EXCLUSIVE'I don't feel like much of a 変質者': Theatre critic defends himself after 誘発するing fury when he told how 女性(の) lecturer was so attractive that he had to visit a cash-for-sex massage parlour after her talk

The theatre writer who 誘発するd fury after (人命などを)奪う,主張するing a lecture by a 女性(の) academic 奮起させるd a sleazy trip to a massage parlour defended his 活動/戦闘s today, telling MailOnline: 'I don't feel like much of a 変質者.'

Lloyd Evans 明らかにする/漏らすd in The 観客 that he visited a Chinese 売春婦 after becoming distracted by the 外見 of political theory 専門家 Lea Ypi at a talk in Cambridge.

The 61-year-old (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he had lost 支配(する)/統制する of his 'lunatic libido' after seeing the London School of 経済的なs professor's 'blonde hair 流出/こぼすing over her shoulders', before going on to sleep with a Chinese 売春婦.

The article 誘発するd an angry 返答 from the Albanian-born professor, 同様に as others on social マスコミ who called it 'horrific', '天然のまま' and 'appalling'.

However, Evans has 攻撃する,衝突する 支援する at his critics as he spoke to MailOnline on his doorstep at his East London home. He said: 'I've had a lot of 消極的な reaction unfortunately so I'm not going to be talking much more about it.

'People have been calling me '変質者' and this and that on social マスコミ but I don't feel much like one. As for the notion that the woman I visited may have been trafficked - as some have 示唆するd online - I'm not going to get into any of that.'

Lloyd Evans poses for a photograph for MailOnline on his doorstep in East London today

Lloyd Evans 提起する/ポーズをとるs for a photograph for MailOnline on his doorstep in East London today

London School of Economics professor Professor Lea Ypi, pictured in Turin in May 2022

London School of 経済的なs professor Professor Lea Ypi, pictured in Turin in May 2022

Lloyd Evans has been condemned for the column, described as 'horrific', 'crude' and 'appalling'

Lloyd Evans has been 非難するd for the column, 述べるd as 'horrific', '天然のまま' and 'appalling'

The eccentric writer apologised for not 存在 more 来たるべき and 追加するd: 'I'm sorry that you've come this far for nothing... can I 補償する you another way? Would you like a chocolate 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業? Or a beer? I've given up drinking you see.'

Evans said that he had been 奮起させるd to 含む Professor Ypi in the article because 'I just find clever and articulate women very attractive and she was 肉体的に attractive and that made me feel a bit lonely and then I ended up in a sauna bath.'

He (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he was trying to expose the polar opposites of '知識人 high-飛行機で行くing political philosophy and a 性の 遭遇(する)', 追加するing that he 設立する the latter 'much more 満足させるing and enjoyable'.

He 追加するd that Professor Ypi was 'really funny and sharp and witty' and that this induced feelings of longing に向かって her.

Asked if he had any 悔いるs over the article, Mr Evans replied: 'It's a bit unfortunate, I have had people calling me a 変質者 on Twitter which I think is strange.

'So this person, a 完全にする stranger, has read about my romantic life in a magazine and has then made a public 成果/努力 to 通知する me that he considered me as 変質者.

'井戸/弁護士席 my message to him is get out of the 地階 and get a bit of 活動/戦闘, even if you have to 支払う/賃金 for it.'

Professor Ypi attending the Ondaatje Prize Awards at Temple Place in London in May 2022

Professor Ypi …に出席するing the Ondaatje Prize Awards at 寺 Place in London in May 2022

Professor Ypi, an 専門家 in political theory who has degrees in philosophy and literature, and 以前 lectured at Nuffield College, Oxford, 攻撃する,衝突する out at the piece on social マスコミ.?

She wrote on X, 以前は known as?Twitter: 'Advice for scholars.?Next time you lecture on Kant and 革命s at '負かす/撃墜するing (@DarwinCollege) Cambridge, make sure your hair is neatly tied and that you're not blonde.

'Or else your 研究 衝撃 will be on the @観客 libido section.'

In the article, which was headlined My (surprisingly) decent 提案, Evans - who is a sketch-writer for The 観客 - began by 説 men feel like '存在 chained to a lunatic' in relation to their libido.

He wrote how he had dropped into '負かす/撃墜するing College' for a lecture given by? Professor Ypi - the talk 現実に took place at Darwin College - but son became distracted by her 外見.

?'Her blonde hair 流出/こぼすing over her shoulders 吸収するd far more of my attention than her political reflections,' he wrote.

'I was desperate to speak to her afterwards, but I had no way to orchestrate a 会合.'

Professor Ypi at the FT Weekend Oxford Literary Festival in March 2022 in Oxford

Professor Ypi at the FT 週末 Oxford Literary Festival in March 2022 in Oxford

Evans, who has written for The 観客 since the 1980s, then 述べるd going to an 'already arranged... social rendezvous at a 私的な 商売/仕事 場所'.

