'

He 明らかにするs: 'Your presence here is antagonising a large group of people that we can't を取り引きする all of them if they attack you... because your presence is antagonising them.'

Speaking afterwards, Mr 滞る said the Met was essentially creating 'no-go zones' in the 資本/首都 for ユダヤ人の people by taking this approach.

He said 'Last Saturday, I walked around London after …に出席するing synagogue. I wore my kippah (skullcap) and held a small 捕らえる、獲得する 含む/封じ込めるing my 祈り shawl. I was identifiable as a Jew but was さもなければ like any other Londoner.?

'I was not part of any 抗議する or counterprotest, and was not wearing any stickers or carrying any 調印するs, 旗s or the like. I was 演習ing my 権利 to walk around my home city as a ユダヤ人の Londoner.?

'A year ago, that would not have been 議論の的になる. But now, it is.

'にもかかわらず 存在 told 繰り返して that London is 安全な for Jews when these marches are taking place, my interactions with police officers last Saturday show that the Met believes that 存在 率直に ユダヤ人の will antagonise the anti-イスラエル 行進者s and that Jews need 保護, which the police cannot 保証(人). Instead of 演説(する)/住所ing that 脅し of antisemitic 暴力/激しさ, the Met's 政策 instead seems to be that 法律-がまんするing ユダヤ人の Londoners should not be in the parts of London where these marches are taking place. In other words, that they are no-go zones for Jews.

'Even as the Met Commissioner 明らかに 辞退するs to do anything about this, it is time for a change on the ground. Next Saturday, 27th April, we will be walking again, hopefully in larger numbers. No part of London should be 危険な for any of its 居住(者)s.

'The Met has 定評のある the 激しい非難 of their behaviour. They have 誓約(する)d to 融通する any 抗議する or march that we wish to arrange. But this shows they still do not get it.?

'We are not organising a march. We are planning to walk through London ― any part of London we want - as Jews. Walking around as Jews in London shouldn't have to be a '原因(となる)' that we have to 'march' for. It is a 権利, and we will 演習 it.'

Mr Falter, pictured here on Good Morning Britain in 2018, is the CEO of Campaign Against Antisemitism

Mr 滞る, pictured here on Good Morning Britain in 2018, is the CEO of (選挙などの)運動をする Against Antisemitism

Mr Falter was interviewed alongside the footage and accused the Met of failing to make London safe for Jews

Mr 滞る was interviewed と一緒に the (映画の)フィート数 and (刑事)被告 the Met of failing to make London 安全な for Jews

Speaking after the ビデオ was 解放(する)d, Mr 滞る said: 'For months we have been told that when anti-イスラエル 抗議するs course through London it's perfectly 安全な for Jews.

'Notwithstanding the antisemitic 掲示s, the genocidal スローガンs, the glorification of Hamas, the Islamist 旗s, the swastikas, notwithstanding all of that, it's still 安全な to be 率直に ユダヤ人の on the streets of London during these anti-イスラエル 抗議するs. That's what we're told and yet that's not true in practice.'

Mr 滞る said he was not criticising the officers who he spoke to on Saturday, as they are 'put in impossible positions week in, week out'.?

He said: 'They're 存在 asked to police 抱擁する 抗議するs with few officers where there's all sorts of criminality on 陳列する,発揮する from 人種差別主義 to glorification of テロ行為, and even 暴力/激しさ.'

Mr 滞る said: 'It has been six months now where every 選び出す/独身 週末 we have to 証言,証人/目撃する the streets of London awash with people, many of whom seem to have no problem at all 宣言するing their 十分な-throated support for Hamas, waving around antisemitic 掲示s, calling for jihad, showing swastikas, waving antisemitic 旗s. It's enough.

'I'm asking you to join us, whether you're ユダヤ人の or not. The next march is on April 27, it's a Saturday. Take a walk with us, the ユダヤ人の community, and show that we are not going to be put in a box or told where to go by the Met.?

'That if these marches are truly 安全な then we will wa lk wherever we want as Londoners who are 解放する/自由な in our home city and if we want to wear a kippah that is 正確に/まさに what we will do.'

Matt 新たな展開, the 主要都市の Police's assistant commissioner, said the ビデオ 地位,任命するd by the (選挙などの)運動をする Against Antisemitism will 'その上の dent the 信用/信任 of many ユダヤ人の Londoners which is the opposite of what any of us want'.

