• London 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs 問題/発行する 陳謝 after 発言/述べるs about プロの/賛成の-イスラエル 抗議するs 誘発する fury ?
  • 軍隊 appeared to 示唆する 反対する-抗議するs at Gaza marches were '挑発的な'
  • (選挙などの)運動をする Against Antisemitism calls earlier 削除するd 声明 'atrocious'?

The 主要都市の Police?has apologised and 撤回するd a 声明 説 sorry for the 活動/戦闘s of an officer who 脅すd to 逮捕(する) a man he 述べるd as 存在 '率直に ユダヤ人の' after the communication was slammed as 'appalling 犠牲者 非難するing'.

London's police service 問題/発行するd a 声明 on Friday afternoon apologising after (選挙などの)運動をする Against Antisemitism (CAA) boss Gideon 滞る was stopped from walking through a プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ march last Saturday by a Met officer.

The Met's 初期の 声明 (刑事)被告 反対する-抗議する人s at the 正規の/正選手 決起大会/結集させるs of 存在 '挑発的な' by filming themselves as they turned up on the 大勝するs to 表明する their 見解(をとる)s. Mr 滞る 持続するs he was 'going for a walk' after …に出席するing synagogue.

But after the CAA furiously (刑事)被告 the 軍隊 of 'abject 犠牲者 非難するing' it pulled the 声明, 取って代わるing it with a その上の 陳謝 for 原因(となる)ing その上の offence which 追加するd: '存在 ユダヤ人の is not a 誘発'.

And に引き続いて the first Met 公式発表 the (選挙などの)運動をする group 問題/発行するd その上の (映画の)フィート数 of 交流s between the officer and Mr 滞る in which the policeman says that his ユダヤ人の 約束 is 'part of the factor' as to why he can't cross the road during the march.?

The officer was seen blocking Campaign Against Antisemitism boss Gideon Falter from crossing the road, and said he was stopping him because he looked 'openly Jewish'

?The officer was seen 封鎖するing (選挙などの)運動をする Against Antisemitism boss Gideon 滞る from crossing the road, and said he was stopping him because he looked '率直に ユダヤ人の'

Mr Falter was interviewed alongside the footage and accused the Met of failing to make London safe for Jews

Mr 滞る was interviewed と一緒に the (映画の)フィート数 and (刑事)被告 the Met of failing to make London 安全な for Jews

The Met Police has apologised (above) for an earlier statement in which it suggested counter-protesters at pro-Palestine marches were being deliberately 'provocative'

The Met Police has apologised (above) for an earlier 声明 in which it 示唆するd 反対する-抗議する人s at プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ marches were 存在 deliberately '挑発的な'

The CAA labelled the earlier statement 'atrocious' and claimed the Met was not outlining how it would protect Jewish people in London

The CAA labelled the earlier 声明 'atrocious' and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the Met was not 輪郭(を描く)ing how it would 保護する ユダヤ人の people in London

Another clip from the protest was also shared of a second officer telling the Jewish man: 'I am trying to make sure you are safe and that no one attacks you or your group or anyone else, that's all.'

Another clip from the 抗議する was also 株d of a second officer telling the ユダヤ人の man: 'I am trying to make sure you are 安全な and that no one attacks you or your group or anyone else, that's all.'?

The (選挙などの)運動をする Against Antisemitism 株d correspondence between Mr 滞る and the Met Police about what the 軍隊 labelled a planned 抗議する on April 27

Mr Falter told the Met that the gathering - which will have at least one predetermined meeting point - is not a march, but a 'walk'

Mr 滞る told the Met that the 集会 - which will have at least one predetermined 会合 point - is not a march, but a 'walk'

In the (映画の)フィート数, which the group had not 解放(する)d as part of the earlier clip, the officer says: 'I'm sure there are an awful lot of people of all sorts of 約束s and creeds who want to go where they want, but unfortunately today is different.'

Mr 滞る then asks: 'So 基本的に because I am ユダヤ人の, I can't cross the road today?'

The officer replies: 'Because of the march, that is part of... unfortunately part of the factor.'

株ing the new 声明, the Met said: 'Earlier we 地位,任命するd a 声明 about a ビデオ 解放(する)d on Thursday evening by the (選挙などの)運動をする Against Antisemitism.

'That 声明 has now been 除去するd. We apologise for the offence it 原因(となる)d.'

The 声明 read: 'The use of the 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 "率直に ユダヤ人の" by one of our officers is hugely 残念な. We know it will have 原因(となる)d offence to many. We 繰り返し言う our 陳謝.

'We have 反映するd on the strength of the 返答 to our previous 声明. In an 成果/努力 to make a point about the policing of 抗議する we 原因(となる)d その上の offence.

'This was never our 意向. We have 除去するd that 声明 and we apologise.