He explained 'how it 作品' - 手渡すing 'over a roll of banknotes to a concierge at a desk who 勧めるs you into a softly lit room where your companion を待つs you'.

Evans said he met a woman called Shea, who was 'petite' and 'buxom'. He 追加するd that she 'looked Chinese rather than Irish but you never know these day so I asked her which part of Ireland she (機の)カム from. 'Shanghai,' she told me'.

She is said to have 'rubbed hot wax' の上に his shoulders before ordering him to 'flip の上に my 支援する as she dimmed the lights and raised one eyebrow at me suggestively'.

He then 会談 about '交渉s' before 述べるing at length how he paid for the 'きびきびした workout' with the woman who he said 'had a crooked smile which I find far more attractive than those ultra-white Hollywood teeth that look like pieces of Lego'.

While he doesn't go into 詳細(に述べる) about what they did, he 発言/述べるs that afterwards she complimented 'my sorry-looking boots rather than my lean and トンd physique'.

Evans wrote about a visit to a massage parlour after watching a lecture by Professor Ypi

Evans wrote about a visit to a mas 下落する parlour after watching a lecture by Professor Ypi?

He 追加するd that she left her 'pale tummy exposed' and when she called herself fat he 'sprang 即時に to 安心させる her' before 'smoothing my palm ?tenderly across her stomach'.

Evans wrote that as the pair 'padded about, tugging out 着せる/賦与するs 支援する on' even though they had known each for いっそう少なく than 20 minutes there was an '空気/公表する of 緩和する and familiarity' about their small talk.

He then 明らかにする/漏らすd he went left and returned later on with his laptop so he could send her money for the 遭遇(する), (人命などを)奪う,主張するing he 'gallantly' gave her more money that she had 最初 引用するd.

His article 誘発するd 激しい非難 from academics and commentators, with Prof Ypi's furious 返答?attracting more than 3,600 likes, 600 reposts, 400 comments and 316 bookmarks from stunned mostly-女性(の) 信奉者s.

Darwin College commented: '絶対 appalled to see this Lea. Your fascinating, beautifully (手先の)技術d lecture was a hugely 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がるd 最高潮の場面 of the college's cultural year.

'We hope your memory of the event won't be tainted by an audience member using it to 令状 something so 天然のまま and 不快な/攻撃.'

Naomi Waltham-Smith called Evans' piece 'utterly depressing and pathetic, yet 深く,強烈に unpleasant.'

Historian Helene 出身の Bismark 追加するd: 'This is awful, 容認できない, misogynistic trash'.

Professor Ben Ansell, an Oxford lecturer, called it 'dismal, embarrassing, chauvinist rubbish', while Professor Linda Connolly, said 簡単に: 'Ugh!'

Micah G Allen, a professor of psychiatry based in Denmark, 追加するd: 'This is so disgusting, I'm sorry you were 支配するd to this. What women in academia go through is a 不名誉.'

A Mrs Dayglo said: 'I'm so sorry you have someone like that perving over you. And that he got paid for 令状ing that.'

Fellow academic Colin Wight 追加するd: 'Just such a weird piece to 令状. I can't see the point of it.'

Doctor Charlotte Lydia Riley, a historian, 追加するd: 'This is horrific. I'm so sorry.'

Others 発言/述べるd on not just the comments about Professor Ypi, but also about Evans description of his 遭遇(する) at the massage parlour.

Feminist columnist Hadley Freeman wrote: 'Re that 反乱ing 観客 ?article people are rightly 乱暴/暴力を加えるd by the one-手渡すd writer's comments about the academic. But it's how he 令状s about the 'きびきびした workout' with the sex 労働者 (who could 井戸/弁護士席 be trafficked) that enraged me. 支払う/賃金ing for sex is abusive and 許すことの出来ない.'

The writer Julie Bindel was 平等に forthright: 'What a disgusting man Lloyd Evans is. He should be sent to an island 住むd only by crocodiles.'?

Evans told the Mail's Richard Kay last night that he was bewildered by the reaction to his piece.?

'No, I didn't 心配する it,' he said.

Evans, who has been 令状ing for The 観客 since the 1980s, is no stranger to 性の shenanigans.?

He has 以前 visited the same 支配する in other 観客 columns, 令状ing in January how about a 'petite buxom ?人物/姿/数字' who '丸天井d on 最高の,を越す of me, またがるing my thighs' as she gave him a vigorous Thai massage.

In the 早期に 2000s the magazine was 愛称d the 'Sextator', such were the stories of intrigue, infidelity and casual 事件/事情/状勢s - 伴う/関わるing さまざまな ?members of staff and a 閣僚 大臣 - under the then ?editorship of Boris Johnson.

It 供給するd 構成要素 for a laugh-out-loud farce called Who's The Daddy? 行う/開催する/段階d in a London theatre and written by Evans himself.

Last night Evans's 協力者 on the play and fellow 観客 columnist Toby Young said: 'I am looking 今後 to this スキャンダル blowing up out of all 割合 and then going to see Lloyd's very amusing play about the whole 事件/事情/状勢.'