He said: 'The use of the 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 '率直に ユダヤ人の' by one of our officers is hugely 残念な. It's 絶対 not the basis on which we make 決定/判定勝ち(する)s, it was a poor choice of words and while not ーするつもりであるd, we know it will have 原因(となる)d offence to many. We apologise.

'The 問題/発行するs at the heart of these 抗議するs are コンビナート/複合体, contentious and polarising. When the challenges of public order policing are 層d on 最高の,を越す it becomes a very difficult 環境 for frontline officers to work in.

'In 最近の weeks we've seen a new 傾向 現れる, with those …に反対するd to the main 抗議するs appearing along the 大勝する to 表明する their 見解(をとる)s. The fact that those who do this often film themselves while doing so 示唆するs they must know that their presence is 挑発的な, that they're 招待するing a 返答 and that they're 増加するing the 見込み of an altercation.

'They are also making it much more likely officers will 介入する. They don't do so to stifle 解放する/自由な speech or to 限界 the 権利 to 抗議する, but to keep …に反対するing groups apart, to 妨げる disorder and keep the public, 含むing all those taking part or …に反対するing the 抗議する, 安全な. That is, after all, our 最初の/主要な 役割.

'It is up to us to review these 介入s and to 決定する whether we are getting the balance 権利, adapting our approach as we do so and making sure officers are supported to make the 権利 決定/判定勝ち(する)s, using all the 力/強力にするs 利用できる to them. We will continue to do so に引き続いて this most 最近の 抗議する and ahead of 未来 events.'

This officer blocks the Jewish man from crossing the road

This officer 封鎖するs the ユダヤ人の man from crossing the road

Another clip from the protest was also shared of a second officer telling the Jewish man: 'I am trying to make sure you are safe and that no one attacks you or your group or anyone else, that's all.'

Another clip from the 抗議する was also 株d of a second officer telling the ユダヤ人の man: 'I am trying to make sure you are 安全な and that no one attacks you or your group or anyone else, that's all.'?

Mr 滞る has been the 長,率いる of (選挙などの)運動をする Against Antisemitism since 2014 and is also 副/悪徳行為 chairman of the ユダヤ人の 国家の 基金 UK, a charity which supports 'Zionist 開拓するs' in イスラエル.

The 39-year-old 以前 worked in 商業の real 広い地所 and 管理/経営 consultancy before building CAA, having 伸び(る)d a 法律 degree from the University of Warwick in 2005.

He was 指名するd as?one of the '最高の,を越す 100 people 前向きに/確かに 影響(力)ing ユダヤ人の life' by the Algemeiner 定期刊行物, a US-based newspaper which coves ユダヤ人の and イスラエル-関係のある 問題/発行するs.

The Simon Wiesenthal 中心 has 述べるd him as a 'ユダヤ人の hero who 証明するs that there are still powerful ways to てこ入れ/借入資本 democratic 支配するs to serve 司法(官) and 保護する ユダヤ人の community'.

A 目だつ member of the ユダヤ人の community, he 伴う/関わるd in a number of 非,不,無-利益(をあげる) organisations, 含むing CAA, ユダヤ人の 国家の 基金 and Together Against Antisemitism.

He is also 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d as a director in a 所有物/資産/財産 管理/経営 会社/堅い and 所有物/資産/財産 開発 company, 同様に as a 調書をとる/予約する and 古代の manuscript publishing 商売/仕事 始める,決める up by his parents.

The ビデオ in which he appeared has 誘発するd another (激しい)反発 for the Met who have been (刑事)被告 of failing to make London 安全な for Jews. Robert Largan, the MP for High 頂点(に達する), Derbyshire, 株d the ビデオ and wrote: 'This is beyond appalling'.

Another clip from the 抗議する was also 株d of a second officer telling the Mr 滞る: 'I am trying to make sure you are 安全な and that no one attacks you or your group or anyone else, that's all.

The ユダヤ人の man, who asks him why there is no-one surrounding any of the プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ 抗議する人s, 追加するs: 'I'd like that too but your sergeant here has told me that because I'm ユダヤ人の, it's antagonistic to the (人が)群がる and it's dangerous for me.'

The officer replies: 'I'm not 説 that.'