'存在 ユダヤ人の is not a 誘発. ユダヤ人の Londoners must be able to feel 安全な in this city.

'Our かかわり合い to 保護するing the public 延長するs to all communities across London. It's important that our public 声明s 反映する that more 明確に than they did today.'?

The CAA labelled the earlier 声明 'atrocious' and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the Met was not 輪郭(を描く)ing how it would 保護する ユダヤ人の people in London.?

接触するd for その上の comment, a Met Police spokesperson told MailOnline the 軍隊 would not be making any その上の comment on the earlier 声明.

CAA is calling on ユダヤ人の Londoners to go for a walk 存在 'やめる 率直に ユダヤ人の' on Saturday April 27, the date of the next プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ march.

It 主張するs the #WalkTogether event - which will have at least one predetermined 会合 point - is not an organised 抗議する.

Mr 滞る said in an email to the Met Police 株d on CAA's account on X, 以前は Twitter: 'I am not planning a 抗議する on 27th April. I am going for a walk as a privat e individual.

'I have not yet decided where I will walk, however it is likely that whilst walking I will be やめる 率直に ユダヤ人の.

'Others might decide to join me. They might not. That is a 事柄 for them. They might also be やめる 率直に ユダヤ人の. They might not. That is also a 事柄 for them.'

The 列/漕ぐ/騒動 began earlier this week after the CAA 株d (映画の)フィート数 of the Met Police speaking to Mr 滞る at the 味方する of a プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ 行列 on Saturday.

The officer can be heard 説 to Mr 滞る, who is wearing a kippah: 'You are やめる 率直に ユダヤ人の. This is a プロの/賛成の-Palestinian march. I am not 告発する/非難するing you of anything but I am worried about the reaction to your presence.'?

Mr Falter, pictured here on Good Morning Britain in 2018, is the CEO of Campaign Against Antisemitism

Mr 滞る, pictured here on Good Morning Britain in 2018, is the CEO of (選挙などの)運動をする Against Antisemitism

Met Police assistant commissioner Matt Twist (above) accused counter-protesters at pro-Palestine marches of being 'provocative' in an earlier statement

Met Police assistant commissioner Matt 新たな展開 (above) (刑事)被告 反対する-抗議する人s at プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ marches of 存在 '挑発的な' in an earlier 声明?

Mr 滞る (人命などを)奪う,主張するd in the ビデオ that he 'did what I 普通は do' on a Saturday: going to synagogue and going for a walk in London. He 否定するd engaging with プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ 抗議する人s, and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the Met was creating 'no-go zones' for Jews in the 資本/首都.

He was seen telling the officer: 'I don't want to stay here, I want to leave.'

The officer then replies: 'In that 事例/患者 sir, when the (人が)群がる is gone I will happily 護衛する you out.'

Later on in the ビデオ, another officer says: 'There's a 部隊 of people here now. You will be 護衛するd out of this area so you can go about your 商売/仕事, go where you want 自由に or if you choose to remain here because you are 原因(となる)ing a 違反 of peace, with all these other people, you will be 逮捕(する)d.'

He 明らかにするs: 'Your presence here is antagonising a large group of people that we can't を取り引きする all of them if they attack you... because your presence is antagonising them.'

In 返答 to the (映画の)フィート数, Met Police assistant commissioner Matt 新たな展開 said the ビデオ 株d by the CAA would 'その上の dent the 信用/信任 of many ユダヤ人の Londoners which is the opposite of what any of us want'.

AC 新たな展開 continued: 'The use of the 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 "率直に ユダヤ人の" by one of our officers is hugely 残念な. It's 絶対 not the basis on which we make 決定/判定勝ち(する)s.

'It was a poor choice of words and while not ーするつもりであるd, we know it will have 原因(となる)d offence to many. We apologise.'

The 最高の,を越す 警官,(賞などを)獲得する went on to 告発する/非難する 反対する-抗議する人s of 存在 '挑発的な' by appearing on プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ march 大勝するs ーするために 表明する their 異なるing 見解(をとる)s. He did not 言及する to the (選挙などの)運動をする Against Antisemitism.

He continued: 'The fact that those who do this often film themselves while doing so 示唆するs they must know that their presence is 挑発的な, that they're 招待するing a 返答 and that they're 増加するing the 見込み of an altercation.

'They're also making it much more likely officers will 介入する. They (officers) don't do so to stifle 解放する/自由な speech or to 限界 the 権利 to 抗議する, but to keep …に反対するing groups apart, to 妨げる disorder and to keep the public - 含むing all those taking part in or …に反対するing the 抗議する - 安全な.'

AC 新たな展開 結論するd : 'It is up to us to review these 介入s and to 決定する whether we are getting the balance 権利, adapting our approach as we do so.'?

