A 抱擁する 爆発 has been 報告(する)/憶測d in Baghdad after an 'airstrike' 攻撃する,衝突する a プロの/賛成の-Iranian 軍の base.

One person is 報告(する)/憶測d dead and eight others are said to be 負傷させるd after the 爆発 攻撃する,衝突する the base at Calso, where former プロの/賛成の-Iranian 議会の group Hashed al-Shaabi - also known as the Popular Mobilisation 軍隊s - is 駅/配置するd.

In a 声明, Hashed al-Shaabi 確認するd the attack, 近づく the town of Iskandariya which is around 30 miles south of Baghdad, had (打撃,刑罰などを)与えるd 構成要素 losses and 死傷者s, without 明示するing the number of 負傷させるd.

Sources would not identify who was 責任がある the attack, or say whether it had been a drone strike.

Two security sources from Iraq 's Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) said the blast was a result of an airstrike

Two 安全 sources from Iraq 's Popular 動員 軍隊s (PMF) said the 爆破 was a result of an airstrike

The strike is believed to have been retaliation for a drone strike in Jordan in which three US service members were killed

The strike is believed to have been 報復 for a drone strike in Jordan in which three US service members were killed

There was no 即座の (人命などを)奪う,主張する of 責任/義務 for the attack.?

A 軍の 公式の/役人, who spoke on 条件 of anonymity 予定 to the sensitivity of the 支配する, said:?'The 爆発 攻撃する,衝突する 器具/備品, 武器s and 乗り物s.

'The were 爆発s in the 倉庫/問屋s 蓄える/店ing 器具/備品.

'A 解雇する/砲火/射撃 is still 激怒(する)ing and the search for the 負傷させるd is continuing.'

There were 相反する 報告(する)/憶測s as to who was 責任がある the strike with some 報告(する)/憶測s 非難するing イスラエル while others (人命などを)奪う,主張するd it was a US attack.

The strike is believed to have been 報復 for a drone strike in Jordan in which three US service members were killed.?

There were conflicting reports as to who was responsible for the strike with some reports blaming Israel

There were 相反する 報告(する)/憶測s as to who was 責任がある the strike with some 報告(する)/憶測s 非難するing イスラエル

Two security sources from Iraq 's Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) said the blast was a result of an airstrike, which happened around midnight Friday

Two 安全 sources from Iraq 's Popular 動員 軍隊s (PMF) said the 爆破 was a result of an airstrike, which happened around midnight Friday

Hashed al-Shaabi, an 同盟 of おもに Shiite 武装した groups formed to fight the Islamic 明言する/公表する group, is now a part of Iraq's 安全 軍隊s.

派閥s within the group took part in months of ロケット/急騰する and drone attacks on U.S. 軍隊s in Iraq まっただ中に イスラエル's Gaza (選挙などの)運動をする but 中止するd to do so in February.?

The attack on the プロの/賛成の-Iranian 議会のs comes まっただ中に spiralling 地域の 緊張s over the war between イスラエル and Tehran-支援するd Palestinian 交戦的なs Hamas.

On Friday, strikes 非難するd on イスラエル 的d a 軍の base 近づく Isfahan in Iran.