But the man interrupts, 説: 'But he's just said that. Do you have any idea what it's like 存在 a Jew in London at the moment?'

When the officer says no, he 追加するs: 'Let me tell you, this goes on every Saturday, you probably know it, your 同僚s know it. You guys are on the 前線 line. The 大勝する changes every 選び出す/独身 week, you never have any idea where it's going to be.?

'Because you're ユダヤ人の in London, you now have to cross these 抱擁する gr oups of people. It's 脅迫してさせるing enough and now look at the number of police that are around her... I'm just a Jew in London trying to cross the road.

'I've been told 繰り返して by the Met that these are 完全に 安全な for Jews, that I should have nothing to worry about and yet here I find myself in this 泡. This guy has just been shouting at me and 押すing me because I want to cross the road.'

(選挙などの)運動をする Against Antisemitism also 株d shocking (映画の)フィート数 from the march of 抗議する人s shouting 'scum' at the ユダヤ人の man. Another プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ 抗議する人 was heard shouting 'Nazi' in 前線 of an officer.?

A third 抗議する人 told Mr 滞る: 'I'm watching your movement... that's 権利. We're all going to watch your movements and 記録,記録的な/記録する you. The police ain't gonna help you in this シナリオ.'

Pro-Palestine protesters are seen waving banners at the march on London

プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ 抗議する人s are seen waving 旗,新聞一面トップの大見出し/大々的に報道するs at the march on London?

People hold a variety of flags and placards at the protests in Londo
n on Saturday, including Palestine and Israel national flags

People 持つ/拘留する a variety of 旗s and 掲示s at the 抗議するs in London on Saturday, 含むing パレスチナ and イスラエル 国家の 旗s

Pro-Palestinian supporters speak with a police officer during a protest organised by Turning Point UK in London on Saturday

プロの/賛成の-Palestinian 支持者s speak with a police officer during a 抗議する organised by Turning Point UK in London on Saturday

The Met also sparked backlash when they told a Jewish woman a 'swastika was not necessarily anti-Semitic'

The Met also 誘発するd (激しい)反発 when they told a ユダヤ人の woman a 'swastika was not やむを得ず anti-Semitic'

Jocelin Weiss, 30, told MailOnline at the time that the Metropolitan police needs 'basic education'

Jocelin Weiss, 30, told MailOnline at the time that the 主要都市の police needs 'basic education'

Mr 滞る said: 'After months of 存在 gaslit by the Met, it's not 安全な for Jews to be walking in the presence of these 抗議するs.? And was there anything so crazy about what we were trying to do? Just walking around our home city on a Saturday.'

He 追加するd: 'Is this something that we are willing to 受託する? That now the police have to keep Jews away. We mustn't 受託する it.'

The Met Police 逮捕(する)d nine people at Saturday's march for public order offences. It (機の)カム hours before Iran 開始する,打ち上げるd an 前例のない Iranian strike on イスラエル that has raised 恐れるs of the war in the Middle East 増大するing.

A 主要都市の Police spokesperson said: 'We are aware of this ビデオ and fully 認める the worry it has 原因(となる)d, not only to those featured, but also anyone who watches it, and will review the circumstances.

'We have always said that we recognise the 衝突 between イスラエル and Hamas continues to be an 問題/発行する of 関心 for many Londoners, and this 含むs the 正規の/正選手 抗議するs and marches in central London.

'Everyone has the 権利 to travel throughout the 資本/首都 in safety.

'We will 会合,会う with anyone who wishes to organise a march or 抗議する ahead of 27 April.'

At another 抗議する last month, an officer told a ユダヤ人の woman that swastikas 'need to be taken into 状況' when she 報告(する)/憶測d seeing the Nazi logo on posters at a プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ march.?

At the time, Jocelin Weiss, 30, told MailOnline: 'I think there's a problem with a 欠如(する) of basic education for this police 軍隊.'

(選挙などの)運動をする groups have 非難するd the Met for the spike in anti-Semitism.

A poster of a baby kidnapped by Hamas was defaced with two swastikas in an 出来事/事件 in London at the end of last year, 含むing a swastika drawn on the 幼児's forehead.

And in October a synagogue in Sussex was daubed with 'SS IDF' in red paint, with 'SS' 描写するd as the emblem of the Nazi's genocidal エリート guard, and 'IDF' referring to the Israeli Defence 軍隊s.