But the CAA 爆破d the Met's 返答, labelling it in a 声明 on X, 以前は Twitter as 'appalling, abject 犠牲者 非難するing' that it '絶対 拒絶する(ed)'.

It said: 'Commissioner Sir 示す Rowley has sent Assistant Commissioner Matt 新たな展開 to 非難する us for putting a "dent in the 信用/信任 of many ユダヤ人の Londoners" by 解放(する)ing the ビデオ and (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that the presence of Jews crossing the 大勝する of the march was "挑発的な".

'What puts a "dent" in ユダヤ人の Londoners' 信用/信任 in the Met is the Met's own 決定/判定勝ち(する) to curtail the 権利s of Jews ーするために appease lawless 暴徒s.

'What is "挑発的な" is telling a ユダヤ人の Londoner that his presence will "antagonise" (人が)群がるs and that unless he leaves he will be 逮捕(する)d.

People hold a variety of flags and placards at the protests in London on Saturday, including Palestine and Israel national flags

People 持つ/拘留する a variety of 旗s and 掲示s at the protes ts in London on Saturday, 含むing パレスチナ and イスラエル 国家の 旗s

The CAA 追加するd:?'It is the 権利 of every Londoner, ユダヤ人の or not, to walk 自由に around the city.?

'If police 脅す Jews with 逮捕(する) for doing so or consider the mere presence of Jews to be "挑発的な", then the Met has decided 卸売 to curtail the 権利s of Jews ーするために appease lawless 暴徒s.

'We must not be 脅迫してさせるd by 抗議する人s or 妨げるd by police from 演習ing our 権利s.'

In a ビデオ interview published と一緒に the (映画の)フィート数, Mr 滞る (刑事)被告 the Met of creating 'no-go zones' for ユダヤ人の Londoners 予定 to its rigorous 施行 of プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ marches, which he 述べるd as 存在 'anti-イスラエル'.

He said: 'にもかかわらず 存在 told 繰り返して that London is 安全な for Jews when these marches are taking place, my interactions with police officers last Saturday show that the Met believes that 存在 率直に ユダヤ人の will antagonise the anti-イスラエル 行進者s and that Jews need 保護, which the police cannot 保証(人).

'Instead of 演説(する)/住所ing that 脅し of anti-semitic 暴力/激しさ, the Met's 政策 instead seems to be that 法律-がまんするing ユダヤ人の Londoners should not be in the parts of London where these marches are taking place.?

'In other words, that they are no-go zones for Jews.'

Nin e people were 逮捕(する)d に引き続いて last Saturday's プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ march through central London calling for a 停戦 in Gaza.

One man was 逮捕(する)d for a public order offence after making 削減(する)-throat gestures に向かって 抗議する人s at a 意味ありげに smaller プロの/賛成の-イスラエル 反対する-demonstration at Aldwych, the 主要都市の Police said.

Nearly 1,000 officers to police the events, which also 含むd a demonstration held at the Cenotaph by 右翼 group Turning Point UK.?

イスラエル's 現在進行中の war with Hamas has 脅すd to 爆発する across the Middle East.

Iran 開始する,打ち上げるd hundreds of drones and ミサイルs on イスラエル last week after a deadly strike on its Damascus 領事館, the 非難する for which was put on Tel Aviv.?

Pro-Israel protesters hold signs stating 'Hamas are terrorists' and 'release the hostages'

プロの/賛成の-イスラエル 抗議する人s 持つ/拘留する 調印するs 明言する/公表するing 'Hamas are テロリストs' and '解放(する) the 人質s'

Tens of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters gathered in London today to call for a ceasefire in Gaza and urge the Government to stop all arms sales to Israel

Tens of thousands of プロの/賛成の-Palestinian 抗議する人s gathered in London today to call for a 停戦 in Gaza and 勧める the 政府 to stop all 武器 sales to イスラエル

イスラエル has 答える/応じるd with その上の strikes today against Isfahan, home to Iranian 核の 施設s, though no serious 損失 is thought to have been dealt in the strikes.?

To date, 34,012 Palestinians have been killed since イスラエル began 空気/公表する and ground 不快な/攻撃s in Gaza, によれば the Hamas-run Gaza health 省.

The war with Hamas began に引き続いて the October 6 attacks that saw テロリストs enter イスラエル and indiscriminately 虐殺(する) 1,200 people, mostly 非軍事のs.

イスラエル has been (刑事)被告 of (罪などを)犯すing 集団殺戮 through its 不快な/攻撃s in Gaza in the 国際刑事警察機構 法廷,裁判所 by South Africa.

一方/合間, international 観察者/傍聴者s have continued to 勧める Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to enable the 安全な 配達/演説/出産 of 援助(する) to the 1.7million 追い出すd Palestinians across the 占領するd 領土.